Chapter 13: The Rise of Mewtwo (Arc 3)

The two heavy doors open, revealing a massive room with a table, a small pool and circular stare case at the far end with three pokemon trainers there along with their pokemons being let out as Ash, Pikachu, Misty, Togepi, Brock, Green and Pathfinder who is still a hologram disguise as Y/n walked inside and still following the mysterious women as they walked inside the room.

Then the twin doors closes behind them as the two doors closes completely.

Green: Well....there's no turning back.

???: You can release your pokemon right now if you wish.

Ash: Sure.

They all release their pokemon and joined up with the other three trainers at the table as they turn and spotted them.

??? 2: You made it here too.

Green: (smile) So do you guys. We're surprised you three all made it here.

Cory: We fly over the storm. No storm isn't gonna stop us of getting here. Anyways the names Cory.

Fergus: (smile) I'm Fergus and I just rode over here on Gyarados back.

Misty and Togepi goes over to Fergus pokemon to say hello when Fergus Gyarados came out of the waters and the roared, making Misty scream as she takes Togepi and run off while Green let's out a small giggle.

Neesha: (smile) I'm Neesha and these are my pokemon over there.

Brock: (place a hand on a table) Just lovely. Blastoise, Dewgong, Vilepume, Ninetales, Rapidash and Your Wigglyuff, too! And yet, nothing can compare to their lovely Trainer! Your boundless beauty. My Queen. My Lady, once this storm passes, let's gaze upon the sun-drenched seas and eat my famous jelly donuts made with love-

Then Pathfinder splashes Brock with water as he had a empty bucket with drops of water dripping Fownhope as he said still in Y/n's voice.

Pathfinder: Yeah I think your going a bit overboard there Brock.

Brock: Sorry.

Then the lights shut off except the one shooting fown in the middle of the circular stairs as a trap door open in front of the stairs and a mysterious cloak figure slowly rises out of the hole and once the lift stop, he step out and then removed his cloak to reveal his alien appearance, shocking everyone in the room.

Darth Stilk: (smile) Greetings pokemon trainers, how honour to finally meet you all here. My name is Darth Stilk, scientists of the Sith Empire but do not worry, we won't do anything to you. Unless you resist.

Then Sith Troopers appear out of the darkness which shocked the trainers even more but they couldn't do nothing but stand here and listen to what he has to say.

Darth Stilk: (smile) Yes, I'm not from here. Yes, I am from a galaxy far far away. Yes, We may seemed threatening but let me show you all that we are gather here today because of your pokemon. Your pokemons have shown to be cable of everything. Which is why I've gather you all here because I would like you all to introduce to you pokemon friend.

Then something came down at the ceiling as it float down and then lands next to Darth Stilk as he snap his fingers, costing the lights to be turned on and they see a humanoid pokemon that shown to be powerful and scary.

Darth Stilk: His name is Mewtwo, one of the most powerful pokemons that has ever lived. He is a Clone of the legendary pokemon of Mew.

Ash: Clone of Mew?

Pikachu: Pika.

Cory: So all of this was a trick just to trap us here!?

Darth Stilk: (smirk) Well I didn't exactly trick you. You see, you will be battling the greatest pokemon trainer which is Mewtwo.

Fergus: But pokemon can't be trainers!

Mewtwo and ???: Be slient human.

Misty: (shocked) Did you hear that?

Green: Yeah both that thing and that mysterious girl just spoke at the same time.

Brock: That's Telepathy.

Then Darth Stilk looks at Pathfinder as he nodes to Mewtwo ans suddenly Pathfinder was lifted off in the air and slowly squeezed as his hologram fates away which shocked Cory, Fergus and Nessha.

Mewtwo and ???: Your not the jedi. Your just a droid.

Then he tosses Pathfinder away, crashing onto the wall and he fall onto the ground as Green rushes over to him.

Green: You okay there Pathfinder?

Pathfinder: I'm okay. Thanks.

Darth Stilk: It seems the jedi is still here. No matter. Mewtwo, release our maid.

Mewtwo: Understood.

Then the women gasp and fell only for Brock to rush over and catch her as her hat came off revealing to be Nurse Joy but the missing Nurse Joy from the poster.

Brock: Nurse Joy!

Mewtwo: She will be fine. We simply took her so you will be convinced to come here.

Darth Stilk: (smirk) Now then. For the reason for all ofnyiu to be here.

He then snap his finger once more but this time a large window on the right open up, revealing a huge pokemon battle arena as everyone starts at this then Darth Stik tells them.

Darth Stilk: Here's the deal. If you win, you all will leave and keep your pokemon. If I win, you and your pokemon belong to me. Does that sound like a challenge?

Cory: As long we get out of here, sure I accept it!

Fergus: Same!

Ash: We'll gonna show you what we are cable off.

Darth Stilk: (smirk) Good. I love your full spirit there.

He then pushes three buttons on his wrist and suddenly three holes appear at the ring and three final evolved pokemon of Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur appear as Darth Stilk explain.

Darth Stilk: These final evolved pokemons are stringer, faster and far more intelligent then your standard pokemon. Now then.

Then Mewtwo teleported both he and Darth Stilk to the ring as they appear with their Cloned pokemon as Darth Stilk ask one of them.

Darth Stilk: Whose up first?

Cory: I'll go first! Bruteroot your up!

Bruteroot step forward while the Clone Venusaur step forward as the battle begin.

Cory: Bruteroot use Razor leaf!

