Chapter 21: The Hunt of Giovanni (Arc 4)
Y/n and Pathfinder run through the hallway and searching around for where Yellow is being kept. It seems it is harder to find them then they thought since the entire base is gaint and it is like a maze as they turn to hallway to the next.
They keep moving through the hallway until they stop in a split as they look around anything that catches their eye but nothing.
Y/n: Pathfinder?
Pathfinder: Looks like this is harder then I thought. The map is not even helpful since it is just confusing me. We might be lost.
Y/n looks around and use the forve to since Yellow. Soon he can feel her and telle Pathfinder.
Y/n: Follow me.
Pathfinder nodes and they two race through the hallway and soon they reach a large door. They open the door and step inside only to stumble apon a giant room filled with pods with some being opene while some close.
They walk down the halls and look at the pods. Pathfinder even walk over to the close pods and sees a body inside covered in ice.
Pathfinder: This must be a cryo pod. This must be how the sith empire survived thousands of years. Judging how many pods are open there is a lot.
Y/n: Yeah. This might not be the only room. There could be more rooms.
Pathfinder: Must be. We should get out of here before they wake up.
Y/n: Right.
They make their way across the room and through a door and when they step out they were confronted by sith troopers.
Sith trooper: Open fire!
They open fire which Y/n pulled out his twin sabers and block the shots and deflected them back at them. Pathfinder fired a grapple and take one of their blasters and begin to fire at them.
Soon they take out the sith troopers but more came up behind them and open fire at them. They quickly turn they push back while Y/n keeps blocking the shots while Pathfinder keeps firing at them.
More came behind them and now they are completely surrounded as Y/n quick turn to block the shots while Pathfinder picks up another blaster and fires at Bath sides.
Pathfinder: Looks like they are boxing us in! We need a escape!
Y/n: I got one!
He throws his twin sabers to the ceiling and use the force to cut the sabers into a circle and then pulled it down, opening a hole which the two leap on to.
Y/n lifted up the cut floor and closes it just in time. Pathfinder begins sailing the entrance and once done the two look around and see that the ghost is clear.
Y/n: We should be close. I can sense her.
Pathfinder: Good because I have enough of this.
They keep going and after a while they arrived at the location. They open the door to the prison cell and they look around for Yellow.
Yellow: Over here!
They rush over and find Yellow. Pathfinder punches the controls and frees Yellow which she rush out and hugs Y/n.
Yellow: (smile) I'm glad your safe.
Y/n: (smile) Same.
Pathfinder: Do I not get a hug?
Yellow: (light chuckle) Sorry Pathfinder.
She then hugs him as well. Then she explain the situation about Leah which concerned Y/n.
Y/n: This isn't good. They may turn her into their slave.
Pathfinder: Then we need to find her.
Yellow: But where though?
Y/n: Pathfinder can you look through the map and see what you can find.
Pathfinder: I can try.
He opens his map and searches for a bit and then he found something.
Pathfinder: It appears there is a room called "The pound." That must be where Leah is being kept.
Y/n: Then we need to get there and rescue Leah.
Yellow: But how? There got to be a lot of troopers walking around. They will kill us.
Y/n thinks for a plan and then he noticed a door which he opens to reveal the armoury which he walks over and found some sith trooper armor as he pulled out a helmet and then turns to two and said.
Y/n: Well time to blend in.
(Short while later)
The elevator opens as Y/n, Yellow and Pathfinder leave the elevator with Yellow and Y/n wearing the armor with Pathfinder wearing cuffs as they walk through the hallway as other sith troopers march by not noticing nothing.
Pathfinder: Hope this works.
Y/n: Me too.
Yellow: This armor is kinda tight. Is my butt showing?
Pathfinder: Maybe a bit.
She blushes underneath her helmet and soon they approach two guards in front of the door to the pound as one guard ask.
Sith trooper: Where are you taking this prisoner?
Y/n: This one wants to see its pokemon friends one lats time.
Sith trooper: A droid? Yeah right don't make me laugh. Besides he's not coning in.
Y/n (wave his hand) You will let us pass.
Sith trooper: We will let youse pass.
Y/n: (wave his hand) You Better open the door.
Sith trooper: I better open the door.
The sith trooper then opens the door and the trio walks through. Once the door is shut they took off their armor and they are shocked to see hundreds or thousands of caged pokemons and they look terrible.
