Chapter 2: A journey starts now

At a small town we see a small centre that many people called it a Pokemon Centre and we see Y/n and Pathfinder inside the building waiting for Riolu to get healed up from the injuries he had gotten from Team rocket.

They sat at the waiting room while many people with the same creatures that they now know are called Pokemon enter the centre to either grab some supplies or have one of of Pokemon's healed up. A few even turn to notice the two but more importantly Pathfinder ad they never seen a robot in their life.

Pathfinder: I think they like us.

Y/n: That or they never seen a droid before.

Pathfinder: True. Still these so call "Pokemon" are quiet interesting.

Y/n: Indeed. I guess that what was those creatures we saw while walking through the woods after we crashed.

Pathfinder: Agree including Riolu as well.

Y/n: Speaking of him, there he is now.

Then a door open and a female nurse named Nurse Joy came out with Riolu as Riolu rush over and leaps onto Y/n snd hugs him while nurse Joy tells the two.

Joy: (smile) Your Pokemon is all healed up. I'm glad you rescue thus Pokemon from Team rocket.

Y/n: (smile) It's no problem.

Pathfinder: Nurse Joy do you mind asking us some questions?

Joy: (smile) Of course. What questions for you wish to like?

Pathfinder: Well we're not much knowledges about Pokemon or this planet dose so can you explain to us what these planet dose?

Joy: Planet?

Y/n: (nervous chuckle) It's a long story.

Joy: Well if you want to know there is many people that we call Pokemon trainers that go around catching Pokemon across the world and train then to be the strongest Pokemon as best they can. They even challenge each other to Pokemon battles or take on Pokemon gym battles or competition.

Y/n: I see. What about this Team rocket? Who are they?

Joy: They are among many terrorist that wants to steal Pokemon and use them for their evil deeds. They never care about Pokemon and only care for Pokemon that are strong and powerful. I heard from one of my sisters way back that was attacked by Team Rocket but there is many other terrorist and gangs that captures Pokemon just to take over the world.

Y/n: I see.

Joy: Say are you both Pokemon trainers by any chance?

Y/n: W-Well no but being one sounds fun. Is there a way to sign up?

Joy: (smile) Of course. You can sign up here if you like. Let me get you some paperwork, wait here.

She walks off to get the papers and soon after she came back and place them on the table. Y/n looks through them and then start signing up the paperwork. After what seems like five minutes he was done and hand it to nurse Joy who look through them and tells him.

Joy: (smile) Seems everything is checked out. Congratulate, your now a Pokemon trainer.

Y/n: (smile) Awesome. Thanks you.

Riolu: (smile) Riolu!

She smiles while also find him to be cute as she walks off to grab him his Pokemon gear. Soon we see Y/n holding seven Pokemon balls and a Pokedex that looks very old technology.

Y/n: This is some old technology on this planet.

Pathfinder: Hhhmmm I might link the Pokedex into my system so I can know all Pokemon details and any Pokemon we might encounter.

Y/n: You can do that?

Pathfinder: Of course. I'm programmed to transfer information into my system.

Y/n: Well the let's give that a try.

He hands Pathfinder the Pokedex as he pulls out a wire and plugs it into the Pokedex and he start downloading the information and data from the Pokedex. After a while it was complete as he looks at Riolu and a image of Riolu appear on his chest.

Pathfinder: "Riolu is a fighting type Pokemon. Riolu will train all day and night just to be stronger and only attacks when ever he is treated."

Y/n: (smile) Huh that seems interesting ain't that right Riolu.

Riolu: (smile) Riolu.

Pathfinder: It also says that there is more Riolu's out there.

Y/n: So there isn't one Riolu but more?

Pathfinder: Indeed.

Y/n: Huh....interesting.

???: Hey you there.

Then they turn to see a female trainer looking at them and she turn to Y/n and ask him.

???: I just saw your were signing up to be a Pokemon trainer. Dose that mean your new?

Y/n: That's right. Names Y/n, this is Riolu and Pathfinder.

Riolu: (smile) Riolu!

Pathfinder: (smile) Hello.

Green: (smile) Your lucky to have a Riolu as your starter. Call me Green, nice to meet you two.

Y/n: (smile) Same to you. So what brings you here?

Green: Just here to heal my Pokemon when I noticed you signing up to start your Pokemon adventure.

Y/n: Yeah that's right, so?

Green: (smile) So I figured you might need some help knowing what to do as a Pokemon trainer so allow me to help you.

Y/n: (surprised) Really? Are you sure? We don't want to bother you by any means.

Green: (smile) Relax I'll be glad I can help. Come on, I'll show you a best location to get some Pokemon.

Y/n: (smile) Sure thing. Lead the way.

(Short while later)

We see them at a large feild outside of town as Green throws a small red and white ball into an air and suddenly when it open, a small creature with a large closed up planet on it's back while on all four legs appears right in front of them.

???: Bulba!

