Poor Rafe!

Before we start, I'd like to give a shoutout to @TinyDragon and @pokemon123789! ^_^ They have awesome books! They deserve more readers, as well as Trainer-Amy! And I sincerely apologize if I miss a dare, my gmai is getting buggy -.- Okay! Start!!!

Pyro: *Was clutching a jar of dirt in her hands while wearing a pirate costume* I got a jar of derp! (\0_o)/[_] I got a jar of derp! [_]\(0_o/) And guess who's inside it!

Drew: (-_-;;)

Pyro: Well, guess what's inside it! \(0_o)/ (._. ) \(._. )/ \(^•^)/

Drew: Its a jar of dirt! What else is inside it!

Pyro: I said derp! Derp! *Smashes jar on his head* (._. )

Sora: Why are you so down, Pyro?

Pyro: Just scared. There's a storm. If there's a dark out, I'm gonna freak out because it'll be dark! DX


Pyro: Oh yay!!!! FEED DREW TO THE TITANS!!!!

Everyone watched as the Titans ripped Drew to pieces, use his  bones as toothpicks and play with his insides

Pyro: Before we start, I must remind you we're going to hav guests! \(^Δ^)/ Oh! And. . . .  *Cups face with hands and shouts* HAICHI!!!!!

Suddenly, a small dog which is a half shitzu and Japanese sphitz or whatever it is spelled ran inside and tackled Pyro to the ground

Pyro: Haichi! *Hugs her puppy*

Girls: Awww! She's so fluffy!

Drew: Tch! You call that a dog?! It looks more like a rag!

Pyro: *Goes super seiyan mode* HAICHI, USE QUICK ATTACK AND BITE!!!!

Haichi: *Charges at Drew and bites his nose, growling like the crazy dog she is*

Sora: (;;-_-) You completely forgot that the dog got half of Pyro's personalities?! Pathetic.

Pyro: Lets start! ^_^ These are from SMG!

I dare Pyro to give Nyx the theft of innocence and shove her in a closet with N.

Pyro: Yay!!! N has been creeping me out in "Why You?", so he deserves this!


Pyro: Next!

I dare Red to take Emma out as a "friendly friend outing" when actually Pyro and Sora are trying to get them together (please go into detail for this)

Pyro: Emma and Red are still not here, so lets prepare our stalking attire *Dresses up as a ninja with shurikens, leeks, and frozen sardines*


(Pyro's POV):

We quietly crept behind Emma and Red, holding our frozen sardines to our sides.

I have something to say: Emma is lucky! *Quietly sobs like Tamaki and walks to emo corner*

"Pyro, look!" Sora squealed, shaking my shoulder. I flipped my black bangs and turned to her. She was pointing excitedly ahead of her, jumping up and down like a little girl. I look at where she was pointing and saw Emma and Red heading to a fair, not uttering a single word. Awkward date, eh?

I sighed. Why can't we just push them into each other, make'em kiss and happily ever after?! Oh right, I might have Sora, Emma, Red and Blade chasing after me, oh joy.

Wait. I think I have an idea. I grinned evilly at Sora and whispered my plan to her, then high-fived.

I quickly pulled up the mask to cover my lips and nose, then ran to their direction just as they reached the marriage booth.

I crept behind them, then kicked Red on the rear and pushed Emma into the booth, then paid at the one at the booth and ran. Sora was wearing a disguise, so she took over and made sure they have  'wedding'.

I grabbed my camera, giggling, then started recording.

[A picture of Red and Emma 'kissing', thanks to Sora, was shown on our large T.V for everyone to see]

Silver: o.e *Steals Pyro's flaming chainsaw*

Red: Oh sh*t! *Runs*

Rafe: I'm coming with you! RAYQUAZA IS GOING ON A RAMPAGE BECAUSE I COMMENTED *Bleep bleeeeeeepppp*

Red and Rafe has fled from battle, with an angry Silver and Rayquaza chasing after them

Sora: Ummm. . . . At least Rayquaza didn't know me and Rafe just broke up and I'm now dating Takeo in Pyro's book. *Sighs* Why me? -.-

Takeo: ^-^

Rafe's voice: I'm coming for you later, Takeo.

Takeo: (O_O;;) Next!

