Get well, Arky!!
Ash sighed as he peered into the small room from the window, where numerous machines were hooked onto a Pokemon. A raven haired girl was using the Pokemon as a pillow, surrounded by her Houndour, Clefairy, Clefable, Cincinno, Eevee, Togepi, Chikorita and Totodile.
He turned. " Arky's not better, is he?"
Gary shook his head. " How is she?"
" She's asleep, finally." Ash sighed and looked back at the window. " It's been two days, Gary. Two days since she's eaten or drank or went anywhere! She's been up for two nights looking after Arky. I'm just happy she's asleep."
Gary nodded. " The Professor's doing what he can, but....." He sighed. " It's hard when the Pokemon's trainer is your sworn enemy."
" Which is why you have to do it for him." Ash concluded.
Gary nodded. " Yeah. Jeanie and the others are also getting worried. About both Wistful and Arky."
Ash sank into a chair and groaned. " I just want Wolverine to get back to her normal self."
Misty, who was sitting nearby with Togetic, chuckled softly. " You guys made a lot of nicknames for Wisty."
Ash Shrugged. " Who wouldn't?"
" Toge tic!!!"
" Piiiiika!"
Misty watched as Pikachu and Togetic played tag and laughed. " They're having fun. Though, I'm not sure this is much to celebrate. She hasn't moved, has she?"
Ash shook his head. " Nah, but you can understand it. Remember what happened when Pikachu got super sick?"
" Piiii." Pikachu replied miserably.
Ash picked Pikachu up. " You're safe now, Pik."
" Piiiiikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!"
Ash laughed and scratched Pikachu's chin. " Hey, Professor Rowan. How's my sister's Arkinine?"
" You mean the one you call Arky?"
" Yeah that one."
Professor Rowan stepped into the room, adjusting his glasses as he glanced at Ash. “Arky is stable for now, but it’s touch and go. The poison he ingested was stronger than we initially thought.”
Ash’s expression darkened. “Poison? Who would do that to him?”
Rowan sighed, his tone heavy. “That’s what we’re trying to determine. Your sister’s Arcanine must have accidentally come into contact with something extremely toxic. We’re working on a cure, but it will take time.”
Misty frowned, her concern evident. “And Wisty? How much longer can she go like this? She’ll make herself sick if she keeps refusing to eat or drink.”
Gary folded his arms, his brow furrowed. “She’s stubborn. Always has been. But Arky’s her best friend. She’s not going to leave his side until he’s better.”
Rowan glanced at the group. “Perhaps one of you could try talking to her? She needs to rest properly. If she doesn’t, she’ll be no help to Arky or anyone.”
Ash stood, determination in his eyes. “I’ll try.”
Inside the room, the hum of machines filled the air. Wisty lay curled up beside the unconscious Arcanine, her arms draped protectively around him. Her other Pokémon were scattered around her, each keeping watch in their own way. Clefairy and Clefable were humming a soft melody, while Totodile splashed quietly in a small water bowl. Chikorita rested her head on Wisty’s arm, her leaf drooping in sadness.
Ash crouched down beside his sister and gently shook her shoulder. “Wisty. Hey, wake up.”
Her eyes fluttered open, red and puffy from lack of sleep. “Ash? What is it? Is Arky okay?”
“He’s stable,” Ash said softly, sitting down beside her. “But Wisty, you’re not. You haven’t eaten, you haven’t rested properly, and everyone’s worried about you.”
“I’m fine,” she murmured, brushing him off as she reached out to stroke Arky’s fur. “I can’t leave him, Ash. What if something happens?”
Ash placed a hand on her shoulder. “Nothing’s going to happen if you step out for a bit. Gary and the professors are doing everything they can. And your Pokémon are here, too. They’ve got his back.”
Wisty looked at her brother, her eyes filling with tears. “He’s my best friend, Ash. I can’t lose him.”
Ash pulled her into a gentle hug. “You won’t lose him, Wisty. Arky’s strong, and so are you. But you have to take care of yourself too. Arky wouldn’t want you to get sick because of him.”
