Penguin shipping- parents


Dawn rubbed her eye and sat up in bed, her hair going in every which way. " Who's that?"

Kenny blinked his eyes open from next to her in the bed and sat up. " Fifi."

Dawn groaned as she swung her legs over the bed and stepped onto the ground, walking to the crib and picking the baby. " Shhhh, easy Dawn, easy. Mommy's here. And Daddy's asleep. Again."

" No I'm not." Kenny's mumbled voice came from under the blanket. " I just decided to ignore."

Dawn rolled her eyes. " Get me her milk bottle will ya?"

Kenny stood up and yawned. " Fawn owes us a lot."

Dawn chuckled. " We can catch up in the afternoon, Kenny. Now just hurry and get the milk."


" I AM WEARING MY CLOTHES!" Dawn yelled back as she ran to change Fifi.

" I mean west your regular clothes! And change out of your nightsuit!"

Dawn sighed. " I am, I am. Hurry and get the car started will ya?"

" We.... Don't have a car."

Dawn froze and peeked out of the bedroom. " What?!"

" We're ten, 'member?"

" Oh yeah. Well, what are we gonna use to get to the clinic?"

Kenny grinned. " Leave that to me!"

" Togekiss, return!" Dawn commanded, and the white egg Pokemon disappeared into her Pokeball.

Then she turned to Kenny, juggling the baby in an arm. " How did you remember I had a togekiss?"

Kenny shrugged. * I have an amazing memory."

Dawn groaned, but she couldn't deny it.

Kenny really did have an amazing memory.

Kenny took the Auburn haired, blue eyes, fair skinned baby from his wife and took her hand. " You can sign her in while I keep her calm."

The clinic waiting room buzzed with quiet activity as Dawn approached the front desk, Kenny cradling Fifi in his arms. The baby cooed softly now, thankfully soothed after their chaotic morning. Dawn still felt frazzled, her hair only marginally tamed from earlier, but at least they’d made it.

The receptionist looked up with a kind smile. "Good morning! Name of the patient?"

Dawn blinked, exchanging a quick glance with Kenny. "Uh… Fawn," she said hesitantly, not quite sure how to explain their situation.

"And her date of birth?" the receptionist asked.

"Uh…" Dawn stammered.

"Yeah, about that," Kenny cut in, adjusting Fifi on his hip. "We're not exactly sure."

The receptionist raised an eyebrow. "You don’t know your own daughter’s birthday?"

"She’s… complicated," Dawn tried to explain. "Let’s just say time travel was involved."

The receptionist stared at them for a moment, clearly unsure if they were joking or delusional, before deciding to move on. "Alright, what’s her full name?"

Kenny and Dawn froze.

“Uh…” Kenny said. “Fawn… Marie… uh… Smith?”

Dawn smacked his arm. “Smith? Really?”

“Well, we didn’t exactly name her!” Kenny shot back in a whisper.

The receptionist frowned. "You don’t know her full name either?"

Dawn laughed nervously. "It’s been a long morning, you know how it is."

"Not really," the receptionist replied flatly. "Let’s move on. Any known allergies?"

Kenny and Dawn exchanged helpless looks.

"Peanuts?" Kenny guessed.

Dawn sighed. "She’s a baby from the future, Kenny. What if we guess wrong?"

"Better safe than sorry, right?" Kenny replied with a shrug.

"Does she have any medical history we should know about?" the receptionist asked, her tone increasingly skeptical.

"Uh… she hasn’t told us yet," Kenny muttered.

"Because she’s a baby!" Dawn snapped under her breath.

The receptionist sighed. "Fine, let’s skip to the insurance information. Do you have her policy number?"

Kenny’s eyes widened. "Insurance? Uh, about that—"

Dawn groaned, burying her face in her hands. "Mia is so going to pay for this."

At the mention of her name, the little troublemaker herself burst through the clinic doors, beaming with pride and looking every bit the mastermind behind this mess. "Hey, Aunt Dawn! Uncle Kenny! How’s Fifi doing?"

"Mia!" Dawn hissed, dragging the girl aside. "What were you thinking, bringing a baby from the future?!"

Mia blinked innocently. "She needed some family time. You guys looked lonely."

