Wisty's leg

" she's over there." Oak said as she pointed to the living room, and Ash and Gary wasted no time running in the direction Oak was pointing in.

As they skidded to a halt in front of the living room and peeked in, then gasped. " Wisty what happened to you?!" Ash exclaimed as he ran to her side.

Wisty was eating jello, and her leg was propped on a pillow. She had bandaids all over her face and arms.

" Beedrill?" Gary asked.

Wishy nodded. " And Haunter and Hypno."

" They almost got the Pokemon, but Wisty saved them." Oak piped up.

Tracey came in holding a tray and set it down on the table. " Here Wisty. Lunch."

Wosty grinned. " Thanks Tr- OW!"

Eevee and Chikorita, who were napping, jumped up and into Wisty's lap. Togepi chirped excitedly.

Wisty raised a brow. " You're happy... I broke my leg?!"

Gary blinked. " You broke it?"

" Unofficially."

Ash and Gary exchanged worried glances, while Wisty shifted awkwardly, still propped up on the pillow, surrounded by her small army of Pokémon. She winced as Eevee and Chikorita cuddled closer, and Togepi hopped over to nestle against her. The sight of her all bandaged up didn’t seem to faze the Pokémon at all—they were too excited to see her awake.

"You almost broke your leg?" Ash asked, his voice full of concern as he looked her over. "What happened, exactly?"

Wisty sighed, pushing her hair out of her face and giving a dramatic eye roll. "It was nothing. Just a little misunderstanding with some wild Pokémon."

Gary raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. "A little misunderstanding? You look like you've been through an obstacle course designed by Team Rocket."

Wisty grinned, but it was a bit strained. "Yeah, well... it wasn’t the wild Pokémon that were the problem. It was the fact that I tripped on a rock while running away from Beedrill, Haunter, and Hypno." She paused, then gave a half-hearted chuckle. "Maybe it wasn’t such a ‘little misunderstanding’ after all."

Ash bit back a laugh but quickly masked it with a concerned expression. "So, you ran away from them? You're supposed to be the expert on handling wild Pokémon!"

"I never said I was invincible," Wisty replied with a shrug, carefully poking at the jello in her bowl. "I was just trying to protect the Pokémon I was rescuing. And the fact that I was swarmed by Haunter’s ghostly powers and Hypno's hypnotic gaze didn't help."

Gary crossed his arms. "Let me get this straight: a Beedrill, a Haunter, and a Hypno all attacked you at once, and you’re calling this an 'unofficial' break?"

Wisty paused, her grin returning as she mischievously stared at Gary. "You know, I could have handled it. But then, I tripped and got stuck in a tree branch. And that’s when the leg thing happened. But it’s totally fine. I’ve had worse."

Tracey put his hands on his hips and smirked. "Worse? Really, Wisty? 'Cause it sounds like this is pretty bad."

Wisty shot him a playful look. "Don’t worry, Tracey. I’m fine. Just a few days of rest and I'll be back to my usual self."

Togepi clapped happily, and Eevee and Chikorita gave a simultaneous, joyful chirp as they snuggled even closer to Wisty, unaware of the actual situation.

Gary chuckled at the sight. "Looks like you have a good support team there, Wisty."

Wisty rolled her eyes but couldn't suppress the smile tugging at her lips. "I guess so. These little guys sure know how to cheer me up."

Ash knelt beside her, his expression softening. "Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t look like it."

Wisty gave him a look of mock indignation. "Ash, I’m fine. Just a sprained ankle. I can handle it. But thanks for asking... I suppose."

Gary snorted. "You’re not fooling anyone. You're about as okay as a Magikarp after a battle with a Gyarados."

Wisty laughed, despite herself. "Okay, okay, I’ll admit, I may have exaggerated a little. But honestly, it’s just a small setback."

"Well," Tracey began, setting down another bowl of food, "if you're going to be stuck here for a while, we can at least make sure you're comfortable."

Gary leaned in toward the tray, sniffing at the food suspiciously. "What’s that?"

Wisty narrowed her eyes. "It’s lunch, Gary. Don’t make me send you out to catch your own food like last time."

