Chapter 10: The imprisoned Sith
We see Y/n and Ash having a pokemon battle on the rocky mountains as Ash's Pikachu battles Y/n's Leo as the two pokemon classed while Brock, Misty, Togepi, Yellow, Leah, Green and Pathfinder watch them battle.
Brock: So what can you do besides cooking?
Pathfinder: I am programmed with other useful things to help Y/n and his missions throughout the galaxy when he was apart of the order.
Misty: (smile) That's interesting. How many droids are there in the galaxy?
Pathfinder: A lot of droids. Unfortunately all the B1 series and other military like droids are going into war against the Republic.
Yellow: That's terrible.
Misty: When did Y/n left the order?
Pathfinder: When the war started.
Brock: If you don't mind me asking but why did you two left?
Pathfinder: Well a jedi by the name of Obi wan kenobi was told that there is a sith lord hiding among the Republic government. He believed if they take part of this war then it would be a trap by this sith. He try to warn them but they ignore him. Plus never liked to the Republic since its filled with corruption and wishes to help the galaxy by any means necessary.
Brock: Huh that's a shame.
Green: Yeah, let's just hope those idiots realise it before it's too late.
Ash ans Y/n were in the middle of their pokemon battle until Y/n was immediately hit with a disturbance within the force as he grab his head while Ash and the others sees this.
Ash: What's wrong?
Pikachu: Pika?
Y/n: I......I sense a great disturbance within the force. A great darkness I have sensed near from us.
Green: Like a sith?
Y/n: Maybe but this......its ancient, very ancient. We must investigate it at once. Leo retuen.
Leo return back to his pokeball while Ash asked.
Ash: What about our pokemon battle?
Y/n: Maybe next time but for now we must investigate this disturbance before it's too late.
Ash: Fine let's go.
Pikachu: Pikachu.
(While later)
They heaf up the hills and Y/n was leafing them as he thinks they are getting closer and closer to this disturbance. Soon they arrived on top of a hill and looking down at what looks like a archaeologist site as they see archaeologists around to what seems like a temple.
Green: What's that temple?
Y/n: No clue but I feel whatever is inside can't be good.
???: Um excuse me but can I help you with anything?
Then a female archaeologist approaches them as they tudn to face her and Y/n walked up to her.
Y/n: Hello my name is Y/n L/n, we came here to investigate something troubling.
Eve: Well there is noting troubling here as you can see. My name is Eve, I'm the head leader of the archaeologist.
Brock: (smirk) And hello to you too, my name is Brock and I love what you are doing here. Say anytime you like to have a-
Them Misty pulled his ear and drag him away while Pathfinder sees this and said.
Pathfinder: Well that was a quick chat.
Eve: Ah how interesting! What is that robot with you, looks ancient.
Pathfinder. Ancient? Does it look like my parts are fallen apart here?!
Yellow: (smile) This is Pathfinder, he's Y/n's droid friend.
Pathfinder: And not ancient.
Eve: How interesting. Say how's about I show you what we are digging up.
Y/n: Please, we wish to see your work.
Eve: (smile) Glady.
They enter the archaeologist site as they walk by many archaeologist doing their job while we they walk by the temple where Y/n looks at it and indeed sense something dark within the temple. Soon they enter a tent as Eve shows them a ancient sword which Ash ask.
Ash: What's that?
Eve: This is believed to be an ancient sword that us use for battle. However it seems its made out of a different material, a material we have never seen.
Y/n: (thought) That sword......why do I feel like I've seen this sword before. Wait a minute, can it be?
Y/n: I believe I know what that sword is.
Eve: (surprised) Really, you do?
Y/n: Yes, this sword was the first ever weapon that the jedi and sith use before light sabers was made.
Eve: Jedi and sith?
Misty: This may surprise you but both Y/n and Pathfinder are not from this planet.
Eve: (surprised) I never know that!
Pathfinder: And now you know.
Y/n: Judging by the design of the sword and the ancient markings on the blade, this is indeed own by a sith.
Eve: What are the sith?
Y/n: Dark side users who seeks to take over the galaxy and bring it to destruction. Eve, I think its best you and your team leave this site at once and never allow anyone to get near it.
Eve: But this will be the greatest find in all of earth! Just imagine there is more to life outside of our planet who have once come here. This will possibly change history forever.
Y/n: I understand your excitement but I sense something dark within that temple and what, ever it is, it will destroy us all.
Eve: But we can't.
Y/n: Eve it's either let this sith be free to destroy this world, or leave it and never let it out.
Eve: Well......we'll discuss this tomorrow if your alright with it. I need time to discuss this with the others.
Y/n: Very well then.
Once Eve leaves Y/n looks down at the sword while Ash turns and the others turn to him.
Ash: Is it really necessary to leave the temple be?
Y/n: Ash if one singal sith escapes that temple then your world is doomed. We can not allow it to happen.
Night came as everyone was asleep so they can discuss their plans tomorrow morning. But in front of the temple we see Jessie, James and Meowth there while holding shovels on them as they stare at the temple.
Jessie: (smirk) Look alive boy, this is where we're going to be rich.
James: (smile) I can not wait to see how many treasures are in there, I can't wait.
Meowth: (whisper) Keep I down will you, are you trying to wake up the whole camp.
Jessie: Well let's begin, Arkbok head inside and see what you can find!
Arkbok was released and he enters the temple. They stood there at the entrance as they waited for Arkbok to return so they can enter and get the treasure. Hours gone by and they were starting to get tired for waiting on Arkbok.
Jessie: (anger) What is taking Arkbok soo long!
