Palm of my hand
Wisty held her shield up as Mew unleashed a barrage of attacks. Hyper Beam was followed by Heat Wave, Water Gun, Scald, and even a wild Vine Whip, each strike rocking the ground beneath her feet.
Gary winced. "Oh dear... she's really taking a beating."
Horace paced frantically. "She's going to get killed! Why is no one stopping her?! Someone stop her!"
Danika raised an eyebrow. "She did tell us not to interfere."
"Yeah, well, that’s insane!" Horace snapped. "We can't just—"
A sudden vine from Mew lashed out, wrapping around Wisty's shield and yanking it away. Without missing a beat, Mew fired another Heat Wave, sending Wisty skidding backward into the dirt.
Quillon crossed his arms, scowling. "If she doesn't get out of there soon, she's toast."
Gary sighed heavily, rubbing his temples. "I think she’s evolved into a Primeape at this point. Just... stubborn rage in human form."
Wisty groaned, shaking dirt from her hair. "Mew! What was that for?!"
Mew giggled mischievously before hitting her with Scald, followed by a push from Vine Whip that sent Wisty flying off the cliff's edge again.
"WISTY!" Gary shouted, running to the edge.
From below came Wisty’s indignant yell. "WHAT WAS THAT FOR, MEW?!"
Seconds later, Altaria swooped down again, pulling her back up. Wisty slid off Altaria’s back, huffing and brushing herself off. "Thanks again, girl. You deserve so many Poképuffs after this."
Gary facepalmed. "This is the second time you’ve fallen off a cliff today."
"And I’ve survived both times. I’m fine!" Wisty shot back, narrowing her eyes at Mew. "But you! You’ve got another thing coming, mister."
Danika smirked. "She’s definitely like Ash."
"Too much like Ash," Quillon muttered, shaking his head.
As Wisty stomped forward, Chikorita charged out from the sidelines, leaves flaring.
"Chikaaaa!" it cried, ready to fight.
Wisty quickly held up a hand. "Chikorita, no! I told you all to stay out of this!"
"Chika!" Chikorita huffed, planting itself firmly between Wisty and Mew.
Mew giggled again before launching another Scald. Wisty barely dodged, flames from Heat Wave licking the ground behind her.
Quillon crossed his arms. "She’s either fearless or completely nuts."
Gary’s phone suddenly buzzed. He groaned, pulling it out. "What now?" He answered it quickly. "Grandpa?"
Professor Oak’s voice was sharp on the other end. "Gary! I’m seeing massive energy readings coming from your location. What’s going on? It’s off the charts!"
Gary glanced at Wisty, who was currently dodging a flurry of Water Guns with an almost feral intensity. "Uh… yeah, about that. Let’s just say it’s complicated."
Meanwhile, another phone buzzed loudly. Danika answered her walkie-talkie. "Yes?"
Amaranth’s calm yet concerned voice came through. "What is happening out there? I can feel the disturbance all the way from my location."
Danika glanced at Wisty, now deflecting attacks with her bare forearm. "Oh, just Wisty being Wisty."
Amaranth sighed. "Of course she is. Be careful; this much psychic energy could be dangerous."
Back by the lake, Mew let out a sharp cry, whipping the air with its tail. The resulting gust sent Wisty sprawling once more.
Horace panicked. "That’s it! We need to help her! She’s going to get herself killed!"
"Stay back!" Wisty barked, pulling herself to her feet for the umpteenth time. Her determination was unshakable.
Mew smirked and flicked its tail again. A blast of air sent Wisty flying back. This time, her trajectory sent her off the cliff.
Gary’s jaw dropped. "She’s off the cliff again?!"
From below came a faint but angry yell: "SERIOUSLY, MEW?!"
Altaria dove once again, catching Wisty mid-air and bringing her back up. As she climbed off its back, she glared daggers at Mew. "Okay, Mew. No more Mrs. Nice Trainer."
Quillon stared in awe. "She just keeps getting up. She’s like a one-woman army."
Gary nodded slowly. "Or a Primeape in human form."
Mew giggled, preparing another Hyper Beam. Wisty gritted her teeth, holding her ground as her Pokémon watched anxiously.
"All right, Mew," she muttered, planting her feet. "Let’s end this."
Wisty stared at Mew, panting, her face a mixture of frustration and determination. Mew giggled mischievously, preparing yet another attack.
Wisty had enough.
"That's IT!" she shouted, charging forward.
Gary's eyes widened. "Wisty, what are you—"
Before anyone could stop her, the eight-year-old girl leapt at Mew, grabbing the mythical Pokémon mid-air.
"You're coming with me!" Wisty growled. With surprising strength, she spun around and yeeted Mew straight into a nearby wall.
The impact sent dust and debris flying everywhere. Mew slid down the wall, looking stunned for a moment before shaking itself off.
There was complete silence.
Goh blinked rapidly, his jaw hanging open. "Did she just…"
Horace clutched his head. "My brain… my brain needs a wash. What did I just witness?"
Quillon crossed his arms, his eyebrows furrowing. "That was… extremely violent. She's a child!"
