Chapter 11: The Rise of Mewtwo (Arc 1)
We see a sith within his study room within his hidden base as we see him looking through files and researching them for his free time as he study the biology of DNA and other stuff when his door open and a women stepped into his study room as she approaches him. She then bow in front of him and then tell him.
???: Darth Stik, there is a incoming transmission from Lord Grihl.
Darth Stik: I see. Thank you, I will speak to him right away.
She bow and make her leave and once she left he walked over to the holotable and push the button, after that he takes two steps back and kneel down as a hologram of Lord Grihl appear in front of him who is the leader of hid new Sith empire as he look at Stik while we can see that Darth Stik is actually a Iktotchi as he look up at him.
Darth Stik: My lord we have the cloning machine ready as we speak. We have tested its ability and it worked 100%.
Lord Grihl: (hologram) Good Stik. What about your...."apprentice?"
Darth Stik: He is strong, very string indeed. He'll be a useful allie to us and soon the galaxy will belong to us without any trouble.
Lord Grihl: (hologram) Good. Now the time has come that the cloning operation will begin. Bring me the best pokemon trainers in the world and take their most strongest pokemon so we can clone them. This will be the day the Sith Empire will rise again.
Darth Stik: (smirk) As you wish, my lord.
It was a nice and sunny day as we see Ash, Y/n, Brock, Misty, Pathfinder and Green setting up the table and plates for a nice lunch outside. Their pokemon play around while Y/n meditate while holding the Mind saber on his hand. Ash let's put a sigh while he sat down on the chair and lay his head onto the table.
Ash: I'm out of gas.
Misty: But Ash, you know we're not done yet!
Green: Yeah we still have work to do. Get up!
Ash: I'm sooo hungry, I can't move another muscle.
Misty: Oh, come on!
Pathfinder: Well sucks to be him. No offence but humans are easily get tired and ran out of energy.
Green: But aren't droids also ran out of energy as well?
Pathfinder: B-1's but not me. I was modified to have my battery to still keep going for 5 months. I can normally charge up like how you all charge phones bit it will take me 3 days for me to get fully charged up.
Misty: (surprised) That's pretty cool. I bet Y/n done that just for you.
Pathfinder: Yep.
They continue on doing their own thing while Y/n continues to meditate and things are alright until he sense something dark, something extremely powerful like nothing he ever felt. He then gets flashes of large texts tubs with life forms inside, a island in the middle of a storm and a large door that slowly open, looking out a large light before he open his eyes and then gete up.
Everyone turn to see him getting up as he stare off into the ocean almost like he sees something far away.
Misty: What's the matter?
Brock: You okay?
Y/n: Y-Yeah it's just.....I sense something that I've never felt before in my whole life. Something powerful but yet strange.
Green: Sounds scary.
Y/n: Yeah it does. Still, we can worry about that later bjt right now we should-
Suddenly he sense something coming and look around and immediately sees something flying towards them. Then a huge flying pokemon flies by them, costing plates and food to be fly away but Y/n reach out of the force and catches them and then place them back where they came.
Pathfinder: Nice catch.
Y/n: Everyone, return.
He pulled out his pokeball and his pokemon return back to his pokeball as they see a dragon like pokemon turn to them and walk towards then.
Ash: Whose that?
Pathfinder: That's a Dragonite, the dragon type pokemon. It looks like he has something for us.
Dragonite has a bag on him which he pulls out a letter and then hands it to Ash which he takes.
Green: A letter?
Pathfinder: It looks too high tech to be just a any letter.
Then a hologram open up, revealing a women as she said.
???: (hologram message) Please forgive this surprise message from a stranger. You five have been acknowledged as up-and-coming trainers. As such, you are invited to a party held by my master, the world's greatest pokemon trainer. The location? Pokemon place, on new island. We ask that you RSVP, whether attending or not, by checking the box on the return card.
Then a small card slip out which Pikachu catches while the women goes on to say.
???: (hologram message) The greatest pokemon trainer alive invites you. We beg you to accept.
Then the message ends as they were slient a bit and then Pathfinder called out.
Pathfinder: Hang on! Why did she say five rather then six! I'm here you know lady!
Brock: (smile) Wow she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen! We should go there for sure!
Green: Now hold on. This sounds like a trap to me. Plus, what about Yellow, surely she might wonder where we went if we go there?
Brock: (smile) She'll be fine but I say we should go there!
Green: What do you think Y/n?
Y/n: I think we should go. I believe whatever this strategy power maybe, its possible on this "New Island."
Ash: (smirk) Yeah and I might meet the greatest pokemon trainer of all time so let's do this!
Ash accepted it and hand it over to Dragonite which he flies away and once that they head to a nearby town where they can grab a boat and get to New islands.
(Sometime later)
They arrived at a town where there is a Dock but out of nowhere a storm came which cost them to make their way into a a building centre and once inside they see other trainers there who may also got the message sent to be the women.
They walk through the centre as Y/n noticed a Raticate and Kingler fighting while two pokemon trainers try to calm their pokemons down. Y/n reach out his arm and calls apon the force to calm both pokemons minds and they fall asleep which breath a sigh of a relief to their trainers.
Green: Looks like we're not the only one who got the message.