"Lonely?!" Kenny whispered harshly. "We’re ten! How are we supposed to take care of a baby?"

Mia shrugged. "You’re doing great so far!"

Dawn groaned, pulling Mia by the arm toward the door. "You are coming with us to explain this whole thing to the doctor."

"But—" Mia protested.

"No buts!" Dawn snapped. "You’re not getting away with this, Mia."

Kenny, still holding Fifi, followed after them. "Hey, Mia? Quick question—when do we get a car in this future of yours?"

Mia grinned cheekily. "Oh, that’s a surprise."

Dawn and Kenny groaned in unison as they marched her into the exam room, bracing themselves for the awkward explanations that were sure to follow.

Inside the exam room, chaos had barely settled when Gary walked in, clipboard in hand, his usual smug grin firmly in place. "Hey, Dawn," he greeted with a raised eyebrow. "You missed… most of the boxes on the forms."

Dawn groaned, slumping into one of the chairs. "Gary, give me a break. You have no idea the kind of morning we’ve had."

Kenny leaned against the wall, still rocking a fussy Fifi. "Trust me, it’s been a lot."

Before Gary could respond, Mia piped up with a bright smile. "Oh, I can fill those out for you!"

"Mia, no," Dawn said immediately, sitting up straight. "Absolutely not."

"Too late!" Mia chirped, snatching the clipboard from Gary's hands. "Let’s see… name: Fawn Marie Future."

Gary frowned. "Future?"

"Yup!" Mia said, scribbling confidently. "Date of birth… uh… sometime after the world gets hoverboards. Allergies? Hmm…" She paused, tapping her pen to her chin. "I’ll just put ‘emotional triggers.’ You know, because she cries a lot."

Dawn buried her face in her hands. "Mia, stop."

But Mia was on a roll. "Medical history? Well, she did come from the future, so probably some timey-wimey stuff. Oh, and I’m going to list her parents as ‘Dawn Hikari’ and ‘Kenny the Forgetful.’"

"Hey!" Kenny protested. "I’m not forgetful!"

"You forgot your shoes this morning," Dawn reminded him, glaring.

Kenny glanced down at his mismatched socks. "Fair point."

Gary, meanwhile, was watching Mia with a mixture of disbelief and amusement. "You realize none of this makes sense, right?"

"Sense is overrated," Mia replied breezily, continuing to fill out the form. "Emergency contact? That’s me, obviously."

"Mia," Dawn snapped, grabbing the clipboard from her. "We’re trying to solve a problem here, not make it worse!"

"But I was solving it," Mia protested, crossing her arms.

Gary smirked. "Honestly, I kinda want to see how the doctor reacts to this masterpiece."

Dawn shot him a glare. "Not helping, Gary."

"Fine, fine," he said, holding up his hands. "But you’re the ones who showed up with a mystery baby and half-filled forms. Just saying."

Kenny groaned, rubbing his temples. "I told you this whole thing was a bad idea. Mia, why did you even bring Fawn here without warning us?"

"Because she needed bonding time!" Mia said, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "And now you’re officially her parents in this timeline. You’re welcome."

Dawn and Kenny exchanged horrified looks. "Parents?!" they exclaimed in unison.

Gary raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at his lips. "Well, congratulations, I guess."

Fifi, oblivious to the chaos, giggled and reached for Kenny’s nose, pulling it with surprising strength. "Ow! Okay, kiddo," Kenny muttered, trying to pry her tiny fingers off. "You might actually kill me before the paperwork does."

Mia grinned. "See? She’s already bonding with you. This is going great!"

Dawn slumped back in her chair, muttering under her breath. "I’m going to need so much therapy after this."

Gary straightened up, adjusting his white coat and flashing a confident grin. "Fortunately for you two, I’m the doctor on duty today. Let’s get this—"


Before he could finish, Fifi took one look at him and let out an ear-piercing scream, her tiny face scrunching up in sheer terror. She clung to Kenny’s shirt with surprising strength for someone so small, her cries reverberating through the room.

Gary blinked, taken aback. "What… what did I do?"

Kenny winced, trying to soothe the baby. "It’s not you, Gary. She’s just fussy. Right, Fifi? You don’t hate Uncle Gary, do you?"

