Chapter 23: Training while stranded on a island

We see the sun rising from the far distance of the ocean and shining apon the island that seems to have no sigh of any human life. Except one. We see Y/n laying in a cave with a blanket he made from leafs that he made.

He soon woke up and begin to sat up and once up he let's out a yawn and begins to get up and stretch his body. He leave his cave and looks around to the forest that surrounding him. He has some wounds that he covered up and use the force to heal his wound.

He looks around and decided to take a small walk through the forest. He was surrounded by nature as he journey through the woods. He comes across many wild pokemon as he walk by.

He has on the island for 2 weeks so the wild pokemon are not bothered by this. In fact some find him nice as he helps out the pokemons in any way they can. Either by helping them when they are stuck, when they got sick or defend them from stronger wild pokemons.

He continues walking and soon come across a lake with a beautiful waterfall. He smiled and begins to take off his clothes and set them aside.

He enters the lake and use the waterfall to wash himself. He have his eyes shut and he can hear everything around him. The trees brushing, wind blowing, bird pokemons chirping and many more.

It relaxed him as he take a sigh and continues washing himself. After he gets out and dry himself he pick I some fruit from the trees and make some meals for him and his pokemon team.

Once done he summons them out of their pokeballs and they all begin to eat. Disbite the fact they are stuck on the island they actually find it very relaxing, almost like a vacation.

Y/n finishes his breakfast and let's out a calm sigh and then he gets up and he spoke to his team.

Y/n: (smile) Alright everyone let's keep on training just like yesterday. Let's go.

They all cheered and we see them training and master their skills and powers so they can be stronger. Zeus and Khai train together as Y/n use the force to lift some rocks and circle the rocks around for the two to use as target practice.

Zeus slice them with Shadow Claw while Khai shoots them with Shadow ball as the two walk side by side. We then cut to Y/n with Electro as he moves around the forest pretty fast.

He keeps moving and moving to tree to tree until he reach the finishing line and land on his feet. Y/n decided to make his electricity powers strong by active his saber and have Elctro use Thunder bolt. Electro does so and he keeps shooting thunderbolt at Y/n's saber.

Y/n blocks the incoming shots as best he can and keeps blocking. Electro begins to get tired but then Y/n tells him.

Y/n: Never give up. Show how much power you have.

Electro begins to focus and then his body have bolts od electricity and then he zaps a powerful lighting bolt at Y/n's saber. It was really powerful which made Y/n to stumble back a bit and during this Electro started to involve and soon he involved into Galvantula and stop shooting thunderbolt.

Y/n: (smile) congratulations Electro. You've involved. I'm proud of you.

Electro is pleased by this and then we cutto Leo and Finley having a battle as the two charge at each other and begin ti fight. Y/n watch them as they each dodge their attacks while at the same time trying to land a blow job each other.

With the force Leo can sense where Finley next attacks are but Finley is fast as she quickly dodge and land soke blows at Leo. After a while of battling the two stop as they catch their breaths while Y/n smiles and claps for the two.

Y/n: (smile) Good work you two. Your fighting style is very impressive.

The two bow but Y/n just came over and hug the two. They hug him back and soon they all have some lunch and soon they play at the beach.

Finley sat on Y/ns lap with Electro laying next to him while the rest play at the sea as they splash around. Leo use the force to lift some water bubbles and splash at them.

Y/n smiled while he pet Finley. Then Finley turn to the sand and had a idea. She leaves Y/n's lap and begins to build. He watch and soon he sees Finley building a nice sand castle.

Y/n: (smile) You have gone a creative mind Finley.

She blushes, pleased that he liked it and then he help her add in some shells to make the sand castle more nice. This goes on until night which they have dinner. They sat around the campfire eating and enjoying themselves.

Y/n sat there and see everyone having fun and smiling. He smile a bit and remembered how in the jedi order he has to obey by the council and to the Republic. He felt no regret leaving the order as he find true happiness finding hid place here where he can be what he was trained to be and that being a guardian of peace.

(Next day)

We see him at the lake once again and doing his daily washing. He washes himself and when he step out of the waterfall he suddenly felt something. He felt something there which he just smirked and called out.

Y/n: (smirk) I know your out there. Come out and show yourself.

