I stayed up all night writing this, guys. -.- Be thankful and sorry for a few. . . stuff cuz I was half asleep, and I'm in a bad mood cuz some bitch decided to ruin my day. She just approached me and told me "fck you" while smiling innocently. I punched her on the face, then she protested I must have gone crazy from "too much smartness", "reading too much" and so many more sht that does NOT make any sense because she was talking to the guy who was in front of her. News flash! No one's in front of her! Who's crazy now?
Anyways, enjoy the damn chapter, vote, comment and *leans in and whispers in your ear* Sharing is caring XD Jk!
Pyro: I. Got. An. Idea,
May: What. Is. It?
Pyro: What would happen if I turn Miley Cyrus into a Titan?
Drew: 0_0 No -
Pyro: Too late! *Turns Miley into a Female Titan*
Female Titan: *Rides on the world's largest wrecking ball*
I crush you with a wrecking baaaaaalllll
I was always attacked by humans!!!!!!
All I wanted was to break your walls -
Everyone: O_O
Pyro: That's my new creature! My first are the DNP, then drunk rainbow Creepers on drugs (DRCOD), and drunk Tauros on steroids (DTOS)! I'm thinking of new creatures!
Rafe: No -
Pyro: Too late! ^_^ *Summons an army of Prinnies*
Everyone: Nuuuuuuu!!!!!!
Days of Chaos Later
Pyro: Lets start! ^_^
Lost Silver: *Gulps*
Wendy: This is from. . . . *dramatic drumroll* Amy!
I dare you to have your fire powers back and burn anyone!
Pyro: WOOHOO!!!!! *Burns everyone, then revives them* Yesh! \(^0^)/
I'll go join the Forever Alone club. *goes and sulks in the emo corner*
Amy: *Joins Takeo, Soren and PPG10*
Le Quadruple: \( ._.)/ Forevah Alone. . . .
I dare Soren's head to split open to see if he really even has a brain! ^-^
Pyro: YESSSSSS!!!! *Grabs Miley's hammer*
Soren: *tries to run*
Pyro: *Hits his head* Ooh! There's a small treasure! He does have a brain! Its only this *Gestures to a tiny ant* small.
Everyone: We're surprised. 0_0
Pyro: Anyways, next! \(^0^)/
Erza: This is from Payton! Happy b - day!
I dare someone to make me a cupcake for my birthday on Monday XD
Takeo: I already did! ^_^
Payton: Yay!!!!!
Everyone: Happy b - day!
Mirajane: Next are from elementgirl031!
I dare all the Creepypastas go all out with Team Crafted! ^_^
Hears a Scream
Sora: Next are from PPG10.
Hmm *tries to think of dares*... got it! I dare Lady A to be merged by someone who's the complete opposite of her.
Pyro: *Combines Lady A and Nyx*
Nyx: What the?!
Lady A: Not you!
Nyx: At least half of my face made that poor excuse of a face of yours more beautiful!
Lady A: *Punches self*
Nyx: Watch it, brat!
Lady A: >:(
Next I dare horse face to become an actual horse. Everyone can ride him for $3!
Jean: No!!!!
Pyro: Yes!!!! *Takes him to plastic surgery*
Pyro: *sings* My little horsey! My little horsey!
Jean: *Now looks like a male Fluttershy* Neigh. -_-
Pyro: Free rides! *Jumps on Jean* Lets ride off to the sunset! *Rides off with Jean and raises up rainbow sword* FOR NARNIA!!!!!
Pyro: Next!
Cleo, kiss someone in front of Leah. Leah can do whatever she wants afterwards.
Cleo: *Grins evilly, then kisses Hiro and spits, wiping her mouth with her hands*
Leah: o.e DIEEEEEE!!!!!! *Kills Hiro*
I dare Leah and Mikasa to rumble!
Leah: Its on! *Puts on knuckle guards*
Mikasa: *Readies swords and 3 dimensional maneuver gear, or 3DMG*
Eren: <_< Mikasa, be careful.
Mikasa: *Nods and charges at Leah*
Leah used Pound!
Mikasa dodged!
Leah used Curse!
It's super fackin effective!
Mikasa was speechless!
Leah used Double Kick!
Mikasa was sent flying!
It's super effective!
Leah charged after Mikasa
Wait. . .
Leah was shocked!
Eren has turned to Titan Form!
Holy buddercrap pepperoni macaroni pizza with cherries on top! RUN!!!!!
