Ash's check up
Gary leaned casually against the wall, arms crossed, his signature smirk on full display. Ash was fumbling with his words, his face redder than a Charmeleon’s tail flame.
"Y-you said this would be quick, right?" Ash stammered, his fingers pulling at the hem of his shirt. His legs were bouncing slightly as if the nervous energy was trying to escape his body.
Gary rolled his eyes but grinned. "Come on, Ashy-boy, you act like I’m about to send you to the Pokémon Tower or something. Relax, it’s just me. You trust me, don’t you?"
Ash forced a weak chuckle, though his heart was racing in his chest. His foot tapped incessantly on the floor, echoing through the otherwise quiet room. His eyes darted around nervously, barely able to settle on Gary, who seemed entirely too calm for Ash’s liking.
Gary noticed the trembling in Ash's hands, and his expression softened slightly. Stepping closer, he placed a hand gently over Ash’s. "Hey," Gary said quietly, his voice losing its teasing edge. "You’re gonna be okay. It’s me, Ashy. I’m not gonna let anything happen to you."
Ash looked up, startled by the sincerity in Gary’s tone. His leg stopped bouncing momentarily, but his heart still thudded loudly in his ears. "I-I know," Ash muttered, but his voice was shaky. "I just... I don’t like this stuff, okay?"
Gary chuckled softly. "Yeah, I remember. You were a mess the first time I had to hold your hand through a check-up when we were kids. You cried so hard you scared the doctor away."
Ash groaned, covering his face with his hands. "Why’d you have to bring that up?"
"Because it’s funny," Gary said with a shrug, though his tone was gentle. He reached for a pair of gloves and snapped them on, holding up a small flashlight. "Okay, let’s start with the basics. Eyes first. Follow the light, Ashy-boy."
Ash blinked as Gary brought the flashlight close, his nerves still jittery. Gary waved the light slowly from side to side, watching as Ash’s eyes tracked it. "Good, good. See? Not so bad, right?" Gary teased, his smirk returning.
"Y-yeah, sure," Ash muttered, his hands clenching the edge of the examination table.
"Now your ears." Gary adjusted his gloves and grabbed the otoscope. He tilted Ash’s head slightly and peered inside each ear, his expression focused. "Everything looks fine here. No Zubats hiding in there."
Ash managed a small laugh at that, though his shoulders were still tense. Gary set the tool aside and moved on. "Open wide. Say ‘ahhh,’ buddy."
Ash hesitated but finally complied, sticking out his tongue. Gary examined his throat carefully before stepping back. "All good. Now let’s check that heart of yours."
Gary picked up the stethoscope, placing the cool metal against Ash’s chest. The sound of Ash’s racing heartbeat filled his ears, and he frowned slightly. "Ash, your heart’s pounding like a stampede of Tauros. You’re really that nervous?"
Ash flushed, looking away. "I can’t help it, okay? This stuff freaks me out."
Gary sighed and set the stethoscope aside. "Alright, let’s take your blood pressure next." He wrapped the cuff around Ash’s arm and pumped it up, his eyes narrowing as he read the results. "Whoa. Ash, your blood pressure is through the roof. It’s in the 400s. You feeling lightheaded or anything?"
Ash shook his head, though he looked more embarrassed than anything else. "I’m fine. Just... nervous, I guess."
Gary nodded thoughtfully before moving to sit behind Ash on the examination table. Wrapping his arms around his best friend, he rested his chin on Ash’s shoulder. "Hey, deep breaths, Ashy. In and out, okay? I’m right here."
Ash stiffened at first, reluctant to relax, but Gary held firm, his tone soft and reassuring. "You’re not alone, buddy. I’ve got you."
After a few moments, Ash let out a shaky sigh, leaning slightly into Gary’s hold. His hands stopped trembling, and his leg finally stilled. "Thanks, Gary," he mumbled.
Gary smiled. "What are best friends for? Now, let’s finish this up. Reflex test next, and then you’re free to go."
By the time Gary tapped Ash’s knee with the small reflex hammer and got a satisfactory reaction, Ash was finally starting to feel like himself again. Gary clapped him on the back as he stood. "See? Told you it’d be fine."
Ash grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess it wasn’t so bad."
Gary smirked. "Next time, maybe you’ll remember that when you start panicking."
Ash rolled his eyes but couldn’t help but laugh. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Gary."
"Anytime, Ashy-boy," Gary said, his tone light. But as they left the room, his smile lingered, knowing he’d done his part to make sure his best friend was okay.
Ash sat on the edge of the examination table, his hands fidgeting in his lap. His leg bounced nervously, the motion as erratic as his racing heart. Gary stood across from him, leaning against the counter with a teasing smirk plastered on his face, twirling the stethoscope in one hand.
"You know, Ashy-boy, you look like you’re about to bolt," Gary said, his tone light but laced with amusement.
Ash’s eye twitched at the nickname, but he couldn’t muster his usual retort. Instead, he stammered, "I-I’m fine. Just get it over with, Gary."
