I'm Awesome and I Know It!

(A/N:Sorry,guys.I was writing while half asleep,so expect the worse *Yawns*)

Pyro:*Sings in the tune of Sexy and I Know It*When I walk in the room,yeah

This is what I see

Many dares are waiting,and they're staring at me

I got chaos bursting inside me,

And I ain't afraid to show it,show it,show it,show it


I'm Awesome and I Know It!




Rafe:*Smirks*Don't embarrass yourself in front of Masaymuney Date.

Masamune:It's Ma-sa-mu-ne Da-te! >.<

Everyone else:Oookaaay..... (;;O_O)

Pyro:Anyways,why isn't there any chaos?!

Kanetsugu:Do not speak like that,my Lady....Please be *Blah blah blah honor honor honor*

Everyone except Kanetsugu and his Gardevoir:*Falls asleep during lecture about honor*

After a Boring Lecture

Pyro:I got an idea!*Picks up Kanetsugu*Let's play catch!

Kanetsugu:My Lady,put me down!Lady Aya,help!*Squirms*

Aya:*Laughs cutely*Sorry,but you really need to have some fun once in a while...

Pyro:Keiji,catch!*Throws Kanetsugu as if he's a football toward Keiji*

Keiji:*Successfully catches a screaming Kanetsugu*Woo!Uhuh!I'm awesome!*Dances and suddenly spikes Kanetsugu to the ground like a football*

Everyone:O_O *Glances nervously at the now dead Kanetsugu*

Pyro:Quick!Hide his body!

Everyone else:Wut? O.o

Sora:Pyro....You could always bring him back to life...

Pyro:Oh,right.Sorry...Hehehehe.*Brings Kanetsugu back to life*Alright,let's start the dares!

Sora:These are from Kitty!


Gold:*Chuckles and winks*You're cute.


Pyro and Masamune go have a honeymoon ;)

Sora:That's going to be.....awkward for Pyro and Masamune.....

Kiyomasa:And why is it going to be awkward?

Sora:Pyro's 13,while Masamune is 14.

Everyone except Sora,Masamune and Pyro: <(O0O)>

Keiji:What the?!O.o

Pyro:*Rolls eyes*I know....For a thirteen year old,I'm pretty crazy....I get that a lot.(A/N:Now I'll receive comments (Maybe negative ones) about my age *Laughs nervously*Well,we are young,and wild,and free!~)

Motonari:-_- We're kidnapped.....By an insane thirteen year old fangirl that looks as if she just escaped from the mental.

Drew:Wait...We're 18,and the author is 13.....Why are we following her orders anyway?She's younger than us!

Pyro:*Smacks his head*Because I'm the author.Nevermind,on with the dare!*Leaves with Masamune*YAY!We're gonna have so much fun!

One Month Later:

Pyro:We had fun at the beach!^-^


Nobunaga:*Shakes head*Kids these days...

Pyro:Next dare!

Masamune you have to let Pyro do what ever she wants to you like hug you etc.


Pyro:*Grabs Masamune and kisses him*

Everyone else:(;;O_O)

Yoshihiro:Youngsters these days...

Pyro:Next!*Cuddles with Masamune*

Hiro & Nyx go to Lavender Town for 1 hour

Hiro and Nyx:No....Freakin'....Way...

Pyro:Yes...Freakin'...Way...*Snaps fingers and the two monsters are gone*Alright!*Gives cameras to Hanzo,Kunoichi,Kotaro and Nene*Ninjas,go spy on them and record their actions.


Kunoichi:Okie dokie!

Kotaro:As long as there's chaos....I'm in..*Smirks*

Hanzo:If it's a mission,I'll do what I must.

One Hour of Watching Nyx and Hiro suffer in Torment


Call Drew Mr.Drew like Brianna does to make him mad

Drew:No way....-_-




May:Mr,Mr,Mr.Drew! \(^Δ^)/

Drew:*Vein pops*


Soren:*Takes out a microphone*Mr.Drew!Mr.Drew!

Drew:*Grits teeth*

Keiji:This is fun!Mr.Drew!Mr.Drew!

Everyone except the Silent or Emo ones:Mr.Drew!

Drew:That is it!*Steals Yoshihiro's hammer*DIIIIIIEEEEE!!!!!!

Pyro:Yesss!The chaos has begun!Wooo!*Takes out a flamethrower*

Misty:Wait!What happened to the Mankeys?

Pyro:Ummm...I left them in the care of Kai,Kunoichi and Keiji.^-^

Everyone except Pyro,Kai,Keiji and Kunoichi:WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?

