Oak looked at Tracey in the rear view mirror as he made a right turn. " How are you guys back there?"
Tracey, who was sketching outside, smiled at Professor Oak. " I'm great. I'm so pumped to see Professor Rowan's lab!"
Wisty let out a soft snore, and Oak chuckled.
" Yes, I know. Can I ask you for a favor?"
Tracey's ears perked. " Yes?*
" Do you think you can distract Wisty every time she sees Professor Rowan?"
Tracey blinked. " Sure but.... Why?"
" They have a sort of.... Rivalry."
Tracey raised a brow. " Rivalry?"
Oak nodded as he turned left. " Yes, it's kind of... Complicated. If you would like to hear it, though, I could tell.*
Tracey nodded. " If it's not a hassle."
Professor Oak smiled as he adjusted his grip on the steering wheel. "It's not a hassle at all, Tracey. Wisty and Rowan's... dynamic is certainly one for the books."
Tracey set his sketchpad down, intrigued. "I'm listening."
Oak glanced in the rearview mirror again, noting Wisty’s peaceful expression as she slept. "Wisty’s been exceptionally bright and headstrong since she was very young. When she first met Professor Rowan, she was fascinated by his work on Pokémon evolution. She asked him a barrage of questions—nonstop, for hours."
Tracey chuckled. "That sounds like her."
Oak nodded. "Rowan, as you know, has a very methodical and serious personality. He doesn’t handle being bombarded with questions well. So instead of answering her, he gave her a curt reply that maybe sounded a bit dismissive."
"Uh-oh," Tracey murmured, already sensing where this was going.
"Exactly," Oak said, smirking. "Wisty took it personally. She decided that Rowan underestimated her because of her age, so she made it her mission to prove she was smarter than him. Any time they’ve met since, it’s been... fiery."
Tracey leaned back in his seat, clearly amused. "So she just challenges him every chance she gets?"
Oak chuckled. "Challenges, debates, you name it. Last time, she accused him of mislabeling an evolution chart in one of his papers. Rowan was flustered for days."
Tracey grinned. "That’s incredible. But why me? Why ask me to distract her?"
"Because," Oak said with a knowing smile, "you’re great at keeping her attention. Sketching, showing her new Pokémon habitats—it’s all very engaging. And quite frankly, it’s safer for everyone if we can avoid another incident."
Tracey laughed. "What kind of incident?"
Oak gave him a look. "Let’s just say Rowan still hasn’t replaced his office chair after the last time she visited."
Tracey winced. "Got it. Distraction duty it is."
"Thank you, Tracey," Oak said warmly. "You’re doing a great service to science—and Professor Rowan’s furniture."
Tracey chuckled, picking up his sketchpad again. "Happy to help. Let’s just hope she stays this peaceful until we get there."
Oak glanced at Wisty one last time and sighed. "Yes, let’s hope."
Oak cleared his throat as he started the lesson. " Today, campers, one of my assistants will be showing us her Eevee. Please welcome the bright young lady, Wisty Ketchum."
Everyone ( particularly Ash) clapped enthusiastically as the raven haired girl walked in.
" Hello everyone let's make this quick." She said unenthusiasticly. " Eevee turn into Umbreon. And use shadow pulse on my brother."
Ash froze. " Wait what?!"
Eevee let out a soft laugh, her ears twitching. With a shimmering glow, her fur darkened, the golden rings of Umbreon glowing brightly in the dim room.
Ash raised his hands defensively. “Wisty, what did I do this time?!”
“You know what you did,” Wisty said, her tone flat but her eyes sparking with mischief.
Eevee – now Umbreon – turned to Ash, her red eyes glowing mischievously.
“Shadow Pulse,” Wisty commanded with a dramatic flick of her hand.
The campers gasped as Umbreon charged up the swirling dark energy. Oak cleared his throat loudly, trying to maintain some semblance of order. “Now, now, Wisty, this is a demonstration, not a battleground!”
Ash ducked behind Brock, who threw his hands up. “Don’t involve me in this!”