Wisty sniffled, leaning into Ash’s embrace. “I just want him to be okay.”
“He will be,” Ash assured her. “But only if his trainer is strong enough to be there for him. Come on. Let’s get you something to eat, and then you can come right back.”
But Wisty shook her head. " Leave me, Ash. Please. I want to be with my pokemon and Pokemon only."
Before Ash could reply, Jigglypuff sang her owner back to sleep, Clefairy and Clefable rubbing her gently as Eevee pulled a thick blanket over all of them.
Ash sighed, watching as Wisty succumbed to sleep once more, her exhaustion evident. He couldn’t bring himself to argue further. “She’s as stubborn as ever,” he muttered, standing up and brushing off his knees.
Gary, who had been waiting by the door, peeked in. “Let me guess—she wouldn’t budge?”
Ash nodded, rubbing the back of his head. “Yeah. Jigglypuff took matters into its own hands. At least she’s sleeping now.”
Gary glanced inside at the scene: Wisty curled up beside Arky, surrounded by her devoted Pokémon. “Her team’s got her covered. They know what she needs better than we do right now.”
Professor Rowan joined them, his expression softening as he observed the peaceful scene through the window. “Sometimes, the bond between a trainer and their Pokémon is the best medicine. For both of them.”
Ash crossed his arms, his face conflicted. “I just wish she’d take care of herself, too. She’s going to run herself into the ground.”
Gary patted his shoulder. “She’ll come around when she’s ready. You know Wisty—she doesn’t do anything halfway. Let her handle it her way for now.”
Clefairy and Clefable hummed a soft lullaby, their soothing melody filling the room. Eevee nestled into Wisty’s side, its tail twitching in comfort. Togepi clapped its tiny hands, giggling softly before settling down between Clefairy and Chikorita. Houndour stood guard near the foot of the bed, its sharp eyes scanning the room protectively.
Ash exhaled, a small smile creeping onto his face despite his worry. “She’s lucky to have them. And they’re lucky to have her.”
Gary smirked. “Yeah, she’s got a team that won’t quit. Just like their trainer.”
“Let’s just hope that team effort gets Arky through this,” Ash replied, his tone serious once more. “For both their sakes.”
The next morning brought grim news. Arcanine’s condition had deteriorated further. Its breathing was shallow, its once-brilliant coat dull and lifeless. Professor Rowan and the medical team worked tirelessly, their faces marked with concern.
Wisty, the ever-determined eight-year-old, refused to leave Arky's side despite her own worsening state. Dark circles had formed under her eyes, and her movements were sluggish, but she still stroked Arky’s fur gently, whispering words of encouragement.
“Hang in there, buddy. We’ve been through so much together. You’ve got to fight.”
Ash and Gary stood outside the room, their expressions heavy with worry. “This isn’t good,” Ash murmured. “She’s running herself into the ground.”
Gary nodded solemnly. “She’s tough, but even she has limits. We need to get her to rest.”
Inside, Jigglypuff once again took the lead, hopping onto Wisty’s lap and starting its lullaby. The soothing melody filled the room, and despite her protests, Wisty’s eyelids began to droop.
“No… Jiggly… I need to stay awake…” she murmured, her words slurring as exhaustion overtook her.
Clefairy and Clefable gently laid her down beside Arky, tucking the blanket around her as Eevee snuggled close. Togepi clapped softly, as if cheering her on even in her sleep. Houndour moved to the foot of the bed, its watchful eyes never leaving its trainer and teammate.
Professor Rowan stepped into the room and glanced at Ash and Gary. “She’s asleep, finally. But this can’t go on. If Arcanine doesn’t improve soon, we might be looking at…” He trailed off, not wanting to voice the worst.
Ash clenched his fists. “No. There has to be something we can do. Anything.”
Gary placed a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll think of something. For Arky. And for her.”
Rowan nodded. “Let’s focus on stabilizing Arcanine first. If it pulls through, Wisty will too.”
