Chapter 20: The Hunt of Giovanni (Arc 3)

Y/n: Where are we? Pathfinder! Yellow! Where are you? Something doesn't feel right. I can't see anything in here. Hold on.

A light saber suddenly lights up as we see his face but not far around him as he look around ans seeing this is a large room. He looks around for Yellow or Pathfinder but they suddenly disappeared. One moment they were with him and the next they disappeared.

Y/n: Did we got separated? We must have gotten separated after we go through the portal. Still what is this place.

He look around and try to see anything within the darkness but he couldn't. He then begins to walk with his steps can be heard as it echo all around him which ment whatever this room maybe it is huge.

Y/n is now on guard in cade something or someone might attack him from the darkness to which he needed to be ready when that comes. He continues walking foward hoping there will be a door at the other end but it feels like he has been walking for hours.

However he sees something at the end and he walks over and approaches a large door. He looks around for any button but after seeing there is none he use his light saber as he stab his saber onto the door and begins making a hole for him to go through.

He was almost done when he suddenly felt something behind him so he quickly turns back around and looks around. The room was still dark and quiet as he look around once more and then turns back to the door and continues cutting it.

He finished but immediately he felt something coning his way so he quickly turns around and slash at whatever it was coming at his way. He heard a body drop so he shine his saber to the body and to his shock Gallade lying on the floor with his head cut however something was wrong about him. He looked like he was already dead for years.

Then he hears groans within the darkness so he quickly goes through the hole and covers it up. He stood up and looks around as he find himself at a hallway with Sith Imperial flags hanging above him.

Y/n: Something tells me this is more then a base.

He shut off his light saber and make his way through the hallway and peak around corners in case a Imperial forces may come by but to his confusion the hallways were empty. He look around and there was no one, not even a mouse droid was rolling about which confused him.

Y/n: This doesn't make any sense. Where is everyone and more importantly where I'm I?

He keeps on walking and soon come across a window which he looks through and to his surprise he sees Earth which means he is within some sort a space station that is over Earth.

Y/n: I just hope Yellow and Pathfinder are okay......wherever they might be.

He continues on walking through the hallway and searching for any signs of life and soon he open another door that open to reveal a massive room with stairs and lifts that go up forever as he stood in the middle and looks up in amazement and shock to see how big the place really is.

Darth Eimrech: (speakers) Impress? This station isn't easy to build. A lot of workers died but thy died knowing that we will rise to retake the galaxy.

Y/n: What have you done with my friends?

Darth Eimrech: (speakers) They're alright for now. I rig the telepoter to separate you three to different location in this station. As far as I can seems they are in trouble.

Y/n: If you harm them in anyway then you shall regret it.

Darth Eimrech: (speakers) A jedi threatening a sith? That's not the Jedi way.

Y/n: I'm no Jedi. Not anymore.

Darth Eimrech: (speakers) Of course your not. Your one of those force users who balances both light and dark called a Grey Jedi. How pathetic.

Then a singal door open on his right as he noticed and then begins to walk over and he walks down the hallways while Darth Eimrech goes on to say.

Darth Eimrech: (speakers) How does it feel to abandon the order. All the bound and friendship with them All washed away because of what?

Y/n: Taking part of a war that is obvious made as a the sith.

Darth Eimrech: (speakers) Funny, because thousands of years ago the Jedi took part of the war against the sith but after that they became some peacemaker that are working for a corrupt government. We know what the Republic is like and it hasn't change. Maybe that's why you left, not only you refuse to take part of a war but you refuse to work the corruption of Government leaders and get involve with politics.

Y/n: I was trained to keep the peace and justice to the galaxy however the order lost their ways and work closely to the Republic instead of following their own ways.

Darth Eimrech: (speakers) And now look at them. Chains attached to their necks while the Republic holds the chains and treats them like slaves. They force them to get involve which cost the public to hating the jedi order because they see them working for the elite and not the poor.


Darth Eimrech: (speakers) Odd I sense something. I sense....guilt. Tell me? Was it something happen years ago that you felt extreme guilt of? Something that made you what you are today? Tell me.....what is it?

Y/n: Why should I tell you? I know your just trying to get into my head and try to weaken me. Too bad because that's not going to work.

