
Pyro:*Sighs*I'm bored.....Board....Beard.....Bird....Bored.....I CAN'T TAKE IT!FIYAH!!!!!*Throws fireball around*

Everyone:Ms.Ramdom is back -_-

Pyro:*Pulls Masamune and starts to sing Titanium*You shoot me down,but I won't fall.I am Titanium!!!


Pyro:Stone hard...Machine guns....Fire at the ones who run!XD

Len:Pyro,we got to go now.

Rin:We have work to do.^_^ We really enjoyed our stay here!

Pyro:I'm going to miss you guys.*Hugs Rin*And I'll miss you soooo much,Len!*Hugs Len*

Masamune:*Eye twitches and takes out rapier*

Pyro:Ok!Bye,guys! (^Δ^)/ *Hugs Masamune*

Masamune:*Rolls eye* >////>

Characters from Digimon:We also gotta go.We have missions to do.

Pyro:Ok!*Hugs Matt*Luv ya,Matt!

Masamune:*Eye twitches even more*

Sora from Digimon:Bye!

Everyone who is not emo:Bye!

As Soon As They Left


Masamune:*Folds arms across chest*You remind me Lu Xun.(A/N:A character from Dynasty Warriors)

Pyro:Well.....We'll make the perfect couple 'cause we both like fire.Uuuhhhh.Where are you going?

Masamune:I'm going to kill him.

Pyro:No!Don't make me call Nobunaga and Lady Nene!


Pyro:I know Lady Nene will probably scold you and that you'll be facing Nobunaga's Rayquaza.^_^

Masamune:*Sweatdrops*Don't you dare.....

Pyro:Too late!*Summons other characters from Pokémon Conquest*Hi guys!

Yukimura:0_0 Where are we?This isn't Ransei!

Kunoichi:Weeee!More fun!*Grins mischievously*



Pyro:Hi guys!^_^

Ginchiyo:This....Is ridiculous......

Sora:Yay!More guests! \(^Δ^)/

Magoichi:*Winks at her*Hey,pretty lady.Want to go out....Maybe for a drink?

Wrong Direction:*Takes out weapons*

Sora:*Kicks him where the sun doesn't shine*

Magoichi:*Collapses to the ground*Such.....A beautiful rose.....with a lot of thorns....*Dies*

Masamune:*Sighs*Magoichi,you always have to act like that?-_-

Pyro:Let the chaos begin!FIYAH!*Throws fireballs around*

Kunoichi:Weeee!*Throws daggers around*

Kenshin:*Smirks and watches with amusement,then starts drinking*

Kotaro:*Also smirks and watches*Soon....The winds of chaos will spread....


Sora:*Takes out chainsaw*Bow down before me!!!!Muwahahahahaha!Pyro made me do this!


Lillie,SMG,Skyla and Kitty:*Chases Hiro and Nyx with mud,water balloons and sharp weapons*

Motochika:*Sighs and starts to play with shamisen*Soon....The land will fall.....

Pyro:*Raises a flaming sword up in the air and jumps on Masamune's back*Warriors,today,we start chaos!!!!Muwahahahaha!

Kai:Grrrr!Kunoichi!Come back here!*Chases Kunoichi with chainsaw*

Kunoichi:*Giggles*Can't catch me!~

Ash:O.o This is insane......

Sapphire:Cookies!!!*Throws cookies everywhere*

Zach:*Shrugs and fires aura blasts everywhere*Muwahahahahaha!

Pyro:RANDOMNESS!*Throws potatoes*CHAOS!COOKIES!*Throws cookies everywhere*

Kotaro:Better join the chaos.*Jumps in front of Echo with his Zoroark,surprising her*

Echo:That's it!*Takes out her weapon and chases Kotaro*

Oichi:Guys....*Hugs Jigglypuff*

Ieyasu:Stop!Please....have some benevolence.....

Everyone else:NO ONE CARES!!!

Keiji:Yeah!*Takes out pike*Hahahahaha!I love it here!

Tadakatsu:Face my might!*Points weapon at everyone*

Everyone:Oh....My.....Gosh......IT'S TADAKATSU!!!!!RUN!!!!!!!


Pyro:Ok!No one touch the fridge!


Drew,Mitsunari,Kiyomasa,Paul,Abby,Chase and Hanzo:-_-

Hanzo:My lord,should we leave?

Ieyasu:Let's get out of here.

Pyro:No one can escape!I placed a protection spell and more!Muwahahahahahaha!

Masamune:Your randomness is rubbing on me.Oh well,I HAVE CONQUERED JAPAN!!!!

Keiji:I have conquered you all!

