Pokemon:The Mystery of Friendship

(Sup I'm making a Pokemon Fanfic. So yea wrote this in class.This is a crossover of most of the Pokemon games-the new ones that I have or seen someone play- so hope you enjoy.)


"You got the talisman?"I shout to my partner as we rushed along through the darken cave."Hai,You got the scroll?" he ask. I pull out the rolled up golden sacred paper. "ROOOAH!" roars the mad Pokemon.The roar resonates throughout the cave,making the ground shake. "We better hurry up before they catch up to us."my partner suggested.Too late. A bunch of Luxray and Luxio with red eyes appear in front of us,blocking the exit. "RETURN WHAT YOU STOLE!" roars the pack leader. "Sorry but we need this."I grin.I whip open the scroll and start painting a tower before making a streak in the paper. "Summon us a portal to Terrera!" I chant. A portal warps unto the paper and sucks me and my partner into it. "YOOM TAH!" I cheer as we go in.

--- Sunset in the Terrera Kingdom---

I find myself on the roof of a tall partly destroyed red building. "Yumeshi?You OK?" asked my partner sitting next to the edge, dangling his paws over to the edge.He started swinging them to the beat in the air. I slowly sat up and nod with a sly smile on my face. I burst out laughing looking at the darken red sky. "We did it!We got another talisman!" I giggle.My partner pulls out the odd shaped rock with a blue orb in the middle. Soon we find ourselves jumping for joy. I stretch out my arms as I feel the cold air blow through my purple hair. I sigh in relief. "I remember when we first started out our adventure.3 badges,that's all we won until we got dragged into this.Collecting 17 talismans is our main objective now and I'm the one who can find them with my ability.Sigh. I pulled out my map. "Ok so the Electika cave had a talisman and the Moonlit Forest had the fox Talisman. " I announce marking them on our map. "Ah.Where to next,Rin?" I ask. "I've hear there might be one near Fontaine Kingdom?" my partner replies. "Yo k.Let's go," I cheer pulling out my scroll. "A wonder scroll is the only way to travel." I proudly shout.

_____That night, it was a really bad storm in the Fontaine Kingdom____

Huff,Huff. This time everything when wrong!It was a trap.The trap made by the boss and it almost worked.I look back at the hoard of Pokemon chasing us. "We have to do something."worried my partner. "Don't worry.I got this covered." I grin pulling down my blue goggles and whipping out my slingshot. I take out two small pellets,a black one and a grey one.I leap into the air high above the treetops of the half destroyed swamp."A broken bridge is up ahead,"my partner reports. I nod.So I have to make this quick. "Smokescreen Blast!" I chant firing the grey one.The pellet explodes into smoke covering the area. "Dark Star Blast!" I shout firing the black one. I watch as a Gyarados gets thumped in the head,causing them to fall onto their trainer.Haha,Funny. "Yes." I cheer pulling my black scarf out the way while falling back to the ground. My partner catches me and dashes off.

I pull out my Wonder Scroll and start drawing.I stop when something grabs my scarf,lifting me up into the air."Wah!" I drop the scroll and look up to see a scary Pokemon. "You're not getting away with messing up our plans,you little brat.The boss is sick of you stealing the talisman."his voice boomed.Then he stops to think. "The boss can use you.Its not everyday a human can talk to Pokemon."he smirks while my partner grabs the scroll.I struggle to get away,fail . "Rin!Do it NOW!Steak the paper!" I shout. "But-B-But...-" he stutters in shock. "Just do it.Take the talisman and go somewhere,anywhere.Forget about this jerk. Our mission is too important."I shout.Oh shoot the large Pokemon manage to rip a hole in the paper just a little while trying to grab my partner.My partner nods and starts to chant while leaping in the air. "Summon a portal.!Take us back....um..-" he starts to wonder. "We don't have time for thing.Just say anyplace but here."I yell.As soon as I said that the scroll glows and we all get sucked in.I grab a hold of Rin but something went wrong with the portal.


"Don't let go!"shouts Rin. "I...I can't hold on much longer."I scream feeling my hands starting to slip. Something grabs a hold of my legs, dragging me in another direction. "Rin...If...If I don't make it out of here...finish the mission.Its too important for this corrupt world."I start. "Don't say that,Yumeshi!" We'll make it and complete the mission together!And...And after all of this is over...We'll finish getting badges like we use."Rin explains through a sadden smile.Tears fall from his face and land on my cheek. I try not to cry as my hands start to slip more. "But...before I go..I have to say this." I say. But then my hand slips out of his paw and I start to fall. "You're my best partner...no my most trusted friend I've ever had!" I say with a smile before I fall through a black hole. I manage to hear Rin's last words. "WAHHHHH!YUMESHI!!" he screams.


I flash of light and different colors? Where am I? Is this a dream? Am..Am I dreaming? A unknown sound. What was that? Yea it's gotta be. I'm sure of it. I was the voice of..someone.Someone is calling me..but who? "You..You who can hear my voice.Might you be...a human?" says a voice. Huh?Yea I am. "If you are. I..I want you to save the Pokémon world.We need your help." It say. Suddenly a strike of screeching fills my ears.ACK! "HELP!!!" A vision enters my head...its...its..it's a Munna and its running.Running for what,it needs help.I try to move but I can't feel my body. Right there I spot what was chasing the poor Pokémon,a Hydreigon. It roars and the sound resonates through the whole cave.It attacks but then a flash of light blinds me until it sinks into darkness."WHA--!What was that just now?What could it mean? Those Pokémon.?" I wonder aloud. I see something glowing in the distant..What is it now?...Wait...I feel as if something is calling for help. I step closer toward the light which was in the center of something blue surrounded but something white and fluffy. I finally reach it and then the sky turns black.Oh boy what did I do now?Suddenly a circle appears under me.What the what!?Whats going on.WAHHHHHHHAURHHHHH. After a flash of light..wait why do I see..the..GROUND!!!! NOOOOOOO! I'M FALLING!!!! THROUGH THE SKY!!SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!" I scream with my limbs out...wait...have they grown shorter?No time to thinks I'm going to die!

Oww...everything's spinning round and round? Where am I?I can't see a darn thing.

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