Gary put up his hands in mock surrender. "Fine, I’ll eat it. I just hope there’s no mystery meat involved."

Ash, meanwhile, was eyeing Wisty carefully. "I still don’t get it. How did they almost get the Pokémon but you saved them?"

Wisty smirked. "Let’s just say I used my quick thinking—and by that, I mean, I scared the Beedrill away by pretending to be hypnotized and then made a run for it... until I tripped, of course."

Gary blinked. "You pretended to be hypnotized?"

"Yep. And it worked!" Wisty grinned proudly, as if she had pulled off a grand heist.

Ash shook his head in disbelief. "Only you could come up with something like that."

"Well, you know what they say," Wisty said, a mischievous gleam in her eyes. "A good defense is a great distraction."

Gary rolled his eyes. "I’m just glad you’re not really hurt."

"Same," Ash said, still looking worried despite her insistence. "But seriously, Wisty, next time, maybe don’t try to save the world with one leg in the air and a jello cup in your hand."

Tracey chuckled. "Yeah, maybe just... sit this one out?"

Wisty stuck her tongue out at them. "I’ll rest... but I’ll still keep an eye on the Pokémon. You can’t get me out of this job that easily."

As Ash and Gary settled down on the couch, the Pokémon continued to surround Wisty, and despite her bandages, the room was filled with laughter and lighthearted banter. Though she might have gotten a little too caught up in the action, Wisty was clearly enjoying the company—and the attention—while she recovered.

For now, she was content to let the others take care of things, knowing she’d be back on her feet and ready for whatever wild Pokémon adventure came next. Just maybe with a little more caution... and a lot more jello.

Wisty’s eyes widened as the sharp yell echoed through the house. “Arcanine?!” Without thinking, she scrambled out of her chair, the jello cup nearly spilling from her lap, and bolted toward the door.

“Ash! Gary! Tracey!” she yelled as she ran. “Arcanine’s in trouble!”

She ignored the sharp sting in her leg, the one wrapped in bandages from her earlier incident. It didn’t matter. Arcanine needed her, and that was all she could focus on. She flung open the door and darted outside, her heart pounding faster than her legs could carry her.

As she reached the yard, she skidded to a halt and nearly tripped over her own feet when she saw Arcanine, lying on the ground, panting heavily. His sides were heaving with effort, and there was a clear burn mark on his fur, the result of a Beedrill’s sting.

"Wisty! What are you doing?!" Gary’s voice shouted from behind her. He and Ash had caught up, both of them panting and looking confused.

But Wisty didn’t even glance back. She dropped to her knees next to Arcanine, her leg throbbing painfully, but the sight of the hurt Pokémon pushed everything else from her mind.

“Arcanine, you’re okay,” she murmured, gently brushing his fur with her hand. “It’s going to be fine. I’m here.”

She looked at the burn wound on his side, wincing. “You’re lucky it’s just a sting, buddy. Beedrills can be nasty.” She muttered to herself as she fumbled through her bag, pulling out some ointment.

Ash hobbled up, trying to catch his breath. “Wisty, are you sure you’re okay? You’re not supposed to be running on that leg!”

Wisty shot him a glare but softened when she saw the concern in his eyes. “I’m fine,” she snapped, though it was clear she was struggling to keep her composure. She reached over to Arcanine, gently applying the ointment. “Don’t worry about me. Arcanine’s hurt. I’ve gotta help him.”

Gary was about to protest, but then he saw the intensity in Wisty’s eyes. She wasn’t listening to anything right now—she was focused solely on Arcanine, her determination driving her forward.

“Do you need help?” Tracey asked, kneeling beside her.

“Maybe,” Wisty muttered, still examining the burn. “But I think I’ve got it. Just keep an eye on the others. I’ll take care of this.”

Arcanine’s breathing was slow, and while his eyes were still cloudy with pain, he was beginning to settle under Wisty’s calming touch. She knew he needed rest and care. She carefully helped him sit up, supporting his weight as she talked to him softly.

“You’re a tough one, aren’t you?” she said with a smile, though she was still gritting her teeth from the pain in her leg. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.”

