Chapter 8: Voice of Memories...
Hello everyone Strom here back again, with a new chapter! The wait is over! Hope you enjoy Chapter 8!
In Pikachu's Dream...
Pikachu hear whispering.
"Hmmm...Huh?" She saw nothing but floating in darkness. The voice that Pikachu heard were getting a little louder but still don't know what they're still saying.
"H-hello... Is someone here?" No response, but an echo. The voice roar loud that it hurts Pikachu's ears.
"UsELeSs!! WoRtHleSs!! WhO EveR WaNT YoU!! MoNSteR!! JusT DiE!!! BuRn iN HelL!!!"
"AHHHHHH!!! Noooo!!!! Just stop it!!!! I don't want to hear it anymore!!!!!!!!" She yelled to try to make the voices to stop. But they just keep continuing as Pikachu falling down through the darkness of nothingness.
"OH, LoOk HeRE CoMeS DeAtH It SeLf!!!!! YoU CReEpy SiCKo!!!!! NoBoDy WAnT tO Be frIEnDs WiTH YoU!!!"
"Stop it!?! Please make it stop!?!" Pikachu feel like she wanted to cry. But a weird look figure came to her face to face and said.....
"SoUleSs FrEaK!!!"
*Gasp* *pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* *pant pant* Pikachu woke up from that horrible dream she had. She feel liquid in her eyes, she was crying.
Pikachu heard someone come in Nuzleaf's house.
Someone is breaking in, Pikachu climb on the side door waiting for that Pokémon to come in and attack them. A shadowy figure went to Pikachu's room. Pikachu use Grass knot/Iron tail on the shadowy figure on the face and fall on the ground.
Pikachu turn on the lights to see who it was.
And Pikachu was shocked, she hit Nuzleaf...on the face.
"NUZLEAF!!! OMG!! Are you alright?!?! Nuzleaf didn't responded. Pikachu put her ears on Nuzleaf's chest.
"Oh, thank goodness your alright! But unconscious..
........ I'm so gotta get in trouble when he wake up......
I'm so die......" Pikachu drag Nuzleaf to his bed so he won't be sleeping on the floor. She went back to bed to go back to sleep and forget this crazy fiasco.
The Next Morning...
"Hmmmm........" Pikachu stretch and scratch her head. She walk up still seeing that Nuzleaf asleep.
"Have plenty of rest Nuzleaf I'm going to school now. See ya later, bye." Pikachu left Nuzleaf's house to a another day of school.
Pikachu stop and saw a crowd on the right side of the plaza's gate.
"Huh? Seems like there's a crowd around the village entrance. What's going on?" Though Pikachu.
"So? How did it look?" Ask Markus.
"I tried to get a decent look around, but it was no good. They're all worked up!" Said Lombre.
"But it vill all be worth it if ve get some delicious honey out of it in ze end." Said Hippopotas really want to taste that delicious honey.
"Delicious honey?" Question Budew that came up to the conversion they were having.
"Yeah, that right. Out in Nectar Meadow, they're starting on their annul... Huh? Aren't you-?" Lombre just realize who he was talking to.
"Budew. Roselia's little one. Honey-making season has begun, child. Many Pokémon like Beedrill and Combee all get together to make Heap o' Honey." Explain Markus.
"And ze honey zat zey make iz ze best! Just a little iz enough to make me jumping for joy!" Cheer Hippopotas still thinking that delicious honey.
"You...jumping for joy?" Budew question does Hippopotas even jumps.
"It's a nutritional powerhouse, to boot. However, they're on edge while making honey. Stay safe and steer clear till they're done. Especially a wee child like yourself. It best to give Nectar Meadow a wide berth at this time of year." Markus told Budew not to go to Nectar Meadow this time of year. After all he is one of the Expedition Society member to help Pokémon in danger.
"Honey-making, huh? I wonder what that "delicious honey" is like. I wouldn't mind a taste." Though Pikachu. She stop thinking about the honey and went to school.
*Ding-dong-dong-ding.* *Ding-ding-dong-ding.*
"Good morning, Principal Simipour!" Said Goomy.
"Good morning to you, Goomy."
"Oh! Principal Simipour! Good morning!" Said Deerling.
