In the Palm of my hand
As Wisty planted her feet and raised her shield against Mew's relentless Hyper Beam, chaos erupted behind her. Mew's energy pulsed through the air, kicking up wind and scattering debris.
"WISTY!" Gary shouted again, reaching for his Pokéball. "You're going to get yourself killed!"
Before anyone could act, Danika's walkie-talkie crackled to life with an impatient voice.
"Danika! What's going on over there? I've been getting crazy energy spikes!"
Danika winced and pressed her walkie-talkie. "Amaranth, it's...complicated. Wisty's here, and she's-uh-dealing with Mew."
"Wisty?" Amaranth's exasperated voice crackled through. "Of course it's Wisty! What is she doing this time?!"
"Saving the world," Quillon muttered sarcastically, arms crossed.
Meanwhile, Gary's phone buzzed, and he fumbled to answer it. "Not now, Gramps!"
"Gary, this is urgent!" Professor Oak's voice rang out, sounding unusually frantic. "We're detecting massive energy readings from your location! It's spiking through the roof! Whatever's happening-"
"It's Wisty!" Gary shouted into the phone. "She's gone and made Mew angry, and-ugh, it's a long story!"
"Wisty again?! I should have known," Oak muttered. "Tell her to STOP before she levels the entire area!"
Back at the lake, Wisty braced herself as Mew floated above her, its eyes glowing a dark purple. "Come on, Mew! I know you're in there somewhere!"
"Heat Wave!"
From above, a burst of scorching air blasted toward her. "Altaria! What are you doing?!" Wisty shouted as she barely ducked behind her shield.
"Water Gun!"
"OH, COME ON!" she shrieked as Totodile unleashed a jet of water straight at her face, soaking her completely.
"Wisty, you're soaked!" Goh yelled helpfully from the sidelines.
"Yeah, I NOTICED!" Wisty snapped as she wrung out her drenched hair.
But before she could recover-
A stream of steaming hot water fired at her from Palafin, and Wisty yelped, jumping out of the way. "HOT! HOT! THAT'S HOT!"
Gary facepalmed. "Does everything have to target her at once?"
"Apparently," Quillon deadpanned.
"Vine Whip!"
Two green vines shot out, courtesy of Deerling, and wrapped around Wisty's shield, yanking her forward. "HEY! NO! BAD DEERLING!" she barked, tugging back on the vines.
"Wisty's really getting it," Horace muttered, watching in stunned amazement.
"THIS IS FINE!" Wisty shouted back, flinging herself backward and breaking free from Deerling's grip.
"Giga Drain!"
"NOT FINE!" she screamed as a green energy beam from Cherubi narrowly missed her, pulling a chunk of energy out of her shield instead.
Wisty's Pokémon watched helplessly from the sidelines as their trainer got hit with attack after attack. Umbreon whined. "Eevee..."
Wisty, gasping for air and drenched from head to toe, stood shakily and glared at Mew. "I am not giving up on you!"
"Mew..." Mew giggled darkly, summoning another shadowy orb of energy.
Before Mew could attack, Amaranth's frustrated voice came through Danika's walkie-talkie again. "For Arceus' sake, can someone PLEASE get Wisty under control?!"
Gary groaned into his phone. "Gramps, what's happening with those readings?!"
"They're still rising!" Professor Oak exclaimed. "If Wisty doesn't stop, we could be looking at a catastrophic energy surge!"
"Wonderful," Gary muttered, running his hands through his hair. "Wisty! You need to stop-!"
"NOPE!" Wisty interrupted, charging forward, her shield still up. "I'm not quitting until I save Mew!"
From the sidelines, Goh turned to Horace. "Ash's sister, huh?"
"They're exactly alike."
Quillon sighed loudly, pinching the bridge of his nose. "I need a vacation."
Before Wisty could launch into another monologue, a Hurricane attack suddenly blew through the area, sending her tumbling back as the shadowy mist around Mew grew even thicker.
Wisty groaned and sat up, her hair a tangled, sopping mess. She pointed dramatically at Mew, determination in her eyes. "All right, Mew! ROUND TWO!"
Gary blinked. "Oh dear."
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