Chapter 26: Lost friends to need find
While Ash, Misty and Tracey are off to a nearby island so ask can complete his gym/challenge battle, we see Y/n wondering through the desert searching for Yellow and Pathfinder.
He searched and searched for hours and there were no trace of them what so ever. He keeps searching for them and after a bit of looking he had no luck.
Disappointed he turn and make his leave that's when he noticed something laying on the ground in the distances. It looked like a body so he make his way over. He gets up close and is surprised and rushes over.
He rush up and stood over a lifeless Pathfinder laying on the ground, damaged possibly attacked by some wild pokemon. He turns Pathfinder around and he was offline.
Y/n: Don't worry, I'll get you back up.
He picked him up and carry him all the way back to Trovitopolis so he can get fixed up.
(Short while later)
Arriving back at Trovitopolis we see Y/n in his hotel room as he set Pathfinder on the bed and try his best to repair him.
After what seems like hours messing around with the wires he managed to get Pathfinder online and he immediately sat up.
Pathfinder: Wait! Don't attack me! I'm friendly!
Y/n: (smile) Sure you are.
Pathfinder turn to see Y/n with a smile.
Pathfinder: Y/n! Your okay! I knew you were out there.
Y/n: (smile) It's good to see you again old friend.
Pathfinder: So how did you find us?
Y/n: I heard reports of a flying object coning down and crash outside of the city. I ask Officer Jenny and she told me a while ago there was a small space ship so I head out and try to find anyone and lucky I did. Where is Yellow?
Pathfinder: She back at the ship.
Y/n: Alone?!
Pathfinder: Yes but someone needed to go out and get help. Yellow would pass out the second she step out of the son and since I'm a droid, I decided to go and find help while she stay where it is safe. Maybe it was a good idea.
Y/n: No I understand your logic.
Pathfinder: Yeah but unfortunately I didn't mean it far. Some wild pokemon attack me and i was offline until you found me. Thanks for that by away.
Y/n: (smile) No problem.
Pathfinder: So where have you been?
Y/n: I've been stranded on an island for weeks until I was found by Ash and the others. They allow me to join and ended up here.
Pathfinder: Well that was lucky.
Y/n: Yeah. Now we need to find Yellow. You remember the area where you crash?
Pathfinder: Yep.
Y/n: Alright. Let's go and find her.
Pathfinder: Yeah!
(Sometime later)
The two return to the desert to search for Yellow. They look and I wasn't long till they see a crashed bomber in the distances.
They came over and they arrive at the crash site. At first they couldn't find hee but then she along with Leah came out around the corner and spotted the two.
Yellow: Y/n! Your okay.
She came over to Y/n but then collapse on one knee which Y/n and Pathfinder rush over and help her up.
Yellow: I'm okay. Just a bit dehydrated. I think both of us are.
Leah nodes as she collapses onto the ground.
Y/n: Cone on, let's take you somewhere where you can cool down.
They being to carry both Leah and Yellow all the way back to the city. Sometime later Y/n takes Leah to the pokemon centre for a check up and after Leah came out fine, he make his way back to the hotel and finds Leah naked in the bath with cold ice cubs floating above the water.
It cool hee down and disbite how freezing the water is she needed it. Pathfinder is seen with a bag filled with ice cubes which he stare at Pathfinder while he said.
Pathfinder: What?
Short while later Yellow came out od the bath and after dry up she has some ice while she sat on the couch.
Yellow: (smile) Now this hits the spot. I feel like the warmth is being frozen up by cold ice.
Y/n: So you three have been at the desert for a long time?
Pathfinder: Yeah.
Yellow: We figure we can head out and find you but I guess you found us.
Y/n: Yeah. Got stranded on an island until Ash and the rest found me.
Yellow: (smile) That's good to hear. Where are they now?
Y/n: Ash is taking on his gym....or challenge. I still think of it a gym except the battling.
Yellow: Sounds fun.
Pathfinder: Yeah but it isn't Ash's style.
Yellow: That's true. So what should we do now we are back together?
Pathfinder: I guess we grab a ship and head back to the Kanto region.
