Chapter 24: Misty's hero

Y/n, Ash, Misty and Tracey have arrived at Mandarin Island and after Ash takes on the gym we we see Y/n with Misty and Ash at the cafe with Leo eating Pokefood with Pikachu and Togepi.

Y/n: So let me get this straight. After you left Brock with Ivy, Team Rocket ambush you both at the blimp inside of a cage. When Jigglypuff sang you all to sleep the blimp made it all away to one of the orange Islands and then make a crash landing all awhile you two along with your pokemon were asleep and some how you all survived?

Ash: You make it sound like it was impossible.

Y/n: I just find it hard to believe that anyone would survive a crash all awhile being asleep. Especially with no injuries what so ever.

Misty: Yeah now I see why you're surprised.

Y/n: I mean I survive yet I still have injuries while you two somehow survive without any injuries.

Ash: Well if it makes you feel better my neck kinda hurt when I slept on the floor of the blimp.

Misty let's out a sigh while Y/n just smile a bit and then Tracey came back which they turn to him.

Y/n: Where have you been? I was hoping to see your drawings.

Tracey: Sorry about that I was just looking around and come across something. Have you noticed a lot of trainers wanted a pokemon battle so badly.

Y/n: Now I think about it I have noticed that.

Tracey: Well i figure out why. On this island there this famous trainer name Prima who is on this island and trainers wants to train so they can defeat her.

Misty: (surprised) Wait you mean THE Prima is here?! I don't believe it!

Y/n: Who is Prima?

Misty: One of the most powerful pokemon trainer of all time! She's also apart of six members of the kanto pokemon Elites. She is a very strong trainer and my hero.

Y/n: That would explain a lot.

Ash: (smirk) Well after that gyn battle I think I'm ready to face her.

Y/n: Don't be overconfidence about it Ash. You may have won a gym battle but don't let your confidence get to you. If Prima is strong then she may easily take down your entire pokemon team.

Ash: We'll see about that! Just you wait I'm gonna train like no other! Come on Pikachu!

Ash and Pikachu head off follow by Misty and Togepi and then Tracey. It was now just Y/n and Leo as Y/n smirk while he drink his tea.

Y/n: (smirk) That boy has lot to learn.

???: Excuse me but is that your Lucario?

He turn to see an attractive woman with glasses to which Y/n reply.

Y/n: Indeed. This is Leo.

???: I see. This one seems to be strong. Have you been training him?

Y/n: Indeed. In fact we were stranded on an island for 2 weeks so we trained.

???: Huh you don't say. Sorry to disturb you.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem. My name is Y/n. You must be....?

Prima: (smile) Prima. A pleasure to meet you.

Y/n: So your the famous Prima that trainers are hype for. You have a famous reputation as far I can tell.

Prima: (soft giggle) Thank you. Aren't you excited to challenge me?

Y/n: I'm not the type to rush to challenge a strong trainer. I train my pokemon team before I battle.

Prima: A smart move. Most trainers would immediately battle without a second thought.

Then she sat where Ash once sat on and the two chatted.

Prima: So your pokemon is force sensitive? I've never heard of it?

Y/n: It's what brings the universe together. There are ways to be force sensitive. That is why Leo is force sensitive although I wonder how since this planet is not yet strong in the force.

Prima: Must be mysterious. But besides that I can tell you have trained your first pokemon well and judging by him your other pokemon must be strong.

Y/n: Not all my pokemon is strong but strength doesn't matter to me. I care for each one no matter what they are.

Prima: (smile) You have a wonderful heart.

Y/n: So Prima tell me a bit about yourself? From what Misty told me your apart of pokemons elite and your her hero.

Prima: You don't say? How interesting. Anyways I have a good reputation as the most strongest trainer who uses ice type pokemons. Sometimes in a battle I have a cold personality but outside of battle I'm somewhat gentle like the waves of the water. Some think of me as cold but really I'm sometimes space out reacted to things slowly. (Soft giggle) I suppose that's not what elite pokemon trainers like me would say right?

Y/n: I think that makes you even more better.

Prima: Hm?

Y/n: Some would see you as cold in battle but if they see you like this then it shows your just like many people outside of pokemon. Sometimes it's good to show some personalities of your own to others. It makes the bond of others stronger and your reputation be respected by others.

