Happy Birthday, Sora! ^_^

Before we start, I'd like to give a shoutout for:

@MostlyRobert -His books are awesome! He writes fanfictions about video games like Pokémon, Fire Emblem and more. Follow him and read his books! ^_^ You won't regret it!

@Pokemon_TrainerRiley - one word. Awesome. His books are awesome!

@Its_me_Tori - Her book, Loving The Enemy. One word. AMAAAAAAZZZZEEEENNNGGG!!!!! XD

@RZeroX9 - Words cannot describe how awesome this guy is! I really love his book, Silence. Check it out!

Kay kay. Let's start!

* * *

Sora: Guys? Where are you? *Walks around in a dark, empty room, a bit scared* This isn't funny.

Everyone: *Turns on lights and jumps* SURPRISE!!! Happy birthday, Sora!!!

Sora: OMG! I thought you forgot!

Pyro: *Turns to readers* To explain, today is Sora's birthday, the day I created her with my imagination! I used to daydream about her adventures when I'm bored, then wrote it on a notebook. Sora Keyheart was born! Boom!

Sora: Yep! I still remember that me and Kohaku had an adventure together! ^_^

Pyro: Sora, sing Electric Angel!

Sora: Sure! *Sings in Len and Rin version*

Sora: One little thing that I like to do is sing

And I guess I get it, isn't that how I've come to be?

So when you say that you love my voice today

Oh, I wonder if you know just how happier I am

When I didn't know anything but 1 and 0

Then you taught me the reason all for saying 'you and me'

Ever since that one night, my heart swells up with pride and so I

always think of you, I know you do too

And as long as you're there

I can swallow down the fear

And my heart starts to pound

To our digital sound

As a binary wind

Or a kind of cheat to win

Oh my heart begins to sway

To the beat we made

I hate being lonely, I need someone with me

If there's no one, I melt in a world that has no use for me

I spend my time helping making your songs rhyme

Oh I wonder if you know just how much you warm me up

I'm a useless being, I can't do anything

Yet with you by my side the very least I do is sing

So the space in my heart, we just can't keep apart

I'll fill it up with you forever, never lonely

And as long as you're there

I can swallow down the fear

And my heart starts to pound

To our digital sound

As a binary wind

Or a kind of cheat to win

Oh my heart begins to sway

To the beat we made

And as long as you're there

I can swallow down the fear

And my world keeps expanding

Everywhen and where

Like the wings of an angel you take off to the sky

And I wonder could I fly too, if I just tried?

And as long as you're there

I can swallow down the fear

And my heart starts to pound

To our digital sound

As a binary wind

Or a kind of cheat to win

Oh my heart begins to sway

To the beat we made!"

Everyone: *Claps*

Sora: I love you all! 'Cept you! *Kicks away Hiro and Nyx, then hugs the rest*

Everyone: Awwww! :3

Pyro: *Teleport them all to the story book* Yay! Rainbows and unicorns!!!!

Sora: Um. . . . Lets start! ^_^ Ooh! We have requests!

Garnetstacy - This is for your Truth or Dare. Can you put in my characters Serena, Peter, and Emeree? I'm working on that book. Not out yet. (Btw, Emeree can do ANYTHING and I mean anything, Serena has Seasonal nature powers, and Peter can shape shift.) They all have Pokemon. Serena has all the Eeveeloutions, Peter has, Lucario, Zapdos, Articuno, Pikachu, Vulpix, and Latias. Emeree has Moltrace, Celebi, Riolu, Sylveon, Flareon, And Vaporeon, and is friends with Mew. Any other Pokemon she likes she shape shifts into. (Also, Emeree is a Black Belt in Taekwondo, uses throwing knifes, a sword, and nun-chucks, and is scared of Onix.) Emeree has Red,straight, elbow length hair with Blue eyes, rosy cheeks and freckles, Serena has Blond hair, green eyes, and freckles, Peter has messy brown hair, brown eyes and a scar on his left cheek. They are all the same ages of the other characters. Emeree has a crush on Ash, but is very good at hiding it, and Serena and Peter are dating.) wow. That's a lot of information.