“Umbreon, stand down,” Wisty finally said, her voice carrying authority. Umbreon stopped mid-attack, the energy dissipating harmlessly.
“Thank you,” Ash muttered, peeking out.
Wisty smirked. “I was just proving a point.” She snapped her fingers, and Umbreon began glowing once more, her form shifting back into Eevee. “And that point is... Eve here is superior.”
Tracey raised a hand timidly. “Wait, did she just... evolve and de-evolve?”
“Yeah, so?” Wisty said, shrugging. “It’s no big deal.”
Oak cleared his throat, looking intrigued. “Actually, Wisty, this is a fascinating phenomenon. Eevee’s ability to freely evolve and revert is incredibly rare. Could you explain how—”
“Nope,” Wisty interrupted. “Trade secret.”
Ash sighed in relief, stepping out from behind Brock. “Glad to see the lesson’s over.”
Wisty smirked. “Oh, it’s far from over, big brother. Eevee, turn into Flareon next.”
Ash’s face fell. “Why does this always happen to me?”
At lunch, Wisty sat under the shade of a large tree, playing with Eevee, Togepi, and Chikorita. Eevee was lazily batting at a piece of grass, while Togepi giggled and hopped in circles. Chikorita wagged her leaf, trying to join in the fun.
Tracey walked over with a sandwich wrapped neatly in a napkin. “Here you go, Wisty,” he said with a smile.
Wisty looked up, grinning. “Thanks, Tracey.” She took the sandwich and unwrapped it, immediately taking a bite.
As she chewed, Ash appeared, carrying his lunch tray. He waved enthusiastically. “Hey, Wist!”
Wisty paused, swallowing her bite before flashing him a mischievous grin. “Hello, big brother.”
Ash sat down beside her, raising an eyebrow at her cheerful tone. “You’re in a good mood. What’s the catch?”
Wisty shrugged innocently, feeding Togepi a small piece of bread. “No catch. Just enjoying my lunch with my Pokémon.”
Chikorita nudged Eevee, who playfully pounced in response. Ash chuckled, watching the Pokémon play. “You’ve got quite the team, Wist. They seem really happy.”
Wisty smirked. “Of course they’re happy. They’ve got the best trainer ever.”
Ash grinned back. “That’s debatable.”
Togepi chirped at Ash, and he laughed. “Okay, okay, second-best trainer ever.”
Wisty leaned back, enjoying the moment. “That’s more like it.”
She took another bite of her sandwich, smiling as Togepi clapped its little hands in delight. Chikorita twirled happily, her leaf catching the sunlight. Eevee lazily swished her tail, clearly enjoying the peaceful moment.
Suddenly, Pikachu leaped off Ash's shoulder with a cheerful, “Pika!” and landed right in the middle of the group.
Eevee tilted her head curiously. “Eevee?”
Pikachu grinned and tapped Togepi on the head with his paw, sparking a playful chase. Togepi squealed with laughter as it ran in circles, trying to avoid Pikachu. Chikorita joined in, waving her leaf like a flag. Eevee eventually pounced, tackling Pikachu gently. The four Pokémon were soon tumbling and laughing in the grass, their joy infectious.
Wisty chuckled, her grin widening. “Looks like they’re having fun.”
Ash leaned back on his hands, watching with pride. “Pikachu always knows how to liven things up.”
Just then, Gary’s voice rang out from the nearby trail. “Hey, Ashy-boy! What’s this? A picnic without me?”
Ash rolled his eyes, already bracing himself. “Gary, it’s lunch, not a party.”
Gary appeared, flanked by Dawn and Brock, with Tracey trailing behind. Dawn carried a small basket, and Brock balanced a tray of drinks.
Dawn smiled warmly. “It sure looks like a party with all these Pokémon playing together.”
Brock set the tray down on a nearby stump and surveyed the scene. “Looks like a good place to take a break. Mind if we join you?”
Wisty shrugged. “Suit yourselves. More food for me if you brought snacks.”
Gary smirked, crossing his arms. “Still as sharp-tongued as ever, huh, Wisty?”
She grinned mischievously. “And still better than you at everything, Gary.”