Pyro:What?*Tilts head to the side*

Seth:Oh,who knows?Maybe handing those Pokémon to a ninja,a violent hothead and a careless moron might result to invincible ninja Mankeys that are also violent and....I don't know...Drunk?*Sarcasm*

At the Exact Same Time,Violent Drunk Ninja Mankeys Stormed Inside

Pyro:This is gonna be fun....*Laughs evilly*

Nyx:*Screams as a Mankey attacks her*

Sora:*Raises up sword*

Mankey #1:*Uses Ice Ninjutsu on Sora*

Pyro:Woohoo!*Throws fireballs around*I'm in chaos heaven! \(^0^)/

Hears a Scream

Ina:*Rolls eyes*What now?!

Oichi:Drunk Feebas and Magikarp apocalypse!!!!!

A Large Army of Drunk Feebas and Magikarp Splashed their Way Inside Our House

Everyone else:O.o Wut?Seriously?

Keiji:I'll take care of it!*Hits them one by one*

All the Magikarp:*Starts to evolve*

Everyone:Oh crap!RUN!!!!!!

Twelve Days of Chaos Later:


Everyone else:*Pants*

Dawn & Paul must act like each other for a whole chapter

Dawn:*Was acting like an emo*-_- Hate you guys.


Tadakatsu:*Points spear at Paul*

Paul:*Eyes widen in fear and starts to act like Dawn*No need to worry!^-^


Gold can I kiss you? O/////////////////O (( I'm sorry I just really like you Gold ))

Gold:*Grins and winks at Kitty*Sure!Anything for a pretty lady!*Kisses a squealing Kitty*Arceus!Your nose is bleeding!Someone!Help!

Pyro:She's fine!^_^ She's just a huge fan!Anyways,next dare!

Sora:These are from Skyla!


Some Warlords and Warriors:We'll go take a break.*Leaves*

I want to see what happens when the Fairy Tail group joins the book! Arigato!

Pyro:*Snaps fingers and the guys from Fairy Tail appears*

Echo:Grey-sama!*Glomps on Grey*

Grey:(;;O_O) What the?!



Pyro:*Throws a fireball toward Natsu*Here!Catch!

Natsu:*Catches fire with mouth and burps*Woah!

Pyro:*Grabs Natsu and holds him as if he's a gun*Let the chaos....BEGIN!!!*Shoots out fire balls everywhere*

Echo:Grey! <3


Juvia:Hey!Grey only belongs to Juvia! (TT-TT)

Erza and Lucy:*Was having a conversation with Sora*

Erza:Is this normal?

Sora:Yea.Happens everyday of my two lives.



Lucy:Ok.I heard you possess the Key to the Three Dimensions!

Sora:Yeah.Hey,Erza....Ummm...*Watches Erza crush a table with just a gentle tap*


Lisanna:^_^ Yup.One hundred times the chaos.

Natsu,Grey and other boys omitted:*Was having a fight*

Seth:*Creates shadow claws and grabs Rafe,then slams him to a wall*

Takeo:*Grabs Hiro and gives him to Juvia*Juvia,he's planning on killing Grey!^_^

Juvia:*Vein pops*Juvia....Won't....ALLOW YOU TO KILL GREY!*Drowns and kills Hiro*

Natsu:*Punches Grey repeatedly*

Rafe:*Recovers and uses Shield Throw on Seth*

Sora:*Vein pops as she watches the chaos before her*


Days of Chaos Latttttteeeeerrrrr:

Pyro:Woo!*Wipes sweat off forehead and collapses on Masamune's arms*

Masamune:-_- Finally,it's over.

Pyro:*Falls asleep*

Yukimura:Allow me to take over.*Clears throat*Next dare!

Sora:These are from Pikachu78y!Oh.Gold,Lyra,come here for a sec.*Whispers to Gold and Lyra*

Since I am a SoulSilverShipper I dare Gold to dress as Slenderman and tell Silver that he has kidnapped Lyra and he will kill her if he doesn't go into Slenderman's forest and open a box that is in the center of the forest (then the box will explode in his face and make his hair rainbow for two chapters and only Gold, Pyro , and Lyra can know about this. It just came into my head so I thought I could make it into a dare. Hehehe(:<)

Sora:Pyro's asleep,so,I'll help ya guys.*Disappears and heads to Slender's forest with her sword*

Gold:*Grins evilly and high fives with Lyra*This is gonna be awesome!

After Setting Up Ze Prank

Silver:*Was doing the usual,sitting near the window,hoping no one will bother him*

Slenderman:*Suddenly Teleports outside the window*

Silver:What the?!*Almost falls down,after he recovered,he found out Slender's gone and that a note is left,along with a picture of a captured Lyra*

Go to the forest if you want her alive

Silver:*Grits teeth*Damn,this crazy world.*Leaves*

In Ze Forest

Silver:Slenderman!Show your faceless face!