"Uncle Gary?" Gary repeated, crossing his arms. "If she’s going to scream every time she sees me, I’m not sure I want the title."

Fifi, however, was not interested in apologies. She reached one tiny fist out and promptly threw Kenny’s hat onto the floor.

"Great," Kenny muttered, bending to pick it up. "She’s already in the rebellion phase."

Dawn, trying to help, reached out to take Fifi, but the baby turned her head and screamed even louder, making everyone wince.

"Okay," Gary said, stepping back and raising his hands. "She clearly doesn’t like me. Maybe one of you can hold her while I check her vitals?"

"Gee, Gary, thanks for the professional advice," Dawn shot back sarcastically, bouncing Fifi in her arms. "What do you think I’m trying to do?"

Mia peeked over the edge of the examination table with a wide grin. "I think Fifi doesn’t trust him. He looks like one of those TV villains with the shiny coats."

Gary glared. "Mia, I’m a doctor. Not a cartoon villain."

Fifi, as if agreeing with Mia, let out another ear-splitting wail and threw her tiny arms in Gary’s direction, her expression one of pure betrayal.

"See?" Mia said smugly. "I rest my case."

Kenny groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Okay, Mia, not helping. Dawn, do something!"

"What do you want me to do, Kenny? She’s already acting like Gary stole her favorite toy!" Dawn shot back.

"Would everyone calm down?" Gary snapped, clearly annoyed. "She’s a baby. Babies cry. Now, if you want my professional opinion, you should—"

Fifi cut him off by blowing a raspberry in his direction, then promptly giggling.

"Well," Gary muttered, deflating. "That’s just rude."

Kenny snickered. "Maybe she’s just telling you how she feels, Uncle Gary."

Dawn sighed, bouncing Fifi again as she finally began to settle down. "Let’s just get this over with before she decides to throw another fit. Gary, do your thing—quickly."

"Fine," Gary grumbled, grabbing his stethoscope. "But if she screams again, I’m charging you double for emotional trauma."

Fifi’s eyes narrowed at the sight of the stethoscope, and for a brief moment, the room fell silent as everyone held their breath.

"Here we go," Kenny whispered.

Fifi opened her mouth wide and—


Gary froze. "Did she just sneeze on me?"

"Yup," Kenny said, laughing. "Consider that your initiation, Doc."

Mia grinned from the corner. "She’s just testing your patience. If you survive this, you’ll totally qualify as her doctor."

Gary sighed, grabbing a tissue to wipe his coat. "This is going to be a long day."

Gary sighed as he prepared for the next step. "Alright, let's start with the basics—eyes, ears, mouth, heart, lungs, reflexes." He glanced at the still-sniffling Fifi. "This shouldn’t take too long."

Famous last words.

The second he leaned closer with his little light to check her eyes, Fifi let out a banshee-like scream, flailing her tiny arms. Dawn tightened her hold, rocking her in an attempt to calm her down. "Shhhh, it’s okay, sweetie. Mommy’s got you."

But Fifi wasn’t having it. Kenny, standing off to the side, began to pace nervously, muttering under his breath. "Oh no. She’s mad. She’s really mad. What if she hates doctors forever? What if we traumatize her for life? What if she never forgives us?"

"Kenny!" Dawn snapped, bouncing the screaming baby. "I need you to calm down."

"I AM CALM!" Kenny shouted, flinging his arms in the air.

Gary arched an eyebrow. "Uh-huh. Totally believable, champ. Now if you could stop pacing like a caged Pokémon and actually help, that’d be great."

"Help?!" Kenny gestured to the flailing baby. "What am I supposed to do? She’s a tiny, angry little human, and I’m just—" He took a deep breath, his eyes wide. "I’M PANICKING!"

Gary rubbed his temples. "I can tell. Dawn, I think you’re on your own here."

"Great," Dawn muttered through gritted teeth. "Like I wasn’t already holding the literal screaming banshee while trying not to lose my mind."

Gary sighed and moved on. "Let’s just keep going. Hold her still so I can check her ears."

Dawn tried, but Fifi twisted and turned like a mini wrestler, nearly knocking the otoscope out of Gary’s hand. "Whoa! Okay, she’s strong."