Ash laughed, cutting off any retort Gary might have had. “Don’t start another rivalry, Wisty. One is enough.”
Gary shook his head, muttering, “She’s worse than you, Ash.”
Tracey handed out drinks, taking a seat beside Wisty. “You always seem to have something going on, huh?”
Wisty took a sip of her drink and gave him a sly smile. “That’s what keeps life interesting.”
Meanwhile, the Pokémon continued their antics. Pikachu dashed around, pretending to be a wild Dodrio while Togepi chased after him, giggling uncontrollably. Chikorita used her Vine Whip to gently lift Eevee into the air, spinning her around like a carnival ride.
Dawn clapped her hands together. “Your Pokémon are adorable, Wisty. Eevee especially. She seems so lively.”
“Eevee’s the best,” Wisty said proudly. “She’s not just lively; she’s smart too.”
Gary raised an eyebrow. “Smart enough to take orders from an eight-year-old?”
Wisty smirked dangerously. “Smart enough to evolve, de-evolve, and still wipe the floor with your Pokémon, Gary.”
“Touché,” Gary muttered, taking a long sip of his drink.
Ash shook his head, watching the two spar verbally. “You know, you two could probably out-talk any Pokémon battle commentator.”
Wisty ignored him, focusing on Eevee, who had just leaped onto her lap, purring contentedly. Togepi toddled over to Dawn, tugging at her skirt for attention. Dawn picked the little Pokémon up, cradling it gently.
“Aw, Togepi is so sweet,” Dawn cooed.
Brock nodded, handing Ash a sandwich. “It’s nice seeing everyone get along, human and Pokémon alike.”
Gary smirked, leaning against a tree. “Yeah, until Wisty decides to throw someone again.”
Wisty turned to him with a fake innocent expression. “I’d never do that... unless you ask for it.”
Gary chuckled nervously, raising his hands in surrender. “Point taken.”
The group laughed, and the Pokémon played until the sun dipped lower in the sky. It was one of those rare, perfect afternoons where everything felt right with the world.
" Good afternoon, everyone! All ready to see a rare pokemon only two people in existence are known to have?" Oak asked, and everyone cheered
Rowan was standing in the back of the classroom. " This I have got to see."
" Then please welcome Wisty Ketchum again!"
Wisty walked in with Togepi strapped to her back as usual.
" What's with this ' rare' Pokemon?" She asked with crossed arms. " I certainly don't have one."
" Wisty," Ash called. " I think he means Togepi."
Wisty raised a brow. " Your girlfriend had one too, you know."
" Yeah, but it evolved into Togetic!"
" Yeah, so it's not that rare!"
" Didn't you hear the part when he said ' two people in existence are known to have'?"
Wisty rolled her eyes. " Look, it's sweet and simple. Togepi's an egg Pokemon. And it's cute. There. Okay bye everyone!*
" Wisty!" Ash yelped. " I think professor Oak wants you to.... Um.... Pass your child around the classroom." His voice faltered.
" Toge?"
" See?! Even TOGEPI is against the idea!"
" Priiii!"
Professor Oak chuckled at the exchange, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "Now, now, Wisty. No one's asking you to give away Togepi. Just let the campers see it up close. It's a learning opportunity."
Wisty sighed dramatically, adjusting Togepi's little harness. "Fine. But if anyone pulls a single hair on Togepi’s head, they're dealing with me. Got it?"
The campers nodded quickly, clearly intimidated by the eight-year-old's fiery glare.
"Alright, Togepi," Wisty said, unstrapping it from her back. "You're on." She placed the tiny Pokémon on the table at the front of the classroom.
Togepi looked around, curious but calm. "Toge! Priiii!"
The campers "aww-ed" in unison, and Dawn couldn't help but whisper, "It's even cuter than I imagined."
Ash grinned, leaning over to Brock. "She treats that thing like it's her actual kid."
Brock nodded sagely. "It’s called responsibility, Ash. You should try it sometime."
"Hey!" Ash protested, but his voice was drowned out by Togepi’s cheerful giggling as one of the braver campers gently patted its head.