As she tended to the wounded Arcanine, Ash, Gary, and Tracey watched in silent concern. Wisty was pushing herself too hard, but they knew there was no way they could stop her. When it came to Pokémon, Wisty would always go to any lengths to help—even if it meant ignoring her own injury.

After a few minutes, Arcanine seemed to stabilize, though he still winced every now and then from the pain.

“I’ll need to get you to the Pokémon Center,” Wisty said, her voice more composed now. “But we’ll be okay. I promise.”

She finally looked up at Ash, Gary, and Tracey. “See? I told you I was fine.”

Ash frowned. “You need to rest, Wisty. You can’t keep pushing yourself like this.”

“Later,” she said, brushing him off as she helped Arcanine to his feet. “Right now, Arcanine’s my priority. I’ll rest later.”

Gary crossed his arms, giving Wisty a skeptical look. “You are a stubborn one.”

Wisty just grinned, not bothering to hide her satisfaction at getting Arcanine to stand. “It’s what makes me good at my job. And besides, I’ll have plenty of time to nap later when I’m bored out of my mind in a hospital bed.”

Ash shook his head, but the corner of his lips twitched upward. “You’re lucky you’re the one taking care of him, or we’d have to tie you down.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Wisty replied, carefully guiding Arcanine toward the house. “But I’m not the one who’s about to get really hurt if I don’t get him to help soon.”

And with that, Wisty limped off, her leg protesting every step, but her determination unwavering. Even though she’d just gotten hurt, there was nothing—no broken leg or bruised pride—that could stop her from doing what she loved most.

As Wisty limped forward with Arcanine by her side, Chikorita and Eevee stayed close behind, both determined to help their trainer. Chikorita, always quick to help, used her vine whip to carefully support Wisty, offering an extra crutch for her injured leg. Wisty gave a small, appreciative smile as Chikorita’s vines curled around her arm.

“Thanks, Chikorita,” Wisty murmured, even though she didn’t think she deserved the help. “You’re always looking out for me.”

Eevee, too, trotted alongside them, her tail wagging in support, though she looked concerned about her trainer’s condition. She glanced up at Wisty, her big eyes full of worry.

Togepi, ever the curious one, sat comfortably on Houndour’s back. The little Togepi was giggling, clutching Houndour’s fur as they followed, chirping happily at the sound of the adventure. Houndour trotted along beside them, keeping a close eye on the group, making sure nothing would happen to them as they made their way toward the Pokémon Center.

“Look at you, Togepi,” Ash chuckled, watching the little Pokémon ride Houndour. “You’re practically the most mobile of us all.”

Tracey grinned. “Yeah, looks like Houndour’s taking better care of her than Wisty’s taking care of herself.”

“Hey! I am taking care of Arcanine!” Wisty shot back, though it was clear she was struggling. Her leg hurt, but she wouldn’t show it—at least not yet. “And I’m fine. This doesn’t even feel like a sprained leg.”

Gary rolled his eyes. “Sure, Wisty. Just don’t blame me if you trip over your own feet.”

Wisty shot him a sideways glance. “You know, I’m pretty sure your sarcasm is what keeps me on my toes.”

With Chikorita’s vines wrapped around her, Wisty managed to stay upright, even though every step made her wince. The more time she spent walking, the more she realized how much pain she was actually in—but she’d never admit it out loud. Not now, not when Arcanine still needed her help.

As they neared the Pokémon Center, Arcanine’s steps began to slow, and Wisty frowned. She could see his exhaustion, even though he was trying to be strong. “Come on, Arcanine,” she whispered softly. “You’re almost there.”

Gary walked ahead a few steps, his hands shoved deep into his pockets. “You’re crazy, you know that?”

“I’ve been told,” Wisty said with a grin, her eyes not leaving Arcanine’s side. “But I don’t mind.”

Finally, the group reached the Pokémon Center, where Nurse Joy and her assistants rushed out to meet them. Wisty barely noticed them approaching as she focused solely on getting Arcanine inside.

Nurse Joy quickly assessed the situation. “Wisty, what happened? You’re hurt!”

“It’s nothing,” Wisty shrugged, trying to play it off. “Just a little accident. Arcanine needs attention first, though.”