The room was quiet again, save for the rhythmic hum of the machines and Jigglypuff’s lingering melody. It was a fragile hope, but one everyone clung to desperately.
At lunch, the quiet of the Pokémon Center was interrupted by the sound of muffled screams coming from Wisty’s room. Ash and Gary, who were nearby, rushed to the window to see Wisty thrashing in her sleep. Tears streamed down her face as she cried out.
“Arky! Don’t leave me! Please! I need you!”
Her Pokémon, who had been resting alongside her, immediately went into a panic. Eevee tugged at the blanket covering her, whimpering softly. Clefairy and Clefable waved their hands in distress, while Jigglypuff tried singing but seemed unsure if it would help this time. Togepi, usually cheerful, began wobbling around the room, clapping its hands frantically and chirping in alarm. Even Houndour, normally stoic, barked at the door as if trying to summon help.
“She’s having a nightmare!” Ash exclaimed, already pushing the door open.
When they entered, the sight was heartbreaking. Wisty’s small frame was trembling, and she was clutching Arky’s paw even in her sleep. Her cries grew louder.
“No! Arky, don’t go! You’re my best friend!”
Ash immediately knelt beside her, shaking her gently. “Wisty! Wake up! It’s just a dream!”
Gary, meanwhile, tried to calm the Pokémon. “It’s okay, guys. She’s just scared. We’re here now.”
Jigglypuff hopped onto Wisty’s chest and began to hum its lullaby again, but Wisty’s thrashing made it difficult for the melody to take effect. Ash sighed and leaned closer, speaking softly.
“Wisty, it’s me, Ash. Wake up. You’re safe. We’re all here with you.”
Slowly, Wisty’s screams subsided, her breathing evening out. Her eyes fluttered open, red and puffy from crying. She looked around, disoriented, before spotting Arky and then Ash.
“Ash…” she whispered, her voice hoarse.
“I’m here,” Ash said gently. “You were having a nightmare.”
Her lips quivered, and she buried her face in his chest, sobbing. “I’m scared, Ash. I don’t want to lose him.”
Gary placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “You won’t. We’re all here for you—and for Arky. But you’ve got to trust us to help, okay?”
Wisty nodded weakly, her Pokémon crowding around her for comfort. Togepi climbed onto her lap, chirping softly and patting her with its tiny hands, trying to cheer her up.
Ash smiled. “See? Even Togepi believes Arky’s going to pull through. You just need to rest and trust us.”
Wisty hesitated but finally leaned back against her pillows, allowing herself to be surrounded by the warmth of her friends and Pokémon. Even in the face of fear, she wasn’t alone.
The sun had set, casting an orange glow over Rowan’s lab. Inside, the air was heavy with worry as Arky lay on the examination table, his breaths shallow and labored. Nearby, Wisty sat cross-legged on the floor, her head resting against the table, her small hand gently stroking the Arcanine’s fur. Her face was pale, her usual spark replaced with exhaustion.
Gary entered, carrying a tray of food. “Wisty, you need to eat something.”
She didn’t look up. “I’m not hungry.”
“Wisty,” Gary sighed, setting the tray down on a nearby counter. “You’ve been saying that for two days. You need energy if you’re going to help him.”
“I don’t need energy,” she replied softly. “I need Arky to get better.”
Ash stepped in, followed by Rowan. “Hey, Wisty,” Ash began gently, crouching beside her. “Dinner’s ready. Let’s take a break.”
“No, thank you,” Wisty murmured, her voice cracking.
Rowan frowned, looking between her and Arky. “This isn’t good for either of them,” he muttered to Gary. “Arky’s condition isn’t improving, and now she’s deteriorating too.”
Gary nodded. “She won’t leave his side. She won’t eat or sleep properly. It’s like she’s tied her health to his.”
“I can hear you,” Wisty said quietly, still not looking away from Arky.
Ash sat down beside her. “Wisty, you’re not helping him by hurting yourself. You love Arky, right?”