Some have cybernetics while some were horrible deformed. They had the sith empire emblem in any part of their body.
They look around and then hear a Pikachus cris and they rush over and they enter a room to see scientist about to begin when they turn and spotted them.
Y/n force pushes them against the wall while Pathfinder breaks free of Leah as Yellow quickly grabs Leah and hugs her.
Yellow: Leah! Thank goodness your safe!
Leah: (smile) Pika!
Y/n knocks out the scientist and once they are knocked out they look at their plans as Pathfinder points out the helmet devices.
Pathfinder: Look its the same helmets as what we saw earlier.
Y/n: And the ones within the cages. They were gonna use this to brainwashed the pokemons as their army.
Pathfinder: Yeah. So right now? It seems like we couldn't find Giovanni so i guess this is a failed mission?
Y/n: (sigh) Yes. But we can ruin his plan.
Yellow: How?
Y/n: By freeing every singal pokemon here. Pathfinder can you open all the cages and shut off the helmets?
Pathfinder: With the controls in this room? Yes.
Y/n: Then do it.
Pathfinder gets onto the controls and begin his work. Then Y/n can sense them coming so he leaves the room which Yellow calls out to him.
Yellow: Wait? Are you going to fight them all on your own?
Y/n: Yes. Stay there with pathfinder. You'll be safe.
He use the forceto close and lock it as he walks up to the middle of the room and face the door where he can sense the darkness coming from.
He pulled out his twin sabers and actives them. He gets into a battle stand and waits. Soon the door opens and sith warriors came into the room. They actived their sabers and then charge towards him.
He stood there and waits and when the first sith warrior gets close he blocks him and lands a strike. Then more came as he quickly block their strikes as sabers are clashed. A hord of sith warriors came rushing towards him as he begins cutting them down while blocking their attacks.
He moved around fast as he land quick strikes and leaping over them. He then shoot out force judgement at a few while three sith warriors came up behind him and were about to land their strike. He then leaps over and lands behind them as he chops them down.
He then swap his twin sabers to his mind saber stormsaber as he use the mind saber to trick the sith warriors to attack each other while the stormsaber to blame then with electricity.
He turn and one sith warrior impaled his saber through his chest and at first he thought he done it but then he moved away the saber as he quickly use force phase to phase through the saber and then he force pushes the sith warrior away.
He then dodges many swings as the sith warriors gets mad from the dodges so Y/n deactivated his saber and when the sith warrior swing down his saber he grab his arm and slaps the saber off of his hand.
He then pulled back his arm and slammed his hand onto his chest and the impact sent the sith warrior flying qnd he crashed into a wall.
He begin throwing hands against the sith warriors as he dodges their swings and landed some punches and kicks. He even leaps over and lands a side kick at a sith warrior in the face.
He land on his feet and dashes by them and lands a powerful punch at one which shattered the sith warriors helmet and then he quickly turn and created the most powerful force push at all of them which sent them flying back.
He then pulled out his twin sabers as the sith warriors rush towards him. He smirk a bit as he bend down and begins to force and then he quickly disappeared and then appear behind them.
All the sith warriors stop as Y/n gets up straight and deactivated his saber just as all the sith warriors fall onto the ground dead. Y/n turns back and sees them all dead just as the cages open and the pokemons are free. They leave their cages and they took out the helmets on their heads.
Then Pathfinder and Yellow came out with Leah on Yellow's shoulder as Yellow is shocked seeing the dead sith warriors laying on the floor.
Pathfinder: Wish there was a camera so we could have watched.
Yellow: (surprised) Yeah.
Leah: (surprised) Pika.
Then all the pokemon see Y/n and they look mad. They were about to attack Y/n but he slowly lifted his hand which made them stop in place. He shut his eyes as he calms them down and show them that he is no threat.
It wasn't long for them to calm down and see Y/n as a friend. A few pokemon came over and lick him as a way to say thank you which he node. He then tells all the pokemon.
Y/n: You have no reason to be afraid anymore. Your nightmares has finally come to an end and together we can take you all to freedom and return back home. You all are no longer slaves to the sith empire!
All begin to roar and let our cries as Pathfinder and Yellow came over and Yellow ask him.
Yellow: So what's our next plan.
They all turn to the door as Y/n active his twin sabers and said.
Y/n: Time to make our escape.
To be continued......................................................
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