And a truth for Sora, what would you do if you had to face a Kyrem? Cause its an Ice-Dragon type...

Sora: I think I might die, since its both dragon AND ice. A dragon's weakness is not only just ice, but its own attacks, its own kind and girly fairy types are also its weaknesses.

Akuma: *Transforms into his Kyurem form*

Sora: But. . . . *Transforms to FIYAH form* I can always transform into my fire form. Pyro, read the next dare!

Oh one more dare for Sora, kill Akuma (I think that's how you spell it) for me please. I hate that a$$hole. Annnnd might as well do Hiro and Nyx while you're at it

Sora: Arigattou, SMG! ^•^ *Charges at them* BOW DOWN BEFORE THE DRAGONESS! *Kills them all the Sachiko way*

Pyro: FIYAH!!!!! *Throws FIYAH balls everywhere*

Rayquaza: *Was now chasing after Takeo* YOU'RE GONNA DIE!

Takeo: What?! It was only in Pyro's book! *Runs*

Suddenly, Mankeys appeared out of nowhere and threw a banana peel on his path

Takeo: *Slips* Nuuuuuu!!!!  (╯ °益°)╯ ︵ *Hits ground* (╥_╥)

Everyone screamed as a 大-shaped blast of fire hit Takeo

Sora: *Was still busy ripping Akuma, Hiro, Nyx and N, who was pushed to her by SMG, to pieces, ripping their faces off, scooping their eyes with spoons, snapping their spines and so many more ways to die*

Pyro: So. Much. CHAOS AND DESTRUCTION!!!!! *Laughs maniacally andruns around with flaming chainsaw*

Robert: (/-_-) Aye aye.

SMG: *Joins Pyro with her skittle shooting rainbow chainsaw*

Drunk ninja Mankeys: *Barges in*


Leah: *Rides on a wrecking ball, holding a sword* I CAME IN AND I STABBED YOUR BALLS!!!! *Stabs Drew in the nuts*

PPG10: ALL I WANTED WAS TO BREAK YOUR WALLS!!! *Kicks Jean in the face*

Pyro: OMG!!! GUYS!!!! WE HAD NINJA HAMSTERS AND SAMURAI TURTLES WITH ROLLER SKATES!!!!! *Screams and runs around, flailing arms wildly as ninja hamsters and samurai turtles with roller skates barged in*

Ninja hamsters: HUCHAAA!!!! HYAAAAA!!!! *Throws tiny shurikens at Ash, Paul and other Complete Idiots*

Ash: @_@ Too cute, yet so deadly *Dies*

Samurai Turtles with roller skates: *Skates around, slicing people in their paths*

Justin Bieber: I will nevr say nevah!!!!

Drunk ninja Mankeys: *Attacks him*

Edward: *Runs to Bella* I come at your house everynight and watch you sleep.

Bella: That's. . . . Romantic.

Jeff the Killer: So that means if he visits your bedroom in the middle of the night, you're fine with it but with me it's not?! *Flips table* ( ╯╬◣益◢ )╯︵ ┻━┻ F***K YOU GUYS!!!

Tabel: That's it! I've had enough! *Flips Jeff* ┬─┬︵/(.□.)╯GO FLIP OTHER STUFF BESIDES TABLES!

Aliens: Why do we even visit this planet?! *Teleports away*

Nikki: POTATOES!!!! *Grabs potato shooting gun* WHEEEEEEE!!!!!

Miley Cyrus: And we can't stop! And we won't -

Pyro: SHADDAP!!!! Haichi, Bite!!!

Haichi: *Bites Miley's butt*

Pyro: *Flicks hair* my dog is awesome. *Winks*

Drew: -_-

Pyro: Next dare is from Skyla! *Gets taken away by a Titan*

PPG10: *Murders Titan brutally*

Skyla: I dare all the boys to be put in separate rooms along with their crushes who are wearing shiny revealing Pokemon costumes while singing/dancing and see how long they will last without fainting. Note: I AM EXCUSED FROM THIS UNLESS PYRO FINDS SOMEONE WHO LIKES ME!


Boys: @_@

Pyro: *Goes fishing in the river of blood from their noses* Ooh! Is it over?