Nurse Joy didn’t wait for further explanation. She gently guided Arcanine inside the Center, giving Wisty a stern look over her shoulder. “You need to rest, Wisty. After we’ve taken care of Arcanine, we’re going to take a look at your leg, too.”

Wisty smiled weakly. “Yeah, yeah, I know the drill. But Arcanine—”

“Will be fine,” Nurse Joy interrupted kindly. “We’ll make sure of it.”

Arcanine was quickly taken to a treatment room, and Wisty sat down on one of the nearby chairs, still supported by Chikorita’s vine whip. Eevee hopped up beside her, curling up in her lap as Togepi clung to Houndour’s back.

“I’m not crazy,” Wisty said quietly, glancing at her friends. “I just wanted to make sure Arcanine was okay.”

Gary sighed, crossing his arms. “You are crazy, Wisty. But you’re the kind of crazy that makes sure people and Pokémon are taken care of.”

Ash grinned. “Yeah, I’ve gotta admit, you’re pretty awesome, even if you are a little reckless.”

“Just a little,” Tracey added with a smirk.

Wisty smiled softly, despite the pain. “I’m just doing what I can. You know how it is. No one else was around, so it’s up to me.”

Before anyone could respond, Nurse Joy emerged from the treatment room, smiling at them. “Arcanine will be fine. He just needs some rest. As for you, Wisty...”

Wisty gave Nurse Joy a sheepish look, but Nurse Joy didn’t seem mad—just concerned.

“You’re getting checked out,” Nurse Joy declared firmly. “Your leg will need some time to heal. But don’t worry. You’re in good hands now.”

Wisty groaned, but nodded. “Fine, fine. But if I have to stay here too long, I’m going to go stir-crazy.”

Nurse Joy laughed. “We’ll make sure you don’t.”

And with that, Wisty finally allowed herself to relax, knowing that Arcanine was in good hands and that her friends were there for her, too. Even though she was injured, she felt a little lighter, knowing that the ones she cared about were safe and sound.

The emergency alarms blared suddenly, cutting through the peaceful atmosphere of the Pokémon Center. Wisty’s eyes snapped wide open, and without a second thought, she sprang from her seat, ignoring the sharp pain in her leg.

“Eevee, evolve! Turn into Umbreon! We’ve got work to do!” Wisty shouted, her voice full of urgency as she hobbled towards the door, her bad leg barely slowing her down.

Eevee, who had been happily napping on Wisty's lap, immediately obeyed. A flash of light enveloped her, and in the blink of an eye, she transformed into a sleek and powerful Umbreon. The transformation was seamless, and Umbreon was ready to follow Wisty's lead.

“Chikorita, Togepi, Houndour—let’s go! You know what to do!” Wisty commanded, her eyes fierce with determination. Without waiting for a response, she dashed out of the Pokémon Center, ignoring the throbbing in her leg as she pushed forward. “Move, people! Let’s go!”

Gary watched her take off, his eyes widening in disbelief. “She’s really going to do something to that leg...”

Ash, standing nearby, groaned, already knowing what was coming. “Wisty doesn’t know the meaning of slowing down. She’s not even letting her leg heal, Gary. I swear, she's unstoppable.”

Tracey sighed, shaking his head. “I get it, but someone should stop her before she makes it worse.”

But it was too late—Wisty was already out the door and down the street, the sound of her heavy footsteps echoing behind her. Umbreon, Togepi, Chikorita, and Houndour followed closely, moving with purpose.

Gary ran to catch up, frustration on his face. “She’s going to hurt herself again. She’s completely reckless!”

Ash caught up to Gary, glancing at him as they both ran. “She’s always been like this. We have to trust her to do what she thinks is right, even if it means running on a broken leg.”

"Right, right," Gary muttered, still trying to keep pace. "But I’m not the one who’s going to patch her up when she gets back, you know."

As they rushed to catch up with Wisty, the group turned a corner and saw her leading her Pokémon forward with fierce urgency. She was already a few yards ahead, though her limp was more pronounced now, and she had her hand clenched tightly around her injured leg.

“Wisty! Wait!” Ash yelled, but she didn’t slow down. She only gave him a brief, determined glance over her shoulder.