Y/n: Agree. I bet Green is worried since we didn't contact her for a long while.
Yellow: Yeah. She might be worried.
Pathfinder: I see there is a ship that can take us back to Kanto.
Y/n: Right. For now we should enjoy ourselves here.
They agree and hours gone by and soon the afternoon came. Ash the rest return and Y/n told them how he found Yellow, Leah and Pathfinder and thinking about heading back to Kanto.
Misty: (smile) You sure you don't want to stay with us more?
Y/n: (smile) I would love to but we just want to head to Kanto and rest up. Plus I don't think there isn't enough room on Lapras. We might slow you all down.
Tracey: (smile) Understandable. Still it's nice having you with us.
Ash: (smile) Yeah. We can meet up back at Kanto and we can have a pokemon battle.
Y/n: (smile) Agree. Stay safe you all.
They all node amd after a farewell goodbye they get onto Lapras and sail away. Y/n watch them sailing away and then heads back to the hotel to rest up.
(Weeks later)
After a very long ship ride they finally back to Kanto and it felt good to be back. They decided to head to Pallet Town and soon they arrive there.
Once in Green's House they knock on the door and after moment Green opens the door and sees them.
Y/n: (smile) Green! Long time no seen.
Green came over and hugs Y/n which he hugs her back. Then she hug Yellow, Leah and Pathfinder and once that she smirk.
Green: Judging how you all didn't respond to may calls, I'm pretty sure something happen.
Yellow: You could say that.
Green invites them in and they explain theie story. After they finish Green is left shocked.
Green: (shocked) Boy....that must have been some adventure. Well at least you all are back safely.
Y/n: (smile) Yeah but what about you? Did you win the pokemon championship?
Green: No unfortunately. Richie won.
Yellow: Oh, we'll sorry that you lost.
Green: (smile) Don't worry about me. I may have lost but I'll get stronger and win!
Pathfinder: At least your doing well.
Green: (smile) Yeah. After the match ended Delia had a party for Ash and I celebrated with him. After that I heard he was away to pick up something from a professor.
Y/n: Was it the GS ball?
Green: Yeah that's it! did you know?
Y/n: Ash told me and show me the pokeball. He wants to complete the island challenge at the orange islands and then deliver it to Professor Oak.
Green: Huh....why didn't he just gave you the ball and you can just deliver it to Professor Oak while Ash is free to do his own thing?
Y/n sat there for a moment with the realising and then face palm.
Y/n: I guess me and Ash didn't think about that.
Green: (small giggle) Yeah but on the other hand you all have been through so much and I think you all needed a long break.
Yellow: Tell me about it. Me and Pathfinder were stuck in the desert for weeks. We have the bomber as our shelter all awhile Y/n was stranded on an island. Lucky for him.
Y/n: Let's be glad nothing bad happens to any of us.
Pathfinder: Agree.
Green: (smile) Well since you all are back, how's about we order some take out and relax for the rest of the day.
Y/n: (smile) A wise choice.
With that they order take out and sat around chatting and relaxing until the food arrive. They sat around eating with Y/n, Green and Yellow's pokemon out and also enjoying their poke food.
Then there was a knock at the door so Green walks over and opens to see Delia at the other side with Mr. Mime.
Delia: (smile) Hello Green.
Green: (smile) Hey Delia. What brings you here?
Delia: (smile) I heard your friends are back and I came here to visit. Me and Mr Mime made some treats for their return.
Mr Mime: (smile) Mr Mime.
Green let's them in and after they greet Delia and Mr Mime they sat around and tell their story and have a normal chat as they enjoy the rest of the day, glad that they are in a safe place to be.
Back at Trovitopolis we see the formor Mayor of Trovitopolis in the alleyway begin thrown to the wall amd force chocked. Thr figure came up and active its red light saber and ask the formor Mayor.
???: Where is Y/n?
For or Mayor of Trovitopolis: I....I heard he took a ship back to Kanto. That's all I know.
Then he impaled him and then he collapse to the ground dead. The assassin looks down at him and them leaves his body at the alleyway and reports that Y/n is at Kanto and needed all sites to head there and find him.
To be continued...........................................
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