In the Palm of my hand!
"Now, Weavile." Quillon commanded.
"Azumarill." Danika added
"Blastoise. Come on out." Gary ordered.
"Hey. What are you doing?" Goh asked.
"I think having a battle is our best plan." Gary replied.
"I kind of think it's just playing around." Goh said as he threw a Pokeball.
"Okay, I'll run support for you all." Goh said.
Before they could do anything, they heard a strong, " Eevee!" From the cliff.
They turned.
There was a bunch of Pokemon, but they were covered by the dark.
There was also a human with a flowey dress and straight hair.
" Who are you?" Quillon demanded. " And what do you want?"
The person sighed. " Oh Quillon. You're sad."
The Pokemon stepped forward.
" Eevee!*
" Sprigatito!"
" Char, Charmander!"
" Totodile!"
" Chika!"
" Alcremie!"
" Jiggly!"
" Rockruff!"
" Cherubi!"
" Ponyta!" The Galarian Ponyta yelled.
" Amura!"
" Altaria!"
" Shaymin!"
" Cinccino!"
" Milo! Tic!"
" Palafin!"
" Deerling!"
" Girafarig!
" Wobu Wobu fet!"
" Toge Toge priiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"
Gary blinked. " Hold on.... Those Pokemon seem awfully familiar...."
The person tilted their head and stepped forward. Quillon, Danika, Goh, Gary and Horace could see she was wearing pink flats with a pink bow on the front.
" Mew." The person said. " What's wrong?"
Mew turned to the person, and they gasped, stepping back. " Oh no...."
Another person walked behind the first one. " Are you sure that's your Mew?*
Goh blinked. " What?!"
" They caught Mew?!" Quillon screeched. " They're powerful!"
" Ash, yes it's my Mew. There's only one Mew in the whole world."
" Oh right."
Goh blinked. " Ash....?"
The second person heard their name. " Goh?!"
Goh looked confused. " Ash?! What are you doing here?! Don't you have the world Coronation Series?!"
" It finished, Goh." The first person said. " And my brother won."
"Brother?" Gary muttered. " Then you're-"
" Yep. Took you long enough Gary Berry."
Gary groaned. " Wisty really?"
The girl stepped into the shadows and smiled sweetly. She was wearing a pink and white flowy gown with a magenta bow tied around her waist. Her hair was untied, sitting on her shoulders.
" Eveve!* Eevee backflipped and turned into Sylveon.
Horace blinked. " How did you-"
" No time for that. We'll talk about it later."
Mew released a solar beam.
" Wobuffet, counter." Wisty ordered calmly.
" Wobuffet!!"
Mew dodged and it hit the cave roof.
Rocks started to fall.
" Eevee use levitate!"
" Sylveon!" Eve said in her Sylveon form, her eyes glowing pink.
Horace leaned into Goh. " Did that Eevee just evolve?"
Goh shook his head. " Nah. Wisty's Eevee is special. She can evolve into any of her eight forms but then de evolve into Eevee form using a special rock Eevee touched when she was born. It's.... Complicated."
Horace nodded in understanding. " Oooooh. Okay."
Ash looked at Mew. " It looks corrupted."
" Corrupted who wo-" she gasped. " Oh no."
" Oh no what oh?* Gary called, panicked.
" Giovanni!"
" You mean the one who is the boss of Team Rocket?!" Danika asked.
Wisty nodded as she reached under her bow around her waist and pulled three Pokeballs.
" Ash use the conch."
" Huh?" Ash looked confused.
" I'm going to call upon Molteace Articuno and Zaptos. You need to use your flute to guide them here."
Ash nodded. " Okay."
Wisty took a deep breath. " I stand here to call the three legendary Pokemon of Kanto-"
She threw the first Pokeball up. " Molteace."
" Articuno."
Third. " And Zaptos."
The three Pokeballs opened, and each one let out a different color - one red, one blue and the other yellow.
" Please follow the light and the flute."
She turned to Ash and gave him a small nod.
Ash took a deep breath. " The savior calls on the three lenegdaries!"
Gary blinked. " Savior?!"
Goh shrugged. " What's going on?"
Horace just watched.
Quillon and Danika were trying to figure out what was going on.
Suddenly they heard a screech, and the fire legendary came in.
Then the lightning.
Then the ice.
Ash turned to Wisty. * You're their trainer. Tell them what's going on."
