Chapter 3: Prepare for trouble!
We see a man sitting at his office while around him we see the symbols of Team Rocket as this man is the leader of Team Rocket named Giovanni ad he sat on his desk while stroking Persian while he lays on his lap as he looks through the footage of Team Rockets attack on the town only for someone with twin sabers and uses abilities that no one ever seen before attack his henchmen while foiled their plans of capturing the Pokemons.
He freeze the video and zoom in to see the figures face and after a while he sees Y/n's face as Giovanni glare at it while he lend back against his chair while he pet his Persians on the head.
Giovanni: Hmmm it seems we have someone wants to challenge the might of Team Rocket. Who ever this person might be he isn't no normal human but something else.
He continues to look at the footage for a while until the doors open and two figures walk over to his desk and they stop and stood at attention in front of his desk as Giovanni looks at the both of them and turns his laptop so they can see the image of Y/n as he gave them orders.
Giovanni: You Both will find him and bring him along with his Pokemon including those with him to me. They must be punished for attacking the might of Team Rocket.
??? And ??? 2: As you wish Giovanni.
Soon the two make their leave and once they have left, Giovanni turns his laptop back around to look at the image one final time and then turns it off.
It was night time and in the middle of the woods we see Green, Pathfinder and Y/n sat around the camp fire and enjoying the nature around them. Y/n's Leo and Electro were enjoying their Pokemon foods along with Green's Henry, her Pidgey names Miles, her Vulpix named Peter and her Spheal named Jolly.
Pathfinder has finished setting up camp as he sat down next to Y/n while we see him having the egg on his lap as he keeps the egg warm and nice.
Green: (smile) What do you think it could be?
Y/n: (smile) No idea but I don't sense she is ready to hatch soon.
Green: (smile) I can't wait. Say can I ask you something?
Y/n: (smile) Ask away.
Green: You said outside of our planet there is already a galactic government that controls over the other planets right?
Pathfinder: That's correct. They form the Republic a very long time ago and they have been around for many years.
Green: And the thing about the Jedi and sith?
Y/n: Basically they are like the light and dark of the galaxy. They mostly fought each other for the faith of the galaxy but now all the siths are now more and the jedi grow strong because of it.
Green: (surprised) Wow that is cool. Still I recall that you used to be a jedi? What happened that cost you to leave?
Y/n: I guess it's because how the jedi are blindly following orders from the high ranking governments of the Republic. Some are even corrupted and yet the jedi doesn't see it. What make things worse is that when ever there is a problem the senate will always have the jedi to go there and settle it disbite the public not liking us due to our way.
Green: Damn, that must be hard.
Y/n: Yeah no kidding. Then the Clone wars started and that's when a draw the line. The senate want all Jedi to get involved in the war disbite how we're not up of taking on generals or military leaders. Not only that but one of the Jedi reported about a sith among the Republic senate but the jedi blindly follow their orders. That's why i left the order and we head out to search a planet where we can find our own destiny and journey, and that's how we eneded up here.
Green: Boy you both have some story. Still I feel bad, no one has no right to force anyone to go to war or anything even of they are apart of the Republic or not.
Pathfinder: I agree as well. That or the reason why we left is because the jedi council strict rules they gave.
Green: Like what?
Pathfinder: Like having attachments will lead to the dark side and whose who have must either throw away their attachments or leave the order.
Green: (shocked) Jeez is it really necessary to make that rule.
Y/n: They believe that if anything happens to the people they care for or love it will lead them to the dark side. True that is a good reason but it make use worse to not understand what others are feeling. We be like droids. No offence Pathfinder.
Pathfinder: None taking sir.
Green: So since now you left the order I guess your.....?
Y/n place his hand onto the egg and looks down at it while he tells Green.
Y/n: (smile) I guess I'm what other call a Gray Jedi. I'm both in the light and dark and you know what....I'm happy with it. As long I can protect others I care then so be it.
Green smiled as Y/n gently pet on the egg when it suddenly cracked out fo nowhere.
Y/n: Huh?
Green: Huh?
Pathfinder: Huh?
Suddenly more cracks start to appear around the egg and they were shocked as Green stood up and asked.
Green: (shocked) Wait is that Egg hatching already?!
Pathfinder: It appears so! I wonder what it could be.
After a short whike the shell of the egg cracks open as they all look and they see a little rabbit with both legs and arms as it slowly opens her eyes and slowly looks up to meet with Y/n's eyes.
???: Scor?
Y/n: (surprised) Um....hello there.
The rabbit Pokemon stare at Y/n for another short while and then immediately jumped onto Y/n's neck which vost the two to fell back as the rabbit Pokemon hugs and nuzzled his face while Y/n laughs to see how friendly she is.
Pathfinder: I believe that is a Scorbunny, a fire type Pokemon. According to her species files some say their legs has good luck to those who catch it.
Green: (smile) Aaaaawww it's soo adorable and I think she likes you.
Y/n sat up while he pet Scorbunny on the head which she smiled even more as Y/n smiled back and respond.