Girls: Yep! Tee hee!~

Pyro: They still alive?

Dawn: *Points at Ash* Only Ash survived because we know he's an idiot.

Ash: I DON'T GET IT! How come girls have the round things on their chests while us guys have it on our private parts?! I don't get it! Someone explain!

Pyro: -_- *Knocks him out with the new forget-me stick* Next is from supershinypichu!

My cardcaptor sakura dare! :( well can you please bring in to the story more! Thanks and I dare everyone else but the people I came with (not Digimon peeps) to think it's Sailor Moon but it's me. Do whatever will make them think that! ;)

After that, since I still haven't watched Cardcaptor Sakura and its been a long time since I watched Sailor Moon

Pyro: O_o I'm kinda confused. *Bangs head on wall* There. Better! ^•^

And for everyone to be nice to Ash and add his innocence back to him! Ash is my favorite character! :)

Pyro: I already made him drink the Retriever of Inoccence, so he's still as stupid as a rock. -.- We'll be nice to him after he wakes up. Next are from TinyDragon!

I dare....Rafe to run to Slendermanand say "I'm pregnant with your baby!" and Sora let's Slendy do anything he wants...hehehe.

Pyrp: *Hypnotizes Rafe* Do the dare.

Rafe: -_- yes, master. *Goes to Slenderman and says in Pewdiepie voice* I'M PREGNANT!

Slenderman: *Freezes, then glances nervously at Sora*

Sora: Go ahead! ^_^ I wanna teach him a lesson because of yesterday. KICK THE BABY!

Slenderman: *Kicks Rafe on the stomach, then dragshim to the mansion to torture him*

I also dare Takeo to be cursed again but this time he is cursed by the Demon's Lullaby and he becomes evil...heheheheheheheeh some more.


Takeo: *Laughs evilly and grabs knife, then charges at Sora to kill her*

Soren: OH NO, YOU DON'T!!!! *Grabs electric guitar and plays Imittion Black*

Takeo: X_X

Pyro: Oh well. *Shrugs*

I dare....Sora and Alyson to be compared. In Gaurdian Form Alyson's wings are black, she has a silver streak and blonde hair, only has three elements, summons only three dragons, rest ommited so you do not fall asleep.

After Comparison, people voted on who wins -.-

Sora: Uhhh. . . . . I'm having a lot of people who idolize me. (O_O;;)

Also, I dare Soren to call Alyson Allie and face her wrath after.

Soren: Allie isn't that bad!

Allyson: ( ° 益°)

Soren: *Squeaks and runs, but gets eaten by dragons*

Takeo and Austin to prank Seth,

Takeo: *Laughs evilly* Okay. . . . .  *Summons an army of Beedrills*

Austin: (^_^;;)


Seth: X_X

and uh....Rafe to go on a date with a Lillipup. (XD)

Rayquaza: I approve of that! *Gives a Lilippup to Rafe and pushes them away* ^•^

Everyne: O_O

I dare Riku to be a creepypasta!

Pyro: Ummm. . . . . She'll be the Golden Maiden! She looks sweet and innocent, but if you're alone with her, she'll eat your flesh and shred you with her claws! ^_^

Riku: O_O

And Sora and Alyson to have a battle.

After an epic battle, Sora won.

And Ash to read the theory about him being in a Coma... and he must learn that Pikachu was originally gonna be Clefairy....


Ash: O_O *Rocks in a corner* Mommy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pyro: (/-_-) Kinda pathetic. Next! Oh, this one is  special request from TinyDragon! ^_^

Hey Pyro, Tiny here. I was wondering if you would help me. I want to do a little contest. The Trash Contest You get as many full bags of trash (going and picking up litter)and/or recyclables.

The person with the most points win.

Point System: 1 bag of trash: 15-20 points, I haven't decided.

1 bag of recyclables: 25-30 points.

The prizes would be: 1st Place: Two custom made OCs or your OCs included in my book.

A follow

A shoutout

And a vote

2nd place: One OC design or in my book

A follow

And a vote

3rd Place: A follow And a vote

The reason I want to do this is so people will take care of their town, and so there isn't much litter around. I was wondering if you could mention it in ToD. If you want more information, check out my Contest Book. I put contests and their rules in the book. You don't have to help, this was just a request! BUUUUUUUUURN JB! *BUUUUUUUUURNS JB*

Pyro: For more information, please visit TinyDragon's page! ^_^ This is for us to have a clean environment!

