Home is where the start is
Gary looked at Ash, then harrumphed, turning and walking away.
But as he reached the gate, he heard running.
Ash heard it too, because he stood up
And out of the bushes came Wisty and Eevee, running like crazy.
With a Pikachu in Wisty's head
" Piika pi!" The Pikachu crossed its arms
" Pikachu now is not the time to be sassy!" She yelled as she grabbed the Pikachu in Ash's arm.
" Hey!" Ash yelped. " Give me Pikachu."
" That's not Pikachu!"
" Huh?!" Ash and Gary exchanged a look as they ran in, Delia, Professor Oak and Tracey following.
Inside the lab, in the kitchen, Wisty set both Pikachu's on the counter and stepped back.
" Knew kt."
" Knew.... Whag?" Ash asked as he and the others followed into the kitchen.
" Ash the battle with Gary was fake. You were coaching an imposter."
Ash blinked, then shook his head. " Nono, that's impossible. It sounded, felt, even acted like my Pikachu! I've held other Pikachu's, and my Pikachu is different."
" But if it felt like Pikachu, wouldn't Team Rocket have also felt him?"
Ash frowned slightly. " Wait what?!"
" I'm saying everyday you see those three. And everyday - well almost - they try and steal Pikachu. If they've held Pikachu before, wouldn't they know how he felt?"
Gary crossed his arms. " Where are you going with this?"
" She's saying maybe Team Rocket made a Pikachu that looked like Ash's but it wasn't!" Tracey exclaimed.
" See! The artist understands!" Wisty exclaimed.
" But how about how Pikachu behaved. It did exactly what I told it to."
Wisty sighed. " Tracey? Help me out."
Tracey nodded. " When you told it what to do, it did it, that much I agree. But it technically didn't do exactly. It followed the attack. The command. Like a computer. Take Dexter for example. When you ask it about Stun Spore cures, it gives it to you. When you show it a pokemon, it tells you. But that's because Professor Oak updates it. He gives Dexter Commands and Dexter follows them."
" But what does that have to-"
" Let me finish!" Tracey interrupted. " In your case, Ash, Team Rocket used their cutting- edge technology to create a fake Pikachu."
" But how do I know which one is which?!" Ash asked.
Wisty grinned. " Let's battle."
" This is a two on one Pokemon battle." Brock said as he stood on the side. " Both Pikachus against Eevee."
Wisty grinned. " Ready Eve?"
" Eveve!"
" Ready Pikachu?" Ash asked.
Both Pikachus choursed, " chuuuuu!"
Wisty grinned. " Ash, remember the plan?"
Ash nodded. " Pikachu use thunderbolt!"
Both Pikachus ran, but then Ash called, " I mean Iorn Tail!"
" Electroweb!"
" Quick attack!"
One of the Pokemon kept slipping, while the other executed perfectly.
But Wisty saw a spark.
One only robots had.
She glanced at the clumsy Pikachu and nodded. Eevee ran to the Pikachu and grabbed his ear and pulled him to Wisty.
" Ash," Wisty called as she cradled the Pikachu. " We found our Pikachu."
Ash ran over, relief washing over his face. Pikachu snuggled against Ash, letting out a tired but contented "Pika..."
Delia and Professor Oak, who had been watching the battle unfold, finally processed what had happened. Delia's normally gentle expression hardened, her hands clenched tightly by her sides.
"This is absolutely unacceptable!" she declared, her voice trembling with anger. "How dare Team Rocket try something so underhanded—stealing Pikachu and replacing him with a fake?!"
Professor Oak adjusted his glasses, his face a mixture of fury and determination. "They've crossed the line this time. Replicating Pokémon with such precision... this technology is dangerous and unethical. If they've managed to create such a convincing counterfeit, who knows what else they're capable of? This cannot stand!"
Gary, still standing by, crossed his arms. "I hate to admit it, but Wisty's plan was solid. If we hadn't tested them in battle, we might never have figured it out."
Tracey nodded, flipping open his sketchpad to take notes. "Team Rocket's gotten bolder. This wasn't their usual slapstick attempt; this was calculated."
Delia turned to Ash and Wisty, her eyes blazing. "You two need to be careful. If they've gone to this extent, there's no telling what they'll do next. Pikachu's safety is more important than ever."