Bruteroot uses Razor leaf but the Clone Venusaur summons vine wipe and wipes the Razor Leaf within incredible speed. Then the Clone Venusaur uses vine wipe to pick up Bruteroot, rising him up in the air and then slammed him onto thr ground.

Cory: Bruteroot!

Darth Stilk: Your Venusaur is interesting but not interesting enough.

The Clone Venusaur finished this off with energy ball, fring it at Bruteroot and hitting him as he flips backwards and then falls unconscious as Cory rushes up to him.

Darth Stilk: (smirk) How unfortunate. Now, whose next?

Neesha: I'm battling you now! Go, Shellshocker! Use Skull bash!

Shellshocker uses skull bash as he goes straight towards them but the Clone Blastoise also use Skull bash and the two smash into each other. Shellshocker was sent flying but landed on his feet once he hit the ground.

Nessha: Shellshocker, use Hydro pump!

Shellshocker uses hydro pump but the Clone Blastoise goes into its shel while charging and blocks hydro blast and then hits Shellshocker, wending him flying and crashing into the the wall and then falls unconscious as Nessha rushes over to Shellshocker.

Darth Stilk: Two done, one to go.

Ash: Alright then my turn then! Come on out Charizard!

Charizard was summoned as he roared which made Darth Stilk very impressed, sensing his rage within him as he smirked to him before having the Clone Charizard to step forward.

Ash: Let's take this in the air Charizard!

For once Charizard agreed as he spread out his wings and flies up in the air and then shoot out his flames but the Clone Charizard goes up into the sky as well and the two battle as they look up into the sky and then through the clouds.

Ash, Mewtwo and Darth Stilk look up as they see flames shooting out in the clouds as the two Charizards battle each other. Moments later Ash's Charizard gets hit and fell and then crashed hard onto thr ground. He slowly gets up and let out one last roar before he falls unconscious.

Ash: Charizard!

Darth Stilk: (smirk) It seems we have won. For that, we will take your pokemon....and you all belong to us.

Then Sith Troopers came out and aim their blasters at them, threatening to blast them if they move. Then a fee Sith Troopers take the three unconscious Charizard, Bruteroot and Shellshocker away as they couldn't do nothing but watched. Then Fergus came out with his hand rasies as two Sith Troopers took him outside with the others.

Then Pikachu was taking away which Ash try to stop but he gets pushed and they put Pikachu into a glass case where he try to shoot out thunder bolt but it didn't work as they took him away while Ash gets up.

Ash: Pikachu!

Darth Stilk: The rest of your pokemons inside have already been taking by the Sith Empire. You all will stay here until a drop ship will come and take you all to a facility so you all will be brainwashed to be our loyal Troopers. Take them to a holding cell.

Sith Trooper: Yes sir.

The Sith Troopers escorted Ash and the rest away as Darth Stilk smirked once more as he gotten what he wants.

Mewtwo: Soon we can begin our grand plan of seeking vengeance apon the humans.

Darth Stilk: (smirk) Indeed Mewtwo. Soon this planet will be ruled by the Sith Empire and soon the galaxy itself. I qm pleased we have met Mewtwo, we are a great team.

Mewtwo: Indeed we are.


We see Ash and others being taking to a holding cell by Sith Troopers underneath New Islands. Misty's bag started to move as Togepi pock his head out only to hide back in seeing the scary Troopers.

They were walking through the hallway when suddenly the lights suddenly shut off.

Sith Trooper 1: What was that?

Sith Trooper: 2: Must be power failures.

Suddenly a light saber can be heard behind as the Sith Trooper turned only to be cut down by the blade.

Sith Trooper 3: It's the jedi! Open fire!

They open fire while Ash and the others get down as the bolts reflected and hit the two Sith Troopers before the light saber deactivated and there was only darkness.

The last Sith Trooper looks around, trying to find the jedi but it was too late as a light saber stopped through the Sith Troopers chest and he fell onto thr ground. Then the lights came on as Ash and the rest sees Y/n as he turns to them and smiled.

Y/n: (smile) Hello there. How was dinner?

Green: (smirk) Food was nice but wasn't the same without you.

Misty rushed over and hugged Y/n and then takes a few steps back.

Misty: (smile) Glad your safe.

Y/n: (smile) I can say the same as well. Listen, this place has a cloning machine.

Pathfinder: Yeah we can guess that. They tooken all of pokemons so Darth Stilk can Clone them.

Ash: We gonna go and save them!

Y/n: Right I know where the cloning machine is at so here's the plan. Me, Pathfinder and Ash will head to the cloning machine to destroy and free the pokemon while the rest make your escape. Here, take these blasters.

He tosses one to Green and to Misty, Brock and Cory.

Cory: How does these things even work?

Y/n: You'll find that out yourself. Find a dropship and await our return. May the force by with you.

And so Y/n, Ash and Pathfinder head off while the rest also head off to find their escape.

Nurse Joy: Do we know how we gonna get out of here?

Fergus: No idea but we'll find a way out.

Cory: Man that guy was pretty cool taking down those Troopers.

Neesha: And also dreaming as well.

Green: Let's stau focus and find an exit.

They turn a corner only to be blocked by Sith Troopers marching towards them when they stop and spotted them.

Sith Trooper captain: Hey don't move!

They aim their blasters at them while Green smirked and aimed her blaster at them while she said before she open fires.

Green: (smirk) Make us Imperial scum!

To be continued..........................................

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