Emma_o - dare you to let me into T or D! LET THE ROCKS OF **** RAIN DOWN ON THOSE WHO OPPOSE ME!!!! ( you'll have another join you soon Sora *grins evily*

ZouraLover - Sup pyro, the awesome queen of ze fire, can I join your mega awesome and cra cra truth or dare book! Pweez, with cute sora and rafe plushies kissing on top! I'll just be a girl with darkish blackish hair that passes my shoulders and I have a Pikachu hat! :3

Pyro: Lets welcome, Serena, Emeree, Peter, Emma_o, and ZL (ZouraLover)! *Said people enters*

Emeree: Hi! (^0^)/

ZL: Pyro! Sora! *Hugs Pyro and Sora*

Emma_o: Hi hi!~

Sora: Yay for new people! Lets start with Nikki - chin's dares! ^_^

I dare Rafe to tell Abby Kohaku is flirting with Sora while Abby is on her period >;D

Rafe: -_- Crap.

Sora: You can handle it! ^_^

Rafe: *Sighs and approaches Abby* Hey, Abby.


Rafe: *Gulps* K - Kohaku. . . I - Is. . .

Abby: What?!

Rafe: Flirting with Sora.

Abby: *now activating angry Abby about to destroy the world mode* DIE!!!! *Chases Rafe and Kohaku with her katana*


Pyro: *Revives le two Pervertos* Next!

Then I dare Rayquaza to let Rafe do whatever he wants to Sora!

Sora: B - But. Dad's having Pokéman - period. *Shudders* He's really mad.

Pyro: Hehehe. *Summons Rayquaza and Dradian*

Dradian: Huh?

Pyro: Sora, sing Romeo and Cinderella English dub by Hatsune Miku for your 'parents' XD

Dradian: She's gonna sing? Yessss! *Sits down*

Rayquaza: Go ahead, my little girl. *Smiles in a fatherly way*

Sora: *mutters* Crap. I'm dead. *Trembles while holding Rafe's arm*

Dradian: A love song? How dreamy!

Rayquaza: <_<

Kohaku: Unfortunately, it's not just a love song.

Sora: Please don't let our love turn out into a tragedy like it was for Juliet

Take me away into your arms. . .

It's all I ask of you

I say good night to both my Father and my Mother

I hope they'll be able to dream of one another

I think it's time for all the grown ups to go to bed

Enchanting caramel that carries sweet illusions

My crossing legs that bring on sexual confusion

How farther will I let you go on this sinful night?

Screams of pain to "take it easy! Won't you bite me gently ?"

"Dont you dare forget that I'm not ready quite yet."

It's because of my mom that I've been acting sweetly and nice to you

All the things that I don't know, how they enchant me so

But isn't that normal, or at least how it should go

Show me all your feelings and I'll let you in my heart

Oh, if only you knew this from the start

I feel so in love just like Cinderella

And I will chase after you wearing only my glass shoes

I pray to God for time to come to a halt

Before the evil can come leaving us both at fault

Now, I have to escape just like Juliet did

But please don't call me by that name, we aren't the same

It's not okay, please I just want you to stay

Because without you here what is there for me to do ?

So if I cried, would you always be right here by my side

I try so hard to look like I'm older than my age

I wear mascara to conceal the fact I'm in rage

I promise you, I'll be a good girl from now on

There's no one here to stop me from the things that I do

I want some love so why don't you come please me, you fool

How farther will we be able to cross the line ?

Now I know that this is true, I fell in love with you

The pain is killing me, as I am screaming my pleas

I think you know by now that my Father doesn't seem to like you much

I can see your hands reach out, as I begin to pout

And now I see it clear, you really love me my dear

Take me far away so we can make love Romeo

Oh, won't you fulfill my fantasies

So I'll just run away like Cinderella

I'll scream my love for you, while leaving you my glass shoe

I'll pray to God that you'll come searching for me

Save me from all my dreams, while I run away and flee

Well, I'm sure that Cinderella was lying herself

It's not an accident, she left her shoe on purpose

I understand that she and I are the same

Oh, I just want to be loved, so no more playing games

So, just look for me and then you'll soon find what you seek

Why don't you just take a look and see what I have hidden in the corners of my heart ?

Can you see that it's filled with all of my dirty thoughts and all my needs and my wants ?

I want you to fill me up until I burst out forth and give into my desires

I'm drawn into ecstasy, oh, how I feel so free

Please tell me what it could be ?

But if I lose you, I wouldn't know what to do

My happiness seemed to be stored in a box, I need to find the key so I can open the lock

I'm scared in pain, but I won't cry out in vain

The thought of you hating me, I know it couldn't be

Well, my mom and my daddy don't care about me

They aren't different yet, they are the same as can be

I'll stop my lies, and I'll be true to myself

I'll just stick to the facts, I dropped my golden axe

So, If I keep lying too much like Cinderella

I know I'll meet the fate that she alone had to face

I'm really scared, and I have no clue what to do

But, I hope I don't end up just like her too

So before that happens, won't you come and rescue me

Rayquaza: *Shakes with rage*

Dradian: Oh my. . .

