Happy Days
Pyro:*Was humming happily while reading her journal*
Kitty:Woah.Someone's in a good mood.
Pyro:*Sighs and starts to twirl as she walks*You guys won't believe what happened today!
Pyro:*Sighs with a dreamy expression*Best ever.Its about me and my crush.You know,the guy I mentioned before.*Blushes*
May:Ooh!Do tell!~
Pyro:Well.*Reads the journal*I decided to go on a short stroll after I have done my chores a while ago,then I saw him.*Sighs*
Sora:What did you guys do?
Pyro:Well,we talked about Pokémon,he's also a Pokéfan.Then later he started acting like himself,a bit perverted and started teasing me.I was about to Round-house kick him in the face,when suddenly,he turned serious.Very serious.He told me he has something very important to tell me.
Everyone:*Was now silent and listening closely*
Pyro:He led me to a peaceful and quiet place,then grabbed my hand.I was caught off guard and almost jumped,then he pulled me in a hug.He told me he likes me!Then asked me to be his girlfriend!
Sora:Oh my gosh!What did you say?
Pyro:*Squeals*I said 'yes'!
Girls:OMG!For real?!
Pyro:*Nods*Everyday keeps getting better and better!^_^
Riku:Oh my gosh!Congrats!
Dawn:What happened after that?
Pyro:I woke up.
Everyone:*Falls down Anime style*Seriously?!
Pyro:Yyyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaa. (;;^_^) Anyways,*Snaps fingers and everyone was now in Equestria*
Boys except Drew:*Groans*Why!?!?!?!
Sora:*Giggles and sees some ponies*Hi!(^o^)/
Ponies:<(O0O)> Sweet Celestia!Humans!
Pinkie Pie:*Runs around Sora and talks quickly with a cheerful smile*Hi-I'm-Pinkie-Pie-Wow-I-Never-Saw-A-Real-Life-Human-Before-Why-Is-Your-Hair-So-Long-And-What-Is-That-Weird-Design-On-It-And-You-Somehow-Remind-Me-Of-Princess-Celestia-I-Don't-Know-Why-Maybe-Because-Of-The-Hair*Blah blah blah*
Princess Celestia:*Smiles*Welcome to Equestria!
Pyro:Hi!*Waves,then hugs the Mane Six*Oh my gosh!I'm such a big fan!(A/N:Yea.I'm a brony.If you have anything,anything against Ponies,I don't care :P )
Rainbow Dash:*Chokes*
Pyro:Anyways,let's start ze dares!
Everyone sat down on the grass
Sora:This is from gold_x_silver_forver!
By the way idea for dare I know I'm mean but for fun I dare Sora to tell Crys in detail what happened between Gold and Silver when she was gone lol I love to make Crystal feel pain cause I hate her. let her pain begin
Crys:*Raises an eyebrow*What?
Sora:*Mutters,then starts to talk nervously*D-do you know what happened between Silvy and Gold when you're not here?
Sora:They *Bleep* and *Bleep* each other,then *Bleep* in the room and *Bleep* *Bleep*
Crys:*Turns blue and faints*
Sora:These are from SMG!
Oh I thought of a dare I get to bash all single males *cough cough Hiro cough cough* just to get my point across that Emma is off limits
SMG:*Cracks knuckles*Get ready.Starts to beat up all de single laddies*
Pyro:*Sings in ze tune of Single Ladies by Beyoncé*All de Single Laddies,all de Single Laddies,all de Single Laddies!Get your heads crushed!*Ignores their screams*
Pyro:*Revives other single males except Hiro*Next!
Hiro:*Clears throat*
Pyro:Oh.I forgot!*Throws her sword at him*There!Next!
I also dare me to kill Gold for kissing me NO ONE BUT SILVER CAN DO THAT Silver you may help
SMG:*Grabs Sora's sword*
Silver:*Grabs T.K's spear*I have always dreamt of doing this.*Grins evilly*
Hears Gold Scream
Sora:*Pulls Nyx and Hiro,then shows them ze dare*
And just for the fun of it Hiro and Nyx have to say or do somthing to Emma (Emma can't know this is a dare cause if she does then she will kill me) that I will not like and I get to kill them.