“Of course I do,” she whispered, her voice breaking. “He’s my best friend.”
“Then help him by staying strong,” Ash urged. “Arky needs you to be okay, Wisty. If you collapse, who’s going to be here for him?”
She looked up at him, tears pooling in her eyes. “But what if he doesn’t make it, Ash? What if I lose him?”
Ash placed a hand on her shoulder. “You won’t. But even if things get tough, you have all of us here to help. You don’t have to carry this alone.”
Rowan stepped forward, his voice gentle but firm. “Wisty, I’ve been working on something that might help Arky. It’s experimental, and it might not be a guaranteed cure, but it’s worth a shot.”
Her eyes widened. “Really? What is it?”
“A specialized serum I’ve been developing,” Rowan explained. “It’s designed to boost his immune system and help him fight off whatever’s causing this.”
Gary frowned. “Is it safe?”
Rowan nodded. “I wouldn’t suggest it if I thought it wasn’t. But we’ll need your permission, Wisty.”
Wisty looked at Arky, her hand tightening on his paw. She swallowed hard. “If there’s even a chance it’ll help him… do it.”
Rowan gave her a reassuring nod. “I’ll start the preparations immediately.”
As he left the room, Ash squeezed Wisty’s hand. “See? There’s hope. But you’ve got to stay strong for him, okay?”
" I will not eat until my Arkinine is better, let's make that clear." Wisty said firmly as she walked back to her Pokemon.
" Jiggy!!!"
Ash sighed, rubbing the back of his head as he watched Wisty return to her spot by Arky’s side. “Wisty, come on. You can’t keep doing this to yourself.”
Wisty ignored him, settling down beside Arky and resting her head lightly against his side. “I said what I said, Ash. I’m not eating until he’s better.”
Jigglypuff puffed up indignantly, hopping onto the table and glaring at Wisty. "Jiggyyyy!"
Wisty shook her head. “Not now, Jigglypuff. I’m not in the mood for one of your lullabies.”
But Jigglypuff wasn’t taking no for an answer. With a determined look, she began to sing her signature song.
“Jigglypuff, jigglyyyyyy... puuuuuuuuuff...”
Wisty’s eyelids drooped almost instantly, her body sagging against Arky’s side. Her Pokémon, who had been hovering nervously, visibly relaxed as their trainer succumbed to the melody.
Ash sighed in relief. “Finally. Thanks, Jigglypuff.”
Gary folded his arms, smirking slightly. “Never thought I’d see the day where Wisty gets outsmarted by her own Pokémon.”
Jigglypuff huffed, crossing her stubby arms as if to say, *Of course I did. "
Rowan returned a moment later, holding a small vial of serum. He paused when he saw Wisty asleep. “Well, that’s a start. How’s Arky holding up?”
Ash glanced at the Arcanine. “Still hanging in there. But Wisty’s not doing much better. She’s determined to starve herself until he’s okay.”
Rowan frowned, kneeling beside Arky and injecting the serum into the IV line. “This should help. But Arky’s going to need time—and so is Wisty. She’s a tough kid, but she’s also just a child.”
Gary sighed. “We’ll take turns watching her. She won’t be alone in this.”
As the serum began to flow into Arky’s system, the room fell silent. The only sounds were the soft breaths of Wisty and her Pokémon, the gentle beeping of the machines, and the quiet prayers of everyone hoping for a miracle.
Rowan paused in the doorway, his expression softening as he took in the scene. Wisty was sitting cross-legged on the floor, her Togepi nestled in her lap, cooing softly as she hummed a gentle tune. Beside her, Charmander was holding a milk bottle in his little claws, eagerly drinking under her watchful eye. Meanwhile, Eevee was sprawled out contentedly, her fur shining as Wisty brushed her with careful, practiced strokes.
"You’ve got quite the motherly touch for someone so young," Rowan remarked, stepping further into the room.
Wisty looked up briefly, a tired smile on her face. "They need me, Professor. They get scared when I don’t take care of them."