Y/n: (smile) I think so. Do you wish to be apart of my team?
Scorbunny nodes with a smile on her face as he smiles back starts thinking of a name and then a name pop up into his head.
Y/n: (smile) How abouts for now on I'll call you....Finley.
Finley likes that name and hugs him even more. Then she sees Green and leaps towards her and hugs her as well.
Green: (giggle) Aawww your too adorable and friendly. Nice to meet you Finley.
She then leaps over to Pathfinder but she accidentally hits her head onto his metal body and fell onto the floor.
Pathfinder: Are you okay?
Finley lend out a nervous and embarrassing chuckle as she sat up while Leo and the rest introduced themselves to her which she is very happy and hops around in a cheerful way.
Green: (smile) Looks like she's excited to meet new friends.
Y/n: (smile) Seems like it. Well we better get into bed, we got a long walk in the morning.
Green: (smile) Agree.
Y/n pulls out his pokeball which Finley sees and leaps over and hits her fist into the pokeball and she was sucked inside and soon Y/n catches Finley the Scorbunny. After they get their Pokemons into their pokeballs Y/n and Green crawl into their tents and head to sleep while Pathfinder stand and guard as he takes out the fire and sat to guard as Green and Y/n fast asleep.
(Next day)
We see the trio leaving the woods and walking through the path when they see a sign up ahead that said "Saffron city" as they approach the sign as Green looks a bit worry so Pathfinder ask her.
Pathfinder: Is there something wrong?
Green: Well Saffron city gym as a psychic type gym leader and if I recall I needed a ghost type Pokemon in order to defeat her.
Y/n: I see. Is there a way to catch a Ghost type Pokemon?
Green: Well unless there is a hunter building or place that we can hatch some. That's where most ghost type Pokemons hang out.
Pathfinder: Let me look through the planets histories and maybe i can find a town that has a hunting place that we can check out.
Y/n and Green waited as Pathfinder looks up any hunting locations they might look. After a while of processing he finally got one and shows a image of a town not far from here.
Pathfinder: We can take Lavender town since it has a hunter tower that might have some ghost type Pokemons.
Green: (smile) Awesome I never know you can do that!
Pathfinder: I am programmed of any situation that is needed. Now shall we head to Lavender Town?
Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Let's go.
And so the trio take a different path and head to Lavender Town. After a while they made it to Lavender Town. They walk by a lot of people with some were surprised to see a large robot which is Pathfinder as he too noticed the stares.
Pathfinder: I believe they are looking at me. They really like me.
Green: I think it's because they never seen a robot like you in their lives.
Pathfinder: Weird, do they not have the technology to make droids?
Y/n: Guess not buddy.
Soon the trio arrive at the hunting tower as they stare at the tower and the they head inside. Once inside they look around to see nothing but a chandelier in the middle of the floor and shattered. Y/n walks over to it and bend down and place his hand onto the chandelier.
Y/n: It seems we're not the only once here. Someone must have been here and got seriously hurt.
Green: Hope who ever this person was is okay?
Pathfinder walks over to a large hole on the floor and looks up to see another hole through the ceiling as he turn to them and tells them.
Pathfinder: Either thid place is fallen apart or someone was messing around here.
Suddenly there was a spooky laughter that echoed throughout the tower. Soon it stopped but then two dark figures appear out of the floor behind Green which she turn and lend out a scream as she jump back while Y/n catches her and they see two ghost type Pokemon. One was large while the other was round while floating.
Y/n: Pathfinder?
Pathfinder: The two ghost type Pokemons are named Gengar and Gastly. It seems they are the only Ghost Pokemons here.
Green: (smirk) Awesome, now it's time to catch them! Go Peter!
Then Peter is summoned and gets into a battle stands while the two ghost type Pokemon stare at them and suddenly they start to pull funny faces while wracking each other with plastic hammers while the trio stare at them a bit.
Green: Um....what are they doing?
Y/n: I believe they are trying to make us laugh?
Pathfinder: But not as effective.
The two ghost type Pokemons realised this and they were sadden by this while Green calls out.
Green: Still time to catch them! Peter use quick attack!
Peter uses quick attack but his attack gose through the two ghost type Pokemons but he stand his ground while Green call out.
Green: Use Ember!
Peter uses ember as he shoots flames oit of his mouth qhoch doesn't affect them but then Gengar starts to battle by firing shadow ball at Peter which he dodges and once he dodges and thought he is safe, suddenly Gastly appear behind him and use lick which stuns Peter for a bit as Green sees this and pulls Peter back into hid pokeball.
Green: Damn it. How can I catch them?
Pathfinder: According to the Pokedex's files, their weakness for ghost type Pokemon are "Electric, ice, rock, ghost and dark.
Y/n: Wait Green, dose your Jolly use ice attacks?
Green: Oh yeah that's right! Okay Jolly it's your tur-
Suddenly Y/n immediately sense something wrong and quickly activated his twin sabers and suddenly nets were fired out of nowhere but Y/n sliced them up just in time.
