Chapter 12: The Rise of Mewtwo (Arc 2)

They managed to sail the boat within a cave within New Islands and once inside they docked the boat at the walkway as they climbed out of the boat and once out they look around to see the cave is filled with touches all awhile Y/n believe this is it as something strong is here.

Green: Well we're here, now what?

Y/n: Who ever or whatever this being maybe, it is here on this island. I must find out what it is and find out what is going on here.

Misty: But if that women finds out your gone, she'll get suspicious and try to search for you.

Y/n: (smirk) Well she can't search me if I'm already here. Pathfinder disguises time.

Then Pathfinder activated his hologram technology and changed to look like Y/n which shocked everyone.

Ash: (shocked) I never know you can do that?!

Pikachu: (shocked) Pika.

Pathfinder: I'm build for anything.

Y/n: I can also sense other trainers here has well. Those must be the trainers we saw earlier so you guys will meet up with them while I'll look around.

Misty: You sure you will be alright?

Brock: Yeah this island is huge.

Y/n: I'll be fine. Just be careful and watch out for anything that is suspicious. Good luck.

He then teleporteded away just as the same mysterious women within the message came down the steps and walked over to them.

???: Welcome to New islands. Play show me your invite to me.

Ash shows her the invite which she look at and then singal them to follow her which they did. They walk up the steps and while walking, Pathfinder who is disguises as Y/n ask the women.

Pathfinder: Some storm you have out there.

???: Indeed and it seems you all have past it.

Brock: Wait, you saying that was a test?

???: Correct. Those fail are not true pokemon trainers.

Green: How is it possible to create a storm like that? Do you have some sort of a weather machine?

???: No.

They were confused and understand Y/n's worries about this mysterious threat. We then see them arrived at the two large doors which was the same door sthat Y/n told them about as the two large doors open and they walk inside.

Once through the door the door behind them closes and then shuts while we see Team Rockst are seen appear after they climbed up the hill after they splash into the water as they see this.

James: I don't liking this place one bit.

Jessie: Well auck it up. There maybe tones of pokemon at the other side of that door and we are getting in either way.

Meowth: But how do we do that?

Jessie looks over which the two look to where she is looking at and sees a sewer tunnel and with no choice they make theie way towards it all awhile we see a small and mysterious pokemon which looks at Team Rocket as it turn its head slightly to the left.

???: Mew? Mew.


We see Y/n appear within a hallway as he look around to see no one around him. Either way he ready his light saber just in case as he journey deep into New Islands.

He was walking through the hallways as he stumbled apon a door which he opens and peek his head inside. He then walked inside and find himself what looks like an armory as he looked around and soon finds a helmet sitting on a bench chair.

He walk over to it and pick it up to reveal a sith Imperial helmet which confirmed that the Sith Empire is involved.

Y/n: (thought) Looks like the Sith is involved but what is their goals here?

Suddenly he heard the door open so he place the helmet back and hide within a locker as he watched as two Imperial Sith troopers appear as the two talked about something.

Sith Imperial trooper 1: What do you think about that guy?

Sith Imperial trooper 2: Well he's one powerful pokemon if you ask me. Man, he doesn't even look like a pokemon, more like a pokemon from space.

Sith Imperial trooper 1: Yeah but let's be careful of what we are saying, he might hear us.

Sith Imperial trooper 2: You think he can do that?

Sith Imperial trooper 1: He's a strong pokemon, of course he can. Let's just get ready and get the hell out of here.

Sith Imperial trooper 2: Right.

They put on their locker and luckily Y/n hiding spot was not the next locker beside him as they put on their armor and then their helmets as they leave the room. Once out Y/n leave the locker and heard everything about this mysterious pokemon, he wishes you investigate it even more so he leaves the room.

He leave the room and looks around and sees two Sith Imperial troopers walking away. He leave the room but bumped into Team Rocket as they look at Y/n and then called out.

Jessie, James and Meowth: It's you!

Y/n: No wait!

It was too late as the two Sith Imperial troopers turn and saw them and then rushed over to them whike aiming their blasters at them.

Sith Imperial trooper 1: Hey freeze!

Y/n turn around and then grab them with then force as they were sent floating up in the air and then they slammed into each other, knocking them out as he drops them both onto the ground.

Y/n: That was close.

James: Who are they?

Y/n: Sith Imperial troopers. Basically like Team Rocket but far more worse. Look this ain't the good time right now since we are in deep trouble right now.

Jessie: Yeah once we have your pokemon!

James: Yes let's bas-

Then they froze all of a sudden as Y/n hopds them by the force as he tells them in a calm tone.

Y/n: Listen we must work together in order for us to survive. This place is not a good time and we have a common enemy since they will also shoot you three down as well. We maybe enemies but for now we are allies until we finish this mission, clear?

The trio looked at each other and seeing how the Sith Imperial troopers were about to kill them, they have no choice but to accept. He let's them and tells them.

Y/n: Okay follow me and be quiet.