Rayquaza: What. . . Is the. . . The meaning of all this?

Pyro: *shows dare to Sora's 'parents'*

Rafe: *Carries Sora bridal style and runs to a room, locking it, blocking it and so on*

Days of Raging Later

Pyro: *revives Rafe*


Scott: *Uses tranquilizer gun*

Rayquaza: *Was knocked out*

Pyro: Next! ^-^

I dare Abby to fight Inuyasha!

Pyro: *summons characters from Inuyasha*

Kagome: Huh?

Shippo: 0_0

Miroku: *Grabs Abby's hand* Will you be the one to bear my child?

Kohaku and Sango: o.e *Attacks Miroku*

Sango: Wait! *Looks at the two Kohakus* What the?!

Older Kohaku/ Ko: -.- Blame Pyro.

Kohaku: Um. . . We even have the same weapons.

After An Epic Battle

Inuyasha: *Was 'dead' becuz Abby ate his noodles and when he grew angry. . . Well, sit!*

Kagome: o.e

Pyro: Next!

Sora: These are from Scott!

I dare Hiro to face Herobrine while Nyx Fights the Enderdragon

After Le Battle

Pyro: *Kicks away their corpses* Next!

Also I dare us all to kill Orochi (excluding Emma) (also Excluding Hiro And Nyx Because they're dead from their battles)

Orochi: Death befalls on any who stand in my path. *Holds scythe up in the air*

Amy: *Grabs a flaming sword*

Angel: *Takes out frozen tuna*

PPG10: Ready! *Takes out 3DMG*

Pyro and Sora: *Grabs swords*

Pyro: Be careful, Oroch is the most powerful demon ever! And anger, hatred, any negative emotions strengthens him (Maybe?)

ZL: Ok!

Emeree: *Grabs nunchukus*

After an Epic Battle

Pyro: *Manages to stab Orochi in the heart and kill him*

Orochi: Finally. . .

Pyro: Woo! Okay, next!

Sora: These are from abigailelise_020 !

From now on, Gold's name is Budder!

Budder: Aw! C'mon! -3-

I dare Yellow to watch Red kiss Pyro!

Scott: Hell no! No no no no no!

Yellow: ( ._.)

Red: >\\\> *Kisses Pyro*

Scott: *Kills Red again and again with Happiness*


Budder: What?! No! *Was shived inside le closet with a blushing Crys*

Kitty: *Grabs sword to kill Budder and Crystal*


Pyro: *Revives the dead Crystal and BUDDER!!!*

Sora: Next are from Amy - kins! ^_^

Levy: is it true you like Gajeel?

Erza: is it true you like Jellal?

Mira: Do you like Laxus?

Pyro: *kidnaps the peeps, then explains le questions*

Mirajane: Um. . . . Yes. *Blushes*

I will force Nyx and Hiro to kiss that is all 4 now! live yo


Nyx and Hiro: *turns blue and Faints*

Sora: Next are from Kitty!

I dare me and SMG to kill Crystal :3

HearsCrystal Scream

Rayquaza who do you hate out of all Sora's admires?

Rayquaza: Seth and Rapist. *glare at Seth and Rafe*

Nyx & Hiro go fight a sumo wrestler

Heats Hiro and Nyx scream

Sora: These are from Lian

I dare everyone to give Erza strawberry cake and eat it infront of her face Erza's wrath


Erza: o.e Sora is excused because she's my friend and its her birthday.

Sora: Good luck! ^_^ *Flies off, ignoring the screams of agony as Attack On Titan theme starts playing*

I dare evryone to face the Demon Mirajane and Titania Erza

Hears more Screams

I dare evryone I mean everyone To wear A Freak8ng cute dress and heels

More Screams of Terror


Pyro: *revives ze others* Next!

Sora: These are from Skyla! ^_^

If that's the case, then...can you bring in the Nyan Cat? Oh, and have everybody throw Pyro a happy surprise party!

