We find our heroes now trapped in the awesome Naruto world, having difficulties because of our crazed fangirls
Pyro: Gaara! Kiba! Sasuke - sama! *Eyes replaced by hearts and glomps*
Sasuke: . . . . . .
Kiba: (O_O;;)
Gaara: 0_0
Tsukiko: *Fangirls along with Pyro*
Everyone: 0_0
Drew: -_- JM, we have dares.
Pyro: *snaps out of fangirlling* Oh. Okay! ^_^ *Mutters* Jerk. Next time, we're visiting Attack on Titan world to feed you to the Titans.
Drew: What was that?
Pyro: ^_^ Nuthin!
May: Um. . . . Dares?
Pyro: Yay! Lets start! :D
Wendy: Okay. These are from Kitty!
I dare all the OCs to face their biggest fear Sora and Abby are excused from this
Chase = Scissors
Austin = Clowns
Riku = Creepypastas
Soren = Giovanni and Lillipups
Takeo = Espurrs, Meowstics, spider - like creatures and Silent Hill [Soon, I'll reveal why he hates them]
Emma = the dark
Kohaku = Miley and JB music
OC's: *Rocks in a corner* Mommy. . . . . . .
SMG: No one hurts Emma! *Kills the Dark*
The most hated people get paper cuts and swim in a pool of lemons
Pyro: Yay! *Takes out paper swords and charges at Hiro and Nyx*
Hiro and Nyx: *Screams out in pain*
Pyro: This. . . Is. . . SPARTA!!!! *Kicks them in a pool of lemon*
The Two Monsters: *Screams*
Naruto: Uhhh. . . o_o Is this normal?
Drew: *Nods*
I dare Chase, Austin, Takeo, Soren, and Riku to dress like Narwals and sing along the Narwal Song
Austin, Riku, Chase, Soren and Takeo: Not the Narwals!!!! DX
Pyro: Yes the Narwals!!! *Turns them to Narwals and uses awesome author powers*
(I can't find the lyrics in da internet, sowwy)
Soren fight with WWE wrestlers
The Rock: Do you ssssmmmeeeellll what the Rock is cooking?! ╰(ಠ益ಠ)╯
Pyro: *Fangirls and plays Undertaker song as Undertaker enters the ring*
John Cena: Woooo!!!! *Jumps into the ring*
Soren: 0_0 I'm gonna die.
CM Punk: *Tilts head and everyone could hear his bones crack*
Soren: *was soon pulled into the ring*
Everyone watched as Soren was piledrivered, smashed, and suffered under the horrible body odors of the wrestlers
Soren: (X.X)
Naruto: That. Was. AWESOME!!!! But I'm sure Sakura could beat them all senseless.
Sakura: ( ° 益°)
Naruto: (;;0_0)
Jiraiya and Hiro: *Was drooling over the girls*
Sora: PERVERTS! BOW DOWN BEFORE THE DRAGONESS! *Uses a spinning kick on them*
Jiraiya and Hiro: *Dies of nosebleed because of the kick and because Sora was wearing a skirt*
Riku get turned into fried chicken and run past the people who love to eat
Pyro: Yay!!! *Transforms Riku into a chicken and watches while eating popcorn*
Riku: Helpp!!!! Austin!!!
Unfortunately for Riku, Austin was also starving. Ash,Naruto and the other eaters chased her with spoons and forks raised up in the air
Austin, Chase, and Soren get turned into wood and release the termites!
Pyro: Hooray for Transfiguration! I just got home from Hogwarts, filthy mudbloods! :P
Drew: -_-
Austin, Chase and Soren: *Gets turned into wood*
Pyro: Unleash the termites on steroids!!!! *Listens to the wonderful screams from the poor guys* Next are from SMG!
EVERYONE ACT OUT FROZEN!!! \(^0^)/ with Emma as Elsa, Rafe as Christoph, Sora as Anna and Soren as Handz anyone else can be anyone.
Sora: Sure! ^_^
After Acting Out Frozen
Emma: Does this mean I'm gonna be forever alone like Elsa?
Pyro: Nah. Maybe.
Wendy: Next are from Izzy!
okay cause I have not left a dare in a while how about this cockybastard ship can go out on a double date with sora and rafe oh and while this is happening red and green are locked In a closet
After That
From the Closet: *Boom boom pow crash KABOOM!!!!*
Everyone: O_O
Pyro: Do I hear the Narnia war from here?
Emma: *Turns blue and faints on top of the also fainted pile of Sora and May*
well I still can't ship this but I can do this rafe and drew I dare you to get married and you can never get divorced ha there ya go
Drew and Rafe: -_-
Pyro: Yay!!!!!!
After The Marriage
Sora and May: *Hugs each other and sobs* ;~;
Pyro: I think Sora and May can be a good yuri couple, as well as Emma and Sora! Blueshipping and PurityShipping!!!!
Sora, May and Emma: *Turns blue again and faints*
Pyro: Anyways, next are from Night_Scarlett!
I dare TK to make some cookies, then let everyone eat 'em! After jump off a cliff singing Wrecking Ball
Takeo: Already did.They ate em all. *Shrugs*
Everyone: This is our 100th death. . . . I CAME IN LIKE A WRECKING BALL!!! *Jumps down a cliff*
Levi: -_- Tch.
Pyro: *Fangirls over Levi*
PPG10: *Fangirls over Eren* (By the way, PPG10. I can't find your dares in my Gmail, I'll try to fix this soon, don't worry! ^_^)
Wendy: Next are from elementgirl031!
Alright, truth time . . . OCs, what are your hobbies?
Riku: Oh finally! Mine is reading romance novels!
Austin: Other than coordinating, I sometimes go fishing.
Chase: Painting or drawing.
Sora: *Was still unconscious*
Soren: I always practice my electric guitar.
Takeo: >\\\> Baking.
Pyro: ^_^ Next are from Spark!
I dare everyone to have a random party
Pyro: *Plays many party songs and dances like a tree on steroids*
Everyone: *Shrugs and dances*
Wendy: While they're having a party, next are from TinyDragon!
I dare a random person to dress up as a marshmallow and run outside around a public area screaming I'M A MARSHMALLOW, COME EAT MEEEEE!!!!
Pyro: *Puts Hiro in a marshmallow costume and after it was done. . . .*
* * *
Pyro: Lets gather around the campfire and sing our campfire song! *Hangs Hiro above apit of lava* A C-A-M-P-F-I-R-E S-O-N-G song!
Hiro: *Screams as he falls into the pit of lava*
Also, can my character Alyson join? She is the Death Gaurdian, Sora's biggest fan and also looks like Soda with blonde hair and a silver streak. Can summon three dragons, Kiria Iala and Milieu. And she controls fear pain and hate. Demons Lullaby (hate), Spear of Agony (Pain) and Fang of Fear (fear duh)
Alyson: *Pops out of nowhere* hi!~
Everyone who is not Emo: Hi! *Waves*
I got some moer dares! I dare Sora to beat up Hiro and Nyx along with creepypastas, let Rayquaza go on Pokeperiod while all the tranquilizer darts/guns are missing and Alyson summon the Dark Trio and do these: Hate on Takeo and Rafe so they hate Sora, Fear on Silver and Nikki, and Pain on you and Zach! *does evil laugh*
Pyro: Weeeee!!!!! Chaos!!!!! *Releases Rayquaza on his Pokeperiod, then screams in pain as Alyson does as told* the pain!!!! The pain!!!!
Wendy: Uh. . . Bye!~
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