Bea: Sweet Tooth

*ring ring*

"Hi welcome to Slurpuff Savories! What can I get you today?"

Slurpuff Savories is a very popular cafe, with its specialties being mainly desserts and drinks. While it may not be as popular as the Battle Cafe, it is in the top three of the most popular Cafe's in Galar. You are a worker and the owner of Slurpuff Savories, you've been in charge of it for two years now. Though you aren't really alone when working the cafe. You have a Slurpuff working alongside you.

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You first met Slurpuff when it was a small Swirlix. You were young , about 14-15 years old when you first met. It was when you were baking some delicious PokePuff's for an upcoming party. Swlirlix, smelling the delicious sweets, followed the scent until it reached your house. You left the PokePuff's out to cool down as you prepared another batch that humans can eat. As your back was turned, Swirlix came in from an open window in your house and wandered it's way into the kitchen.

Once it was in the kitchen, you were just poring the batter for the next batch of puffs. Once you finished you placed them into the oven and went to check on the previous puffs you left out, only to find Swirlix has eaten 3 of them out of the 15 you baked in that batch. Out of pure shock you went to get the pan away from the pokemon, only to touch the pan with your bare hands with the pan still hot from being out of the oven. You winced and yelled in pain as the pan you tried to lift almost fell to the ground, until Swirlix used Psychic to stop them from falling and places it back on the table as if nothing happened.

While you were happy none of the puffs were ruined, you could only think about the pain you were feeling. You looked down at your hands and saw they were beginning to blister from the burn. Swirlix looks as you and frowns and jumps off the table and steps towards you. Once it was in front of you Swirlix closed it's eyes and shone a green aura, it was using the move Aromatherapy. As the move envelopes you, you can feel your burn and blisters starting to fade away, leaving your hands healed.

You sigh in relief and thank Swirlix and also apologized for freaking out with it eating the PokePuff's. You explained to it that you were making them for a party that one of your friends was holding, and Swirlix understood why you freaked out  when it was eating the desserts. It apologized to you by bowing its head and offered it's help to finish making the remaining sweets. You gladly accepted it's help and smiled at Swirlix as you both worked together to make delicious sweets.

After that entire ordeal, you both were inseparable and it even accompanied you to the party. Everyone thought it was your pokémon but catching it never crossed your mind. Eventually during the party Swirlix asked if it can be with you, and with a happy heart you accepted its offer. You caught your new partner and everyone loved the PokePuff's you two made, and your friends asked if you could make more the next time there's a party. You smiled and said yes to them, and you began to go on your sweets journey.

Over the years you and Swirlix made countless desserts, and eventually you opened your at home bakery. However, as more tried your deserts you realized that there wasn't enough space to serve nor bake. So you decided to head to Wyndon and open your own bakery Slurpuff Savories.

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During your two years of business, people flocked to your cafe like Combee's to honey. Each were trying both you and Slurpuff's desserts and each sang their praises. It wasn't long before the Gym Leaders of Galar took notice and wanted to try it themselves. One of which was a regular, Bea, the fighting type gym leader. Often times she would come in disguised as someone else otherwise her fans would swarm her. It was for the best, one so she wouldn't be swarmed and two so she can eat as many sweets as she wanted. Her sweet tooth was always a big one.

*ring ring*

The bakery doors open and you see a figure wearing a white hoodie with jeans and sunglasses, with the hood covering their hair. They walk to the cash register and you greet them with a smile. "What can I get you today?" You ask them. "I'd like to have one of your PokePuff's." You cock your head slightly with a sly smirk. "Oh? But you realize those are mainly made for pokemon right? Are you sure you want one?" you say in a teasing tone. The figure responds with a smirk. "Yes, just make sure the honey is fresh with them." You nod and motion Slurpuff to grab one of the freshest jars honey in the back, while it does that you start on making the "PokePuff'."

You begin to make the batter for the "PokePuff'", combining all the ingredients together. As you made your batter, Slurpuff grabbed the honey from the back and placed it on the counter. It then heads to the person at the register and gives them a Combee cookie and motions them to sit near the back. The person nods and heads there with no questions. Soon you finish the batter and start pouring it into PokePuff pans and putting them all into the oven. As they bake you continue to take orders and keep an eye on the mysterious figure, they wait patiently not paying any mind to the wait as if this was done before.

You look to Slurrpuff who was monitoring the oven and you call out to it. "Hey Slurrpuff." You call and Slurrpuff comes to you. "Why don't you give our "guest" one of the prototypes we've been working on? Their input is one of the best." You wink to Slurrpuff and it nods and heads to the back to grab one of the prototype desserts you were making. Along with the dessert was an envelope that was also grabbed by Slurrpuff and they take it to the hooded person in the back.