Meowth: Maybe he took the treasure and left us.
James: Well that can't be good.
Jessie: (anger) If that were true I'm gonna stump his tail soo hard, he'll-
Suddenly Arkbok finally came out but thy were shocked to see him floating mid air but it looks like Arkbok was chocking. Then he was thrown across and splashed into the river.
The trio were shocked by this but then they heard a ghostly like growl as they slowly turn in fear as black and purple smoke came pouring out from the temple and they can heard footsteps getting closer and closer.
James: (scared) I-I think we woke something up.
Jessie: (scared) Or someone.
Meowth: (scared) We're dead.
Then a figure step out from the temple and they were struck in fear as they see a cloak figure stepping out of the temple. He then looked around and then spotted the trio as let out a deep sigh.
???: So this must be the future. How interesting.
Jessie: (scared) U-U-Um y-y-yeah.
James: (scared) A-A-A-And who y-you might be k-kind sir?
He then show his face to them and it was nothing but a skeleton as he introduces himself to the trio.
Darth Nohl: I was once been a sith for the sith order, now.....I seek destruction to all life across the galaxy. I am Darth Nohl, Wrath of all life, destroyer of light and ruler of darkness.
Meowth: (scared) Th-That's nice.
Darth Nohl: Now I must thank you for freeing me from my prison, now I will reward you with a swift and quick death.
He reached out his hand at them and spakr out gorce lighting as he fire it at the trio while they stood there in fear. Suddenly Y/n appear in front of them and blocked the lighting with his twin light sabers which cost Darth Nohl to stop as he sees and sense him being a force user.
Darth Nohl: Ah a jedi, wait your force is different so your not a jedi nor sith. Doesn't matter, you will die either way.
Y/n: I'll never let you leave this area sith!
Darth Nohl: We'll see about it.
Y/n charges towards him but he fired force lighting at him which sent him back a bit as he block the lighting with his light saber. The Team rocket trio crawl away from the fight and bumped into Pathfinder and the others.
Pathfinder: Going somewhere?
They nervously smiled while everyone looked over to see Y/n and Darth Nohl battle as Darth Nohl shoot out force lighting at Y/n but he blocks the lighting with his twin light sabers as he throws one at him but he wave it away but Y/n calls on the force as his second light saber turns on and swings ar Darth Nohl but he catch it with the force and throws it at Y/n which he leaps over, catching his second light saber and dashes towards Darth Nohl and the two clash as Darth Nohl calls on the force to block Y/n's saber strike while Y/n tries to land a strike at him.
Eve: (shocked) My word Y/n was right! This ancient temple must be its prison and we've awaken it! This was all my fault.
Misty: Don't be hard on yourself Eve.
Brock: After all it wasn't your fault.
Ash: Yeah it was those who prison it here in the first place!
Pathfinder: Like who?
Then Y/n was forced pushed as he was sent flying back he lands on his feet and slowly stood up straight while Darth Nohl said.
Darth Nohl: How interesting. Your must be one strong force user are you?
Y/n: Return back to your prison and never come out!
Darth Nohl: I will not. Soon this galaxy will be destroyed and I'll be the one to destroy it, now die!
He fired the most powerful force lighting ever as Y/n catched it. The impact sent him back a bit as he hold out both hands while Darth Nohl walks closer towards him while Y/n struggled to hold it.
Misty: Y/n is in trouble!
Brock: We gonna do something!
Pathfinder: Hang on, I think something is happening.
They turn to battle as Y/n start to take the first few steps while the lighting bolts start to hit on Darth Nohl which he was shocked.
Darth Nohl: What? What are you doing?
Y/n opens his eyes as his eyes were dead serious as he pushed the lighting bolt back at Dartb Nohl which hits on him and cost him to step back. The lighting bolts hits on Darth Nohl as he yells in pain while more and more lighting bolts hit on Darth Nohl.
Darth Nohl: No No! What is happening! I can not be defeated, I can not be-AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Suddenly bolts of lighting was reflected back at Darth Nohl and he suddenly blow up into dust as his cloak fell onto thr ground while uis ashes blow away.
Y/n was breathing heavily and then fell onto the ground and passes out from exhausting as everyone rushed over to him while James, Jessie and Meowth makes their leave bedore anyone noticed.
(Next day)
The temple was soon destroyed and all the archaeologists were packing up to make their leave while we see Eve bowing down in front of Y/n and the others as she said.
Eve: I thank you for warning us this threat and my apologies for not listening to you.
Y/n: That's okay and I'm glad we've showed up. This sith is extremely powerful when I was fighting him.
Green: Doesn't he use his light saber to battle you?
Y/n: I think the reason why he doesn't have it is because is extremely strong to the dark side of the force. He think he doesn't need a light saber and only needs his dark side of the force as his weapon.
Eve: But can that sword maybe his weapon?
Y/n: Maybe he he collected it before he was sealed. It doesn't matter now, as long this sith is no more this planet is safe.
Eve: (smile) All thanks to you, thank you, if there is anything you need ask me now.
Y/n: Well if there is another temple that show some markings, come and find me and I'll take a look.
Eve: (smile) I will, thank you again.
Once that Y/n and the others heaf back to Pallet Town as they rest easily knowing the ancient sith has been defeated. But then we see a male archaeologist watching Y/n and the others leaving as he let out a smirk on his face and his eyes turn black as a voice of Darth Nohl spoke out.
Darth Nohl: (smirk) You may have won this time Y/n, but soon I will gain a new and more powerful body and I will kill you. Until we meet again. (Evil dark chuckle)
To be continued.....................................
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