Green: (surprised) Wow that was close.
Pathfinder: Guys look!
They turn and they suddenly see the two Ghost type Pokemons were suddenly sucked into glass containers by two figures above them.
???: (smirk) Looks like we've found you. Must say you are no normal person.
??? 2: (smirk) Indeed now you will face our might!
Y/n: Who are you two?
Then two leap down from the second floor and they revealed themselves to be Team Rocket.
???: (smirk) Please allow us....
??? 2: (smirk) To introduce ourselves.
(Introducing sense)
The trio just stare at them for a bit after they introduced themselves as Pathfinder ask.
Pathfinder: So your names are Cassidy and rotch?
Butch: (anger) It's Butch you stupid robot!
Pathfinder: I'm a droid and the names Path-
Butch: Whatever! We have been tracking you down for a while.
Cassidy: And now you must pay for challenging Team Rocket.
The two ghost type Pokemons struggled to be free but the containers doesn't allow them to go through which Y/n sees this and tells the trio.
Y/n: Let those two Pokemons go. They have nothing to do with this.
Cassidy: (smile) I don't think so. Once we're done with you, we will take the two Pokemons back to Team Rocket.
Butch: And make them apart of Team Rockets pokemon army.
Green: That will never happen!
Cassidy: (smirk) Wanna bet? Raticate, go!
Butch: You too Primeape!
Both Raticate and Primeape came out of their pokeballs and they ready for a fight. Y/n sees he has no choice but to battle so he pulls out two pokeballs and calls out.
Y/n: Leo, Finley come on out!
Both Leo and Finley came out of their Pokeballs and they get into a battle stands as well.
Cassidy: Raticate use tackle on that Riolu!
Butch: And Primeape use force punch on that Scorbunny!
Theie two Pokemons changes towards both Leo and Finley but then Y/n calls out.
Y/n: Quick dodge them! Leo use Force palm while Scorbunny use quick attack!
The two dodge theie attacks as both Raticate and Primeape look around for them but soon Raticate goes struggled by Leo's Feoce palm while Finley quick attacks Primeape but Primeape grabs Finley by the head and tossed her away but Y/n called out.
Y/n: Finley use Bounce and land Primeape with a tackle!
Finley nodes and uses the walls to land her feet with and then bounce towards Primeape and strike him sith tackle that sent Primeape flying and crash into Butch which slammed the two into the wall.
Butch: (anger) Your going to pay for this.
Y/n: (smirk) What ever you say Botch.
Butch: (anger) The name is Butch! Butch!
Cassidy: Raticate bite!
Y/n: Leo dodge it and use metal claw!
Leo dodges Raticate's bites and then leaps over and uses metal claw at Raticate that sent Raticate flying and crash into Cassidy as she crashed next to Butch.
Y/n: (smile) Now then, time to end this.
He reach out and lifted but Cassidy and Butch from the ground and also opens the containers from of their backs to release Gastly and Gengar as they were set free.
Y/n: (smile) Here we go. And goodbye.
Then he force pushed the two out of the mansion and they were sent flying into the sky and they discovered form sight.
Y/n dust off his hands while Leo and Finley rush up to Y/n as he bend down and pet them on the heads.
Y/n: (smile) Great job you two. I'm very proud of you both.
Finley: (smile) Scorbunny!
Leo: (smile) Riolu!
Green: (smile) I gonna say I'm impresse. You've managed to defeat both Team rocket members all by yourself.
Y/n: (smile) I couldn't have learn all the move if aren't for Pathfinder's information.
Pathfinder: Your very much welcome sir.
Then the two ghost type Pokemons approached them and bows to them to show their thanks for saving them.
Y/n: (smile) Your very much welcome. Say, do you wish to join us to take on the Saffron city gym leader?
The two look at each other and back to them and smiled while they node.
Y/n: (smile) Looks like they agree to join. Wanna pick first Green?
Green: (smile) Sure thanks. I like Gastly so I'll pick you!
Gastly is happy and floats around Green as she laughs while Y/n turns to Gengar and says.
Y/n: (smile) Guess your with my team. Welcome.
Gengar smiles and hugs Y/n while he smiles as the two have each other own ghost type Pokemons.
(Short while later)
We see two making their leave from Lavender Town after the two each got a ghost type Pokemon and given them names which for Green's Gastly is named Smily while fo y/n's Gengar is named Khai.
After a while they made it to Saffron city as they get on top of the hill and see a city down the hill ad the two look at it.
Y/n: (smile) There it is.
Green: (smile) Yep and this is where I will get my fourth gym badges.
Pathfinder: The possibility for you to win is 65% but with a ghost type Pokemon it's now 73% chance that you might win.
Green: (smile) That's good to me!
Y/n: (smile) So ready?
Green: (smile) Ready as always! Now let's go!
And so the trio make their way down the hill so Green can face the Saffron city gym leader and get her next gym badge.
To be continued......................................
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