Sonic World!!!
Pyro: And we're back with ze crazy T or D! Booya!
Everyone: \(^0^)/ (-____-) (0_0) (>0_0)> DX (TT^TT)
Pyro: Oh. And lets welcome, our new co - host, Wendy or WendyMarvell127! ^_^
Wendy: Hi!~ *Grabs dares from Sora*
Pyro: *Teleports them all to Sonic World*
Everyone almost jumped when a flash of blue ran pass them
Pyro: Hi, Sonic!
Sonic: *stops* Oh. Yo! *Waves coolly*
Drew: . . . . . *Screams when someone hit his head with a hammer*
Amy: Sonic!!!! *glomps*
Shadow: -_-
Cream: U - u - uh. . . . Hi. *Waves shyly*
Tails: Hi! *Waves*
Pyro: OMG!!! TAILS!!! *Hugs Tails* You chu adowable! :3
Wendy: Uhh. Lets start! This is from me!
Can you put them under a love spell for two chapters?
Pyro: Ooh! *Places Sonic, Nyx, Hiro, a Mr.Mime, and a few drunk ninja Mankeys under a love spell, then duplicates Gold, then places the duplicate under a spell*
DNM: *Chases Chase, Austin and Riku with hearts in their eyes* (Somebody dare them and le other OC's!)
Duplicate Gold and Crystal: *Was making out in a corner*
Real Gold and Kitty: *Does de same XD*
Mr. Mime: *Was trying to um. . . Do things to Nyx*
Hiro: *Was trying to pull Nyx away* Mine! Mine!
Mr. Mime: Mime mime!
Erza: *Grabs dares* Next are from PPG10.
I'm not done torturing Grey. So I dare myself to drown him in lava! *laughs evilly*
Grey: Oh sht! *Tries to run, but was grabbed by a chain from PPG10, cuz she's awesome XD*
Pyro: *Creates a volcano* Fire away! (^0^)/
PPG10: *Hurls Grey at the lava while epic music is playing*
Wendy: Next!
Lady A, I haven't dared you for a while. I dare to get your hair done by... Drew!
Lady A: Nuuuuu!!!!
Drew: *Ties her on a chair, then does her hair*
Lady A: *screams*
Lady A: Um. . . Not bad.
Drew: *smirks* Of course. *Flicks hair*
Horse face, tell the truth. Do you actually have a crush on Mikasa?
Jean: I - I uh. . . 0\\\0
Mikasa: 0_0
Eren: o.e
Jean: Yea. . . .
Eren: *turns into a Titan and kills him*
And finally, make a tragic death scene when Leah and I die. (I do deserve it after all ._. )
Pyro: *Summons two Titans* Good luck! *Salutes, then disappears with le rest*
Leah and PPG10 backed away a bit, glaring darkly at the Titans. PPG10 took out her 3DMG, while Leah put on her knuckle guards.
The Titans growled, then one suddenly grabbed Leah. The bluenette screamed. She heard a lot of shouts, and she can make out Cleo and Grey's voices.
She gasped when the Titan's thumb and index fingers held her head.
( I'm soooo gonna skip this part)
Cleo covered her mouth with her hands, tears streaming down her face as she stared at Leah's headless corpse. Grey clenched his fist, angry tears streaming down his face.
PPG10 screamed and charged toward the Titan with her 3DMG, but the Titan instantly grabbed her.
A scream was heard as the Titan broke her in half, as if she's just a small toothpick.
Blood was everywhere. The Titans were about to grab Cleo and Grey, when suddenly -
Pyro: Enough! *Revives le two*
(sorry. I was running out of ideas ._.)
Erza: Next is from MostlyRobert.
@Pyro_Maniac I have a dare for Sora, she has to make out with Zach in front of Rafe and all her admirer's >:)
Sora, Anna and Zach: What?! NOOOOOO!!!!!!
Pyro: Agree!
MostlyRobert: *Appears out of nowhere and grabs Pyro, then places a blade near her throat* Do it. . . Or I'll stab her a hundred times.
Pyro: -_- Hello? Crazy fiyah gal choking here.
MostlyRobert: *Gives her a look*
Sora and Zach: Fine!
I'm sooooooo gonna skip zis fart
Sora: *throws up, then kills MostlyRobert with her epicness*
Wendy: Next are from Scott!
I dare myself to make a birthday cake for sora
Scott: Happy birthday, Sora! ^_^ *gives cake to Sora*
Sora: Yay! *Eats cake* ^0^
Also I dare myself to kill Nyx, Hiro,Sapphire, Anna, and Spark -_-
Sapphire: Wha?!?!?!