Gary chuckled, pushing off the counter and stepping closer. "Relax, buddy. It’s me. I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you."
Ash’s leg bounced even faster, and he clasped his hands tightly to stop the trembling. Gary noticed and sighed, shaking his head. He walked up to Ash, placing a firm but gentle hand over Ash’s clammy ones. "Hey," he said softly, his teasing tone replaced with something more genuine. "You’re gonna be okay. It’s me, Ashy. Remember?"
Ash’s heart thudded even harder, and he wasn’t sure if it was from the nerves or Gary’s words. He nodded slightly, though his eyes darted around the room like a cornered Rattata.
Gary gave his hand a reassuring squeeze before stepping back. "Alright, let’s start easy. I’ll check your eyes first, okay?" He reached for a small flashlight on the counter and pulled on a pair of gloves.
Ash swallowed hard, nodding. "Sure… easy."
Gary smiled faintly, positioning himself in front of Ash. He clicked the flashlight on, the beam of light sharp against the clinical white walls. "Follow the light, Ash," Gary instructed, his tone calm and matter-of-fact. He moved the beam slowly from left to right, up and down.
Ash’s eyes tracked the light, though he blinked rapidly, his nerves still evident. His breathing was uneven, and his leg was still bouncing.
"Good," Gary said after a moment, clicking off the flashlight. "Your eyes are fine. Now let’s check your ears."
Ash nodded again, his jaw tight. Gary stepped to the side, grabbing an otoscope. He leaned in closer, inspecting Ash’s ear. "Just hold still," Gary murmured as he worked, his voice steady.
Ash flinched slightly but managed to stay still, his hands gripping the edge of the table.
"Looks good," Gary said after finishing with both ears. He set the tool aside and grabbed a tongue depressor. "Now, open wide and say ‘ahhh.’"
Ash hesitated, his face flushing slightly. "Do I have to?"
Gary raised an eyebrow, smirking. "Yes, you have to, Ashy-boy. Don’t make me force your mouth open."
Grumbling, Ash reluctantly opened his mouth, sticking out his tongue. Gary leaned closer, peering inside with practiced ease. "Say ‘ahhh.’"
"Ahhh," Ash mumbled, his voice shaky.
"Perfect," Gary said, pulling back and discarding the tongue depressor. "Now for the fun part—your heart."
Ash froze, his eyes widening. "F-fun? What do you mean by that?"
Gary smirked but kept his tone reassuring. "Relax, buddy. I’m just going to listen to it." He looped the stethoscope around his neck, placing the cool metal diaphragm against Ash’s chest.
The moment it touched his skin, Ash jumped slightly. "It’s cold!"
Gary chuckled. "Stop being such a baby, Ash. Deep breaths for me, okay?"
Ash tried to comply, but his breathing came in short, uneven bursts. Gary frowned, his eyes narrowing slightly as he listened. "Ash, your heart’s racing like crazy. You need to calm down."
"I-I can’t help it!" Ash stammered, his trembling becoming more pronounced.
Gary sighed, setting the stethoscope aside for a moment. He moved behind Ash and wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a firm yet comforting embrace. "Hey, Ash. Breathe. It’s just me. You’re safe."
Ash stiffened at first, his hands hovering awkwardly in front of him. But as Gary’s steady presence sank in, he let out a shaky breath and leaned back slightly. "I… I’m trying," he admitted, his voice small.
Gary rested his chin on Ash’s shoulder. "I know, buddy. Just focus on my voice, okay? Deep breaths. In and out."
Ash nodded, his breathing slowly evening out. After a moment, Gary pulled back, giving Ash’s shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Better?"
"A little," Ash mumbled, his cheeks still flushed.
Gary smiled. "Good. Now let’s check your blood pressure." He grabbed the cuff and wrapped it around Ash’s arm. "This might feel a bit tight."
Ash winced as the cuff inflated, squeezing his arm. The monitor beeped, and Gary’s smile faltered as he read the numbers. "Uh… Ash, your blood pressure is… really high."
"H-how high?" Ash asked, his voice trembling.
Gary hesitated before answering, "Like… in the 400s high."
Ash’s eyes widened in panic. "WHAT?! Am I dying?!"
"No, you’re not dying," Gary said quickly, placing a hand on Ash’s shoulder to calm him. "It’s probably just because you’re so worked up. We’ll recheck it after you’ve calmed down more, okay?"
Ash nodded weakly, his head spinning. Gary gave him a warm smile. "See? I told you I wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you. You’re in good hands, Ashy-boy."
Ash let out a shaky laugh. "Yeah… I guess I am."
Ash fidgeted on the examination table, his fingers playing nervously with the brim of his hat. His leg bounced uncontrollably, the sound of his heel tapping against the metal frame echoing in the room. His mind was racing a mile a minute, every worst-case scenario playing out in vivid detail. Gary was his best friend—had been since they were kids—but there was something about this situation that made Ash's nerves go haywire.