Nyx:Bring it.That b*tch looks like a loser.
Sora:*Starts to put poison in her sword*
Hiro:*Transforms into an Arcanine*
Nyx:*Grabs Emma's hair and drags her toward Hiro*
Hiro:*Burns a crying Emma*
Sora and SMG:DIE!!!!!*Kills le two*
Just had an idea every on apart from me Silver Emma Pyro and Sora shrink to the size of barbie dolls and the said people get to play barbies with them in a doll house
Drew:Why is Dragon Girl excused?!
Sora:*Winks with a grin*Everyone loves the Young Dragoness!*Fist pumps*
Pyro:Good luck!*Snaps fingers and everyone shrinks into barbie size*
Sora:*Starts to play with Nyx and Hiro* *Sings in the tune of Pop Goes the Weasel*Hiro and Nyx are gonna suffer,they head to the lava.*A mini pool of lava appears,causing Nyx and Hiro to scream*(A/N:Btw,Hiro can't survive in lava) This just keeps getting better and better!*Throws the two in the lava*POPS GOES THE WEASEL!
Pyro:*Throws Drew and May inside a small room,then hears some disturbing sounds later*Hi,Masamune!*Grins at tiny Masamune*
Pyro:*Starts to try some outfits on Masamune*
Pyro:*Snaps fingers and everyone is back to normal*Next!
Sora:This is from Zach!
I dare Ash and Dawn to go on a double date with May and Drew and no one can get killed or hurt
Ash and Dawn:*Leaves with May and Drew*
The Four Lovers:*Returns*
May:We had fun!^_^
Sora:These are from Kitty!
I've heard people say Gold is a pervert so Gold is it true you are a perv? o3o
Gold:What makes them say that?*Glances at Kitty's chest*
Sora:*Whacks him on ze head with an octopus*Perv!
Dawn why do you wear a such sort skirt?
Dawn:Ummmmmmm.Well,because the skirt is kinda cute.
Paul why are you such a grump?
Paul:Because I hate you!
I dare Sora to tell Rayquaza she's pregnant with Rafe's baby (Rafe you must let Rayquaza do what ever he wants with you)
Rafe:*Gulps as Sora sends out Rayquaza*
Rayquaza:Why did you sent me out?
Sora:I-I-I have a confession to make.
Sora:I'm p-pregnant with Rafe's child.
Rayquaza:*Clears throat and tries not to go super seiyan*On a completely unrelated topic,have you seen your father's shot gun that was passed to me,my sacred katana and your father's old 'How to Kill Your Daughter's Boyfriend' guide book?(A/N:Rayquaza is an awesome Pokéfather!XD)
Takeo:*Shakily hands said items to Rayquaza*
Rayquaza:*Uses all attacks om him,while reading the guide*Hmmmm.Ripping out his insides is fun,but giving him to Mewtwo is also fun.Maybe I should throw him in the Distortion World and leave him with Giratina?Maybe I should fry him.*Laughs evilly and eyes turn red*
Pyro:*Revives Rafe*Next!
Sora:*Was helping Rafe recover and kisses him*Oh.These are from Nikki!
Sora: Who do you love more? Takeo or Rafe? And you can't say I don't know or both, you HAVE to choose ONE
Sora:O-of course,its Rafe!
Rafe:*Smirks and pulls her on his lap*
Takeo:*Puppy eyes*
I dare Sora to tell Rayquaza Rafe is pregnant with her child!
Sora:*Sends out Rayquaza*Dad?
Rayquaza:Hmmm?*Glares at Rafe*
Sora:R-Rafe i-is pregnant.I'm the father.
Awkward Silence
Rayquaza:That's it,I'm taking my daughter to the mental,or have Arceus check the Orb,and send her boyfriend to the pound.
Sora:T-the pound?!
Rayquaza:HE'S A DIRTY DOG!!!!*Uses Outrage*
Sora:*Was panting because she had a hard time explaining and calming down Rayquaza*These are from percy_potter_games10.
Hmm, I dare Rafe to tell Lady A to draw him like one of her French boys. (That reference gets me every time.)
Rafe:*Sighs and goes to Lady A*Lady A.
Lady A:*Was playing Flappy Ducklett*Yea?
