Pokemon Poisoned

" ... Cause all I've got to do is believe in me." Wisty hummed as she twisted the lemons. " Catch, Chikorita!"

" Chikaaa!" Chikorita exclaimed as she ran to the flying lemon, a basket wrapped in her vines. She jumped into the air and caught the fruit.

" Good catch!" Wisty praised. " Bulbasaur, Bayleef, could you help me down?"

" Baaaaay!" Bayleaf and Bulbasaur wrapped their vines around Wisty and brought her to the ground safely.

" Thanks you two. Hey, Eevee, how are the Oran berries?"

" Leafeon!*

" Good."

Oak walked up to them, nodding in satisfaction. " Well, Wisty, I must say. Growing a garden for the lead Pokemon was an amazing idea."

" Thanks!" Wisty said as her Chikerita and Sprigatito picked the razz berries. " But it's also to keep me busy when you tell me to take a break."

Oak nodded. " Well, I must say I am impressed. Keep up the good work."

" Thanks!"

" Char?"

Wisty crouched to her Pokemon's level. " What do you have there?*

Charmander held a bottle labeled, ' poison ' on it. " Char?"

Wisty snatched the bottle. " Charmander where did you get this?"

" Char." Charmander pointed to the pond.

" Thank you for bringing this to me, Charmander." Wisty said as she planted a kiss on his nose. " You're a good pokemon."

" Chaaaar!" Charmander clapped enthusiastically.

Oak walked to where Wisty was sitting. " Come on! We have to go see how much poison is in the pond!"

" Right!" Wisty grabbed Togepi and ran behind Oak, tossing the bottle in the trash.

" Oh no."

Wisty grabbed Squirlte out of the water and groaned. " Oh no. Squirtle's been poisoned."

" We'll have to call Officer Jenny and tell her this one won't be coming back any time soon." Oak replied.

Wisty sighed and handed Oak Squirtle. " I'm getting Tracey. Maybe he'll be able to help."


Tracey, who was sketching a Seeking Oak had for observation, turned, confused. " Sorry?"

Wisty grabbed Tracey's hand. " No time! Let's go!!"

Wisty dragged Tracey outside and to the pond, where Oak was taking Wisty's Milotic and Quagsire out. Two Wooper lay on the grass next to Squirtle, looking miserable.

" What happened over here?!" Tracey asked as he felt Squirtle's head.

Wisty shrugged. " We don't know. Charmander just found a bottle of poison near the pond."

Tracey's eyes widened. " What kind?"

" My Charman-"

" No, I mean the poison!"

Wisty blinked. " I'll go check."

Wisty sprinted back to the trash can where she'd discarded the poison bottle. Picking it up carefully with a cloth, she scrutinized the label more closely this time. It was worn and faded, but faint letters reading "Industrial Waste" could still be made out.

Her heart sank. "Industrial waste? How did this get here?"

She hurried back to the group. "It says 'industrial waste.' Does that help?"

Tracey's expression turned grave. "That's bad news. This kind of poison can seep into the ecosystem and affect multiple Pokémon. We need to treat the ones already exposed and figure out where this is coming from."

Professor Oak nodded. "We also need to isolate the pond and prevent further contamination. Wisty, you've done well spotting this early."

"But what about the Pokémon?" Wisty asked anxiously, glancing at her brother's Squirtle and her Milotic, Quagsire, and the Wooper lying on the grass.

Tracey stood, determination in his eyes. "I'll mix up some antidotes, but we'll need ingredients from the Pokémon Center and maybe even the nearby forest. Wisty, think you can help?"

" I'll help with the gathering. But we can't go to the Pokemon center."

Tracey blinked. " But.... why?"

Leafeon backflipped, and it turned back into Eevee as Wisty stated, " We don't want to cause a mass panic. Remember, the nearest Pokemon center to here is a long distance away. We'll be sure to catch attention."

Tracey sighed. " Fine. Let's go to the forest."

Wisty nodded firmly. "Got it. Let's go, Eevee. Tracey, make a list of what we need."

Tracey grabbed his notebook, quickly jotting down essential berries and herbs known for their antidotal properties. "We'll need Pecha, Rawst, and Lum Berries. Also, check for Heal Powder if it's growing wild."

Professor Oak stayed behind, directing Bulbasaur and Bayleef to start building a temporary treatment area inside the lab. "I'll make sure this space is ready by the time you return. Good luck, both of you."

The trio ventured into the dense greenery of the nearby forest. The air was thick with the chirping of wild Pokémon, and sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating dappled patterns on the ground. Eevee leapt ahead, sniffing at bushes and low-hanging branches.

"Pecha Berries should grow on trees like that one," Tracey said, pointing to a stout tree with round orange berries hanging from its limbs.

Wisty nodded. "Eevee, give me a boost." She reached up as Eevee launched itself into the branches, shaking them gently so the berries fell into Wisty's outstretched basket.

"Nice work, Eevee!" Wisty praised as Tracey examined a bush nearby. "I found some Rawst Berries here!" Tracey called, collecting them carefully.

They moved further into the forest, their Pokémon assisting in the search. Chikorita's vines came in handy, plucking Lum Berries from a particularly tall tree. Even Togepi chirped happily from its carrier, as if sensing the urgency of their mission.

Wisty crouched near a patch of moss, spotting a plant with silvery leaves. "Heal Powder!" she exclaimed, carefully digging it up and storing it in her pouch.

Tracey nodded with his share. " Let's go back."

When they returned, the lab had been transformed. Oak and the Pokémon had repurposed shelves into a makeshift treatment station. Bowls of water lined the counters, and a section of the floor was cleared for the sick Pokémon to rest.

Tracey immediately began preparing the antidote, grinding the berries and herbs into a paste while Wisty organized their supplies. "Eevee, help me sterilize these bowls with water from Milotic's bottle," Wisty directed. Eevee yipped and darted to fetch the supplies.

The poisoned Pokémon were brought inside one by one. Wisty knelt by her Milotic, stroking its head gently. "You're going to be okay. Tracey's the best at this."

Oak glanced at Tracey's concoctions and nodded approvingly. "The antidote looks perfect. Let's start administering it right away."

As the first doses were given, a sense of hope began to fill the lab. Wisty looked at Tracey and Oak with determination. "We're going to save every one of them. I just know it."

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