Silver:*Finds a box*This must be where he hid Lyra.*Opens box*

When the box was opened,the box contained an uknown rainbow kind of blast along with Sora's voice.


Silver:*Was blasted by the rainbow blast*What....*Finds out his hair turned rainbow*

Gold,Lyra and Sora:Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!XD*Emerges out of hiding*

Silver:o.e *Takes out a sword that magically appeared out of thin air and chases them*

After Chasing Each Other and Laughing

Masamune:*Gently shakes the sleeping Pyro*Fire Girl,wake up.

Pyro:*Snores and murmurs*Masamune.....


Pyro:*Wakes up and stretches*What did I miss?^_^*Yawns*I'm still in a zombie state.-_-

Takeo:Nothing much,except...*Points at Silver*

Pyro:Pfffft!*Bursts out laughing*


Sora I dare you to wear a frilly dress with laces a,black chocker, high heels and make up also lace gloves that go to your elbows for three chapters.(I know you hate fancy girly things so I am going to torture you by making you wear them, enjoy~!)*laughing evilly*


Pyro:After her!

Everyone ran after Sora,who was attempting to escape this nightmare and prevent utter humiliation

Seth:*Creates a shadow hand and grabs her before she could jump through a window*

Pyro:*Grins evilly at Sora*Maids!

Pyro's Created Servants:Yes,Lady Pyro?

Pyro:*Gives Sora to the maids*Give her to Lady Okuni and help her fix Sora up,with these.*Hands clothes,shoes and jewelry to maids*

Maids:Affirmative.*Takes away a screaming Sora*

Pyro:Ok!Next dares are from Zach!

Zach:About time!

I dare all the guys except me Masamune,Rafe and Ash to be perverts

All boys except Zach,Masamune,Rafe and Ash:*Groans*

Takeo:*Sighs and touches Sora's butt*

Sora:*Jumps*Ah!*Takes out frozen tuna and whacks Takeo on the head*

Grey:Wwwhhhhyyyy?*Sighs and starts acting like a pervert*

Guess I should skip it So You Won't Have Nightmares


I dare Ash to go over to Dawn and kiss her then I get to protect him from Paul and the other guys

Ash:O.o Why?

Pyro:Because you're an idiot!Now do the dare!


Kenny:*Bares vampire fangs*

Conway:*Eyes turn red*

Ash:*Sighs and kisses Dawn*

Paul,Kenny and Conway:DIE!!!*Was sent flying by Zach's aura blasts*

Pyro:Boys these days.*Sighs*Only I cause trouble,not the opposite gender.Anyways,next!

Sora:Time for Lillie's dare!^_^

Lillie:Yay!*Kills Hiro*

I dare me and Soren 2 go on za date a double date with Rafe and Sora

Sora:Wearing a dress.....check.Make-up,check,girl hair style,check,date....At least not that bad.*Shrugs*

Rafe:*Gives the rest of Wrong Direction a smug look before leaving with Sora,Lillie and Soren toward the fare*

Wrong Direction:Dang,why does he have to be so lucky?-_-

Pyro:While we wait,on with Sapphire's dares!

Sapphire:Yay!*Gives everyone cookies*

I dare Pyro 5o go be weird or whateva with Masamune! ^-^(Im being generous so dont blow it)

Pyro:*Hugs Sapphire*Thank you!Now,*Grins evilly at Masamune*

Masamune:*Sighs and takes out pistols*Fine.Lets go prank Kanetsugu!

Pyro:Yes!Lets dirty his clothes!*Runs off with Masamune*

Everyone heard some Screams,then some....Uh...Rather Disturbing Sounds O.o

Pyro:Woo!We had fun!*Holds up a bottle*We made Polyjuice potion!^_^

Masamune:*Sighs and folds arms across chest*I never felt so.....Creeped out.


Sid I dare you to wear a dress and run outside yelling "IM UGLY AND IM PROUD!!!" oh right, the girls will do a makeover on you before ^-^

Sid:*Was forced inside a dress*Why?! (TT^TT)

Pyro:Because we hate you!

Girls:*Starts to give Sid a make-up*

Sid:*Sighs and runs outside*I'M UGLY AND I'M PROUD!!!!

Sora,Rafe,Lillie and Soren:*Enters room*

Sora:The heck happened to Sid?Is he drunk?

Pyro:It's a dare....Anyways,next!

Drew I dare ya to cheat on May with Misty to see Ash's reaction and May's.

Drew:You guys just love torturing me,huh?

Misty:Why me?

Pyro:Do it,or else you'll face Erza's wrath.

