Palm of my hand!

"Now, Weavile." Quillon commanded."Azumarill." Danika added"Blastoise. Come on out." Gary ordered."Blastoise.""Hey! What are you doing?" Goh asked."I think having a battle is our best plan." Gary replied."I kind of think it's just playing around." Goh said as he threw a Pokeball."Cinderace.""Okay, I'll run support for you all." Goh said.Before they could do anything, they heard a strong, " Eevee!" From the cliff.They turned.There was a bunch of Pokemon, but they were covered by the dark.There was also a human with a flowey dress and straight hair." Who are you?" Quillon demanded. " And what do you want?"The person sighed. " Oh Quillon. You're sad."The Pokemon stepped forward." Eevee!"" Sprigatito!"" Char, Charmander!"" Totodile!"" Chika!"" Alcremie!"" Jiggly!""Appletun!"" Rockruff!"" Cherubi!"Clefairy!"" Ponyta!" The Galarian Ponyta yelled." Amura!"" Altaria!"" Shaymin!"" Cinccino!"" Milo! Tic!"" Palafin!"" Deerling!"" Girafarig!" Wobu Wobu fet!"" Heyo!" Growlithe yelled." Toge Toge priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"Gary blinked. " Hold on.... Those Pokemon seem awfully familiar...."The person jumped from the cliff, backflipped twice, and landed on her feet. She stood up and grinned" Missed me Gary Berry?"Danika blinked, then pressed her walkie talkie. " We found her."Gary sighed. " What are you doing here?"Wisty shrugged. " The usuals. Saving the world."Horace turned to Goh. " Who is she?"" Ash's little sister. It may not seem like it but they are very alike."Quillon sighed. " Just what we needed."" Hey!" Wisty crossed her arms. " One more comment out of you and the contract is off."Gary turned to the elder chasers. " Contract?"Danika sighed. " This one decided that she was going to be very strict about what we can and can not do with Mew."Wisty let out a bitter laugh. " Strict? Talk about yourself, lady."" Okay, okay we didn't come here to roast people." Gary said with a sweat drop.Wisty rolled her eyes. " Eevee, what happened to her?"" Eveve!"Wisty blinked. " Oh no."She turned to her Pokemon. " Look, you know the plan. The only one way to get her to regain her memory."" Eveve!"Wisty sighed. " It's risky, I know. But hey. You have to take big measures to de- evilize Pokemon."Horace blinked. " Did she just-"Before anyone could say anything, she had already climbed the cliff and took a few steps back." Sorry about this Mew." She muttered before charging off the cliff and jumping on Mew." NOW EEVEE TURN INTO UMBREON AND USE PORTAL!"" Umbreon!" Eevee exclaimed as she threw a dark ball at the ground.Gary blinked. " Uh....."It sucked EVERYONE out of the cave.When the mist had faded, they had been transported outside.And Wisty and her Pokemon were throwing Mew into a lake." Go, everyone!" She yelled. " Use your strongest attacks!"They all chorused and obeyed. The chasers creeped their way to the lake." What is this water?" Quillon asked." None of your business." Wisty replied sharply. " This is to stay here and ony here. Do you all hear me?"Gary sighed. " Wisty, please ease up."" I'll ease up when I want to Gary." Wisty muttered.Suddenly Mew burst out of the water." Mew!" Wisty yelled joyfully. " You're-"Mew aimed a dark ball at Eevee's feet.Eevee, unfortunately, was close to a cliff." Eevee!" She yelped as she fell.Wisty gasped. " Eevee!"She jumped.Off.A.Freaking.Cliff.Gary blinked. " Oh dear."Then Eevee was thrown onto the cliff.With no Wisty.Gary turned to Altaria. " What are you just standing around for?! Do something!"" Evevevevevve! Eve!" Eevee commanded.Altaria obeyed, swooping down into the clouds and diving." They only obey Wisty and her Pokemon?" Goh asked, amazed. " She's trained them good."Altaria came back up with Wisty on her back." Thanks girl. You're a lifesaver. Literally."Alraria cooed and landed as Wisty's Pokemon ran to her." Eveve!"" Chikaaaa!"" Heyo!"" Priiiii!"Wisty laughed. " Guys, I swear I'm okay!"Then she looked at Mew. " However, that one isn't."" Meeeeeeew!" MEw sent a solar beam." WOBUFFET COUNTEEEEEEEEEEER!" Wisty howled.Wobuffet barely managed.Wisty stood up. " Enough is enough!"She turned to her Pokemon. " Look. Don't you dare interfere, understand? Leave this one to me. Okay?"" Eev-"" I mean it!" Wisty ordered. " Don't."Her Pokemon reluctantly stepped back, and Wisty turned to Mew. " No need to worry." She muttered.She stepped forward. " Mew."Mew used hyper beam. Wisty didn't flinch. " Mew, listen. This isn't you! You're my sweet baby Mew, the one who's the ancestor of all Pokemon! Don't you remember, Mew? You were going to die but I saved you. Remember? Then when I was going to die YOU saved me?"The five chasers could only watched." Mew, please remember."Mew giggled and shot the hyper beam." WISTY GET OUT OF THERE!" Gary yelled.Wisty's eyes widened. " Oh dear."And then she took a shield out.A freaking shield." Why does she-"Gary cut Quillon off. " Don't ask."

As Mew's onslaught of attacks rained down on Wisty, the situation turned chaotic.

A Heat Wave singed the ground beneath her feet.
A Scald splashed onto her shield, steam hissing as it sizzled.
Vine Whips lashed at her legs, nearly knocking her over.

And Wisty?
Still standing, albeit not for long.

"Wisty, MOVE!" Gary yelled again. "What are you even doing?!"