Rowan nodded, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "You’re doing an incredible job, Wisty. But you need to let others take care of you too, you know. You can’t pour from an empty cup."
Wisty shook her head stubbornly. "I’m fine. As long as I’m with them, I’ll be okay."
Rowan crouched beside her, glancing at Arky, who was resting but still looking fragile. "I just came to administer the next round of treatment. I think it’s working—he seems a bit more stable."
Wisty’s eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope, and she instinctively reached for Arky’s paw, holding it gently. "Really? He’s getting better?"
Rowan gave her a reassuring nod. "It’s a small step, but yes. Now, you need to get some rest too. You’ve done more than enough for tonight."
But Wisty shook her head firmly. "Not until I’m sure Arky’s okay. Besides, Charmander’s almost done with his milk, and Eevee likes her fur brushed before bed. Togepi’s just about asleep too."
Rowan sighed, a small smile tugging at his lips. "You’re a stubborn one, aren’t you?"
"Just like Arky," Wisty replied with a determined look.
As Rowan began the treatment, Wisty leaned closer to Arky, humming softly again. The melody seemed to calm not just her Pokémon but also the room itself, as if her quiet strength was enough to keep everyone steady, even in the face of uncertainty.
Few minutes later, Rowan glanced over as Togepi squirmed in Wisty’s lap, her little arms reaching up toward her trainer with a soft whine.
"Toge…priii…" Togepi cooed, her wide, worried eyes fixed on Wisty, refusing to settle down.
Wisty let out a tired sigh, brushing a strand of hair from her face. "You’re worried about me, huh, little one?"
"Togeee!" Togepi cried insistently, nuzzling against her.
Rowan looked up from administering Arky’s treatment. "Seems like Togepi senses your stress, Wisty. Pokémon are sensitive to their trainer’s emotions, especially ones as close to you as she is."
Wisty smiled faintly, though her exhaustion was evident. "She doesn’t like it when I’m upset."
Togepi let out another soft cry, clinging tighter to Wisty’s shirt. Wisty shifted her gently, holding her close. "Alright, alright. Let’s get you your milk. That’ll help, won’t it?"
As she reached for the milk bottle on the nearby table, Eevee nosed her arm, as if to say, We’re all here for you too.
Wisty chuckled softly, her voice tinged with weariness. "Thanks, Eevee. I know."
She held the bottle to Togepi, who reluctantly began to drink, her tiny eyes still full of worry as she stared up at her trainer. Wisty hummed softly, rocking Togepi as she fed her. Slowly, Togepi’s eyelids grew heavier, and she began to relax, her little body finally giving in to sleep.
Rowan watched the scene quietly, admiration shining in his eyes. "You have a way with them, Wisty. Even in the middle of all this chaos, you manage to keep them calm."
Wisty placed the now-sleeping Togepi in her blanket nest, tucking her in with care. "They’re my family. I’d do anything for them."
Rowan nodded, his voice kind but firm. "And they’d want you to take care of yourself too. Don’t forget that, Wisty."
Wisty gave a small nod but turned her attention back to Arky, brushing her fingers along his paw. "I’ll rest when he’s okay, Professor."
Rowan sighed but didn’t argue. "Just remember, you’re not alone in this."
In the early morning light, Rowan walked into the room to check on Wisty and Arky. What he found made him pause, blinking in disbelief for a moment.
Wisty was hanging upside down, her legs loosely draped over the back of the couch, her long hair cascading toward the floor like a tangled waterfall. Her arms were resting against the cushions as though she had just... fallen asleep mid-stretch. She was still in her clothes from the day before, and there were faint circles under her eyes, showing just how little rest she'd gotten.
Her Pokémon, however, were peacefully nestled together on the mattress Rowan had provided for Wisty. Togepi was curled up next to Charmander, Clefairy and Clefable were spooning near Eevee and Chikorita, with Totodile resting his head on the edge of the bed, his little tail twitching occasionally. Houndour was at the foot of the bed, guarding them all.