They agree as they make their way through the hallway and being careful as they go. They found some doors that lead to different hallways or rooms but they ignore them and go deeper until Y/n sense something strong in one door.

The door opens in front of them and they walked inside and find themselves in a room with a large machine in the middle as well as pods that contains three pokemon which are Charizard, Blastoise and Venusaur.

When Y/n gets close to them he feels something off about them. He can't tell what but the force is telling him that they are not real pokemon. That's when he noticed marks around their bodies, looking like they were made to be different then the original.

James: What is this place?

Y/n: This seemed to be a laboratory but what this machine does or what these three final evolved pokemon are for, I'm not too sure.

Jessie looked around and lend her butt to something because there was a noise and the machine comes to life as they turn to see the machine come to life.

Then Jessie turn to see it was the control console that she pressed as Y/n walked over to the control and look at the screen.

Y/n: "Require DNA?" What does that mean?

Meowth: Hey what's going on!

They quickly turn tonsee Meowth being grabbed by machine like claws and be placed in a machine treadwell that is going into the machine as Meowth try to run out while James ans jess grab hold of him.

Meowth's feet and tail was within the machine as Meowth felt like something pulled out his fur just as Y/n use the force to pull Meowth out.

Once out Meowth grabs his tail while the computer screen changes to a image of Meowths fur as Y/n watched as it formed into a Meowth.

Suddenly something goes through the tub and enter the pod which they rushed over and they were shocked to see Meowth inside.

James and Jessie: (shocked) Meowth?!

Meowth: But I'm Meowth?

Y/n: This all make sense now. This machine is a cloning, machine. It seems its able to clone pokemon using their DNA.

James: But who would want to make this machine?

Y/n: Someone who wishes to build an army or cloned pokemon. Whoever is in charge must be the one who is creating of this machine. Let me gain access to the computer and see what i can find.

He goes into the computer and then searches around while Team Rocket waits. Then the same mysterious pokemon appears behind them as it float around them while they feel like something is behind them but every time they turn either left or right, the pokemon goes different directions, missing the pokemon in a second.

The pokemon then disappeared when Y/n broke the silence as he ask them.

Y/n: Since we are gonna be here a while, how long have you three been following Ash and his gang for?

Jessie: For a long time. Ever since Pikachu shot us with his lighting bolt.

James: That's right and since that day we try so much of catching Pikachu.

Meowth: Yeah and get better money!

Y/n: I see, and were you close of succeeding?

Meowth: Not even close. Its all because James and Jessie's plans were stupid and never work.

Immediately the two hits Meowth at the back of the head.

Jessie: (anger) What do you mean by that?!

James: (anger) Yeah also you give out plans that didn't work!

Meowth: (anger) That only because you always mess up with my plans!

James and Jessie: (anger) Your blaming us for that!

Y/n just smiles to himself and then he find something which he looks at and then calls out to the trio.

Y/n: Guys, check this out.

They stop arguing and walked over to Y/n and look at the screen as they see files that contain the origin of the machine and Project: Mewtwo.

Y/n: According to these files, Project: Mewtwo was a project of planning the most legendary pokemon on planet Earth. The legendary pokemon, Mew.

Then a image was shown of a ancient wall drawing of Mew with symbols around it.

Y/n: Tell me, what is Mew?

James: Well Mew is the legendary pokemon who said to be the first ever pokemon here.

Meowth: Some say Mew has abilities to all pokemon.

Y/n: I see. Well whoever made this machine wishes to clone a even more stronger Mew so Project: Mewtwo was made. Mewtwo was said to be even more powerful and be able to withstand anything in his way. According to this, Mewtwo was suppose to be the next generation of pokemon technology but the something happened which cost this facility to be destroyed and now rebuild into thid Palace.

James: So you mean someone else build this machine before those Sith Imperial forces? If so then who?

Y/n: I'm not too sure but I have a bad feeling about this.

He worries something bad is going to happen to Ash and the others so he walks towards the door and opens it but before he leaves, he turns back and tells the trio.

Y/n: Stay here and look deeper to those files. We must find out what their plans are.

Jessie: Hold on! Why should we listen to you?

James: Yeah we're Team Rocket and we don't listen to our enemy.

Meowth: Yeah ane that enemy is you!

Y/n: You don't understand the gravity of this situation. The Sith Empire may try to use these clone pokemon army to take over the planet and soon the galaxy. Lives will be lost, pokemon will be use to clone more and as soon the galaxy is taking over by the sith, no one will not be able to stand up against their army. This is more then capturing pokemon, this is about saving the galaxy from a greatest threat the galaxy have ever faced since the Old Republic. Good luck and may the force be with you.

Once that he leaves the room while the trio look at each other a bit worried while Y/n is making his way through the hallway until he stop and then said.

Y/n: I know your here. I can feel you in the force.

Then Mew appears in front of him as Y/n stares at Mew in surprise as he smiled and then pets Mew which Mew likes as he said.

Y/n: (smile) must be Mew right?

Mew: Mew.

Y/n: (smile) I'll take that as a yes.

To be continued.....................................

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