Danika slowly lowered her walkie-talkie, staring blankly. "That… oh… that was… oh…"
Gary slapped his forehead. "Wisty, for Arceus’ sake, what are you doing?! You can’t just throw legendary Pokémon!"
Wisty dusted off her hands, glaring at Mew as it floated back up, looking mildly offended. "What else was I supposed to do? It wasn’t listening to reason!"
Mew giggled, then charged forward, tackling Wisty hard enough to send her tumbling.
"SEE?!" Wisty yelled as she rolled across the ground. "This is exactly why I yeeted her!"
Quillon sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "This is ridiculous. She's an eight-year-old throwing around a Pokémon that can bend reality."
Mew giggled again, but this time, Wisty jumped back to her feet, completely unfazed. "You want more, Mew? Bring it!"
Goh rubbed his temples. "I don’t even know what’s happening anymore."
Horace gestured wildly at Wisty. "She just THREW Mew. Like it was nothing. Nothing about this is normal!"
Gary turned to Danika. "Do you think we should… stop her?"
Danika tilted her head, watching as Wisty lunged at Mew again, managing to grab its tail and swing it around. "Honestly? I think it’s best to just stay out of this one."
Mew finally managed to break free, floating high into the air and looking down at Wisty with a mix of confusion and begrudging respect. Wisty dusted herself off again, grinning. "Had enough, Mew?"
Mew responded by firing a Solar Beam directly at her.
Gary groaned. "Of course not."
Wisty dodged at the last second, shaking her fist at Mew. "Fine, be that way! I’ll just throw you again if I have to!"
Quillon sighed deeply. "She’s officially terrifying."
Mew floated ominously in the air, eyes glowing with a dangerous energy as it prepared another attack. Wisty, completely unfazed, smirked and cracked her knuckles.
Gary, still processing the fact that an eight-year-old had just yeeted a mythical Pokémon, muttered, “This is getting out of hand…”
Goh leaned toward Horace. “Uh, is this normal behavior for her?”
Horace, still clutching his head, groaned, “Nothing about this is normal! NOTHING!”
Danika, observing the chaos, sighed. “I think we’re seeing things we’re not supposed to see…”
Quillon folded his arms, his face grim. “Agreed. Like that kid being absolutely terrifying.”
Before anyone could respond, Mew let loose a barrage of attacks: Heat Wave, Scald, Vine Whip, and even Thunderbolt, all aimed squarely at Wisty. The girl dodged and ducked with an almost unnatural agility, her small frame making it easy to avoid the chaos.
“WHY IS SHE NOT GETTING HIT?!” Quillon yelled, utterly bewildered.
“Wisty, GET OUT OF THERE!” Gary shouted, his voice cracking.
Wisty ignored them all, standing her ground even as flames and water sprayed everywhere. Her Pokemon crowded nervously behind her, clearly itching to jump in.
“Stay back!” Wisty barked at her team. “I told you, this is my fight!”
Chikorita, however, wasn’t having it. “Chika!” it yelled defiantly, stepping forward.
“No, Chikorita!” Wisty snapped, pointing at it. “I mean it! Don’t make me bench you!”
Gary covered his face with his hands. “She’s insane. She’s officially insane.”
Goh pointed at Mew, which had switched tactics and was now summoning Shadow Ball after Shadow Ball. “Uh, guys? Is anyone else concerned that Mew might actually kill her?”
Horace began pacing frantically. “We should stop this! She’s just a kid! Mew is—”
Before he could finish, Mew unleashed an enormous Hyper Beam, striking the ground near Wisty and sending her flying backward—straight off the cliff.
“OH MY—” Quillon began, but he didn’t get to finish.
Wisty’s voice echoed as she fell. “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!”
Everyone froze, staring in disbelief.
Altaria, clearly fed up, dove after Wisty, catching her mid-air and flying her back up to the cliffside. Wisty hopped off her Pokémon’s back and stomped toward Mew, glaring.
Gary pinched the bridge of his nose. “She’s not stopping. Of course she’s not stopping.”
Danika exhaled slowly. “You know, I thought I’d seen it all. But watching an eight-year-old get blasted by Mew, fall off a cliff, and come back swinging? That’s… new.”
Quillon stared at Wisty in awe. “She’s not a child. She’s… evolved into a Primeape.”
Horace shook his head. “No, she’s worse. She’s terrifying.”
Wisty growled, pointing a finger at Mew. “That’s it! No more nice trainers!”
Gary groaned. “Oh, no. What now?”
Without warning, Wisty sprinted forward, leaped into the air, and grabbed Mew again. She slammed it into the ground with a force that shook the entire area.
“Did she just…” Goh trailed off.
Horace looked ready to faint. “My brain officially needs a factory reset.”
Quillon muttered under his breath, “That was unnecessarily violent…”
Danika slowly nodded. “And… impressive.”
Mew, looking dazed but still defiant, floated back up, now visibly annoyed. Wisty cracked her knuckles again, grinning.
“Bring it, Mew. I can do this all day.”
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