Pathfinder: That's a Bulbasaur, a grass type Pokemon but I'm surprised about where that Pokemon came out from.

Green: (smile) It's called a Pokeball. It allows us to travel and catch our Pokemon without no problems.

Y/n: (surprised) Huh an interesting technology.

Green: (smile) Yep. He is a Bulbasaur but we can call them names. For example, my Bulbasaurs name is Henry. Ain't that right Henry!

Henry: (smile) Bulbasaur.

Y/n: So Pokemon can be given names?

Riolu gets excited by this and tugs Y/n's leg as he look down at him to see Riolu wanted a name as well so he bend down and thinks of one and then he asked.

Y/n: What about I call you.....Leo.

Leo: (surprised) Riolu!!!!

Y/n: (smile) You really like that name huh. Then that's the name for now on.

Riolu cheers whike Green giggles as she find it to be cute when suddenly something move and they turn to see a small yellow spider appear as it look at them.

Y/n: (surprised) Wow what is that Pokemon.

Pathfinder: It seems that is a Joltik a lighting bug type Pokemon.

Green: (smile) Here's your chance Y/n! Time to catch it!

Y/n: Right! So....what do I do?

Green: Gave Leo orders to attack.

Y/n: Attacks?

Pathfinder: Hers is his attacks for you.

Y/n turns and looks through Leo's attacks and after a while he now know the attacks and turn back and call out to Leo.

Y/n: Alright Leo use quick attack!

Leo nodes and quickly moves towards Joltik and slams Joltik back, sending it flying and slamming onto the floor. Joltik gets up and uses lighting bolt at Leo.

Y/n: Dodge it and use Shadow claw!

Leo dodges Joltik's attack and then lands a hit at Joltik with shadow claw which made Joltik fell on the ground whike also being weaken as it slowly gets up.

Green: Joltik is weak now! Quick, use an empty pokeball catch it before it gets away!

Y/n: Right!

He pulls out a empty pokeball and throws it at Joltik and once the Pokeball hits Joltik, he immediately gets sucked inside the Pokeball and once that it Pokeball hits on the ground while it flashes red as they waited for a bit.

Soon it stopped follow by a click meaning Y/n had catches Joltik as he smiled while Green tells him.

Green: (smile) Great job! As a new Pokemon trainer your not so bad.

Y/n: (smile) Thanks. If you ask me it was pretty fun ain't that right Leo.

Leo nodes with a smile. Y/n walks over and grabs the Pokemon and summons Joltik which he looks up to Y/n as he bend down to him and tells him.

Y/n: I apologise for attacking you but i hope you will accept me to be your friend.

Joltik looks at Y/n for a bit snd then crawl up onto Y/n's shoulder and start snuggling his neck meaning he dose accepts.

Y/n: (chuckle) Thank you. How about if gave you a name....what about....Electro.

Electro likes that name and snuggle his neck eveb  ore whifh made him laugh while Green smiles and find him very attractive and pretty cute. Then suddenly there was an explosion which they turn and they see smoke coming from town so Y/n pkace Electro back to his pokeball while he said.

Y/n: Come on! I sense there is trouble.

Pathfinder: Right!

Y/n, Pathfinder and Riolu rush off while Green follow but then she was confused as she thought to herself.

Green: (thought) Sense? What dose he mean by that?


They arrive back to town and they see that Team Rocket is attacking the town and taking everyone's Pokemon's away and loading them into cages and dragging them into their trucks.

Green: This ain't good.

Team rocket henchmen: Freeze!

Then three Team rocket henchmen approaches them as one called out to them.

Team Rocket Henchmen: Hand over your Pokemons now!

Green was about to pull out her Pokeball for a battle but Y/n tells her while he wave his hand in front of her.

Y/n: Leave them to me.

Green is confused until she and the Team rocket henchmen were caught off guard when Y/n immediately dashes towards them and then girce pushed them away, sending them all flying which surprised Green.

Green: (surprised) Um....what was that?

Pathfinder: Oh we should have mentioned that Y/n is actually force Sensitive and is about to use the force.

Green: The force?

Pathfinder: It's a power that allows others like Y/n to control things around them and do what nobody can never do.

Green: (shocked) Huh?!

Then more Team rocket henchmen holding staffs charges towards Y/n which he pulls out his twin light sabers and active them. They made the Team rocket henchmen stop in shock as Y/n waves his sabers around and then dashes towards them.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

He appear behind them as they stood there until their staffs  sliced off like butter. They were both shocked and terrified by this so they made a run for it.

Green: (shocked) Wow! Are those lazer swords or something?

Pathfinder: They are called Lightsabers. Tools for forceusers in battle. He actually has eight of them.

Green is shocked while Leo cheers as Y/n sees more Team Rocket henchmen charging towards him so he reach out his hand and they suddenly stopped and start to float as he lift them up in the air and then force pushed them back.