Rowan, still leaning against the back wall, spoke up. "It’s fascinating how Togepi bonds so strongly with its trainer. You don’t see this level of attachment often."
Wisty smirked. "Of course it’s attached to me. Who wouldn’t be?"
Gary rolled his eyes. "You know, Wisty, there’s a fine line between confidence and arrogance."
Wisty shot him a glare. "And there's a fine line between genius and annoying. Guess which side you’re on, Oak?"
The room erupted in laughter, and even Rowan cracked a small smile.
"Alright, alright," Oak said, holding up his hands to calm the group. "Let’s keep the focus on Togepi, shall we?"
Togepi, oblivious to the conversation, toddled toward a camper who was holding a shiny berry. It sniffed the berry curiously, then clapped its little hands. "Togepri!"
"Looks like it wants a snack," Tracey said, sketching furiously from the side of the room.
Wisty crossed her arms and smirked. "Of course it does. It takes after me."
Gary raised an eyebrow. "You mean it eats everything in sight?"
Before Wisty could retort, Togepi let out a delighted squeal, breaking the tension. The campers continued to admire it, and even Rowan seemed genuinely impressed.
After a while, Oak clapped his hands. "Alright, everyone. Let’s thank Wisty and Togepi for this rare opportunity."
The room erupted in applause, and Wisty gave a small, begrudging bow. "Yeah, yeah. You’re welcome."
As she strapped Togepi back onto her back, Ash grinned. "See? That wasn’t so bad."
Wisty raised an eyebrow. "I still don’t trust half of them with Togepi."
"Toge!" Togepi agreed, nuzzling into Wisty’s shoulder.
Gary smirked. "Well, at least Togepi’s as stubborn as its trainer."
Wisty shot him one last glare before walking out of the room. "Come on, Togepi. We’ve got better things to do than hang around these amateurs."
As the door swung shut, Rowan shook his head. "She’s a handful, that one."
Oak chuckled. "That’s the Ketchum spirit for you."
Then someone tapped his shoulder.
Professor Oak blinked and turned to Tracey, who had leaned in and whispered something to him. "Ah, right, I almost forgot! Tracey, could you go fetch Wisty again and tell her to let out her Milotic? That would be a treat for everyone."
Before Tracey could respond, Ash shot up from his seat. "Let me go get her. She's not going to be happy about this, though."
Gary smirked from the side. "Why do I get the feeling you're walking into a disaster, Ketchum?"
Ash shrugged nervously. "Because I probably am."
As Ash left the classroom, Dawn leaned toward Brock. "Why do I feel like this is about to get dramatic?"
Brock chuckled. "Because with Wisty, it always does."
Ash caught up to Wisty outside the building, where she was sitting cross-legged under a tree, playing with Togepi and Eevee.
"Wist!" Ash called, trying to sound cheerful.
She glanced up, narrowing her eyes. "What now, Ash? Can’t you see I’m busy with my kids?"
Ash rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Uh, yeah, about that... Oak wants you to come back and—"
"Not happening." Wisty cut him off, looking back down at Togepi and Eevee.
"Come on, Wisty, at least hear me out!" Ash pleaded.
She sighed dramatically. "Fine. What does he want now?"
Ash hesitated. "He wants you to... um... let out your Milotic for everyone to see."
Wisty froze, her gaze slowly lifting to meet Ash’s. "You want me to what?"
"You know," Ash said, trying to sound casual, "just let Milotic out for a bit. It’s a rare Pokémon, and everyone would love to see it—"
"Milotic is not a circus act," Wisty snapped, standing up and crossing her arms. "It’s not happening."
Ash groaned. "Come on, Wisty, it’s for educational purposes!"
Wisty raised an eyebrow. "You mean entertainment purposes."
Togepi tilted its head curiously. "Toge?"
"Even Togepi agrees with me," Wisty added, gesturing to her Pokémon.
Ash threw his hands up in frustration. "Fine! If you won’t do it for Oak, do it for the campers!"