Then a young teen step out of the forest and he turn to see a young man with a green shirt, black hair and short and he looks surprised which he ask.

???: How did you know?

Y/n: (smile) I can sense you in the force. Its interesting how there is a human here on this island.

???: Sorry to disturb you but me and my friends came here and to explore this island.

Y/n: Friends?

???: (smile) Yeah. We just came here. I split off to find some new pokemons when I spotted you. Never thought to see a person's here.

Y/n: (smile) Can't blame you. What's your name?

Tracy: (smile) My name is Tracy. I'm a pokemon watcher.

Y/n: Pokemon watcher?

Tracy: It's when pokemon watchers like me studies pokemon, we observe them under the ownership of the pokemon trainer.

Y/n: (smile) That sounds quite interesting. And the notebook you have?

Tracy: Oh I draw them. It's fun.

Soon Y/n leaves the lake once out he gets dried up and gets changed. Once done he turn to Tracy and ask him.

Y/n: Show me your friends. I would like to meet them.

Tracy: (smile) Sure thing. Follow me.

(Short while later)

The two walk through the forest together with Tracy shows Y/n his drawings which he find them pretty impressive. They soon find them standing in front of his cave and to his surprise he sees Ash, Pikachu, Misty and Togepi.

Before Tracy can call out to them Y/n calls out.

Y/n: (smile) I believe you two are in my property.

They turn and they are surprised to see Y/n while Tracy is surprised how they know each other. They came over ans Misty hugged him.

Misty: Y/n! It's good to see you~!

Y/n: (light chuckle) Same here.

Togepi and Pikachu also came over and they are excited to meet him. He bend down ans hugs them both and then turn to Ash.

Y/n: (smile) Nice to see you Ash.

Ash: (smile) Same. But why are you here?

Misty: Yeah and where is Yellow and Pathfinder?

Y/n: It's a long story but the short version I get separated with the two when we try to make our escape.

Misty: That's horrible. Any ideas where they might be at?

Y/n: No clue but I'll find them. But what about you two?

Misty: It's a long story for us but the short version is that we  are trying to deliver the GS Ball to Professor Oak.

Y/n: GS Ball?

Ash shows him the ball which looks like a normal pokeball but has gold at the top with a strange symbol in the middle as he node.

Y/n: Interesting.

Ash: While we are trying to deliver the ball to Oak, I'm competing the Orange league so I can be the orange Islands champion.

Y/n: So this region is called the Orange Islands. I was wondering what it is called. Say Where's brock?

Misty: He decided to stay with Professor Ivy.

Y/n: Well let's hope we see him again.

Tracy: (smile) So how long have you been on this island?

Y/n: 2 weeks.

Misty: That must be hard for you.

Y/n: (smile) Actually it was pretty nice. I spend some training and bounds with my pokemon team and enjoy this islands nature. Its very relaxing.

Misty: (smile) I can imagine. So you wanna come with us?

Y/n: (smile) Of course. Besides i think it is time to find Yellow and Pathfinder.

Tracy: (smile) Well if we are lucky, they might be somewhere on the Islands of the Orange islands.

Y/n: Then that's where we go. Let's get going.

They agree and we cut to them at shore and at first Y/n wonders where is their ship when Ash summons Lapras out of its pokeball which they climb onto its back.

Y/n: (smile) A Lapras. What a beautiful creature.

Misty: (smile) I know, isn't she great.

He smiled as he climbs on with the rest and once on board Ash tells Lapras.

Ash: (smile) Okay Lapras let's go!

Lapras begins to swin away from the island as Y/n stare at the island and is gonna miss the peaceful forest but he knows vacation is now over and it is time to get back to work.

Misty sat next to him as she smiled at him and then kiss him on the cheek.

Misty: (smile) Good to swe you safe.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. Same to you.

Misty smiled as the two also smiled as they set off into sea as Y/n's new adventure at the Orange island begins.


It was the middle of the night and we see the escape pod where it was and then three sith troopers walks over to the pod and one peaks inside and sees nothing. Another team search the cave and find nothing. The sith troopers gather as the sith trooper Sargent contacts someone through coms and says.

Sith trooper Sargent: Sir we arrived where the pod crashed and there is no sigh of him. He must have escaped. Don't worry sir.....we will find him and when we do.....he will pay.

To be continued.......................................................

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