Drew:Fine!*Sighs and starts to flirt with Misty in front of Ash and May*


Ash:What are they doing?O.o

May:*Grabs Sora's sword*THAT'S IT!!!!*Kills Drew and Misty*

Pyro:*Revives Drew and Misty*Next!Dang,my fingers hurt from typing.

I dare Ash to eat strange exotic food from all around the world that Pyro has put weird potions for different reactions.

Pyro:I already prepared that!*Points at a buffet*

Ash:*Drools and eats a plateful*

Everyone watched as Ash blew up,shrink,grow eight heads,turn invisible and other weird mutations rest omitted that only our dear author,Pyro,could think of


Paul, quit being a freakin emo and for revenge on being stupid I dare you to...... watch as Dawn makes out with.....Kenny.

Kenny:*Instantly grabs Dawn and starts making out with her*

Paul:*Takes out a machine gun*

Pyro:Oh gosh!Paul anger meter,now over 100!Danger!Danger!

Paul:Must....Kill.....KENNY!MUWAHAHAHAHA!*Starts shooting*

Pyro:*Sighs*I don't feel so good.Let's finish this up....

Sora:These are from PokemonMasta45!

Pyro:Before we start with his dares,I'd like to thank PokemonMasta45 for suggesting Swiftly to me.Readers,I suggest you read it.Its awesome!Alright,on with the dares!

Could you bring Sage from the False Prince over?

Pyro:*Searches on the internet for more info about Sage*It says here.... Sage main character,14 years old,poor orphan,very daring and sarcastic,rebels against authority.Woah.Sounds like Seth.


Pyro:(;;^_^) Anyways,*Kidnaps,I mean,summons Sage*

Sage:Huh?Where am I?

Seth:She,*Points at Pyro*Kidnapped you to play Truth or Dare with us.

Sage:What?!Bring me back!*Takes out sword*

Masamune:*Stands protectively in front of his waifu and takes out his rapier*You lay a dirty finger on her and you're dead.


Pyro:Masamune,enough.Ok!On with ze dares!

Sage:*Mutters*Great.Just great.

Then have him and Seth have a battle, (they may use swords, Sage already has one and Seth can make one)

Seth:*Creates a shadow sword*Bring it.

Sage:Oh,it is on.*Takes out sword*

After an Epic Battle


Next have Rafe jump off a building saying he believes he can fly.

Rafe:-_- Why do you guys just have to pick on a lucky guy?

Pyro:Just do the dare!I'm in no good mood today!

Rafe:*Appears on a rooftop and suddenly remembers the time he confessed to Sora*Alright.Here goes.I BELIEVE I CAN FLY!*Jumps down*

Pyro:*Revives Rafe*Next!

Takeo I dare you to be thrown into an arena filled with Bisharps to will attack him.That's all for now. *Shoots shadow balls with Seth* *then backflips into a portal and disappears*

Takeo:Did he just used sorcery?!O.o

Pyro:No.*Grabs Takeo and throws him in the arena*

Everyone heard him scream,soon he emerges with a lot of bruises

Sora:Oh gosh!T.K!*Takes out medical kit*

Takeo:I'm fine!^_^Owww!

Sora:Sorry!This might sting...*Cleans his wounds*


Sora:This is from PancakeThePichu!

I dare Ash and Gold to secretly eat all of the food, don't let anyone know... >:3

Pyro:Wait....Ash and Gold were checking on the dare cards a while ago....

Sora:Oh gosh!They're the ones who stole the food!

Pyro:Excuse me as I go beat the crap outta those hungry bastards...*Leaves*

Masamune:*Sighs*Next so we could finish this!

Sora:These are from XxGothicAngelXx!

I dare Sora to wear a ball gown dress for a whole chapter

Sora:That's taken care of!Next!

Lol, I'm strange But for surprising me, I dare Kotaro to be my punching bag for a chapter

Everyone:*Hears Kotaro scream*

Sora:Next!These are from SMG!


I dare Silver to tell me how much he loves me if he doesn't DIEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! If he dose he gets to go out with me \(^_^)/

Silver:-_- Fine.*Turns to SMG*I love you....


Pyro:*Is now back*Last dare!

Sora:This is Lian's dare!

Pyro-chan I dare that all of the fangirls or fanboys of everyone can do what ever they want with

Pyro:*Laughs evilly and summons fans*

Fans:Oh my gosh!Its Drew!


Fans:Arceus!Its Sora and May!

Sora:Crap!*Runs away with May*

Fans:OMG!Its Wrong Direction!!!!

After the Chaos

Pyro:Sorry if the chappie is boring.I'm not feeling well,I kinda felt as if I lost my soul.My back hurts.And I'm grieving over Titanic.Jack!*Sobs*Anyway,vote and comment a dare.I promise,next chappie will be better!Bye!

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