Sora: Next are from RZeroX9!

I dare you to let Drew's dream come true, no matter what it is

[I'm censoring this]

Pyro: DX *Puts ice on the bump on her head* He's a meanie, and poor May. *Mutters* We're going to ask Sachiko to visit us next chapter.

Sora: Ow! Next are from our new guest, pokemon123789, or Nisha!

Nisha: Hi!~

Pyro: Yay!

Nisha: *Sees Rafe* Oh Rafe!~ *Stuffs him in her bazooka and shoots him at the wall* Take that, biatch!

And I dare WD and CI to wear my little pony costumes(Rafe has to be Rarity, just so I can get revenge on what he said to me), while roaming in a very populated place.



Rafe: At least you're not Rarity -.-


People: •_• *Whispers* Is that Drew Hayden? I can't believe it! Sora Keyheart's boyfriend is a brony!

Paparazzi: *Surrounds le idiots*

Next I dare, well basically this: Lucario+ice cubes+ Gardivoir+ Blaziken= TOTAL CHAOS! :D.

Lucario: I'm on it! >;D *Throws ice cubes at Gardevoir and Blaziken* Garziken! Garziken!

Gardevoir: . . . . . . . .  . Tee hee!~ *Grabs a chainsaw*

Lucario and Blaziken: *Freezes* O_O uhhh. Gardevoir?

Gardevoir: I shall show no mercy. *Laughs darkly and starts throwing knives in random directions*

Pyro: Time to add fuel to ze FIYAH! *Burns the surroundings*

Eren: Argh! The place is burning! >0>

Mikasa: Eren, we must get youto safety! *Grabs him and runs off*

Armin: Wait for me! *Runs after them*

Now I dare rayqaza to gain super heavy artillery, including a bazooka

Pyro: *Hands weapons to Rayquaza, incuding a pet Titan*

Rayquaza: *Chases Rafe* DIE!!!!

I got some dares too, 1. I dare that all of memories of Rafe are deleted from Sora's memory, FOREVER! Take zat you bitch Rafe!


Finally, Rafe managed to flee from the angry father. He was bruised and wounded from the war, almost collapsing after he reached his destination; the campfire. He saw Sora and smiled, then walked up to her nd hugged her from behind.

Sora: Eep! *Grabs a paper fan and hits his face, the shocks him with a tazer* Perv! >_<

Rafe: *Zap* What?!

Sora: DRAGON KICK!!! *Flips, splitting her legs and using her hands to support herself on the ground to kick his chin*

Rafe: *Was sent flying* What the-

Sora: *Unroots a tree* Leave me alone! Who are you?!

Rafe: *Dodges the tree that was thrown at him* You don't remember me?!

Sora: i never saw you before! >_<

Rayquaza: So. . . . Can I kill him?

Rafe: Argh! No!

Sora: Go ahead, dad! ^_^

Rafe: Sht! *Tries to run, only to get drsgged back by Rayquaza's tail*

2. I dare that rayqaza goes on pokemon periods forever.

Rayquaza: *Goes on a rampage*

Pyro: *Releases de new rabid fangirls on their periods* GO ON YOURM MCNUGGET RAGE!!!!

Rafe: *Pales*


Pyro: *Revives Rafe*

3 can I join? If I join can I have a bazooka? If I join can I be insured I won't hafta do love/ 7min and fangirling dares? I'm only 11 yah know.

Pyro: Sure! ^_^ Next are from eagle-night7, or Night! She's our new guest!

Night: Hi!~

Can I join the chaos? If so call me night and my pokemon are lucario, Houndoom, Luxray, Garchomp, Arecanine, Ninetails, Absol, Manaphy, and a shiny blaziken. And I'm I girl who has ninja stars that are elemented.

Pyro: Welcome! *Pats Night's head* ^_^

OOO and I dare Rafe to sing Rude by Magic! To sora's rayquaza.

Rafe: -.- Fine. *Sings Rude*

Rayquaza: I'm still not going to let you have my baby girl!