Rafe:How about you draw me?-_- *Mentally slaps self*
Lady A:*Puts down phone after losing*Sure.
Rafe:-_- *Strikes a pose*
Sora:*Was glaring at Lady A and has her blade ready*
Lady A:Done!
Rafe:*Collapses to the ground*
Sora:*Helps him up*
I dare Cleo to be extremely violent for four chapters
Pyro:*Whistles and her drunk ninja Primeapes bounced toward her*Hi,my babies!Now,do mommy a favor and *Whispers*
Everyone else:O_O Crap.Not them again.
DNP(Drunk ninja Primeapes):*Dances around Cleo holding bottles of rum*
Cleo:What the?
DNP:*Forces wine on her*
Cleo:*Starts to act drunk and violent*
Grey:-_- I feel sorry for the author.
Pyro:I heard that!
Cleo:*Was beating up Hiro and Nyx with spiked metal bats*
DNP:*Runs around while dancing*
Drew:*Was attacked by fire ninjutsu*
DNP:*Attacks Nyx*
Discord:*Pops out of nowhere*Did someone say chaos?!
Sora:Oh boy....
I dare Grey to propose to Leah!
Echo:*Takes out weapon,but was held back by Soren's Gallade,Lance*
Grey:*Sighs*I don't get why-
Leah:Oh Arceus!Put some clothes on!0///0
Grey:Huh?*Looks down and notices he was only wearing boxers*Why does this keep happening?!
Grey:*Kneels on one knee in front of Leah and pulls out a plastic ring*Leah,will you marry me?>\\>
Leah:*Almost faints*Yes!!!!
Pyro:*Gives Echo a life-sized Grey doll*
Echo:Yay!*Starts making out with doll*
And l dare Pyro to roast Drew with a flamethrower
Pyro:*Takes out her special Flamethrower*Hell yea!BURN,GRASSHOPPER!!!!!!!!
Pyro:*Points at Sora*Prepare a buffet!We're gonna have roasted grass for dinner!*Runs after Drew*
DNP:*Chases after Drew*
Drew:*Was now captured*
Pyro:*Was wearing a Cheshire Cat grin*Pasta la vista,Grasshead.
Hears Drew Scream
Fluttershy:*Hides behind Sora*
Sora:Awww!*Hugs Fluttershy*Don't worry,I'll protect you!^_^
Fluttershy:Y-you will?*Starts to play with Sora's Houndour*
Sora:This is from PancakeThePichu!
I dare everyone ride on a pony over a rainbow and kill a legendary pokemon. O-O
Ponies:Hop on!
Everyone:*Rides on ponies and flies up to the rainbow*
After Killing Ho-Oh
Pyro:Woo!Next!Wha?Where's the dare cards?And where are Ash and Gold?
Hears a Scream
A stink bomb was thrown in front of them
Everyone:*Passes out*
Ash,Gold and Ruby:*Brofists and reads le dare*
I dare Gold,Ash, and Ruby to prank everyone. :3
Sora:These are from PokemonMasta45!
Seth throw a shadow car at Takeo. Then create a battle axe and attack Rafe.
Seth:*Grins evilly*
Sora:Poor Takeo and Rafe.I wonder why Seth and PokemonMasta45 always pick on them.*Sips on orange juice and strokes her Houndour*
Seth:*Throws car at Takeo*
Takeo:*Was sent flying and hits a tree*
Fluttershy and Scarlet:Eeep!Too much violence!*Fights over who gets to hide behind Sora*
Seth:*Chops Rafe's head off*
Pyro:*Revives ze two*Next!
Actually, Ash why are you so childish?
Ash:I don't know.*Sucks on thumb*
Pyro:Well,I guess he was dropped when he was a baby.Dropped in a cliff,where many rocks await him.-_- Next!
Everyone will attack Nyx and Hiro with chainsaws!!!
Everyone:Hell yea!!!!!
Nyx and Hiro:*Screams as Seth's shadow hands drag them to their doom*
Sora how do you feel towards Seth?
Sora:Eh?Ummm.I'll just say he's an awesome friend,he's like a brother to me!^_^
Seth:*Secretly curls up in a ball and dies*
Pyro:I know what you feel bro.The feeling of being friendzoned.....