"And a good morning to you, Deerling."
"Good morning, Principal Simipour! You got gate duty today, huh? So, let me ask you, sir... Why are you always smirking?" Question Shelment.
"I am not smirking. I'm smiling, my boy. I'm just so tickled to see all of you coming to school in such good spirits. More important than that, though- class is about to begin! Be off to your seat like a good boy."
"Yes, sir!" Said Everyone.
"Hey, Pikachu!" Said Panchum.
"Where'd you come from, anyway? You know you never told us." Ask Panchum. As everyone look at Pikachu curious where Pikachu come from.
"Does anybody know where Pikachu's from?" Question Panchum.
"I have no idea." Said Shelment. Doesn't know the answer from Panchum's question.
"Well, no guess not..." Said Deerling don't know what to say something else.
"That's true huh? We never even asked, did we? Man, I can't believed I-" Cupcake got interrupted by Panchum so rudely.
"Yeah, yeah, that's enough from you. Once you start, you don't stop. So don't. But isn't it weird?
That NOBODY knows where you're from? So tell us.
Oh! N-no way could you be... Are you from Lively Town?!" Question Panchum. He was shock and curious maybe Pikachu living in Lively Town.
"What?! Lively Town?" Goomy was surprise from that question.
"So that make you, like a city Pokémon, huh. Pikachu! So sophisticated! Said Shelment. It makes Pikachu cool being a city Pokémon from Lively Town.
"Nuzleaf hardly seems like the city type. I think you're on the wrong track." Said Espurr.
"What should I do? I don't know the answer?! Where did I even come from? If I tell them the truth will they believe me?" Though Pikachu. She don't know what to say.
"...Then what's the real answer? Where'd you really
come from?" Question Panchum wanting to know what the really answer is.
"But trying to hide the truth won't really gain me anything, either... I guess I'll try being honest. But I don't know how to explain it?..." Though Pikachu.
"To be honest guys...... I really don't know where I came from?" Said Pikachu scratching her head for this awkward moment.
"WHA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-AT?!" Everybody were shock and there mind got blow up.
"I think I made it worst?!?" Though Pikachu worry what gotta happen next.
"Pikachu you..." Cupcake got interrupted by Shelment.
"Don't know where your from?! Like you really don't KNOW?!?" Shelment was shock and surprise, even the others.
"But you know which contented you where, Pikachu..." Question Espurr commenting Pikachu's answer.
"Will you, this is hard to explain.......I have amnesia." Said Pikachu explaining Espurr's comment.
"What!? You got amnesia, and don't remember your old life!?" Question Deerling shocking that Pikachu has amnesia.
"WHA-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-A-AT!?" Everybody was still shock and suspire from Pikachu.
"Seem like it really is a shock... I don't blame them I'm also shock too." Though Pikachu seeing everybody shocking reaction.
"Hah... Hahahahahahaha! Pikachu! You're such a lair!" Said Panchum not believing on Pikachu's word she said.
"Wha-?" Pikachu was confuse what Panchum just said.
"Now who would ever believed a made-up story like you having amnesia. Your just hiding where you really from! You just don't want to be selfish!" Said Panchum.
"Well, yeah, it is bit hard to believe..." Said Deerling agreeing with Panchum.
"Deerling..." Pikachu never though that Deerling will ever agree with Panchum.
"I don't exactly believe it, but I can't say that I know
enough either way. What would Pikachu gain from telling such a lie?" Said Espurr not believing on Pikachu having amnesia.
"Espurr..." Pikachu though that nobody believe her. She was disappointed.
"If you're gonna make up lies, at least do a better job at making them believable! Hahahahahahah!!!"
Said Panchum mocking Pikachu. And he said Pikachu was being selfish.
"Order! What's all this ruckus about now!?" Question Farfetch'd.
As everyone turn around to notice the voice was coming from there teacher Mr. Farfetch'd.
"Teach! Pikachu's telling lies!" Panchum response to Mr. Farfetch'd. Pikachu gave a insulted face for Panchum.
"Telling lies?" Farfetch'd was confuse and question he was walking down the stairs.
"Yeah! Totally unbelievable whoopers!" Said Panchum to the teacher.