End of battle *Bows*
Um, I dare myself to woman up and confess my feelings to... >\\\> Eren. What can I say?! I have an anime crush on him! Please don't judge.
Pyro: I know, I know. *Grabs a poster of Light, Sebastian, Len, and many other guys she fangirls over* DO NOT BLAME US GIRLS FOR HAVING SUCH HORMONES! THE ONES WHO WERE AT FAULT ARE THE BOYS FOR BEING SO HOT! >:O (A/N: The truth has been spoken! \(0^0)/ *Spotlight points at me*)
Boys: (;;0_0)
PPG10: *Shyly approaches Eren* E - Eren - sama.
Eren: *Smiles in a friendly manner* What is it, Melissa? (A/N: I still dunno Eren's personality, just started Attack on Titan and so far, I watched five episodes because of Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Lives)
PPG10: Do not call me by my real name! *Blushes a bit*
Eren: Um. . . Okay. So, what do you want?
PPG10: Here goes. . . . I - I - I . . . . .
Eren: *Touches her forehead* Are you sick? Your face is red.
PPG10: I - I like you! >\\\\<
Eren: O_O
Mikasa: o.e
*Kricketunes start chirping*
Eren: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
PPG10: >\\\>
Eren: Um -
Lucario: With me!!!!
Miley Titanus: *Enters with wrecking ball* A - a - a - and me!
The Three: *Knocks out Eren by throwing a Prinny at him*
Prinny: Dood! *Blows up*
Eren: @_@ *Gets knocked out*
PPG10 and Mikasa: O_o *Sweatdrops*
Wendy: (0_0;;) Next are from FellDragon.
I dare Nyx and Hiro to get lost in a forest then you can burn down the forest they're in. I need to think of more dares...
Miley Titanus: I came in with my wrecking ball! *Grabs the two monsters and carries them to the forest*
Everyone: Woohoo!!!!
Pyro: *Throws a giant Prinny at the forest*
Prinny: *Screams and blows up*
Pyro: *Burns the forest while singing* I CAME IN AND I BURN YOU UP!!!
Hiro: I will survive! I will survive! Hey hey!
Nyx: *Tries to use Hiro as a shield*
Nyx and Hiro: *screams*
Erza: Next!
Oh and have Slenderman stalk Seth until he goes crazy.
Slenderman: *Shrugs* Ok. *Stalks Seth*
Seth: *Was busy stalking Sora to notice Slenderman's stalking him while Pyro is stalking Slenderman and Masamune was stalking Pyro and so on!*
Tsch! Tskkrrk! Crrrkk!
Seth: *Vision starts getting statics* Wha? <__< >__> Show yourself!
No Answer
Seth: *Shrugs*
More Statics
Seth: *Trembles* Who are you?! (<_<;;) *Backs away a bit*
Slenderman: *Teleports in front of him*
Seth: *Screams like Justin Bieber (In other words, a sound that I can't tell if it's girlish or alien) and runs away*
Slenderman: *Follows him*
Mirajane: Good luck to him. Next are from Kitty!
I dare all the OCs to admit there biggest fear
All OC's: *Sits in a circle*
Sora: I'll go first. Mine is ice and being alone. *Shudders*
Riku: The Creepypastas. *Glances nervously at the CPs*
Austin: M - mine is. . . Clowns.
Laughing Jack: *Laughs*
Austin: O_O *Gulps*
Chase: Um. . . Seeing someone holding a pair of scissors.
Soren: You mean Sachiko and Corpse Party?
Chase: No! I hate it when it's time to cut my hair! >_<
Everyone: (O_O;;)
Soren: *Clears throat* Giovanni.
Rafe: *Cough cough Lillipup cough cough*
Soren: *Glares*
Takeo: v_v Mine is Espurrs, Meowstics, spider - like creatures and -
Sora: *Holds up a video game copy* SILENT HILL!!!! (^0^)/[silent hill]
Takeo: *Turns blue* This. . . This is injustice! *Runs off*
Emma: The dark.
Kohaku: *Turns blue* Watching Miley Cyrus videos and JB.
Pyro: Next!
Drew give May skittles
Drew: Nhuuuuuuu!!!!!!
May: Yay! \(^0^)/ *Tackles Drew and grabs the skittles*
Soren: \(0o0)/ IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD!!!!!! *Runs around in circles, flailing arms wildly*
Pyro: WOOO! Next!