Then Pathfinder sees more coming towards Him, Green and Leo so he walks towards them and then fires a grapple over them and then swings towards them and knocking them down onto the ground. They feel while Pathfinder lands on his feet and then looks over to see more so he charge at them and takes them down while Green is amazed.

We cut back to Y/n leaping over some Team rocket henchmen and then slamming his hand onto the ground, creating a force shock that sent the rest of Team rocket henchmen flying. He looks up to see the captured Pokemon trapped in their cages so he use his lightnsaber to cut the cages off and freeing them.

They rush back to their Pokemon trainers as Y/n watch them go when he heard a truck starting up and he looks over to see a truck driving away while nurse Joy came out amd called out.

Joy: Help! They got the other Pokemons!

Y/n sees this and he dashes towards the truck as the two Team rocket henchmen laughs to each other, thinking they have gotten away but suddenly Y/n slice off the tires from the truck and they lose control and crashed.

Once crashed Y/n walks over and use the force to ripe open the trucks back doors and sees that the other Pokemons are safe and sound.

Y/n: Go now.

They were relieved by this as they rush out of the back of the truck and once that he sees the two Team rocket henchmen coming out of the crashing truck while they turn to see Y/n as they step back slowly with one of them ask him.

Team rocket henchmen: (scared) Wh-What are you?

Y/n looks at them as the two think he was going to cut them down but he deactivated his saber and he doesn't know why but he tells them.

Y/n: Flowing through all, there is balance. There is no peace without passion to create. There is no passion without peace to guide. Knowledge strangnates without the strength to act. Power blinds without the serenity to see. There is freedom in life,. There is purpose in death. The force is all things and......I am the force. I am....a Gray Jedi.

The Team rocket henchmen had no idea what he is talking about but they are not gonna wait here to find out so they make a run for it, leaving the town for good while the towns people sees this and they cheered for Y/n as he deactivated his twin sabers and breath a sigh while we see Pathfinder, Leo and Green among the front of the crowd as Green smiles to herself and thinks to herself.

Green: (thought) I may not know what all that ment but I really do like that hot boy for sure.


We see them outside of town as they were sboit to leave when nurse Joy approaches them and hands Y/n an egg.

Joy: (smile) Here take this Pokemon egg for a reward for saving this town.

Y/n: Are you sure?

Joy: (smile) Of course. It's the least we can do for saving us from Team rocket.

Y/n takes the egg as he can feel and sense something inside which he smiled snd tells nurse Joy.

Y/n: (smile) Thank you Nurse Joy.

Joy: (smile) It's my pleasure and your always welcome back here anytime you like. Maybe we can grab a bite to eat if you have a chance. But have a safe journey and good luck.

She then winks at Y/n which made him blush and once that they head off.

Pathfinder: So Gresn, you want to come with us?

Green: (smile) Yep. You guys are pretty cool and I want to know more about you guys. Plus we can be the best team ever!

Y/n: (smile) Well your always welcome to join us Green.

Leo: Riolu!

Green: (smile) Thanks. So any idea what that Egg may hold?

Y/n: No idea but I can sense she's alive.

Green: (surprised) You can tell?

Y/n: (smile) Yep.

Green: (smile) Well I really like that.

Pathfinder: So where to now?

Green: Well let's see what this path may takes us. Maybe we can stop by a gym so I can get a gym badge.

Y/n: Gym badge?

Green: (smile) Yeah. There is many Pokemon gym in different regions across the world. This is the Kento region and I have three gym badges.

Y/n: So are you trying to beat every gym leaders to be the best?

Green: (smirk) Not only that I want to find the most legendary Pokemon ever and try to catch it.

Pathfinder: Legendary Pokemon?

Green: Yeah. There us different types of people that depends how rare they are. There is common, rare, super rare, ultra rare and then is Legendary. The Legendary Pokemons are once that are never to be seen and very hard to catch. I'm gonna try to catch all of them!

Y/n: (smile) Sounds like a interesting journey.

Green: (smile) So what about you guys? What are your dreams or goals?

Y/n: Well.....if there is evil within this planet then it is my job to protect the innocent from threats and be hope to them. I believe my goal is be their hope and protect them from evil no matter what. With Leo and Eltectro with me, we can bring peace to this planet.

Leo: (smile) Riolu!

Pathfinder: I guess my goal is to make friends and study the planet.

Green: (smile) Sounds great. Okay then, let's get moving!

They all agree as they head off to start off their journey together as a team as they make friends of both Pokemon and other Pokemon trainers and make this planet as peaceful as they can.

As they walk away in the distances standing on top of the cliff we see a dark cloak figure watching them leave as the figure stares at Y/n for a bit and then spoke in a dark and devil robotic like tone.

???: How is this possible? How can a jedi be here? No matter, I will crush him if it's the last thing I do.

Then he suddenly active his red crimson light saber to show that he is a sith as he turns around and disappeared from sight as this will not be the last time we see of this mysterious sith Lord.

To be continued...................................

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