Pyro:Conquest!*Shoots fireball*

Ieyasu:Benevolence!*Raises spear up in the air*

Everyone else:RANDOMNESS!!!!

Nikki:Cheese!*Takes out chainsaw*

Lian:Fire!!!!*Chases Drew with flaming sword*

Pyro:*Hears someone approach her*Gah!*Grabs Yukimura*Oh!Yukimura,don't scare me!*Lets go of Yukimura*

Yukimura:Ummm.Sorry...*Bows*Lady Pyro,I'd like to report that someone named Gold and Ash found all the food supplies in the basement and managed to go through the Mankeys.

Pyro:*Laughs weakly*They still won't go through Sora's Rayquaza,Latios and Latias.(Pyro anger meter,now above 40!)*Sees Hanzo jump in front of her*

Hanzo:I'd like to report that I found an unconscious Rayquaza and eon duo in the basement.

Pyro:Ummmm....They still won't go through my Groudon and Ivysaur....(Pyro anger meter now above 60 and fear is now over 70 because Sora might scold her)

Hanzo:*Disappears into the shadows*

Misty:Pyro!We found an unconscious Groudon and Venasaur in the basement!And all the food you hid there are now stolen!

Pyro:(Anger meter now over 100!Danger!Danger!)That's it!COME HERE YOU TWO FOODLOVING PUNKS!THAT'S THE LAST OF OUR FOOD SUPPLIES!!!!!

Everyone heard Ash and Gold scream,then silence

Pyro:*Goes berserk and fires many fireballs in random directions*

Masamune:She lost it -_-


Drew:*Ducks,but gets hit on the face by a frozen duck*-_-

Kitty:Not that kind of duck!*Dodges another flying duck*

Pyro:Muwaahahahaahhaahah!Fire!FIRE!FIYAH!!!!BURN!!!!!!!!!!*Laughs like a maniac and throws fireballs everywhere and starts to sing in the tune of Wrecking Ball*I'M PYRO THE FIIIIIRE GUUUURL!!!!!WOOO!

Hears a Scream

Ash:What the-*Screams as Mankeys barges in*

Riku:Oh my gosh!The Mankeys drank all of Master Kenshin's wine!Kenshin and the Mankeys are drunk! <(O0O)>

Everyone:*Gets attacked by drunk Mankeys*

Sora:*Tries to drive them away with her sword*

Yukimura:Try to scare them away,Lady Sora!

Sora:I'm trying!Keiji,use your spear!

Keiji:On it!Hahahaha!

Ina:*Shoots arrows everywhere*This.*Shoots*Is.*Shoots*Nonsense!

Mankey:*Starts to dance around*(^o^)>-0-0-

Pyro:Whose bra is that?


Leaf:Gary!!!!I'll kill you for stealing my underwear!*Charges toward Gary*

Hears another Scream

May:Oh my gosh!Now we have a drunk zombie apocalypse!Where did all the wine came from?!

Everyone else:*Points at a wine cellar that appeared magically*

Kenshin:*Starts to dance and sing while drunk*IIIIIII caaaaaaaameeee innnn liiiiike aaa-

Zombies:*Starts to act like they are retarded/drunk/women and perverts*

More Screams

Pyro:Oh no!Now there are drunk vampires!Not the Edward Cullen  kind of ones!But the Dracula ones!


Another Scream

Ginchyo:*Rolls eyes*What now?!

Sora:Sid is shaving his back right in front of us!

Everyone:*Glances at Sid and throws up*

More Screams

Pyro:Great.Now the Creepypastas are drunk....-_-

Slenderman:*Is doing the Harlem shake in a drunk manner*

Pyro:Someone lock the wine cellar!

Days of Chaos with the Warlords and Warriors of Ransei Later

Pyro:*Pants*Let's*Pants*Start with the dares....

Sora:These are from Eragon104,or now known as PokemonMasta45.

Seth create some chains where Sora's other admirers will be hung by their wrists. Time for a little target practice (have him create a bow and shoot them)

Seth:*Grins*With pleasure.....*Creates shadow chains and hangs the rest of the Wrong Direction*

Ina:*Takes out her bow*Great.I could use some practice...

Magoichi:You could use a date *Winks*

Tadakatsu:NO ONE TOUCHES MY DAUGHTER!*Kills Magoichi*

Sora:*Takes out a bow*Sorry,guys!But I also have to practice!^-^

After Torturing The Other Members of Wrong Direction

Sora and In left to take care of their bows


Soren, call Sora's fan club. Take the consequences!

Soren:*Starts to shake*P-p-p-please....No....

Pyro:*Takes out flaming sword*Do it.....