Pyro: *Revives them all*
And then From now on Herobrine is one of the characters and he can talk :3
Herobrine: Fine.
Pyro: Ooh! I just got an idea!!! *Sends out Milotic* Use Brine on Hiro!!!! (Those who get this will receive a hug!)
Wendy: (^_^;;) Next!
And i set up fireworks
Boom boom boom! Even brighter than the moon moon moon! CUZ BABY YOU'RE A FIREWORK!!!
Sora: *Cries tears of joy and hugs everyone*
Erza: :3 Next is from PokemonTrainer_Riley!
I dare Red to attempt the Pokémon League using six Magikarps.
RED FCKING WON!!!! <(0O0)>
Everyone except Pyro and Red: WHAT?!?!?! 0_0
Pyro: Nevah underestimate ze power of Magic.
Sora: *In deep voice* Carp.
Erza: *Sweatdrops* Next are from ZouraLover!
I dare myself have a Pokemon battle with ash and he will battle with his team and I battle with my team! If I win, I kill JB, barehanded, an if he wins, may can * shudderes* give me a m-make over. But that will never happen, hopefully....
ZL: Yesh. *Summons JB*
Justin: And I was like baby baby baby oh!
Pyro, Sora and ZL: SHUT DE FCK OFF! THIS IS FOR SINGING THAT RACIST SONG! *Kills him* (A/N: Seriously, I heard the fans say: he's like a human, just like us. We all make mistakes. So, if Justin murders, that's what we get as a response -_- he's even laughing when singing that!)
Mirajane: My turn! *Grabs dares* Next!
I dare Pikachu and Bunneary to go on a date. (BE ROMANTIC PIKACHU!)
Pikachu: *Sighs* Pika - pika. *Holds Bunneary's hand and goes on a date*
Everyone who's not emo: Awwww! :3
Mirajane: Next!
For Sora, who do you like from your admirers other than Rafe?
Everyone: <_<
Sora: (O_O;;)
Pyro: So?
Sora: *Whispers to Pyro's ear* T.K. >\\\>
Rafe: What did she say? >o>
Pyro: Nothing! ^Δ^
Rafe: *Sighs with relief* Next!
I dare myself to do 7 minutes in heaven with Black. ^////^ (I do CherenxBianca, WhitexN, and well, ya..... ^///^ )
Pyro: Closet!!!! *Pushes ZL and Black, who magically appeared out of nowhere, inside le closet*
Hears Some sounds
Sonic: Errrr. . . *Runs away as Amy tries to chase her with piko - piko hammer*
Other Amy: *Throws up* Love. -_-'
I dare Pyro to release her drunk Mankeys and evolve them To primapes and make them beat the crapple out of Dr. Egg man! Sonic deserves a day off ;)
Pyro: RISE, MY PUPILS!!!! *Releases drunk ninja Primeapes and points at Dr. Eggman* ATTACK!!!!! *Hears a scream* CHAOS!!!! *Grabs chainsaw and chases Eggman*
Sonic: *Runs around, trying to confuse Amy, only to get hit on the head multiple times*
Drew: *Runs as May chased him with skittles*
Ash: (O_O)
Misty, Serena and Dawn: *Plays a game of tug of war over him*
Pyro: Release de new CREEPERS ON DRUGS!!!!! *Releases dem*
Creepers: *Explodes everywhere*
Pyro: *Sings in de tune of Dumb Ways to Die*
"Set fire to the rain
Play food fight using candy canes
Touch a balloon, which is a Drifloon
Try to steal a baby Kangaskhan
Crazy ways to die
So many crazy ways to die
Crazy ways to di - ie -ie!
So many crazy ways to die!
Eat a Voltorb for a snack
Try to wake a sleeping Snorlax with only your hands
Stab Sora in front of her friends, let her blood drip and now you're double dead!
Crazy ways to die
So many crazy ways to die
Crazy ways to di - ie -ie!
So many crazy ways to die!
Invite Jeff the Killer inside
When there's gas in the air, open wide!
Try to teach Soren how to fly
Steal cookies from Sora and I
Crazy ways to die
So many crazy ways to die
Crazy ways to di - ie -ie!
So many crazy ways to die!
Keep a Creeper as a pet
Post your address and more on the internet
Play and pretend to be Sora with Kindness
Crazy ways to die
So many crazy ways to die
Crazy ways to di - ie -ie!
So many crazy ways to die!
Dress up as a Jynx during mating season
Disturb my slumber for no good reason
Grab a Honedge thinking it's an awesome sword
Mention LaRousseCockyBastardshipping
Listen with headphones to Lavender town syndrome
They may not rhyme but they're quite possibly
The craziest ways to die
The craziest ways to die
The craziest ways to di - ie - ie - ie
So many crazy
So many crazy ways to die!"