The hooded person sees Slurrpuff and is given the dessert and envelope and Slurrpuff heads back to the kitchen. They open the envelope and read it.

"This one is on the house, I hope you can give me your honest input."

They smile and take a bite of the dessert and their tastebuds were in heaven. Some of the patrons were looking at this figure and were confused. "Can anyone explain why Slurrpuff did that?" One of the patrons asks. "You don't know? Sometimes Slurrpuff gives random people a dessert that's not on the menu and they ask for the person's opinion on it. It's then up to the owner to see if they will add it too the menu." A regular says as they chomp down on a slice of Sitrus Berry Cake.

Slurrpuff comes back to see you taking the PokePuff's out and leaving them out to cool. You then head back to the register and keep taking customers as Slurpuff helps the PokePuff's cool down. Eventually the PokePuff's are cool enough to be frosted and Slurrpuff uses Psychic to place everything down on a tray and begins to frost them with ease. After helping the last customer for the moment you grab the honey and head to the kitchen. You look at the frosted PokePuff's and give Slurrpuff and high five. With that you grab a popsicle stick and begin to lace the PokePuff's with honey with thin lines all over each one.

After you finish lacing the PokePuffs, you grab two of the trays and place it in the display case so people can see. Slurrpuff hands you the last tray and as you place it in the case, Slurrpuff grabs a couple of small signs and places it on the menu and outside saying "Limited Savory Special: Honey laced 'PokePuffs'." As the signs
were placed you then give one of the first PokePuffs to the hooded person and they smile and eats it contently.

People see the sign and one by one people begin to line up trying the limited time delicacy. Quickly the desserts you just made were gone in a flash as people tastes this one of a kind dessert. Eventually everything dies down and soon it was only you, Slurpuff, and the hooded figure.

You flip the sign over to "closed" and walk over to the table they were at and sit down. "That should be everyone, we should be alone now. You can take off the hood." You said with a smile. The hooded person nods and takes off their sunglasses and hood to reveal platinum blonde hair with a bandana like ribbon. It was Bea, the fighting type gym leader.

"I'm sorry it took so long to get here, guess that's what happens when you order one of the hidden items." You laugh and Bea laughs as well. "Well it was worth the wait, after all your desserts are the absolute best." She says with a warm smile. You smile at her and motion Slurrpuff to come over. "So what did you think of the prototype? Slurrpuff came up with the recipe for the one you had." Bea looks to Slurrpuff who was eagerly waiting a response. "It was absolutely delicious. The frosting was smooth, the texture was perfect, and the filling was so nice to try. Did you add Pinap berries into the filling?" Bea asks and Slurpuff nods and smiles. "Slurrpuff thought it was a good idea to balance all the sweetness with a sour filling to balance things out. I gave it a try and it really works well with the flavors." You said and Slurrpuff begins to blush slightly and gives you a hug. You smile and hug back and the look to Bea.

"You really have a great partner." Bea says with a smile and you return it by standing up and giving her a kiss on the cheek. "Don't worry, Slurpuff won't replace you sweetie." You say with a soft and gentle tone and Bea's eyes soften and gives you a kiss on the lips. Both of you laugh a giggle into the kiss until Slurpuff coughs and you both pull away, realizing you're both still in company. You blush and apologize to Slurrpuff. "Sorry Slurrpuff, guess I got carried away." You then grab Bea's hand and lift her up. "Come on, let's head to Wyndon Stadium. I got us a couple of tickets for an exhibition match between Cynthia and Leon. It should be a fun show to see right?" You ask and Bea nods. "Yeah c'mon let's go!" She says as you return Slurpuff to its pokeball. You then both leave the café and lock the doors behind you. Both of you locked arm in arm as you both walk down the night lit streets of Wyndon.

As you walk you both gaze into each other's eyes and give each other one last kiss before Bea puts her hood up again. And as you both walk under a starlit sky you hold each other close as you get closer to Wyndon Stadium. You can hear the sounds of fans entering the stadium waiting for the battle to begin, but all you were focused on was your partner Bea. "Ready to have some fun my litter Sweet Bea?" You ask as you both were about to enter the stadium. She blushes and gives you a slight nudge to your arm but is still smiling. "Yes, I am." And you both walk into the stadium and not even the loudest of fans can disrupt the time you both spend together.

You both laughed and had fun together and once the battle was over, you both shared a kiss before heading back home to rest in your bed with Bea. A wonderful day with the one you love. A sweet thing indeed.

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