Wisty nodded. " Guys, something's wrong with Mew. She's been corrupted by Team Rocket. I need your help. Will you-"
The three birds cut her off with a loud screech.
Ash grinned. " They're saying yes."
Wisty sighed in relief. " Oh good. Though we might need one more."
She pulled another Pokeball and sighed, holding it up and pressing the button. A pink light shot out.
" He's not gonna like this but...."
A pink Pokemon flew in.
What has happened?
Horace screamed. " Talking Pokemon!"
Wisty sighed. " That's just him using Telekinesis."
" Oh."
Wisty cleared her throat. " We need your help-" she pointed at Mew. " To cure her."
What happened to her?
" Team Rocket."
You mean the stupid people who tried to-
" Yes yes them. They corrupted Mew badly. We need your help."
Mew crossed his arms and floated closer, his piercing gaze scanning the group. You expect me to work with them?His psychic voice dripped with disdain as he gestured toward Quillon. This one reeks of teenage defiance. A sassy teenager, if you will.
Quillon bristled. "Excuse me?!"
Wisty bit her lip, struggling not to laugh, but a small giggle escaped. "Mewtwo, please. We're trying to save Mew, not roast my friends."
Mewtwo’s expression remained unimpressed. I see no reason to tolerate them, Wisty. Why are these… children even here?
Quillon glared at Mewtwo. "I’m not a child! And who even invited you, you oversized psychic cat?"
Danika snorted despite herself, and Wisty waved her arms. "Okay, okay! Everyone, calm down! Mewtwo, I called you because you're the only one who has the power and knowledge to undo what Team Rocket has done. And—" she shot a sharp look at Quillon, "—you’re not helping with your attitude."
Mewtwo sighed, floating higher to survey Mew, who was darting erratically in the air, its usual grace lost to corrupted energy. Very well. For Mew, I will assist. But do not expect me to enjoy this.
"Nobody said you had to enjoy it," Ash said, stepping forward. "We just need your strength. Mew is suffering, and you're the only one who can match its power."
Mewtwo nodded reluctantly. Fine. But I will require assistance.
Wisty tilted her head. “From who?”
I can not simply purge this corruption. It is rooted deeply in Mew’s psychic core. If I attempt to force it out alone, I risk destroying her mind. I will need to anchor my energy while someone skilled in psychic-type synergy aids me.
Ash’s eyes lit up. “That’s you, Wisty. You’ve trained with Mew more than anyone. You’re the perfect choice.”
Wisty blinked. “Me? But—”
Wisty, Mewtwo interrupted, his tone softer but firm, you are the only one Mew trusts as much as me. If we fail, she may never recover.
Gary stepped forward. “What about the rest of us? There has to be something we can do.”
Mewtwo glanced down at him. Keep Team Rocket at bay. They will not sit idly by while we undo their work.
“Got it!” Gary said, turning to the others. “Quillon, Danika, Horace, Goh—get ready. Team Rocket’s bound to show up.”
As if on cue, a dark laugh echoed from the shadows. “Well, well. Look at the little rescue squad.”
Everyone turned as Jessie, James, and Meowth emerged from behind a rock, flanked by a squad of Team Rocket grunts and Pokémon. Jessie smirked. “Did you really think we’d let you meddle with the boss’s plans?”
James chuckled, tossing a Pokéball. “Not a chance. Go, Seviper!”
“Wobbuffet!” Meowth added with a sly grin. “And this time, we’ve got backup!”
From the shadows, a monstrous Pokémon emerged, its body crackling with dark energy. It was a shadow-corrupted Tyranitar, its eyes glowing an eerie purple.
Quillon stepped forward, eyes blazing. “Oh, it’s on now. Weavile, let’s go!”
“Weavile!” his Pokémon cried, leaping into action.
Danika threw her Pokéball. “Azumarill, Aqua Tail!”
Gary joined in. “Blastoise, Hydro Cannon!”
As the battle broke out, Wisty turned to Ash. “We have to start now.”
Ash nodded, lifting the flute to his lips. He began playing a haunting melody, and the Legendary Birds circled above, adding their cries to the tune. Mewtwo floated closer to Mew, his hands glowing with psychic energy.
Wisty, Mewtwo said, his voice steady, take my hand. Focus on Mew’s energy and guide her back to the light.
Wisty hesitated for only a moment before stepping forward and grasping his hand. As their energies intertwined, Mew let out a heart-wrenching cry, its corrupted aura flaring brighter.