Sora: Next is from Toothless03, or our new guest, Bree!

PYRO can i come in im V or Bree but mostly like to be called bree(my oc), and can burr come too white night fury Sky fury? heres discription im too lazy to type it all so i just took it from my book. :3 my long chestnut brown hair cascades down my shoulder in big waves to my mid-back, boarding my face with a bridge a freckles across my nose to each cheek, my hazel eyes bright as ever framed with my long(really long) black eyelashes. i swing the satchel of arrows and tighten the strap onto my light green dress which has a think belt with healing powder stashed in it and soon, hopefully a dragon guardian silver pin.i straighten my skirt witch reaches just above my knees, the green fading to yellow and pink beautiful colors that i loved. i tugged at the string on my elegantly carved wooden swirled bow and decided to bring a Green ribbon just in case. i check on my dark brown leggings to just be sure that they were OK. thanks oh and two things can i use the young dragonesses of the sky for my book and your the EPICEST!!!(not a word but ok) V

Bree: Hi!~

Pyro: My answer for your question, umm. Sure. But what do you mean by that? Anyways, next is from The_E364!

Also i dare ash to watch boku no pico

Everyone: *Leaves Ash to watch Boku no Pico, results will be revealed in da next chapter*

Pyro: Next are from Linkreader001!

I dare sora to try and make Rafe jelous

Sora: *was holding hands with Takeo* Huh? Who's Rafe?

Rafe: o.e Get this chapter done so I could kill Takeo.

Rayquaza: Never thought I'd say this, but I agree.

Takeo: O_O Next are from _Zoura_

I dare everyone and I mean EVERYONE, to be turned into a pokemon.

Flareon/Pyro: Yay!!!

Sora/Gardevoir: History repeats itself -.-

Rafe/Blaziken: At least I had the advantage over Takeo! *Burns Takeo*

I dare everyone to switch bodies with their crush

After a lot of complications

Takeo: 0///0

Rafe: >;D

Sora: -\\\-

Ash: I dunno what I just saw.

Eren: O///O

takeo, bake me some marshmellow cookies ^///^

Takeo: sure! *Hands cookies to Zoura*

turn takeo into a ........taco lo

Takeo was soon eaten by a hungry Ash, then revived by Pyro.

turn hiro into a plasic barbie and make him sing 'im a barbie girl'


Hiro: -.- I hate you all.

Everyone: XD

truth, takeo, who would you go on a date on from all the girls? (besides sora)

Takeo: 0.0 Wut?

Pyro: That's pretty tough for him.

Takeo: >_> I don't care, but whatever. Maybe Emma, Destiny or anyone else, but that'll never happen -.-

clone sora and have the boys fight to the death. the winner gets to date clone sora for four chapters

Rafe won

Rafe: ^_^

everyone: 0.0

make hiro and nyx switch bodies

Hiro and Nyx: Ewww!

Pyro: Finally done! Guys, I'm so sorry this sucks. I really am. I think I caught a cold, so I don't know what I just typed ( ._.) I'm so sorry.

May: And guys, important! Go follow and sign the petition on @Clear-a-fic-ation!

Prepare for a long rant

Pyro: This is to separate real life fictions or whatever they are called (ex. 1D fanfics) from REAL fanfictions that have anime, books and such. Fanfictions are books that are about fictional characters, just because it had the word fan in it doesn't mean its a work by a fan. No. Please, this is so authors that write real fanfictions get noticed easily, I'm not hating on 1D. I mean, look! Here we are, working our butts off for these fanfictions, while 1D writers with crappy grammar, weak plots and sucky characters get. What?! 10 million views?! -.- Don't hate me for this, 1D fans, I am a fan myself, but we need to fix this.

Because 1D fans are everywhere, its hard to get our books to get noticed. While 70% of their 1D books are about 1D as galactic warriors descending to the kingdom of Zancrania and kidnaps a 13 year old kid and uses her as a *** slave, then the girl realizes their bad boys with soft hearts and falls in love, boom! Happily ever after!, ours are about much more. Many of you have awesome stories, they deserve more reads.

I got to admit, some 1D are pretty good. But. They are NOT fanfictions, they are real people fictions

So. UNITE!!!


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