Pyro: *hugs Nyan while eating cake with the others* Yay! \(^O^)/

Sora: Moving on! These are from -

PPG10: Me! ^_^ *Hugs Eren* ^\\\^

I dare myself to brutally beat up Grey for what he did in episode 70 of Fairytail. Sorry Leah, but you can't stop me! *readies 3DMG*

Grey: Oh sht! *Tries to run*

PPG10: *Grabs him by the neck, stuffs headphones in his ears, then plays Justin Bieber songs*

Grey: Nuuuuuuu!!!!! DX


Pyro: *Revives Grey* Next!

I dare the bravest person in the room to call me by my real name and face my wrath afterwards.

Takeo: *Raises hand* I volunteer as a tribute, Melissa!

PPG10: *Eye twitches, then charges at Takeo*

Takeo: *Was brutally killed*

Jean/ horse face, flirt with Mikasa.

Jean: Wut? 0_0

Pyro: Choose: face a hundred Titans, or flirt.

Jean: *Sighs, then flirts with Mikasa*

Eren: o.e

Hears a Scream

Grey, get Leah to sing to you.

Leah: *Sings Winter Sleep by Olivia (Perfect song for her!)*

It keeps coming back to me

I remember this pain

Ir spreads across my eyes

Everything is dull

Everyone's smiling, they're smiling

It pushes me far far away

I can't understand

Everything is blue

Can you hear me out there?

Will you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heart

I'm gazing from the distance and

I feel everything pass through me

I can't be alone right now

Will you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heart

I'm lost in a deep winter sleep

I can't seem to find my way out alone

Can you wake me?

I know when I let it in

It hides love from this moment

So I guard it close

I watch the move it makes

But ir gets me, but it gets me

I wish I could understand how I

Could make it disappear, make it disappear

Anyone out there hear me now?

Will you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heart

Kiss my lips and maybe you can take to your world for now

I can't be alone right now

Will you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heart

Please make it all go away

Am I ever gonna feel myself again?

I hope I will

Will you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heart

I'm gazing from the distance and

I feel everything pass through me

I can't be alone right now

Will you hold me now...? Hold me now, My frozen heart

I'm lost in a deep winter sleep

I can't seem to find my way out alone

Can you wake me?

Grey: *Smiles, then kisses Leah*

And I dare six random people to be turned into Titans and then get killed my me, Eren and Mikasa! That is all! \(^_^)/

Ze Chosen Ones






and Chase

Eren, Mikasa and PPG10: *Battles the Titans while epic battle music plays*

Sora: Moving on! Next are from ZL!

Guys guys im still here! Yay! Lol sora and pyro would you do the honor and do this dare for me? Make drew use an entire tube of tooth paste and brush his teeth and then drink an entire gallon of orange juice! Muh ha ha!

P.s, sora and pyro, you too are like the most epic people ever :3

Sora and Pyro: Thanks! ^_^ *Hugs ZL*


Sora: Poor Drew!

I dare Pyro to make Rafe look like anybody, (with your author powers of course! :3) but it has to be someone hot because it's my suprise for Ms. Dragoness, Sora!

Pyro: *turns Rafe to Champion Lance (The one in Damn anime)*

Rafe: What the?

Sora: *Stutters* 0///0 OMG! *Faints*

Pyro: Hehehe. Next!

I dare all the characters to meet their game replicas such as ash and red, green and gary, ect.


Ash: Hi!

Red:. . . . . . . .

Gary and Green: Smell ya later! *Walks away*

Brendan and Ruby: 0_0

I dare everyone to have a vote on what's their favorite shipping, ( yes, you can put yourself and your crush T.T )


Pyro and Scott: NO!!!

Anna: We're adding mentalshipping, whether you like it or not! (Mentalshipping is PyroXScott and it'll NEVER be successful! Me and Scott are bros! Bros okay! *Glares at sapphire, Spark and Anna*)

Specialshipping: 2

Pokeshipping: 3

ContestShipping: 6

DragonShipping: 6

Newbieshipping: 1

Mentalshipping: 17 -____-

I'm too lazy

Pyro: I hate you guys. -_- apparently, everyone loves me sooooo much. next!

I dare everyone to watch the most funny video of pewdiepie playing happy wheels, and to not laugh, giggle, or even smile or else they will face my Pokemon team! (arcinine, glaceon, azumarril, serpieror, hydreigon, and dragonite)


Austin: *Laughs, but was soon killed*

Pyro: oh well. End of chapter!

Sora: Happy birthday to me!~ *whispers* More Mentalshipping for my birthday present, please? *was pushed by Pyro*

Pyro: Nuuuuuuu! Oh. Next destination, Sonic the Hedgehog's game! Bye!~ and no Mentalshipping! >_<

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