"Sometimes the most unbelievable things...are the thing you should most believe in. That's what I've found." Said a voice getting everybody attention.
The voice came from not other then Principal Simipour.
"Principal Simipour!" Said Deerling shock seeing the Principal here what they we're talking about.
Principal Simipour walk down the stairs and started to talk, standing beside the teacher's deck.
"Perhaps Pikachu's story is not true... But who are we to say? And what is not a lie? Sometime unbelievable things do happen...
And because they do, living in this world prove endlessly entertaining." Everyone stayed silence.
"Not that I have any idea what kind of tales Pikachu may have been telling! Haha! The point is just that you children should examine things from many angles...and hopefully have fun learning new things as you do. Change your point of view even a little and might see an entirely new picture. But now, I believe it is time for class to begin.
Mr. Farfetch'd? I leave the rest to you."
"Y-yes sir." Farfetch'd final response as Principal Simipour leave the class and back to his office.
"Let's get started then, class. Today we will begin with the tale of the Three Little Spoink and the Mightyena." Everyone is reading the story that Mr. Farfetch'd told them.
"Now, let see... Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom..."
"Mr. Farfetch'd? I don't think that's the right story." Response Espurr interrupting Mr. Farfetch'd's story.
"Ah! Indeed, I apologize..."
As when third period rolled around...
Vice Principal Watchog teaching them today's field trips with a special guests. The friendly local sheriffs here to assist today's lesson! All of the students cheer and excited that the local sheriffs are here at there school. Will except Pikachu she still new about this place and everyone here.
Today there learning how to use an Alliance.
An Alliance is a group of Pokémon who use there attack together as a one combo move.
To test there teamwork of Alliance's attack, Vice Principal Watchog told the sheriffs to show them how an Alliance works.
The sheriffs told him are you sure, you may lose consciousness. He was sure, theirs no way to stop him. Very will then the sheriffs use their Triple Shock Attack! Which they just named right now.
They attack him and the Vice Principal fainted to the ground.
The students were shock and surprise is Vice Principal Watchog okay??!
They gather up to see if his okay. He said it was nothing but his not admit it. Now he told them, it's there turn to use an Alliance on there Vice Principal.
Espurr, Shelment, and Panchum use there Alliance on their Vice Principal. They attack him with their Alliance. Vice Principal Watchog think the students got a bit of practice.
But should have the basics of Alliance down by now. They have to use them wisely in there adventure! Then he fall to the ground.
"V-Vice Principal Watchog!" The students gather again if his okay.
"I...I'm fine... But I may have underestimated the impact of so many moves, even if you are children...
You all did a very fine job attacking me... Even if you did seem to enjoy a bit much. Let's bring this lesson to an end..."
*Ding-dong-dong-ding.* *Ding-ding-dong-ding.*
"Bye, Ms. Audino!" Said everyone leaving school.
"Good bye for today. Be safe on your way home!"
As everyone say their good byes at school.
Goomy, Deerling, and Pikachu went ahead to get new plants for Kangaskan's café.
"Oh! These look lovely! Don't you think?" Ask Deerling. Goomy and Pikachu nod a Peony flower does look lovely.
Kangaskan will love these. They continued searching new plants for the village's café.
"Beheem........" Pikachu's ears twitch and turn her head around.
"What is it Pikachu?" Question Goomy.
"I though I hear something?...."
"Maybe you just hear the wind?" Said Deerling.
"Y-yeah! The wind......."
"Oh, guys! Look at this!" Said Goomy. He found an Aquileia purple white flower.
"Oooh! It's look so pretty, Goomy." Said Pikachu.
"Aww! Thanks, Pikachu." Said Goomy thanking that complement.
"I think we need some few more and then we're done." Said Pikachu.
"Hey! Let's play a game!" Said Deerling.
"A game? What kinda of game, Deerling?" Ask Pikachu.
"Oh! I know which game Deerling talking about. The flower game!" Said Goomy getting excited.
"" Question Pikachu.
"The flower game is a made up game that I made. The rule is who ever finds the prettiest flower win the game." Explain Deerling.
"Okay! Let's starts the game then." Said Pikachu.