Darth Eimrech: Your too smart aren't you?

Suddenly he drop above Y/n as he activated his saber which Y/n dodges and he lands on the floor. The two charge at each other and the two clash. They swing their sabers at each other as they dual throughout the hallway as they fought aggressively until Darth Eimrech shoots out force lighting that sent him sliding backwards.

Then Darth Eimrech charges up at him and the two get into a saber lock.

Darth Eimrech: Now I can sense it now! You were on a mission and on that mission you witness something that change you forever! What was it that change you?! Tell me!

He then kicked Y/n across and he slammed through the door and slide across a large room as Y/n slowly gets up and looks over as Darth Eimrech enters the room as Y/n gets up ans says.

Y/n: You right. I do carry guilt on my shoulders years back. Years ago.......I witness how the jedi became so blinded by ignoring the citizens of the galaxy. On that mission we helped the high elites to return their water supplies back to them from a gang of pirates however....I discovered that they were not pirates but rather......citizens who were cast aside by the rich and power. I was stunned seeing how awful their lives were and how unfair it was. Parents exhausted, children losing hope and hunger spread all across their town. I see how corrupt the Republic was and how blind our order has. I was filled with guilt when I left and didn't say anything and soon I find out the elites hire mercenaries to massacred everyone there which shocked and horrified me. I nearly fall to the dark side when I heard about this. I lost faith on the Republic.....and the jedi order.

Darth Eimrech: Then tell me? Why do you still protect these people like a jedi? Your not a jedi.....not anymore.

Y/n: Because I wish to make things right by following my own destiny. Following my own path as a guardian and warrior for those who needed the most. I no longer listen the politics and the government I listen to the citizens and will answer their call. I am this Earth's protector and I will protect it no matter what!

Darth Eimrech: (smirk) Well your new job will have to be short. Now die!

Darth Eimrech charges towards Y/n and swings his saber back as he ready for the killing blow.


Darth Eimrech stops and we see now behind Y/n as the two stood there back to back with Y/n pulled out his second light saber as the two froze for a moment and then Darth Eimrech stood up straight and turn as he smirked while glaring at Y/n.

Then his head, arms, waist and legs came off and hit the ground behind Y/n as he deactivate his twin light sabers and stood up straight. He let's out a sigh until he heard a door open behind him and he turn and ready his twin light sabers but to his surprise he sees Pathfinder holding a unconscious Sith trooper as he drop his body.

Pathfinder: Y/n I finally found you. You have no idea how bog this place really is. How are you?

Y/n: Doing good. You?

Pathfinder: Still working as always.

Y/n: Where did you go?

Pathfinder: Funny story I ended up within a prison cell but I managed to break out. The troopers try to stop me but I beat them down.

Y/n: Have you seen Yellow anywhere?

Pathfinder: Nope.

Y/n: We need to find her then.

Pathfinder: Lucky I come across a map room that shows us the full station and I might know where Giovanni is at.

Y/n: Then let's go then.

The two of them head off as they exit out of the room and head to the map room.


We see Yellow within a cell along side Leah as they no idea where they are and where are Y/n and Pathfinder. She begin to worry that they might be in trouble but then she heard a door open and she sees Giovanni and two of his team rocket henchmen approaches the cell where Yellow and Leah are in.

Giovanni: (smirk) Well ain't this a surprise. It seems we have one of his companies in our cell.

Yellow: What do you want?

Giovanni: (smirk) Do not worry, you won't get involve however your pokemon might will.

Then the cell open and Leah try to attack them but one of the team rocket henchmen trapped her with a electric proof glass prison as Yellow quickly gets up.

Yellow: Let her go!

Giovanni: (smirk) I'm sorry but that's not going to happen. Unfortunately this maybe the last time you'll see your pokemon partner. If I were you, I would say goodbye.

Leah try to get out but there was no use. They close up the cell and leave as Yellow watching them go and almost giving up hope but she knows that Y/n and Pathfinder must still be here so she will not give up hope because she knows they will break her out and together they will rescue Leah and stop the Sith Empire and Team Rocket on whatever plan they have in stored.

To be continued.....................................................

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