Prima: Huh I see what you mean. You must be one wise trainer.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you.

Prima: Say do you wish to have a pokemon battle with me?

Y/n: (smile) Sure. I wouldn't like that.

(Sometime later)

We see both Y/n and Pima having a pokemon battle at the battle ring as Prima summons her Cloyster while Y/n summons Finley and they begin the battle.

Prima: Ice beam.

Cloister shoots out ice beam but Finley dodges it and land on her feet.

Y/n: Use fire blast.

Finley uses fire blast that hit Cloyster which impress Prima. The two continue their battle and soon a crowd of pokemon trainer sees this and gather outside of the ring and are amazed to see one trainer getting the upper hand.

The battle continue for sometime and Cloyster couldn't keep up of Finley's quick attacks and hee fire attacks. Soon Finley finished it up with double kick and it knock Cloyster out cold.

Everyone are shocked while Prima is impress and has Cloyster into her pokeball and tells Y/n.

Prima: (smile) Very impressive Y/n. Never have I ever met a trainer who has one, two or a whole team of strong pokemon. You have me impress.

Y/n: You were not bad yourself Prima. You were not bad.

Prima smiled as the crowd of pokemon cheered for Y/n and Finley.

She then hides behind Y/n after seeing a lot of people which he just smiled while Prima find it cute to see the bonds of both humans and pokemon.

(Sometime later)

The afternoon came and the two met up with Ash, Misty and Tracey as Y/n told them what happen after they left and they are shocked.

Ash: (shocked) No way! You defeated her before me?!

Tracey: (surprised) That must have been amazing.

Y/n: (smile) Still Prima does show me the reputation she had and did her best.

Prima: (smile) Thank you Y/n.

Misty: (excited) It is amazing to meet you. Your my hero.

Prima: (smile) A pleasure is all mine.

Finley poke hee head behind Y/n to Prima which she noticed and kneel down in front of her.

Prima: (smile) You were great out there.

She lifted her hand over which Finley stare at her and slowly came out and grab her hand. Prima smiles and then pet on Finley on the head.

Prima: Your such a cute pokemon. You must have looking up to Y/n as your father right?

She nervous nods which Y/n smiled and picked up Finley and tells Prima.

Y/n: (smile) She maybe shy but she is kind.

Prima: (smile) I bet all of your pokemon are. I must go now but let's hope we cross paths again someday.

Y/n: (smile) Same. I'll allow you to have a rematch if we do meet again.

Prima: (smile) I can't wait for that.

The two shake hands and once that Prima leave them as she walk away. Once she is gone Ash said.

Ash: Aw man I lost my opportunity to challenge her.

Misty: Really she.

Y/n: If you wish to be a pokemon master then you must not be overconfident and not rush to things. That would result to failure. To be a pokemon master you must be patient and train your pokemon team well.

Tracey: He's right. After all you haven't controlled Charziard for sometime.

Ash: That's true.

Y/n: (smile) Don't worry. Perhaps I can help you with that. Since we are gonna be together for a while I suppose we can train while we go to your next gym.

Ash: Good idea! Okay Y/n let's have a pokemon battle!

Then Ash's stomach growl and there was a moment of silence and then Ash said.

Ash: But first I'm hungry, let's get something to eat.

Misty and Tracey sigh while Y/n just smiled and they head off to get something to eat and some rest.


On a unknown land possible in the middle of the desert we see what seem to be a crashed Y-Wing now turned into a camp as we see Yellow looking out of the tent and hoping she'll see Y/n but nothing.

Then Pathfinder came up next to her and tells her.

Pathfinder: Don't worry I'm sure he'll find us soon.

Yellow: I hope so. But still wouldn't be best to go out and find him?

Pathfinder: Perhaps but if we leave this spot then Y/n will find this and will be confused on where we are.

Yellow: True. But there has to be a way to find him.

Pathfinder: Well I don't detect any civilian.

Yellow: And our food and water is close to nothing.........I'm gonna go and find civilian.

Pathfinder: You sure?

Yellow: I'm sure. You stay here while me and Leah will go I and find civilian. Come on Leah.

Leah goes with her and the two set off while Pathfinder watch them go and now he is alone but he has faith on the two and knows that the two will be okay.

To be continued......................................................

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