Wisty stared at him for a long moment, then sighed. "Fine. But if anyone so much as breathes wrong around Milotic, they're getting blasted with Hydro Pump. Got it?"
"Got it," Ash said quickly, relief washing over him.
Back in the classroom, everyone quieted down as Ash and Wisty walked back in. Wisty looked as grumpy as ever, Togepi still strapped to her back and Eevee trailing behind her.
"Alright," she said, pulling out a Poké Ball. "But let me make one thing clear—Milotic is not here for your entertainment. It’s here because I said so. Now, stand back."
With a flash of light, the elegant Milotic appeared, its scales shimmering like pearls in the sunlight streaming through the windows.
The campers gasped in awe, and even Professor Rowan looked impressed.
"Absolutely stunning," Rowan murmured.
"Yeah, yeah," Wisty said, crossing her arms. "Milotic, just sit there and look pretty or whatever."
Milotic let out a melodic cry, clearly unbothered by Wisty's brusque attitude.
Dawn leaned toward Brock. "Okay, I have to admit—that’s the most beautiful Pokémon I’ve ever seen."
Brock nodded. "Same here. Wisty’s got quite the team."
Tracey was already furiously sketching. "This is amazing! Milotic is so graceful!"
Wisty smirked a little, but quickly hid it. "Alright, you’ve seen it. Can I go now?"
Oak chuckled. "Not just yet. Let’s give the campers a chance to ask a few questions."
Wisty groaned but stayed put, arms crossed as the campers timidly raised their hands.
As the Q&A began, Ash leaned over to Gary and whispered, "See? She’s not that scary."
Gary raised an eyebrow. "Wait until someone asks a dumb question."
Wisty’s sharp glare at a particularly clueless inquiry proved Gary right, and Ash could only laugh nervously.
The dining hall was lively with the chatter of campers, Pokémon, and staff as everyone settled in for dinner. Wisty sat at one end of the long table, arms crossed, her piercing glare locked onto Professor Rowan, who was seated directly across from her. His own expression was equally intense, his mustache twitching slightly in irritation.
The air around them seemed to crackle with tension, and even the Pokémon could feel it. Eevee and Togepi stayed unusually quiet, perched near Wisty, while Rowan’s Luxray glanced nervously between the two humans.
Ash, seated a few spots away, leaned over to Gary and whispered, "This is bad. They're going to blow."
Gary smirked, cutting into his food. "Yeah, but it's kind of entertaining, don’t you think?"
Ash shot him a look. "Not funny, Gary. What if they start throwing food or something?"
Just as Ash finished speaking, Wisty narrowed her eyes further and muttered under her breath, "Arrogant old man."
Rowan huffed, adjusting his glasses. "Disrespectful child."
"Excuse me?" Wisty snapped, sitting up straighter.
"You heard me," Rowan replied coolly, taking a deliberate bite of his meal.
Wisty slammed her hands on the table, causing Togepi to jump. "Listen here, Professor, I don’t care how many degrees you have. You—"
"Wisty," Ash interrupted, quickly sliding closer to her. "Let’s not do this here, okay?"
Gary sighed, setting his fork down. "I can’t believe I’m doing this." He stood up and walked over to Rowan, placing a firm hand on the professor’s shoulder. "Professor, maybe we should focus on dinner and not, you know, provoke the kid?"
Rowan frowned but relented, leaning back in his chair. "Fine."
Ash turned to Wisty, his voice low. "Come on, Wisty, let’s take a walk or something. You don’t need to prove anything to him."
Wisty crossed her arms, glaring at Rowan for a moment longer before huffing and standing up. "Fine. But only because Togepi doesn’t need to see this."
"Priiii!" Togepi chirped happily, seemingly relieved.
Ash gave Gary a grateful nod as he led Wisty out of the dining hall, Togepi and Eevee trailing behind them.
Gary shook his head and sat back down. "And they say I’m the troublemaker."
Brock chuckled from his seat. "You handled that better than I expected."
Dawn leaned over with a grin. "It’s only a matter of time before they start glaring at each other again, though."
Gary smirked. "Yeah, but at least we’ve got some peace—for now."
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