Soren:*Sighs and contacts the Keyheart fanclub*

With Sora and Ina

Sora:*Sighs*Marriage is tough,huh?

Ina:Agreed.But Noboyuki is very kind to me.How about you?Do you plan on getting married?

Sora:*Shrugs*Depends.....*Hears a squeal*What the-*Gets tackled by some wild fans*



Fanboys:Marry me!

Fangirls:Please be our bestfriend!

Sora:*Flies up using her wings*


Sora:Who called my fans?!*Turns red*

Everyone:*Points at Soren*

Sora:*Cracks knuckles and drags Soren to the closet*

Hears Screams,Cries for Mercy and Disturbing Sounds


Nobunaga:*Smirks*She's one amazing woman.*Laughs like a maniac*


I dare Seth to offer shadow ball rides for $5 each.


Squeals of Excitement and Joy can be Heard as Shadow Balls were Sent Flying Along With their Riders


Oh and I dare you to kiss Masamune for 1 minute.


Pyro:Thanks,PokemonMasta45!I lluv my readers!But I luv Masamune more!*Grabs Masamune and kisses him*

Sora:*Returns with Soren*I'll read now.Time for Zach's dares!^_^

I dare you too to get married to Masamune

Pyro:Yay! \(^o^)/

Yukimura:Congratulations,Lord Masamune!^_^

Kanetsugu:I now see that love change the heart of the One-Eyed Dragon.It's such an honorable-


Pyro:Let's get married!*Grabs Masamune*

Keiji:Hahahahaha!Good luck with your crazy bride,Masamune!

After the Wedding

Pyro:*Cuddles with Masamune*Next!

You know what everyone is going to marry the person they have a crush on


Pyro:Wait.So that means.....Sora is going to marry five,Rafe marries two,Dawn marries three,May marries two and so on?Just.Woah.....

After Arranging,Planning,other Things

Pyro:Next dare!

Sora:Time for Kitty's dares!


Pyro I dare you and Masamune to play 7MIH ((not sure if it's spelled like that?))



Everyone except Kanetsugu:*Jumps*

Pyro:Holy mother of Arceus!Anyways,*Grabs Masamune and runs to the closet*Thank you,Kitty!

Sora: (;;O.O) Ooookaaaay.Next dare!

Gary I dare you to go act like a total pervert to Leaf, Drew you have to act like a pervert to May too

Gary:*Smirks and smack Leaf's butt*

Drew:*Does the same with May*

May:*Slaps Drew*

Leaf:*Punches Gary*


Pyro and Masamune:*Emerges out of closet*

Pyro:It was fun!^_^


Gold since I like you >////< , you get to eat all the food you want and also...Gold can I hug you? O////////O

Gold:Sure!*Winks and hugs a blushing Kitty*

Sora:Time for percy_potter_games10's dares!

I dare Lady A to stab anyone she wants with a pair of large sewing scissors on the left eye until it becomes soup like in consistency.

Everyone heard Hiro,Nyx and Kotaro's screams

Pyro:Owwww!Next dare!

Next I dare Leah and Hiro to kiss. Sora, please hit them with that epic frozen tuna if they refuse.

Leah and Hiro:What?!

Sora:Where's my frozen fish?!

Muneshige:Here.*Hands frozen tuna to Sora*

Sora:Thanks.Now do the freakin' dare!

Leah and Hiro:No....

Sora:Fine!*Hits them*

Leah:Owww!It's much more painful than it looks!

Pyro:Next dare!

Next I dare Rafe to be controlled by Sachiko Shinozaki (The one who killed all my favorite characters T_T) for one whole chapter. He has to do whatever she wants, even if it involves killing.


Pyro:Sowwy,Rafe!*Summons Sachiko*

Rafe:*Was now surrounded in a dark aura*

Sachiko:Kill.....Kill.....Kill them all...*Laughs like an innocent girl*

After Killing Us All Mercilessly

Pyro:Gah!Next dare to end this freakin' chapter!Hurry!

Sora:These are from Pikachu78y!

Since Scarlett hates violence I dare her to kill somebody but if she refuses her head will explode .Hehehe>:)


Pyro:*Sighs*Sorry,Scar...*Snaps fingers and Scarlet's head explodes,then snaps again to revive her*


Pyro:What the-

Yukimura:My Lady!Sachiko killed everyone!The place is now in utter chaos!

Pyro:*Perks up at the word chaos*Weee!Chaos!*Leaves*

Yukimura:(;;O_O) Oh...I apologize for that.*Bows*How to do this....Umm...Vote and comment a dare.Thank you.*Smiles and jumps when he hears screams*

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