“I don’t have time to wait! This is serious!” she called out, her voice ringing with urgency. “Arcanine might be safe for now, but there’s no telling who else needs help!”

Umbreon, sensing her determination, sprinted ahead, leading the pack with Togepi and Chikorita at her heels. Houndour ran beside Wisty, constantly looking back to make sure she wasn’t pushing herself too hard.

Gary, knowing he couldn't catch up to her on foot, quickly grabbed a nearby bicycle. “She’s not going to get away with this,” he muttered under his breath.

Tracey followed him, watching Wisty with concern. “She’s going to do something stupid, I can feel it.”

Ash just shrugged, panting as he tried to keep up. “If anyone’s going to do something reckless, it’s Wisty. But... you know what? She’ll get the job done.”

Gary shook his head but couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit of respect for Wisty’s unwavering determination.

They reached the site of the emergency: a nearby forest area, where a wild Pokémon had been causing chaos, putting other Pokémon in danger. The area was teeming with danger, and the team immediately split into action.

“Wisty!” Ash called, running toward her. She was already giving orders to her Pokémon.

“Umbreon, use Faint Attack to get the Pokémon’s attention! Chikorita, Vine Whip to hold it back!” Wisty was shouting commands like a seasoned leader, ignoring her leg completely as she rallied her Pokémon. “Togepi, use Metronome—let’s see what you got! Houndour, Fire Fang! Let’s do this!”

Gary arrived just in time to see Umbreon disappear into the shadows, executing a perfect Faint Attack. Wisty barely flinched as she ordered more moves, moving with swift precision. But her leg... her leg was clearly giving out, and every step she took seemed like it was pushing her to the brink.

Gary caught up to her, grabbing her arm before she could move further. “You need to stop! You’re not going to do anyone any good if you’re flat on your face with a broken leg!”

Wisty glanced at him, determination still flashing in her eyes. “I’m fine. The job needs to be done.”

“Doesn’t mean you have to do it on a busted leg!” Gary countered. “You’re pushing yourself too hard!”

She looked at him for a long moment before finally giving in, just slightly. “I’ll take a break... once it’s over. But right now, we have to make sure those Pokémon are safe.”

Before Gary could respond, there was a loud roar from the forest. Wisty’s eyes narrowed, and she straightened up. “See? No time to waste.”

Gary sighed, rolling his eyes. “You’re impossible.” But he couldn’t help but follow her once more, silently wishing that Wisty would let someone take the lead for once.

And so, despite everything, they all charged forward. Wisty, with the fire of determination still burning bright, was determined to see this through—no matter the cost.

Ash, Tracey, and Gary caught up with Wisty just as she made her move. Without hesitation, Wisty jumped off the ground, her bad leg momentarily forgotten in the heat of the moment. She hurtled through the air, her eyes fixed on a falling piggy Pokémon—Squirtle, perhaps? No, it was a different little pig-like creature, struggling to keep itself from crashing to the ground.

“Chikorita, now! Use Vine Whip on that tree!” Wisty yelled, her voice full of urgency.

Chikorita, who had been trailing behind, immediately leaped into action. With a swift movement, its vines shot out toward a nearby tree, wrapping around its thick trunk to brace the falling Pokémon. The force of the vine whip was strong enough to slow the descent, but it still left Wisty with a heart-stopping moment as she continued to plummet toward the ground.

Before any of them could even blink, Wisty reached out, her arms outstretched, and caught the piggy Pokémon just before it hit the ground.

"Got it!" Wisty yelled, landing in a crouch and barely wincing as her bad leg hit the ground. The piggy Pokémon let out a little squeal of surprise but settled in her arms, clearly relieved.

Gary and Ash skidded to a halt beside her, both of them panting from the run. Tracey, who had been a few steps behind, finally caught up with the group, his eyes wide. "Wisty, that was... crazy!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe.

Wisty just grinned, completely unfazed. "A little drama never hurt anyone," she said, cradling the piggy Pokémon as it wriggled in her arms. "Chikorita, good work! Now, let's get this little guy back to the Pokémon Center. We can't let it get hurt!"