"That’s because she’s angry," Dawn groaned, shifting her grip. "And Kenny, stop hyperventilating!"

"I’M NOT!" Kenny squeaked, despite clearly breathing like he’d just run a marathon.

Mia, who had been quietly observing from the corner, burst out laughing. "This is better than TV!"

Gary rolled his eyes. "Okay, mouth next. Open wide, Fifi—"


The ear-splitting scream made Kenny jump. "She’s gonna blow out her lungs! Is that even safe?! Gary, do something! She’s gonna—"

"Kenny, sit down!" Dawn snapped. "You’re making it worse!"

Gary, unfazed, continued his examination. "Her lungs are fine. They’re loud, but fine." He quickly placed the stethoscope on Fifi’s tiny chest. "Heart sounds good. Reflexes next."

Fifi, however, was done with the whole ordeal. As Gary lightly tapped her knees, she flailed her legs in defiance, nearly kicking the reflex hammer out of his hand. Dawn groaned. "Why is this so hard?!"

Gary straightened up, exhausted. "I think she’s healthy… except for the part where she apparently hates me."

"Great," Dawn muttered, slumping into the chair with Fifi still in her arms. "Now can someone please calm her down before I lose it too?"

Kenny, still pacing, stopped and turned to Dawn. "What do we do? What if she’s traumatized forever? What if—"

"Kenny, stop."

Mia, still grinning, chimed in. "Don’t worry, Uncle Kenny. Fifi’s just testing your patience. And you’re failing, by the way."

Gary chuckled. "I’ll take 'loud and long' over a quiet, unhealthy baby any day. You’re doing fine—both of you."

Dawn glared at Kenny, who looked ready to faint. "One of us is doing fine," she muttered. "And it’s not him."

Kenny’s breathing grew more erratic by the second, his hands shaking as he staggered back toward the wall. "Dawn… I think I’m gonna pass out—" His voice was barely above a whisper, but it was clear he was spiraling into full panic mode.

Dawn quickly shifted Fifi into one arm, holding the baby tightly against her chest. "Kenny!" she snapped, hurrying over to his side. "Sit down, right now!"

Kenny barely registered her voice, his face pale and his eyes wide. He swayed slightly, one hand clutching his chest. "I… I can’t breathe… I can’t—"

"Yes, you can!" Dawn said, pushing him gently toward the nearest chair. "Sit down, breathe, Kenny!"

She set Fifi down for a moment, her tiny cries now turning into soft sniffs. Dawn turned back to her husband, who was swaying like a leaf in the wind. "Kenny, breathe. In, out, in, out…"

Gary, who had been trying to finish his notes in the corner, noticed the commotion and walked over. "I think someone needs a break," he said dryly, glancing at Dawn. "This isn’t exactly a relaxing appointment, huh?"

Dawn shot him a look that could have melted steel, but she didn’t have the energy to argue. Instead, she grabbed Kenny’s hand and placed it over his heart. "Inhale, Kenny. Slowly. In. Out."

Kenny’s breathing was still ragged, but he managed to follow her instructions, taking slow, deep breaths. His head was spinning, but at least the dizziness was starting to fade. "I—I’m sorry," he gasped. "I don’t know what happened. I just… I couldn’t stop thinking about everything going wrong. And Fifi… and you… and—"

"Shh," Dawn whispered, gently rubbing his back as she knelt beside him. "It’s okay. You just… you just need to breathe. And take it easy."

Gary raised an eyebrow. "I was gonna suggest that, but I think you’ve got it covered."

Kenny nodded slowly, his breathing finally beginning to steady. He glanced up at Dawn, his face filled with regret. "I didn’t mean to freak out. I just… I couldn’t handle it. I couldn’t—"

"Hey, we’ve got this. Together," Dawn said firmly, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "I’m not going anywhere. We’re a team."

Gary took a small step back, allowing the couple a moment to collect themselves. "I’ll give you a minute to recover before we continue," he said, then added with a smirk, "But next time, maybe try not to pass out in front of the baby. You don’t want her picking up on your panic attacks."