Chase and Austin go wrestle legendary Pokemon using your fists
Pyro: *Sends out all her legendaries*
Chase: *Gulps* Bro, we can do this. . . . Right?
Austin: (^_^;;)
The two: *Was sent flying by a powerful Hyper Beam*
Soren go touch a Lillipup
Soren: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!! AGbxhzjdhsuhcfshcrhdjxjdjsupiOkhstolago a thsaffsvcvxfcc!!!!
Everyone: 0_0
Pyro: Such COLORFUL words! \(o~o)/ *rainbow appears above her*
Sora: Ren, it's just an adorable Lillipup. *Holds a baby Lillipup in front of Soren*
Soren: *Hyperventilates* Just a Lillipup? JUST a Lillipup?! That creature is unatural!
Rafe: -_- Says the clone who was afraid of a small Pokémon and once jumped off a building AND has a brain the size of an ant.
Sora: *Glares at Rafe* RAFE!!!
Soren: )':
Soren fangirls: NO ONE DOES THAT TO SOREN!!!! *Attacks Rafe*
During the Chaos, Soren accidentally bumped into the Lillipup
Soren: *Screams, hyperventilates and faints*
Everyone: (-_-;;)
Erza: Next are from Scott.
I dare Sapphire to go into a bottomless pit
Sapphire: -_- *Was pushed to a bottomless pit by Scott*
Nyx, Hiro, Masamune, and Seth have to act gay to each other and masa can't hit on Pyro or i kill masamune
Nyx, Hiro, Seth and Masamune: O_O
Pyro: *laughs*
Masamune (Why is he still here? XD): Wha? *Turns to Pyro* JM, save me! Now!
Pyro: *Shakes head* Nah. *Censores the rest, then sings Unhappy Refrain (I fcking love that song! I'm trying to post a cover of Unhappy Refrain in Sound Cloud! ^\\\^)*
"sandanjuu to TEREKYASUTAA kotoba no seiretsu, ANHAPPI
tanshin, okai no machinami uchi konda oto, kirai desu ka?
koe ga tsubureru made utatte nando no jikan wo hou ni futta
yatto no koto te ni ireta ANTA tebanasu wake ni ikanai desho
[WANMAN RAIBU daiseikou!] atama no naka wa shoujo manga
sandan, sude ni naku natta koko de ichido hiki kae sou ka
sotto oita choudo ii tsukou wo nando mo hiroi agetetanda
mitto mo nai kurashi ni mou BAI BAI soro soro mukae ga kuru no desho?
machigai sagashi bakari fura fura
furi kaeri kata, oshiete choudai yo
tarinai mono wa mou nai, mou nai
sou kai? sou kai, sou kai
iu nara sore wa, sore wa RAKKII
kurikaeshi no sanjuu kyuu byou meguri megutte itara mieta, sore wa HAPPII?
nattoku nante suru hazunai wa!
dondake oto wo kasanetatte owari mo hajimari mo yatte wa konai na
tsumari tsumari imi wa nai no
sou yara ANTA mo wakacchainai na?
gamen no mukou ochite itta
sakasama no GAARU, otona no sekai.
sandanjuu to TEREKYASUTAA kotoba mo nai yo na ANRAKKII
manshin soui GEEMU OOBAA
me ni miete iya sou na kanji desu ne?
sanzan tsumazu ita SORE wa mou ikkai wo akirameta
korogari tsutsu mo kanchigatta sou de ANTA ga warattetanda
WANMAN RAIBU daiseikou matsuri no ato no SENCHIMENTARU
manjou icchi kaisan da koko de ichido uragae sou ka
koe ga tsubureru made utatte nando no jikan wo hou ni futta
yatto no koto te ni ireta ANTA nee, gokigen wa ikaga desu ka
yokunai yume no tsuzuki sowa sowa
machigae kata wo wasureta sono matsuro
naritai mono wo choudai, choudai
[mou nai.]
sou kai? sou kai?
doushite sore ga, sore ga HAPPII
usturo me no gozen yoji mayoi mayotte tadori tsuita soko ga HAPPII?
konna ni tsukarete iru no ni naa
doushite kore ga, kore ga HAPPII
owari mo mienai michi ni nesobe tte
gurari gurari kuzure chau wa
dou yara ANTA no sugata ga jama de
iu nara sore wa, sore wa HAPPII
kurikaeshi no sanjuu kyuu byou meguri megutte itara mieta, sore wa RAKKII?
nanda ka fushigi to mukuwarenai naa
tada oto wo kasanetatte owari mo hajimari mo yatte konai na
tsumari tsumari imi wa nai yo!
sou da ne imasugu tobi ori you
gamen no mukou ochite itta
sakasama no GAARU,otona no sekai.
sore wa?"
