Chapter 19: The hunt of Giovanni (Arc 2)

After days of travelling they finally reach the city of Viridian. Y/n, Yellow and Pathfinder climb up the hill and once at top sees the city down the hill. They look at the city and soon they make their way down and enter the city. However once there they find the streets empty with no sign of life.

They walk through the city as they don't see anyone ad they look around. Yellow find it to be creepy while Y/n has a bad feelings about this.

Pathfinder: Where is everyone?

Yellow: I don't like this.

Y/n: Same.

They soon heard something which force them to stop. Y/n looks the street ahead and quickly takes Yellows hand and the trio hide as a sith imperial tank slowly moves through the street while a patrol of Sith troopers was marching behind it.

The trio hide in the alleyway and watch as the sith troopers march by them without them knowing as Y/n pooe his heaf out to see them walking away.

Yellow: Why is the sith empire here?

Y/n: There is no reason for them to be here unless it involves around Giovanni.

Yellow: You think he's working for them?

Pathfinder: Most likely.

Y/n: We need to get to his gym without getting spotted. If we do get spotted then they will be alerted. Pathfinder any suggestions?

Pathfinder: Well we could take the alleyways however this might expose us from the empire and there isn't much cover. Or we can take the sewer.

They look down at a sewer lid snd with no choice Pathfinder opens it and they leap inside. Y/n uses the force to close it and the trio make their walk through the sewer. Both Yellow and Leah can't handle the smell while Y/n isn't bothered as they slowly move through the sewer.

Everything seem to be fine as their wet steps can be heard as they walk for a while, taking pathways just to get to the gym. Then Pathfinder stop them and he open a cannon and fire a large smoke and red lines appear in front of them, coving the whole sewer.

Pathfinder: It seems we are going thr right direction.

Yellow: How do we get pass them?

Y/n: There has to be a button nearby.

Yellow: Leah, go see there is a button.

She nodes and Leah leap off of her shoulder and move slowly through the lasers. She carefully make her way and doing her best to avoid them as best she could. This took her a while but soon she found the button and pushes it.

The lasers goes off and they walk through and reach Leah.

Yellow: (smile) Nice work Leah.

Leah: (smile) Pikachu.

Y/n: Ssshh.

They all fall silent and can hear voices. Y/n moves foward and coming up a corner so he lend hid back against the wall and peak his head around to see sith trooper gather around a ladder leading to the sewer.

It will be impossible to get through them but finds a can so he uses the force to lift the can as it slowly float and then he tosses the can over them and hit the ground.

This made a noise that draws the sith troopers attention and they head off to investigate the noise. Y/n watches and as soon they are gone he, Yellow, Leah and Pathfinder make their way to the ladder and Pathfinder heads up first as he open the lead and looks through.

Pathfinder: We're not far from the gym now.

The trio climb out and once out they quickly move to a police station and once inside they shut the door behind them.

Yellow: Looks like we're safe.

???: Freeze!

Quickly Y/n turns and force pushes the figure as Pathfinder was about to fire when they see it is Officer Jenny.

Y/n: Officer Jenny. Apologies, you startled us.

He puts Officer Jenny down and after that she reply back.

Jenny: It's okay. Sorry if I scared you. Thought you were one of them.

Pathfinder: Lucky for you, we are not like them.

Yellow: Where is everyone?

Jenny: Not sure. Those armor soldiers just came and taken everyone and kill a few who try to fight back.

Y/n: Who did you avoid from getting caught?

Jenny: Took the alleyway all the way back here. I bunker down here and try to call for help but they must have jammed my radio. What brings yous here?

Pathfinder: We are searching for Giovanni, we are hoping to find his gym.

Jenny: Well there is no way you can't get there. There is a roadblock that blocks of the road to the gym. No way in there.

Yellow: What now?

Y/n: We gonna get in somehow.

Pathfinder: I think I have a idea.

Y/n: Let's hear it.

Pathfinder: I can access to their communication coms and give them orders that will cost them to be distracted while we just sneak over and get into the gym.

Y/n: Good idea but we need to find a place to do it.

Jenny: I think I know. There is a radio tower not far from here. Not only is where the jammer is but you can use that for your plan.

Y/n: That will do. Thank you Officer, you wanna come with us?

Jenny: Sorry but someone has to wait for back up to arrive. Stay safe handsome.

He node and they leave the police station and return to the streets as they head to the radio tower.