Everyone except Pyro: (0_0;;)
Mirajane: (^_^;;) Next!
I dare Pyro to do more Mentalshipping for Sora. Pweez!
Sora, Sapphire, Anna, Spark, Amy and everyone else: YESSSSS!!!!! I SUPPORT!!!
Pyro and Scott: -_________-
ZL: Do it!
Pyro: *Sighs* Fine. *Grabs Scott by the collar, kisses him on the lips, then pushes him and looks as if nothing happened* -_-
Scott: 0////0 (It's fcking normal to blush when someone kisses you, okay? I went through that before -_-)
Erza: Next!
I dare my self to copy drew's attitude.
ZL: *flicks hair and smirks*
Drew: -__________________-
I dare Sora's family and Rafe's family to meet. Yes, even the legendaries and the dead ones.
Cindy (Sora's Mom): Oh! It's wonderful to meet you!
Mariella (Rafe's mother): Yes. Sora is a very lovely person. You have such wonderful children! :)
Rayquaza and Ted (Rafe's dad) : >_> <_<
Dradian: (^_^;;)
If Sora and Rafe ever have kids, can you show us what they would look like, what their names would be, who would be their Pokemon, the most possible?
Sora: Um. . . *Blushes* I think we'll have a daughter named Chou, who might have my voice, Rafe's eyes, my hair and *shudders* height. Ooh! And two sons named Hawke and Skylar! (A/N: They're all related to the sky, since Sora's name means 'sky', and Rafe's Japanese name, Ryuu, means dragon)
Takeo: I'm sure they'll have Sora's eyes, Rafe's eyes and his smirk. *Smirks*
Rafe: No! NO CHILDREN!!!! >_<
Everyone: 0_0
Wendy: *Taps Soren's shoulder, then whispers the dare in his ear*
I dare Soren to admit that he likes Emma
Soren: ^\\\^ *Approaches Emma* U - u - uh. . . Emma? *Trembles*
Emma: *Raises an eyebrow* What is it?
Soren: *Blushes* Your voice is not the only reason I like you. >\\\> (A/N: I got this idea from one of my sister's admirers)
Emma: 0_0 U - um. Sorry, I like someone else. >\\\>
Soren: *Crawls to forever alone corner*
Takeo: \( ._.)/ *Joins him*
Seth: Seriously?!
Takeo and Soren: *Nods at him with sad faces, doing the Forever Alone club secret hand shake*
Seth: (-_-) *Does the same and joins them*
I dare T.K to listen to a rap song! Lol!
Pyro: To double le torture. *Plays on speakers, full blast, 23 by Miley Fckin Cyrus)
Takeo: <(>_<)> Gah!!!!! *Run around frantically, then bangs head repeatedly on ze wall*
For Soren: are you scared of lillipup, if yes why? O.o
Soren: They. . .
Sora: *Bursts out laughing* I know why!XD
Pyro: What?
Soren: It. . . >\\\> When I was about to jump down a building to see if I can also get wings like Sora, she and a Lillipup arrived just in time. She tried to stop me, but the Lillipup bit my butt, ripped off my pants and pushed me. It let me hang and it won't let me go, giving everyone a full view of my boxers. Sora pulled me up, then I was attacked by the Lillipup's siblings. IT'S FREAKIN' SCARY!!! DX
Everyone else: *Bursts out laughing* XD
Sora: I was babysitting a litter of Lillipups for Francis back then! XD
We all Know How Idiotic Soren Can Be -_-
Erza: Next!
Birthday beat down for sora! I dare everyone to give sora her birthday beat down. ( don't beat her up, beat her up gently and playfully! Or I KILL YOU o.e )
Sora: That was fun! ^_^
Mirajane: Oh well. Next are from Nathan_Vella!
I dare Sora to race Sonic and Tails
As usual, Sonic Won, with Sora as Second place and Tails last
Mirajane: *Shrugs* These are from Nikki!
My dad once said "If you get a boyfriend, whatever he does to you, I will do to him."I want Rayquaza to live up to those words!
Rayquaza: 0_0
Sora: That sounds weird.
Rayquaza: -_- Fine.
Then I dare Kohaku to steal Abby's potato flavored chips! (OMG! those really do exist! *Faints*) during her period same for Rafe but steal Sora's cookies when she's on her period!
The two Pervos: *Gulps and steals ze precious*
Abby: o.e *Grabs katana*
Sora: *Grabs sword* Bow down before the Dragoness.