Rowan rubbed his temples, suppressing a smile. She’s something else, he thought.
She cares so much about them, but now she’s clearly not getting enough sleep herself.
Wisty stirred, muttering softly even as she remained upside down. “I’ll get you better, Arky… just hold on…”
Rowan approached her quietly, his voice soft. “Wisty… you can’t keep going like this.”
Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked around in confusion for a moment before noticing her strange position. She sighed, letting out a sleepy giggle. "I… didn’t mean to fall asleep like this."
She ungracefully slipped off the couch, landing in a crumpled heap on the floor. Her Pokémon stirred on the bed, but none of them woke.
Rowan knelt down, gently helping her to sit up. “You need rest, Wisty. You’ve been pushing yourself too hard.”
Wisty blinked tiredly, her head still spinning from the abrupt change in position. “I know, but… they needed me more than I needed sleep.” She pointed to her Pokémon on the mattress, each of them looking so peaceful. “They need me strong, even if I’m exhausted. They can’t do this without me.”
Rowan placed a hand on her shoulder, offering a comforting smile. "They can do it with you, Wisty. But you’re no good to them if you burn yourself out."
She sighed and rubbed her eyes. “I just want Arky to be okay… He’s my responsibility. I can’t let him down."
“I understand,” Rowan said, his tone gentle yet firm. “But you have to take care of yourself too. If you don’t, how can you help him?”
Wisty looked at him for a long moment, then nodded slowly. “You’re right… I’ve just been so scared.”
Rowan nodded. “I know, but fear doesn’t help anyone. It just makes everything harder. You need to rest, Wisty. Arky needs you at your best.”
Wisty glanced over at her Pokémon, each one still sleeping soundly. She let out a deep breath, feeling the weight of her worry lift slightly. "Okay. I’ll rest... just for a little while."
She climbed into the mattress, careful not to disturb her Pokémon, who were already starting to stir with the new movement in the room. “But I won’t stop helping Arky. I won’t let him down.”
Rowan smiled gently. “I know you won’t.”
At ten in the morning, Wisty tossed and turned in bed, the weight of her dreams and worries pressing on her. Her eyelids fluttered as she shifted under the covers, restless with the tension of everything that had happened the past few days. Her heart raced at the thought of Arky. Was he okay? Had the treatment worked?
Suddenly, she felt a warm, familiar lick on her cheek, followed by a soft nuzzle. Her eyes shot open, and she blinked in surprise as she looked around, only to see her Arcanine, gently licking her face. The same Arky who had been so weak, lying on the edge of death not long ago.
"Arky?" Wisty whispered, her voice thick with emotion. She reached up, trembling, and gently ran her fingers through his soft fur. His tail wagged weakly but happily, and his amber eyes locked with hers, filled with recognition and love.
She sat up quickly, her heart swelling with joy. "You’re okay! You’re really okay!" She wrapped her arms around Arky's neck, pressing her face into his warm fur as she let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding.
Her Pokémon, sensing her relief, slowly began to stir from their sleep. Togepi, still nestled in the crook of Wisty’s arm, let out a happy chirp, and the others shifted, their sleepy eyes turning toward the two of them.
Arky nudged Wisty gently, then lay down beside her, letting her rest her head against him once more. The warmth of his body was comforting, and the sense of peace that filled her heart was something she hadn’t felt in days. "I knew you’d pull through," she whispered to him. "I knew you’d be there for me."
Her Pokémon crowded around, their love and concern evident. Clefairy and Clefable climbed onto the bed beside her, their soft voices soothing as they cooed their thanks to Arky for waking up.
For the first time in what felt like forever, Wisty finally felt the weight of the past days lift off her shoulders. Her Arky was back, and everything was going to be okay. She gave him one last gentle kiss on the head before finally allowing herself to close her eyes, her heart finally at peace.
"Thank you," she murmured, half to Arky, half to the universe. "Thank you for bringing him back to me."
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