The three of them look who will find the prettiest flower to win the game. But little does Pikachu know that Deerling the pro at finding the prettiest flowers. Hope Pikachu can beat Deerling in the flower game there playing.
"Which flower do I choose? Hmmmm.....?" Though Pikachu choosing which flower to pick.
But she got nothing, Pikachu lay herself on the grass wall behind her.
"Hmmm.......... I can't pi- wow!" Pikachu fell backward. The grass wall was actually a cave and there's a light from the other side. Pikachu follow the other side of the cave. She went out and found the prettiest flowers she ever seen. Pikachu pick one of them and look carefully.
"T-these flowers.......feels and"
Though Pikachu. She shook her head on that though, Pikachu needs to go back to Goomy and Deerling.
"Huh, Panchum, Shelment, Espurr, and Cupcake? What are they doing here?" Though Pikachu.
"Oh! So your playing the flower game. Is Deerling winning the game again like the first time we played..." Said Cupcake. Having that flashback.
"Hehehehe......" Deerling chuckled of a little of embarrassment.
"First time? Deerling always win this game..." Ask Pikachu.
"Yeah! Deerling wins this game every time..." Said Shelment. Pikachu look at Deerling with a pout and annoyed face at her.
"Hehehe......" Deerling just sweat drop.
"So who won? Will we all know Deerling gotta win.
But which flower, she doesn't choose the same flower when we play this game." Said Panchum.
"Will I found this one...a Dahlia flower." Said Goomy.
"Ooooh!!..." This Dahlia flower has a pretty neon color and looks like it can glow in the dark.
"I found a Clematis flower." Said Deerling.
"Oooohhhh!!!" This Clematis flower is the most prettiest and lovely flower and know as a love jewelry.
"I think Deerling won this game again." Said Panchum.
"Hey, wait! Pikachu didn't show her flower yet." Said Deerling.
Everyone look at Pikachu.
"Ah! Well I..... I don't know a lot about flowers but.....
I found this flower." Said Pikachu showing the flower to everyone. They gasp in amazed.
"W-what's wrong?! Is it bad?" Question Pikachu.
"No! You found a Golden flower, those are the most beautiful flower ever! I always seen them in book but not in person!" Cheer Deerling.
"Where did you find it, Pikachu?" Ask Espurr.
"I found it-"
"Beheem....." Everyone stop and look around.
"Did you heard that!" Said Cupcake.
"That's the same sound I heard when we're still finding flowers for Kangaskan." Response Pikachu.
"Beheem...." Three strange floating Pokémon came out of nowhere.
*Flicker flicker flicker...*
"What this?" Question Pikachu.
They started to attack.
"What, hey!" They attack again.
"Everyone run!" Yelled Cupcake.
They started to run and the three strange Pokémon follow.
"Who are those Pokémon?" Question Pikachu.
"Those are Beheemyem, a psychic type. I never seen them here at the village." Said Espurr.
"But why are they doing here!?" Yelled Panchum.
"Will.......I have no idea..."
Everyone sweat drop expect Espurr.
The Beheemyem shot there attack on the kids.
"But why are they attack us?!" Question Goomy.
Everyone stop of realization, they look at Pikachu.
"Don't look at me like that! I didn't do anything to them!!!" Yelled Pikachu.
"Maybe you stole there Golden flower in the first place!" Said Shelment.
"But should they just attack me when I first saw that flower?" Explain Pikachu.
"If there not mad at the flower then what?" Question Cupcake.
"I don't know? But we should run FASTER!" Yelled Deerling.
They run and keep dodging the attack from the Beheemyem. They lost the Beheemyem on their trail, but not for long.
"Look a short cut!" Said Goomy.
"Nice one Goomy! Let's go!" Said Cupcake.
The short cut was a old tree log across to the other side. But they have to be careful, on the bottom there's rushing water going fast and splashing nowhere to get out.
They take one at a time so they don't break the log with their weight.
"This feeling feel so familiar..." Pikachu mumble herself. A Shadow Ball came out of nowhere.
"Guess they find us! Everyone hurry and get out of here!" Yelled Cupcake.
The Beheemyem were getting closer.
Pikachu and Cupcake were the only two to across.