Pathfinder: Yeah, not to mention that storm. Where did it come from?
Y/n: I sense someone cost the storm to happen.
Misty: What makes you think that?
Y/n: Whoever this being maybe, its strong enough to cost a storm. This might be a test on whoever this women's master might be.
Then they noticed a few trainers in front of tne other side od the building that is where the ocean was but Offer Jenny stops them from going outside.
???: Huh? What? He ferry's grounded?
??? 2: So we can't go to New islands?
Jenny: Please, quiet, everyone! We have the harbor manager right here to explain.
Then the female harbor managestep forward tells everyone in the crowd.
Miranda: My name is Miranda. If you want to hear the will of the sea, listen to the harbor wingull. But there's no need. Listen to these winds. I've never seen a hurricane like this in my life.
Jenny: Is it really that bad?
Miranda: I grew up near this harbor and I've never experienced a storm like this. And not only that, the storm is directly over new island, far out to sea. I cannot in good conscience allow you to wander into such obvious danger. I beg you, as one sworn to protect the harbor.
Jenny: You heard her, the ferry for today is canceled.
The trainers were a bit upset while Y/n has a serious face as he knew something or someone is controlling the storm with some kind of power besides the force.
Pathfinder: So guess we're not going to New islands, how's about we sit back and relax.
Y/n: We must go there.
Green: But you heard what Miranda and Jenny said.
Y/n: I know but I feel this dark presence within the force and its strong, very strong. Its almost like its calling us to go there. Come on, we'll sneak around and go there.
Ash: Right behind you!
Misty: Same!
They head off while Brock noticed a missing poster of Nurse Joy as he stare at it and thinks to himself.
Brock: (thought) She looks familiar some how.
Soon they managed to sneak into the docks and they see three pokemon trainers managed to get outside and use either their flying or water pokemon to get through the storm while Jenny and Miranda try to stop him but it was too late as they fail to notice Y/n and the rest.
Pathfinder: So how do we get through the storm?
Misty: Yeah our water or flying pokemon ain't strong enough to go pass this storm.
Green: It's not like a ship would come and take us over to New Islands for free?
???: Hello!
Then a small board come over next to them as they turn and sees two sailor one male and female along their meowth at the front as they park next to them.
??? 1: (smile) Coming? Well, it'll cost you.
??? 2: (smile) But if ye tell a good tale, we may just take you anyway.
Green: Well that was easy.
Ash: (smile) All right! Take us!
Pathfinder: Well at least I can use my memories to tell these folks some stories.
They get in and once inside they sail off through the stormy ocean. Misty has Togepi inside her beg just in case while Ash holds on to Pikachu so he will not fly away.
It took them hours sailing as the boat moved around a lot as they kept on sailing while Pathfinder tells his story.
Pathfinder: And that's why I'll never gain respect to my B1 battle unit. But jokes on them because they all died on Naboo while I'm still alive. Sucks to be them.
??? 1: Um such a interesting story. Captain! Isn't it about time we speed this thing a bit?
??? 3: Aye-Aye! With a click.
He pushes a button and suddenly the boat goes incredibly fast as they go over the waves while they yell. They move up and down and Misty fly up and then landed onto Y/n's lap which she blushed while Green gets a bit jealous.
Then they go through a huge wave and fly up into the air and then splashed onto the ground. Then they came back up and the three sailors clothes came off, revealing to be Jessie, James and Meowth of team Rocket.
Ash: Team Rocket!
Pathfinder: I knew that free boat ride was suspicious!
Brock: It's about time you three to show up.
Jessie: Prepare for trouble, what a thing to say.
James: And make it dou-
Then they yell as they were on top of a huge wave and soon they gone out of a control as Team Rocket fell into the ocean while Y/n and the others were flying and they were about to splash when Y/n calls apon the force and suddenly the boat immediately stopped inches to the water.
Y/n shut his eyes as he remian calm and reach out his hand as he take control of the boat and drives the boat through the storm. Soon they managed to get through the storm as Y/n let's out a sigh as he stops the boat while everyone breaths a sigh of relief.
Brock: Is everyone okay?
Pathfinder: I maybe a droid but if I were a human I would have wet myself.
Green: Thanks for that Y/n, your pur life savour.
She kisses him on the cheek which made Misty jealous a bit whne she noticed something and called out.
Misty: Guys look!
They look ahead and they see what looked like a Palace like island in the middle of the storm.
Y/n: This was in my vision. This must be it.
Brock: Are you sure this is the one you saw?
Y/n: Only one way to find out.
And so he take control of the boat with the force once more as head to New Islands to investigate it further and finally find out the strange but powerful being within the Palace.
Darth Stik enters what looked like the control room as we see what looks like a humanoid like pokemon sitting on his chair and watching through the monitors while Darth Stik approaches him from behind and tells him.
Darth Stik: It seems our guest has finally arrived.
???: Indeed. Our plan is coming into place just as I thought.
Darth Stik: Indeed. Now, it is our time we seek revenge apon the humans who has used you for years. Now....times to show them....who their real master really is.
We then see the humanoid like pokemon's eyes glow as he looks up as he said almost like he is saying it through his thoughts.
Mewtwo: Indeed. Soon, they will know the might of me, Mewtwo.
To be continued................................................
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