*Insert Screams of Terror and Agony Here*
Wendy: Next is from Skyla!
I don't know much about the Sonic world, so I'm just gonna dare everyone to have a race of EPICNESS!! Filled with death traps, time limits, special bonuses, high-tech cars with weapons, and villains. Oh, and everybody can team up if they want.
Sora: *gathers Abby, Kohaku and Takeo*
Rafe, Drew and Seth: Boo! Team the Amazing Ones! :P
May, Serena, Dawn and Riku: Team Fabulous! *Flips hair*
Chase, Austin and Soren: TEAM AWESOME!
Team Legend Won!!!!!
Pyro: *Pants* Next. . . Are from. . . Emma_o!
I get to kill Budder with a spoon :3
*Hears Budder Scream*
Mirajane: This are from Amy! ^_^
happy b-day! 2 your despise, I dare you and Scott 2 kiss!
Pyro and Scott: -_____-
Sapphire: *Brings out shipping camera*
Everyone: Kiss kiss kiss kiss!
Pyro: -_- *Pecks Scott, then throws a Creeper and multiple Prinnies at everyone*
Sora and Soren, make Rafe pissed by acting like you killed Sora
Soren: Sure! *Stabs Sora*
Sora: *Faints* X_X
Rafe: o.e *Grabs Soren by the collar and hurls him at a wall*
Sora: Geez! I'm alive! -3- That's one of my Kunoichi techniques.
Rafe: *Pulls her into a bone - crushing embrace* Don't die again! >_<
Wendy: Awww! :3 Next is from Kitty! ^_^
I dare everyone to make Sora a birthday cake
Sora: Yay! \(^0^)/ *Munches on birthday cake* Thanks! ^_^
Everyone has to treat Sora as a queen bow down to the dragoness :P
Everyone: Um. . . .
Sora: *grins and takes out sword* Just keep calm, and bow down before the Dragoness. *Puts on a crown* ^_^v
Everyone: *bows down* All hail, the mighty Young Dragoness!
Sora: Next are from SMG! ^_^
I dare Emma and Red to play SMIH
Scott: *Shoves Red and Emma inside a closet, ignoring the disturbing sounds*
Pyro: 0_0
I dare every one to have a race on rainbow unicorns.
Pyro: I WON!!!! \(^0^)/
I dare Red and Soren to have a fist fight for Emma.
Soren: Oh it is on! *puts on gauntlets and charges at Red, who's still not ready*
Red: *Was tackled by Soren*
Sora: (-w-)7 Good luck, Redypoo.
I dare Sora's Lucario to ask out Aura in front of Blade.
Lucario: 0_0 A girl?! GROSS! DX
Sora: C'mon, Lucario!
Pyro: *sings Blurred Lines* I know you want it! I know you want it!
Lucario: Fine. *Goes to find Aura and Blade*
*Insert Scream of pain here*
Erza: Next!
I dare every one to watch Tomorrow when the war began (I watched that last night my favourite bit is when they blow up the bridge)
(I still haven't watched it, so. . . Yea. *Shrugs*)
Erza: Next!
And last but not least every one try to have a food fight with Emma standing in the middle of the cross fire zone but not hit her. If ya do I kill you. No pressure
Everyone: woo! *Gets ready*
Emma: *Freezes* O_O
Pyro: While we enjoy our dare, time to end this! ^_^
Sora: Pyro's doing well in school now! She gained a lot of new friends. *Whispers* Even an admirer.
Pyro: >_> No! That's not true! Sora, he doesn't like me! He's just a friend.
Sora: *Grins* to explain, there's this new transferred student, and he's pretty cute. He had a lot of fangirls and was pretty popular, but rude to girls. Pyro's friends kept teasing her that he might like her cuz he always asks her for help instead of the others, lets her borrow his stuff while he acts rude to others if they ask to borrow his stuff, gave her a nickname "Apoy" which means flame and he sometimes bug her and annoy the hell outta her.
Pyro: -3- Guys, just because the boy lets me borrow his stuff, gave me a nickname and bugs the hell outta me doesn't mean he likes me, right? If he does, give me a reason why he might like me.
Anna: Well -
Pyro: See? There's nothing! Nothing!
Everyone: -_-
Pyro:Anyways, I got a question of the dat for you guys. Everyone, I mean everyone must answer this!
Question of the day:
In IFFY, if you were in Drew's place, you know, the prince, have awesome abilities and having Sora as a servant and bodyguard, what will you feel and what will you do?
Pyro: Okay! Next destination is the Creepypasta mansion cuz of my brother's request. ^_^ Bye!~
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