Robert: Are they done?
Pyro: Not yet. Next!
Emma does 7MIH with Soren
Soren: *Was still 'dead'*
Everyone: (O_O;;)
Emma: Oh well! He's dead! *Sighs with relief*
SMG has to act like a derpy toddler for 2 chapters
SMG: -____-
Scott: Do it. *Takes out Happiness*
SMG: *Sighs* Yay yay yay! Coochies!!! *Grabs cookies*
Sapphire SMIH with Herobrine
Sapphire: *Was teleported in a closet with Herbrine*
Enderdragon VS. Sora & Soren
Sora: Yes! *Kicks Soren's corpse* Bro, wake up! *Screams* THERE'S A LILLIPUP APOCALYPSE!!!
Soren: *jumps and hides behind Sora* NO! NO! *Hyperventilates*
Sora: JK! ^_^
Soren: -_-
The Two (Insert Name for the Duo): *Charges at the Enderdragon*
I drive us to our next location
Pyro: Sure, cuz our next destination, due to a reader's request, is the Naruto world! SASUKE!!!! ^\\\^
Pyro can never loose her fiyah powers again *glares at Smg*
I gain Fire & Water Powers Nyx Faceplants
Spark's fiyah powers turn into ice powers and he gets a tuna
All Requests Were Taken Care of
SMG does SMIH with Silver wait i forgot a part... Lost Silver
L.S fangirls: WHA?!
SMG: 0_0 *Hugs Silver*
Pyro: Sorry, SMG, a dare is a dare. *Pushes the two* She's soooo lucky! (TT^TT)
Ash and Misty can't eat for two chapters
Ash and Misty: (TT_TT)
and i bake A cake for @Paytonrocks_07
SMG has to act like a derpy toddler for 1 chapter
Sora And Rafe Have to do Seven minutes in hell
i fight your sadness with happiness (not the weapon)
also i dare myself to give you a shout out in my “Ask Rou_USA :B" book
and 9 minutes of randomness (i call it 9MOR)
Pyro: *Sings Po Pi Po*
Vocaloids: *Appear*
Flower: Thanks! ^_^
Suddenly, an army of drunk ninja vampires appeared
Vampire #2: I don't *Hic* care what you did, Carlisle. (Or whatever his name is spelled)
Vampire #3: And how come Jacob has eight packs?
Everyone: 0_0
Pyro: *Approaches Vampire #2 and says in Bella voice* Your skin is stone cold, and you never go out under the sun. I know what you are.
Vampire #2: What is it? Say it!
Pyro: You're a. . .
Vampire #2: SAY IT!
Pyro: *In dark voice* You're a snowman that's fused with a fairy! *Insert troll face*
Abby: POTATOES!!!!
Pyro: CHAOS!!!!!
Soren: ME NEITHER!!!!
Pyro: Next dare!
oh i gotta problem i have a story planned but i don't know a great title, for the first time in my life, can you think of a name?
Pyro: That's easy! It depends on the plot of the book.
Erza: Next are for Pokemon_friends.
days of chaos later
Mirajane: Next are from Pokemon_TrainerRob!
whenever my OC is called Ginger, make him go ballistic
Pyro: Hey, Ginger!
May: Ginger!~
Robert: >:(
Everyone: GINGER!!!!!!
Robert: *Goes Super Seiyan*
Pyro: *knocks him out with darts* Next are from Nikki!
I dare Garrett (hes still alive for four chapters) go shirtless and dance to gangnam style (I fangirl over him so yeah)
Garrett: -_- Fine. *Takes shirt off*
Nikki: ^\\\^ *Nosebleed*
Garrett: *Dances to Gangnam Style*
Then make Kohau drunk with Thefts of Innocence and locked in a room with Abby then afterwards face Garretts wrath
Garrett: *Was beating up Kohaku with. . . uh. . . . A pillow?*
Wendy: Next are from pokemon123789!
I dare to release the drunk Ninja Primapes, in addition, that have BAZOOKAS !