Dawn glared at Gary, though the tension in her shoulders had eased. "Thanks, Doctor Obvious."

After a few moments, Kenny managed to sit up straighter, though his hands were still trembling. "Okay, okay. I’m better now. But… can we skip the rest of the checkup?"

Dawn snorted softly, taking Fifi back into her arms. "You’re a brave man, Kenny, but we’re not done yet."

Gary chuckled, returning to his desk. "You two are going to make it through this. Probably."

Kenny glanced at Dawn and smiled weakly. "Okay. I’m ready. I think."

Dawn rolled her eyes but smiled in return. "Let’s just get through this without any more incidents, okay?"

"Deal," Kenny said, taking another deep breath.

And with that, the chaos continued.

As the shot was administered, Fifi’s crying echoed through the room, and Kenny’s breath caught in his chest. "Dawn, I don’t think I can—" His voice was shaky, but before he could finish, his eyes rolled back, and he collapsed forward, landing in Dawn’s arms.

"Kenny?!" Dawn gasped, panic shooting through her. She quickly adjusted Fifi in her arms before trying to steady her husband, but he was completely out cold.

Gary immediately rushed to them, his calm demeanor not matching the situation. "I knew this was going to happen. He’s way too tense," he muttered, helping Dawn carefully lower Kenny into the nearby chair.

Dawn’s heart was racing. "Kenny, come on, wake up!" she said softly, tapping his cheek. He didn’t respond, his face pale and his breathing slow. The sight made her stomach tighten with worry. She looked up at Gary, who had moved to the counter, pulling out a small bag with some smelling salts.

"Don’t worry," Gary said in a clipped tone, shaking the salts under Kenny’s nose. The pungent smell hit Kenny’s nostrils, causing him to stir slightly. His eyelids fluttered, but he didn’t wake up.

"Gary, you need to help him!" Dawn said, almost pleading.

Gary took a deep breath and sighed. "He’s not really out. He’s just overwhelmed. It happens to some people when they’re under too much stress. I’m just going to keep him comfortable until he wakes up."

Dawn paced for a few moments, trying to keep herself calm as Fifi continued to fuss in her arms. "But I don’t know what to do!" she said softly. "He—he’s just not okay."

Gary raised an eyebrow, now leaning against the counter. "You know, it’s probably a good idea to have him talk to someone about all this stress he’s got. He’s going to be a mess if we don’t help him manage it."

Dawn nodded, still holding Fifi close as she looked down at her unconscious husband. "I just want him back to normal," she murmured.

It felt like hours passed before Kenny began to stir, his head tilting slightly to the side as he groggily blinked his eyes open. "Wha—what happened?" His voice was thick and disoriented.

Dawn leaned in, a small, relieved smile forming on her lips. "You fainted, big guy," she said softly, brushing a strand of hair from his forehead. "But you’re okay now."

Kenny blinked a few more times, his vision still blurry. He reached up and rubbed his temples, groaning quietly. "Sorry… I didn’t mean to freak out like that. I just couldn’t handle it."

"Don’t apologize," Dawn said firmly, her voice gentle but steady. "You’re not alone. We’ll get through this together."

Fifi, who had quieted down a little, gave a soft coo from Dawn’s arms. Kenny looked up at his wife, his eyes still unfocused. "How is she?"

Dawn glanced at the baby and gave a small nod. "She’s alright. A little fussy, but we’ll get through it."

Gary, still hovering in the background, sighed with a hint of relief. "Alright, now that you’ve come to your senses, how about we finish the checkup without any more drama?"

Kenny chuckled weakly, though his smile was laced with embarrassment. "I’ll try to make it through without passing out again. Just… no more needles, okay?"

Dawn rolled her eyes playfully, adjusting Fifi as she took a seat next to Kenny. "We’ll make it through, I promise. But next time, can we have a quiet day without any fainting?"

Gary grinned, obviously amused by their antics. "Quiet? With you two? That’s a joke."

Dawn looked at Kenny and grinned, relieved that he was at least awake. "Yeah, a joke. But you know what? We’ll take it."

And as the day carried on, the chaos lessened, but there was still no shortage of laughter—mostly at Kenny’s expense. But in the end, they were a family. And that was all that mattered.

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