"You go first Cupcake, I go last okay."
Cupcake nod and walk across the log but got her paw stuck.
"What's wrong!" Ask Deerling.
"M-my paw it's stuck in the log! I can't get it out!" Said Cupcake pulling her paw out but it won't budge.
The Beheemyem shot a Shadow Ball and it's aheading to Cupcake's direction!
"Cupcake! Look out!" Everyone warn Cupcake about the Shadow Ball coming fast at her direction.
Pikachu run and push Cupcake hard to get her unstuck.
"Ah!" Cupcake landed on the grass with everyone expect Pikachu.
Everyone heard a crack behind them.
"Pikachu!!!!!" They warn Pikachu about the crack but the Shadow Ball hit the log it cracks more.
Pikachu started to fall and fell into the rushing river.
"PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They all shout out there lungs with worry.
"We have to get help!" Yelled Cupcake.
Everyone nod and get help.
With Pikachu...
"Ah!" *cough cough* *gasp* *cough cough* "AHH!"
It's getting hard for Pikachu to breath and swim.
The rushing water it's to strong.
"AHHHHH!!!" A rock hit Pikachu behind the head making her lose consciousness. Her eyes close slowly when she black out.
Pikachu's charm turn color again, to a watery blue color.
But Pikachu was wash away unconscious...................
To be continued... (Just kidding)
"Hehehehehehehehehe......... This is fun! We should make flower crowns with these beautiful Golden flower we found...hehehe......"
"Don't do that again! Your still a little girl! That's was the most stupid thing you just did, what were you think!?..............Heheheheh....... Guess we're both stupid... We help each other.....because we're family..........."
"Sis!....Sis!........Sis!.........Sis!.........SIS!! Wake up!!?
Sis!....Sis!!!.....Sis!!!.....Sis! Come on wake up!!?
...Pikachu wake up!?! Pikachu!!!!.....Pikachu!!!....
Wake up! PIKACHU!!!!!!!!!"
*Gasp* *cough cough* *cough cough* *pant cough*
*pant cough* Pikachu finally woke up but cough a little bit of water out of her mouth.
"Your okay! We were all so worry about you."
"Gahh..... What happen?... And who are you?" Question Pikachu.
"Oh, my name is Markus. Cupcake's older brother." Said Markus.
"How did I get back to the village?"
"You don't remember what happen?" Question Deerling.
"You fell into the rushing river!" Said Panchum.
"And you survived!" Said Shelment.
"Ah! Now I remember!"
"Good thing my brother saved you!" Said Cupcake.
"Yeah!........ A good thing.......aaahhh......" Pikachu fell to the ground.
"AH! Pikachu!" Said Goomy.
"Hehehe...well I better take Pikachu back home. You kids better get yourself homes too." Said Markus.
They all nod and went home.
*knock knock*
"Gahhh.... H-hello?..."
"Hi, Mr. Nuzleaf! Wow! What happen to you?" Question Markus.
"Ahhhh..... I don't know? Something hit me on the head last night and I can't remember." Said Nuzleaf.
Cupcake and Markus look at each other and back to Nuzleaf.
"Ah! What happen to Pikachu!?" Question Nuzleaf.
"Let just say she lost some energy." Said Cupcake.
"Will I should reckon I put her in bed. You two better get home it almost getting a bit dark." Said Nuzleaf.
"Yeah! We will. Bye Nuzleaf." Said Markus.
"Bye Markus, bye Cupcake." Nuzleaf close the door holding a engery less Pikachu. He put her in bed .
"Get a lot of rest need it." Nuzleaf pets Pikachu's head.
"Eh! Hahaha....good night Pikachu." Nuzleaf left and went to the other side of the house.
This adventure went crazy! Well, Pikachu will get more crazy adventure in the next future.
She will have a fun experience around here.
"....zzzzzzzzzzz............Hm." Pikachu gave a small smile till darkness make her go back to sleep.
To be continued...
Storm: We're does voices or a memories?
Was Pikachu really a Good or Bad Pokémon in her old life?
Does Pikachu have a sister?
Or a family?
Will comments down what you think what will happen!
And the next chapter, we will finally know who will be Pikachu's partner!
That's all, see ya later!
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