Happy birthday, SMG! ^~^ I dedicate this chapter to you, you're one of the greatest friends I ever had and you're proof that any author can be special in his/her own way! ^3^ You're funny, cheerful, supportive, sassy and when I'm crying, I read a lot of books and your T or D! ^.^ You've been an inspiration and one of my first readers of my books, just when I was thinking of deleting my books!

So lets all say "happy shiny birthday" to her!!! *Gives her a cake with a shiny mew on it* I linked a song and pic for ya! ^-^

* * *

Pyro: Hi guys!~ I was gone for a while because of issues in life, but we got a charger so I'm back! And I just published two fanfictions: Soren's story and a Soul Eater fanfic!

Soren: Yay!!!

Ayane: Hi!~ We're Pyro's new OCs!!!!

Hibiki: Yo. *Smiles and waves*

Chou: . . . . . . . . .

Yumiko: Ehehehehe. (^_^;;) Don't mind my meister, she's a bit silent when there are boys around.


Pyro: *Sings Trick and Treat and creepily approaches Hiro, Nyx, and Akuma* You. . .  Are. Gonna. DIEEEE!!!! *Kills them* Ok, SMG will lead for today! Happy b-day! (OWO)7 *Disappears*

SMG: *Was sitting on a throne with a shiny mew crown on head* let's start!

TinyDragon: I dare Austin to go on a date with creepypasta Riku

Austin: *Tries to crawl away pathetically* Nuuuuuu!!!!! *Was dragged away by Riku* TT^TT

*Insert JB screams here*
uhhhh, Chase and Alyson to prank Drew (Sora can help)

Sora: YES!!!! *Takes out a Prinny*

Soul: (-_-;;) This is weirder than Shibusen.

Maka:(-0-;;) Yea.

Drew: -3- Why me?

SMS: Why you? XD

Sora and Emma: *Grabs shotguns and does epic pose while Unhappy Refrain in the background* Why us? B-)

Drew: O_O *Runs when Chase, Allyson, Sora and Emma hurled Prinnies at him&

Riku to do smih with Austin (creepypasta still)

SMG: All done! ^-^ *Ignores Austin's screams*

Austin: WHY ME?!?!?!?! DX

and the pokèdogs to raise an army of pokèdogs, pokèhamsters, and pokèturtles. Also, can I join? I'm Tiny, and I have some pokèmon

My Pokèmon:

A Poochyena named Night

A Torchic named Flare

A Gardevoir named Aisu

An Emolga named Spark

A Pachirisu (I think that's how you spell it) named Thunder

And a Pikachu named Storm.

K is my dog.

Tiny: Hi!

Ayane: WOOOOO!!!!!! *Surfs on Hibiki while a wave of squirtles crashed inside the room*

Everyone: O_O

Pyro: *Barges in with the wold's largest flamethrower* YES!!!!!!!!!!!!! *hands a shiny mew flamethrower to SMG* (Craziness like this is the result of listening to Unhappy Refrain again and again XD)

Chou: Argh! *Gets hit by Hiro* I had enough! *Starts shooting using Yumiko her bladed bow*

SMG: PARTAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pyro and Nikki: Hell yea!

PPG10: *was riding on Cleo's pet Titan* YES!!!! CORPSE PARTAY TAYME!!!!!



Sora: BBBBBBBOOOOOOOOWWWWWW DOOOOOWNNNNN!!!!! *Creates earthquake with sword*

Ash: *was staring at screen, still watching Boku no Pico* O_O

Misty: SURFS UPPPPPPP!!!! *Surfs on Hamsters*

Night: YAAAAAAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SMG: NNNNNNNNEEEEEXXXXTTTTT DDDAAAARRRREEE!!!!! *Kills Cyrus, N, Hiro, Nyx, and Akuma with shiny mew while hugging Silver* FFFRRRRROOOMMMM PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPGGGGGG10!!!!!!

Can Satori join le chaos? She's a violent monster, but in a good way. She also may or may not have a tiny crush on Gray and Eren.