“You can do it, Wisty!” Ash called, his flute never faltering.
Wisty closed her eyes, her voice steady as she called out. “Mew, it’s me! Please, fight it. Come back to us!”
Mew’s eyes flickered, and for a moment, the corruption dimmed. But then it surged again, pushing back against the combined efforts of Mewtwo and Wisty.
I need more power! Mewtwo said through gritted teeth. She’s resisting!
Ash glanced up at the Legendary Birds. “Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno—lend them your strength!”
The three Pokémon screeched in unison, their elemental energy spiraling toward Mewtwo and Wisty. As the power surged, Wisty felt Mew’s energy shift, a glimmer of its old self shining through.
“Mew,” she whispered, tears streaming down her face, “come back. Please.”
Mew let out one final cry as the corrupted aura shattered, leaving it glowing softly in the air. It floated weakly into Wisty’s arms, nuzzling her cheek.
Wisty smiled. “Welcome back, Mew.”
Behind them, Team Rocket’s forces began retreating, their plans foiled. Jessie scowled. “This isn’t over! We’ll be back!”
As the dust settled, Mewtwo turned to Wisty. You did well. Perhaps you’re not entirely useless after all.
Quillon crossed his arms. “And you’re still a sassy oversized cat.”
Wisty burst out laughing, holding Mew close. “Well, at least some things never change.”
Mew’s glow dimmed as its tiny body went limp in Wisty’s arms. Everyone froze.
“Mew!” Wisty cried, her voice tinged with panic.
“Wisty, what’s happening?!” Ash asked, stepping closer.
Goh’s face paled. “Oh no, did we mess up? Did it—did it—?”
Danika was already pacing, muttering, “No, no, no, this isn’t how it’s supposed to end!”
Gary and Quillon looked equally alarmed, their Pokémon shifting uneasily as the tension in the air thickened.
“Somebody do something!” Horace shouted, almost dropping his Pokéball in panic.
Everyone turned to Mewtwo, who hovered a few feet away, arms crossed and entirely unbothered. He gave an unimpressed sigh, his tail flicking lazily.
“Calm yourselves,” Mewtwo said, his psychic voice as steady as ever. “Mew is merely exhausted. She’s not going to die.”
“Merely exhausted?!” Wisty repeated, her voice cracking as she cradled Mew closer. “She’s unconscious, Mewtwo! That’s not normal!”
“Normal or not, it is expected,” Mewtwo replied flatly. “The corruption fought back harder than anticipated. Mew expended all her energy purging it. She needs rest. That is all.”
Quillon glared at Mewtwo, his hands clenched into fists. “You couldn’t have mentioned that earlier? Maybe spared us the heart attack?”
Mewtwo raised an eyebrow. “I assumed you all had enough sense to deduce that.”
“Oh, he did not just say that,” Danika muttered.
Gary shook his head, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Why do we even bother?”
Ash stepped forward, placing a reassuring hand on Wisty’s shoulder. “If Mewtwo says Mew’s just tired, we should trust him. Right?”
Wisty hesitated, her grip on Mew tightening. She glanced down at the tiny Pokémon, its breathing slow but steady. “…Okay. But what if she doesn’t wake up?”
“She will,” Mewtwo replied with a hint of irritation. “Mew is far more resilient than any of you give her credit for. Now stop fretting. It’s tiresome.”
Wisty shot him a glare. “You’re tiresome!”
Mewtwo’s expression didn’t change, but the faintest flicker of amusement passed through his eyes. “I’m glad to see your sense of humor remains intact. Now, focus on caring for her instead of panicking.”
Ash chuckled nervously. “Uh, Mewtwo? Maybe tone it down a little. We’re all a bit on edge here.”
Mewtwo huffed but floated closer to examine Mew. After a moment, he spoke again, his tone softer. “She will recover faster if she is surrounded by those she trusts. Keep her warm and let her rest. She’ll awaken when she’s ready.”
Wisty nodded, brushing a stray tear from her cheek. “Okay, Mewtwo. Thank you.”
“Of course,” he replied, his tone almost dismissive. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll ensure those imbeciles from Team Rocket do not return.” With that, he turned and floated off, his presence both reassuring and infuriating.
Quillon crossed his arms, muttering, “Still a sassy oversized cat.”
This time, even Wisty couldn’t help but laugh.
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