Pyro:Nothing!^_^ By the way,you should stop hanging out with Ash,Sora.You're turning dense!
Sora:Time for Lillie's dare!
Me and Soren sing These Streets by Bastille
Soren:*Hugs Lillie and starts singing,and I gotta admit he has a sexy voice ;) *
Soren and Lillie:
"These streets are yours,you can keep them
I don't want them
They pull me back,and I surrender
To the memories I run from
Oh,we have paved these streets
With moments of defeat
But even if we won't admit it to ourselves
We'll walk upon these streets and think of little else
But I won't show my face here anymore
I won't show my face here anymore
These streets are yours,you can keep them
In my mind it's like you haunt them
And passing through, I think I see you
In the shapes of other women
Oh we have stained these walls
With our mistakes and flaws
But even if we won't admit it to ourselves
We'll walk upon these streets and think of little else
But I won't show my face here anymore
I won't show my face here anymore
All that's left behind
Is a shadow on my mind
All that's left behind
Is a shadow on my mind
But even if we won't admit it to ourselves
We'll walk upon these streets and think of little else
But I won't show my face here anymore
I won't show my face here anymore
I won't show my face here anymore
I won't show my face here anymore...."
Sora:This is from Payton!
I dare someone to hit me over the head with something so I can think of better dares!!! Uhhh
Sora:Got it!*Whacks Payton on ze head with her frozen octopus*
Payton:Ok!*Starts to think*
Sora:These are from Lian!
I dare myself to a have magic like Reaquiping weapons and kill all the boys
Pyro:*Gives powers to Lian*
Lian:*Kills ze boys*
I dare May to sing Red By Taylor Swift
"Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street
Faster than the wind
Passionate as sin,ended so suddenly
Loving him is like trying to change your mind
Once you’re already flying through the free fall
Like the colors in autumn
So bright just before they lose it all
Losing him was blue like I’ve never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met
But loving him was red
Loving him was red
Touching him is like realizing all you ever wanted was right there in front of you
Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words to your old favorite song
Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword and realizing there’s no right answer
Regretting him was like wishing you never found out that love could be that strong
Losing him was blue like I’d never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met
But loving him was red
Oh red burning red
Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes
Tell myself it’s time now, gotta let go
But moving on from him is impossible
When I still see it all in my head
Burning red!
Loving him was red!
Oh,losing him was blue like I’d never known
Missing him was dark grey all alone
Forgetting him was like trying to know somebody you've never met
Cause loving him was red yeah yeah red
We're burning red
And that's why he's spinning round in my head
Comes back to me burning red
Yeah yeah
Cause love was like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street ....."
Drew:*Was speechless*
Everyone else:*Claps*
I dare Sora and me to have sword fight
Sora:*Grabs her sword*Bring it!
Lian:Come on!
After an Epic Fight,They Ended Up in a Tie Because They're Swords Broke
Sora:*Collapses to the ground*
Rainbow Dash:That.Was....AWESOME!*High fives/hooves with Sora and Lian*
Sora and Lian:Thanks!^_^
I dare all the boys to be horses and all their crushes will ride on them
Boys:*Was turned into horses*Neigh.-_-
After Ze Rides
Boys:Hate that dare.
Sora:These are from Moon!
I dare the boys to ride on the little ponies..
All boys except Ash:-_-
After Ze Rides
Sora tell the truth...among all the boys..who do u like the most..except for Rafe. (no excuses)
Sora:Ummmm.That's hard.
Sora:So....Its a tie between T.K and Seth.
T.K and Seth:>_> <_<
Pyro:Ok.Next!Last dare!
I want to hug Soren!! I wuv you Soren...°/////°
Riku:Another Soren fangirl.*Sighs*
Soren:I'm used to this.*Looks at his left and sees an army of fangirls*
Soren:*Hugs a blushing Moon*
Pyro:Ok.End of chappie!Next destination is........A strip club!
Everyone else:What?!?!
Pyro:Just kidding!Next destination is Hyrule in Legend of Zelda!*Fangirls over Link's hotness*Link is gonna join us.Oh,and Sora from Kingdom Hearts is also gonna join (Be held hostage)^_^
Masamune:*Sighs*Vote and comment truths or dares.
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