Wisty gritted her teeth, steadying her shield as another Water Gun slammed into it. "I'm saving Mew, Gary! Mind not distracting me?!"

Goh blinked as a Shadow Ball narrowly missed Wisty's head. "She's absolutely insane."

"Wisty's always been like this," Gary muttered, rubbing his forehead. "Never knows when to quit."

"Wisty!" Horace shrieked in panic as another Scald hit her shoulder. "You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"Horace, chill!" Wisty called back, dodging a Vine Whip with impressive reflexes. "I've got this! It's all part of the plan!"

"WHAT PLAN?!" Quillon demanded.

Before Wisty could answer, Gary's phone rang. He groaned, pulling it from his pocket. "Who could possibly be calling at a time like this?"

He glanced at the screen.


Gary sighed. "Great..."

He answered. "Grandpa, now's not a good time—"

"Not a good time?!" Professor Oak's voice boomed over the line, frantic. "Gary, I'm detecting massive energy spikes in your area! What is going on out there?!"

Gary flinched and turned to look at Wisty, who was currently deflecting an Ice Beam with her freaking shield.

Gary pinched the bridge of his nose. "Uh... it's complicated."

"It doesn't look complicated!" Horace shouted, arms flailing. "SHE'S GETTING DESTROYED!"

"Goh, do something!" Danika snapped.

" I can't..." Goh replied.

" WHY?!"

" Because you strictly told us not to."

Danika blinked. " Did I?"

Goh raised a brow. "Do we even need to discuss that, Danika? We all know you're the strict one here."

Danika looked offended. "I'm not that strict."

Quillon rolled his eyes. "You literally wrote a contract for how we're allowed to breathe near Mew."

"That's... not true," Danika muttered weakly.

Wisty, meanwhile, was still in the thick of battle. She grimaced as Flamethrower slammed into her shield, followed immediately by a Solar Beam that sent her staggering backward.

Gary winced. "Oh dear..."

Horace, who looked one more attack away from fainting himself, pointed at Wisty. "SHE CAN'T TAKE THIS! WISTY, FALL BACK!"

"No!" Wisty barked, her eyes blazing. "I'm not running away! This is Mew! My Mew! And I'm getting through to her whether she likes it or not!"

Mew floated above her, giggling darkly, its body pulsing with shadowy energy.

"Wisty..." Gary muttered, watching in concern. "You're pushing your luck..."

Suddenly, Wisty's phone buzzed. She growled and pulled it from her pocket. "Who now?!"

The screen lit up. Amaranth.

"Ugh," Wisty grumbled, answering the call. "Hey, Amararanth. Kind of busy saving the world right now."

Amaranth's voice crackled through the phone. "Wisty, what is going on?! We're picking up energy spikes that are off the charts! Are you fighting a legendary or something?!"

Wisty deadpanned. "Yes. Yes, I am. Now if you'll excuse me—"

Before she could finish, Mew launched a Dark Pulse. Wisty leapt sideways, tumbling into the mud as her shield was flung across the field.

"WISTY!" Horace shrieked again, this time full-on panicking. "SHE'S DOWN! SHE'S—SHE'S—"

"Horace!" Gary snapped. "Breathe! She's fine!"

Danika crossed her arms, watching the scene with a conflicted frown. "Are we sure we're fine letting her handle this?"

Goh raised an eyebrow. "You're literally the one who told us not to interfere."

Danika hesitated. "Well... maybe I was a little wrong. Just a little."

Meanwhile, Wisty stood up, wiping mud from her face. She cracked her neck and pointed at Mew. "Alright, Mew. You want to fight dirty? Then let's fight dirty."

"Eevee!" Umbreon cried out, looking worried.

Wisty held up a hand. "I told you to stay back! Trust me!"

She faced Mew, determination radiating off her in waves. "Mew... I know you're still in there. I know this isn't you. You're stronger than this darkness. So come on, fight it!"

Mew tilted its head, its glowing eyes narrowing. It let out a low, dark giggle and began charging another Hyper Beam.

Gary turned to Goh. "Do something. Seriously. She's going to get obliterated."

Goh nodded, tossing a Poké Ball. "Cinderace, go!"

Before Cinderace could react, Wisty whirled around. "I SAID DON'T INTERFERE!"

Gary palmed his face. "She's going to get us all killed..."

Mew released the Hyper Beam. Wisty stood her ground, arms spread wide.

"MEW!" she shouted one last time. "REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE!"

The beam roared toward her.

"WISTY!" Horace screamed.

But just before the beam could hit, a bright, rainbow-colored light burst out of Mew. The Hyper Beam shattered, dissolving into glittering sparks.

Mew froze midair, trembling. Its shadowy energy flickered and faded.

Wisty smiled faintly. "There you are."

Mew blinked, its eyes clearing. "Mew...?"

The group fell silent, stunned.

Horace finally collapsed to the ground. "I'm too young for this."

Gary sighed in relief. "She actually did it..."

Danika gave a small smirk. "I told you she knew what she was doing."

Goh raised an eyebrow. "Did you, though?"

Before Danika could answer, Wisty stumbled forward, holding out a hand to Mew. "Welcome back, partner."

Mew floated into her arms, purring softly as it nuzzled her cheek.

Wisty let out a breathless laugh. "Told you I'd save you."

The chasers all exchanged looks, unsure of whether to be amazed or completely baffled.

Gary shook his head. "Wisty... you are something else."

Wisty grinned, holding Mew close. "Well, someone's gotta do the impossible, right?"

From somewhere behind them, Amaranth's voice crackled over Wisty's still-open phone. "...Wait. Did you actually just save a legendary?"

Gary grabbed the phone, sighing. "Yes, Amaranth. She did."

"...Oh. Cool."

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