Pyro: YEA!!!! *Summons DNP with bazookas* RISE, MY PUPILS AND LETS MOVE ON TO THE NEXT DARE!
You go FIYAH! I dare PYRO THE EPIC to get water, earth, air, lightning, and shadow powers in addition to her fire powers, forever! You can cause some serious damage with that! P.S. You still keep your FIYAH powers!
Pyro: Yes!!! *Throws away water powers* Nah. Its doesn't cause as much destruction as FIYAH.
Erza: Next are from Emma_o.
Have Austin and Riku try to kill Sora and make lost silver hug me :)
Lost Silver: U - u - u -uh. Ok. *Awkwardly hugs Emma_o*
Austin and Riku: *Was already pwned by Sora*
Pyro: Next!
Wendy: This is from gold_x_silver_forver!
I dare glitchy red to meet normal red and give a hug! I wanna see two reds hugging so cute even cuter if one is creepy pasta
Red: 0_0 *Awkwardly hugs Glitchy Red*
Pyro: Yay! Yaoi!
Everyone: (0_0;;)
Pyro and Izzy: What can we say?! Yaoi is pretty exciting!
Mirajane: (^_^;;) Next are from Taylor.
I dare pyro to allow my sister to be in this series thing and also she has a huge crush on ash. I also dare Vampy to be added.(he is a vampire and a make one so no mistake him for a girl)
After kidnapping, breaking into houses and stuffing the hostages in potato sacks
Pyro: Next!
Erza: These are from Anna!
I dare Gray to go an entire chapter without stripping..... Nah, I take that back. Only an hour without stripping.
Grey: -.- I'll try.
Leah: *Screams* Grey! You're naked again! ( / ^ \ )
Grey: *Looks down* Dang it!
Pyro: *Chains him*
Bring Happy from Fairy Tail in so we can cuddle! ^_^
Happy: Um. . . .
Anna: *Hugs Happy*
Happy: \(;;-w-)/ Oh well.
T.K., take Sora on a date! (But Rafe and I must stalk them to make sure nothing happens)
Takeo: *Does the happy dance in his head*
Sora: 0////0
Rafe: *Tries not to send out Blaziken*
Sora: >\\\> *Links arms with Takeo as they walk toward the fair* ^_^ This should be fun!
Takeo: Y - yea. ^\\\^ (A/N: Lucky Sora lucky Sora lucky Sora lucky Sora lucky Sora!0
Takeo: *suddenly leans in to kiss her*
Sora: Uh. . . 0///0
Rafe and Anna: SUPER DYNAMIC ENTRY!!! *Whacks Takeo with a Prinny*
Takeo: X_X
Everyone, pick a power and join the Fairy Tail guild! I pick Ice!
Everyone: *Picks a power and joins le guild*
Pyro: Next!
Master Bob (Master of the Blue Pegasus Guild) can do whatever he wants with all the guys. (but not Gray! *hugs him protectively*)
Girls: Eep! *Closes eyes*
I'm Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gonna censore this part
Mirajane: Next are from supershinypichu!
I dare you to put me and my friends from flying with angle wings! Oh yeah...... I dare you and everyone (not me tough) to watch all digimon seasons and on the last ep of tamers watch the ep in Japanese and when you get out add ALL the digimon characters to the story for the whole book! And for a welcoming party for digimon people I sing with the will!!!! A digimon song!!!!!! And I get to Date Fire boy Takuya!!!!! And pokemon people have too sing Sakura Kiss to their crush (not meh tough) English version!!!!!!!!! I am Katelyn!!!! Ship Yuu x Ariu and Tiagru x Ariu!!!!!! Taki x Nene!!!!!!! Love DIGIMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!>0< >3< >0< >3< >0< Keep claim and.............................. LOVE DIGIMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X 100000000000000000000000000000000!
Later after doing a lot of chaotic stuff
Mirajane: Last ones are from Emeree!
I dare Nyx to become Emeree and Sora's personal slave and punching bag for 3 chapters!
*Hears a scream as Sora transformed to Lost Guardian*
I dare Nyx to flirt with Peter and try and survive Serena's wrath
Done with Le Tortures
Pyro: Finally. . . Done. Yay!
Ash: Vote, comment and please answer our question of the day!
What if Pewdiepie never knew how to brofist and is just a plain, boring Felix? What if Sky never loved BUDDER and hates Minecraft? What if Pokémon never exists? And most important of all. . . .
That's all! ^_^
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