(Sometime later)

They arrived at the radio tower but sees it is protected by sith troopers. There was only for so Y/n rushes over and then leaps over the gates and lands in the middle as he calls apon the force to grab all four and pulls them towards him.

He leaps out of the way as all sith stormtroopers slammed at each other and Leah uses thunder bolt and knocks out the sith troopers. Once that is done Pathfinder walks over to the jammer and gets it turned off. Once that he hack into the communication coms and gives the troops new orders.

Y/n: How is it going?

Pathfinder: Great. Although I'm getting something.

Yellow: What is it?

Pathfinder: It seems something is going on within the gym. It appears that Giovanni is not in the gym but rather....somewhere else.

Yellow: Where?

Pathfinder: No clue.

Y/n: Maybe his gym may have something to where he might went. Let's go.

They agree and they leave the area and soon they see the troops that is blocking their way to the gym is barely cleared but they managed to sneak to the other side and after a while od sneaking they reach the gym. Y/n turns on his lightssaber and cuts a hole.

Once done they climb on through and enter the gym. It was dark so Y/n use his lightsaber as light and sees the battle grounds clear as they walk across the gym.

They reach to the other side and open the door to a long hallway. They walk through, guided by Y/n's lightsaber and soon reach a door.

The door opens and they look inside to see what seems like a lab as they walk in and look around.

Yellow: What kind of lab is this?

Y/n was at the other side and finds something that made him stop immediately. He pick up what looks like a helmet but a strange looking helmet only to be fit by a pokemon. He then recognised the head to being Mewtwo.

He looks over to Yellow and Leah and then dumbs the helmet onto a nearby bin and then Pathfinder calls out.

Pathfinder: Guys look.

They walk over to see Pathfinder within another room and once inside they were face to face with what seems like a offline portal. They walk over and suspect the machine.

Y/n: Is this a portal? How did they have the technology to make this?

Pathfinder: Not sure but this must be what they use to transport Giovanni somewhere.

Y/n: True but the real question is where.

Pathfinder: I'll see I'll get it open.

Pathfinder walks over to nearby control while Y/n turns to Yellow and Leah as he approaches the two.

Y/n: You two okay?

Yellow: Yeah we're good. You hard to believe that gym leader is actually a leader of a criminal organisation.

Y/n: Yeah.

Yellow: I still wonder why he do all of this. What was his goal?

Y/n: Probably be selfish desires. Either way it is our job to stop him and whatever plans he and the sith are up to.

Yellow: Right.

He smile at her but then he quickly sense something and turns snd stabs someone behind him. At first it was nothing but then a sith trooper suddenly appeared as he let out his final breath and died as Y/n drops him to the ground.

Y/n: Get to cover!

Moments later blaster fire rang out and Y/n deflected the incoming bolts as Yellow and Leah hide underneath the table. Pathfinder was busy but pulled out his blaster pistol snd return fire while working on the controls.

Y/n keeps reflecting the shots and manages to shot a few and soon the rest. The cloak sith troopers fall to the ground but then two sith warriors came down and turn on their red light sabers and charge towards Y/n.

Y/n pulled out his second and he dual the two sith warriors. He block their swings and dodge their attacks as Y/n move quickly to dodge and swing. He shove one back and block a few strikes until he lands a double cut before he turns and blocks the attack with one saber and then stabbed the second sith warrior with the other.

The two bodies fell to the ground as Y/n stood over them. Then they hear a door open and sith troopers was about to reach the door when Y/n use the force to close the door and breaks the control console.

Y/n: Pathfinder!

Pathfinder: I'm almost done!

He hurry as the sith troopers starts to cutting the door as Y/n gets ready. They were almost about to breach when Pathfinder managed to get the portal turn on. The portal opens and covering the whole room with red light.

Soon the door burst open and sith troopers came out and open fire at them. Y/n deflected the incoming shots and barks out.

Y/n: Get to the portal now!

Pathfinder, Leah and Yellow rush over and they get through while slowly moves backwards towards the portal while keep reflecting the bolts. He soon use the force to move the table that knocks some down and he turns and jumps through. The sith troopers rushed over and but the portal closes before they can reach it.

Sith trooper Sargent: Darth Eimrech, they gone through the portal and might be at your location.

Darth Eimrech: (radio) Well what a surprise. Control the situation at the city while I'll deal with our guests.

The sith trooper Sargent nodes and they leave the room and letting their sith commander handle Y/n, Pathfinder and Yellow as the trio are sent to wherever the portal sent them.

To be continued............................................

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