Satori: *jumps in through window* heeellll yyyeeaaa!!!!!!!! *throws knives everywhere*

Sora: Ya!!

Nyx: *Gets hit*

I dare myself to use my amplified voice and scream in Jean's ear.

PPG10 : *Screams in Jean's ear* HHHHHHOOOOORRRRSSSEEEE FACCCCCEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

JEan: *dies*

Ma Chao: *Crashes through window* SOMEONE SAID HORSE?! JUSTICE!!!!!! *Raises spear up in the air*

Rafe: Justice freak's back -_-

Takeo: *joins Ma Chao and raises spear* JUSTICE!!!!

Wang Yi: *also barges in* MA CHAO! I HAVE YOU NOW! *impales him*

Ma Chao: X_X *GEts dragged away by Ma Dai*

Next I dare Chase to be eaten by the Miley Cyrus Titan unless he agrees to give up Vocaloids forevah!

Chase: *Hugs Chibi Miku* NEVAH!!!!!!!

Miley Titanus: I CAME INNNN AND I ATTTTEEEEEE THE DOLT!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Eats him and plays with his insides*

Leah, stab Takeo in the balls.

Leah used stab!

It's not very effective!

SMG: IT"S NOT WORKING!!!!!!!!! <(O0O)>

Takeo: *Shrugs* Meh.

Sora: -_- I made him experience what a period feels like, he soon got used to it.

Rafe: O_O *hides*

Now I dare Cleo to become Sachiko and kill anyone for three chapters.

Cleo: Yes!

Pyro and PPG10: *merges her with Sachiko*

Cleo: *Giggles and stabs Drew's balls, rip le green mushroom off, shove a knife up there and more scary ways to die*

The Forever Alone club shall throw an awesome party. No couples allowed!

Forever Alone club: \( ._.)/ FOEVAH ALONE!

Pyro: \( ._.)/ I have proof that I'm also forever alone! I slipped and my shoe was pulled off my foot, since there's no gentleman who even bothered to do it, I picked it up. IT"S AN EFFIN SIGN! \( *-*)/ *Spotlight points at me*


I dare Jean and Austin to piss off Satori and then be left alone in a room with her.

Jean: -_- Meh. She's just a patch of overgrown grass!

Austin: HIDE ME! DX *Hides behind him*

Satori: You. . . ;~; YOU MEANIESSS!!!!!!!  (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ ┻━┻ *Flips tables*

Table: That's it! *Flips Hiro* ノ┬─┬ノ ︵ ( \o°o)\ I'm retiring!!! GO FLIP CHAIRS INSTEAD!

Chair: HEY! Don't pass that job to me!

Laptop: Don't look at me!

Desk: -_- Go back to your job.

Table: Nuuuuuu!!!!!!! *joins screaming with Austin and Jean*

Finally, I dare Lady A to rip Rafe's face off.

Lady A: YOU SAHLL PAY FOR HURTING SORA!!!!!!!!!!! *Rips Rafe's face offf*

Rafe: X_X

Faceless Lady in Lost Village: Now you feel my pain.

Slenderman and Offenderman: Ours too.

SMG: Next are from PokemonTrainerRiley!

For the next chapter of truth or dare, I dare ash and rafe to get on the bad sides of Light from death note and Lelouch from code geass if that's okay.

Rafe: Aw c'mon!

Ash: *Hides behind Rafe*

Pyro: *Was disguised as Rafe*

Nikki: *was disguised as Ash*

Pyro: *Handcuffs L to a Polar Bear and walks away while eating sweets* 030

Polar Bear and L: (⊆☉ᴥ☉⊇)o---o( ╯╬◣益◢ ) YOU. Won't. Give. Em!!!! *Suirms to try to reach the Death Note on the table, but because of the heavy bear, he can't*

Nikki: *Was done making fun of Lelouch*

The two Awesome Gals: *runs*


Rafe and Ash: X_X

Pyro: And that's all for now, don't worry! Your dares come in soon! ^_^ Again, happy birthday, SMG!!!!!!! *hugs SMG*

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