Ash hugged Pikachu tightly, his face set with determination. "They're not going to get away with this. We'll stop them, Mom. Right, Pikachu?"
"Pika!" Pikachu growled, sparks flying from its cheeks.
Wisty smirked, her Eevee hopping onto her shoulder. "They made one big mistake, though."
"What's that?" Gary asked, raising an eyebrow.
"They underestimated us."
Professor Oak nodded. "Indeed, but we can't leave this matter unresolved. I'll contact the authorities and report this incident. We need to make sure this kind of technology doesn't fall into the wrong hands again—or worse, spread."
Delia, still fuming, added, "And next time we see Team Rocket, they'll regret ever trying to hurt our family."
Wisty and Ash exchanged a glance, both smiling confidently. "We've got this, Mom," Ash assured her.
Wisty patted Pikachu's head. "Next time they try anything, they're going to learn the hard way not to mess with us."
The group, now united in purpose, began planning their next steps to ensure Team Rocket's scheme didn't harm anyone else—and to make sure Pikachu and every other Pokémon they cared about stayed safe.
But then she noticed her Pokemon disappear.
" Guys!" She exclaimed as she chased after them.
The commotion erupted as Wisty and the others caught up to the scene. Her Pokémon were locked in a fierce, chaotic battle with Team Rocket, who had their own Pokémon army ready to fight back.
"Looks like your Pokémon aren't waiting for orders, twerp!" Jessie sneered, her Arbok lunging forward.
James adjusted his hair dramatically, releasing Weezing. "We've trained for this day! Prepare to lose!"
Meowth leapt forward, claws out. "Your Pokémon are no match for us, no matter how many you've got!"
Wisty smirked, holding a Pokéball in her hand. "Let's see about that. Let's go, Pichu!" She hurled the ball high into the air.
The Pokéball burst open, but instead of Pichu, Wisty's female Pikachu emerged with a sassy "Pika!" She planted her feet firmly on the ground, sparks already crackling on her cheeks.
Wisty blinked for a moment, then grinned. "Fine! Pikachu, let's show them what we've got! Thunderbolt, now!"
"Piiiiika-CHUUU!" Pikachu unleashed a massive bolt of electricity, striking down several of Team Rocket's Pokémon in a single hit.
Ash, already fired up, called out, "Pikachu, help them out with Iron Tail!"
Wisty wasn't done. "Eevee, Espeon, your turn! Use Confuse Ray!"
Eevee and Espeon darted forward, their eyes glowing with an eerie, hypnotic light. Rays of confusion spread across the battlefield, causing Team Rocket's Pokémon to stagger and turn on each other in the chaos.
Chikorita, Altaria, and Clefairy jumped into the fray next, working in perfect sync.
"Altaria, Dragon Pulse!"
"Chikorita, Razor Leaf!"
"Clefairy, Moonblast!"
The coordinated attacks overwhelmed Team Rocket, who were now scrambling to regain control. Jessie's hair was singed, James's uniform was torn, and Meowth was barely clinging to a tree branch.
"This is bad! We're outnumbered and outmatched!" Jessie cried.
James held his hands to his face. "How did they all get so strong?"
Meowth groaned, his claws slipping. "We're blasting off again already!"
Wisty's Pokémon weren't about to let them escape. Pikachu leapt forward with a cry of "Pii-chuu!" and unleashed another Thunderbolt, sending Team Rocket's balloon spiraling into the sky.
As the iconic ping echoed, the battlefield fell quiet.
Wisty turned to her Pokémon with a grin. "I knew you guys had something planned. Great teamwork!"
Ash laughed, holding his Pikachu, who gave an approving "Pika-pi!"
Delia, Professor Oak, and Tracey caught up, breathless but relieved.
"I have to say," Oak panted, "Wisty, your Pokémon are quite the strategists. I almost feel sorry for Team Rocket."
"Almost," Delia added with a smirk.
Wisty knelt down, petting Eevee. "You all did amazing! Now, who's up for some PokéSnacks?"
A loud cheer erupted from her Pokémon, who all gathered around her, their spirits high and their bond stronger than ever.
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