Ash stared at her in disbelief. "You just jumped down from a tree and caught it mid-air with one hand... while ignoring your leg?!" he exclaimed.

Wisty shrugged with a cheeky grin. "Hey, priorities. We don’t have time for breaks!"

Gary, watching her carefully, finally sighed in resignation. “You’re impossible. But... that was actually pretty impressive."

Tracey nodded, still catching his breath. "But seriously, you’ve got to stop running around like this, Wisty. You're going to make that leg worse!"

Wisty didn't seem too bothered. "It's fine. Like I said, once it's over, I can rest. But right now, that Pokémon needs help!"

Ash raised an eyebrow. "You know, you're really lucky it didn't fall on your head."

“Are you kidding?” Wisty grinned. “That’s my superpower. Saving Pokémon and having great reflexes. Now, let's go!” She waved them along as if she hadn’t just defied gravity and reason.

Gary and Ash exchanged glances before they both sighed, shaking their heads. They had seen Wisty do reckless things before, but this time felt different. They couldn’t help but admire her ability to push through anything.

"Alright, alright," Ash said, finally getting into the spirit of things. "Let’s just get this piggy to the Pokémon Center and get you checked out afterward, okay?"

Wisty gave him a thumbs-up, her grin never fading. "Deal! Now, who’s ready for more action?"

The group hurried off, the piggy Pokémon still in Wisty's arms, her leg forgotten for the moment as they rushed forward.

When they finally arrived at the Pokémon Center, they hurried inside and dropped off the little piggy Pokémon for immediate treatment. Nurse Joy quickly took the Pokémon from Wisty's arms, giving her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, we'll take care of this little one right away."

"Thanks, Nurse Joy!" Wisty called as she turned to leave. But then, as she stepped outside, she was greeted by a very determined Arcanine.

The large, majestic Pokémon trotted over to her, his tail wagging excitedly. Wisty blinked in surprise when Arcanine nudged her gently with his snout, then gave a small whimper.

"I think he wants you to ride him," Gary said with a smirk, standing nearby.

Wisty raised an eyebrow. "I can't do that, Gary. My leg's still—"

Before she could finish, Arcanine’s mighty paws grabbed her dress in a swift, gentle motion. He gave a tug, lifting her off her feet and setting her effortlessly on his back. Wisty let out a surprised yelp, her eyes wide in disbelief.

"W-wait a second! What is—" she began, but before she could protest, Arcanine gave a pleased bark and took a few steps forward, as if pleased with himself.

"Looks like you’re stuck now," Ash said, grinning.

Wisty pouted, but she couldn't help a laugh as she adjusted herself on Arcanine’s back. "Okay, okay. But only because you insisted!" She raised an eyebrow and gave Arcanine a playful look. "Arcanine, if you want to carry someone, carry the boys! They're so lazy, they could use a ride more than I could."

Togepi, who had been resting in Wisty's bag, perked up at the mention of the boys. It hopped out of the bag and onto Wisty’s shoulder, its little arms flailing excitedly. "Togepi!" it chirped, clearly agreeing with Wisty’s suggestion.

Gary snorted. "Hey, don't drag me into this!" he said, his arms crossed in mock indignation. "I can walk just fine!"

"Yeah, right," Wisty teased. "I’ve seen how much you complain after a ten-minute walk. Arcanine would get a much better workout if he had to carry you around instead of me!" She patted Arcanine’s mane as the Pokémon trotted proudly.

Tracey smiled. "Well, now that Wisty's got a ride, we should get moving. We still have to make sure that piggy Pokémon gets better."

Wisty gave him a nod. "Right, right. But hey, I’m not complaining. I’m on Arcanine now, so I'm good for the moment."

Ash chuckled, shaking his head. "I don’t know how you always manage to get what you want. You sure are lucky, Wisty."

Wisty gave Ash a wink. "I’m not lucky, Ash. I just know how to make the best of a situation. And right now, this situation is awesome."

As Arcanine padded through the Pokémon Center’s doors, Wisty grinned, letting the others follow her out. "Now, let’s see what other lazy people need help carrying around!" she called out teasingly, her voice full of mischief as she rode her big, fluffy companion into the sunset.

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