Gary stood by the counter, rifling through some supplies with practiced ease, but he didn’t miss the way Ash was trembling. His smirk softened into a small, reassuring smile as he turned back to Ash. "Ashy-boy, you’re trembling like Pikachu after a Thunderbolt. Chill out, would ya?"
Ash blinked rapidly and forced a laugh, though it came out more like a squeak. "I-I’m fine, Gary. Just... you know, not a big fan of check-ups."
Gary crossed his arms and leaned against the counter, one brow arched. "Not a big fan? Ash, you hate check-ups. I still remember when we were four, and you nearly wrecked the whole waiting room just to avoid getting a shot."
Ash’s face flushed. "Yeah, well... that was a long time ago. I’m fine now."
Gary snorted. "Sure you are, buddy. That’s why you’re shaking like a leaf." He pushed off the counter and walked over to the table, his voice softer now. "Hey, it’s me, Ashy. You’re gonna be okay. I promise."
Ash didn’t respond, his leg still bouncing as his heart pounded in his chest. Gary sighed and placed a hand on top of Ash’s, stilling his fidgeting fingers. "Look at me, Ash. You trust me, right?"
Ash hesitated, then nodded slowly. "Y-Yeah... I do."
"Good," Gary said, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze. "Then take a deep breath and let’s get this over with. It’s just me, buddy. Nothing to be scared of."
Ash swallowed hard and nodded again, his leg finally coming to a stop. Gary smiled and reached for a pair of gloves, snapping them on with a practiced flick of his wrists. "Alright, let’s start with the basics. Eyes first."
He picked up a small flashlight and leaned closer to Ash, who instinctively leaned back. Gary raised an eyebrow. "Ashy, come on. I’m not gonna poke your eye out. Just follow the light."
Ash grumbled under his breath but sat still as Gary waved the flashlight in front of his face. "Good," Gary said, his tone calm and encouraging. "Now follow it. Left... right... up... down... perfect. See? You’re a natural."
Ash let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. "That wasn’t so bad."
Gary grinned. "Told you. Now for your ears." He grabbed an otoscope and tilted Ash’s head gently. "Stay still, buddy. This won’t hurt."
Ash flinched slightly at the cold metal but managed to stay still as Gary checked each ear. "Looks good," Gary said, straightening up. "Now, open wide and say ‘ah.’"
"Ah," Ash said, though his voice was shaky.
Gary chuckled. "A little louder, Ashy-boy. I’m not a mind reader."
"Ahhh," Ash tried again, louder this time.
"Perfect," Gary said, checking Ash’s throat quickly before stepping back. "Alright, now the fun part—your heart."
Ash’s eyes widened slightly, and his hand went to his chest protectively. "What do you mean, fun?"
Gary smirked. "Relax, Ash. I just mean I need to listen to your heartbeat. That’s all." He lifted Ash’s black short-sleeve shirt, revealing his chest. "Okay, this might feel a little cold. Deep breaths, buddy."
Ash flinched at the cool stethoscope against his skin but obeyed, taking deep breaths as Gary moved the stethoscope around. Gary frowned slightly as he listened. "Your heart’s racing, Ashy. You gotta calm down."
"I’m trying!" Ash snapped, his voice higher-pitched than usual.
Gary sighed and placed a comforting hand on Ash’s shoulder. "Alright, let’s try something else." He sat down beside Ash and wrapped an arm around his shoulders, pulling him into a half-hug. "Breathe with me, Ash. In... and out."
Ash was reluctant at first, his body stiff against Gary’s. But as Gary guided him through the breathing, Ash slowly relaxed, leaning slightly into his best friend. "Better?" Gary asked after a moment.
"...Yeah," Ash admitted quietly.
"Good," Gary said, patting Ash’s shoulder before standing back up. "Now let’s check your blood pressure. This one’s easy. Just hold out your arm."
Ash complied, and Gary wrapped the cuff around his arm, inflating it with a few quick pumps. As the numbers appeared on the monitor, Gary’s brows knit together. "Uh... Ashy? Your blood pressure’s through the roof. It’s like, 400."
"WHAT?!" Ash yelped, his panic instantly returning.
"Hey, hey, calm down!" Gary said quickly, placing a hand on Ash’s arm. "It’s probably just because you’re so nervous. We’ll check it again later, alright?"
Ash nodded reluctantly, though his hands were still trembling. Gary sighed and crouched down so they were eye level. "Ash, you’re gonna be fine. I’m here, okay? Just trust me."
Ash hesitated, then nodded again. "Okay... I trust you."
Gary smiled and ruffled Ash’s hair. "That’s my Ashy-boy. Now, let’s finish up and get you out of here."
Gary pulled a small packet of antiseptic wipes from the tray, his movements slow and deliberate. He knew what was coming next, and more importantly, he knew how much Ash hated it. He glanced over at his best friend, who was already clutching the edge of the examination table like it might save him from what was about to happen.
"Okay, Ash," Gary said, tearing the packet open. "I need you to stay calm, alright? Just think about something else. Anything else. Pikachu, your next battle... maybe even that time you beat me back in Pallet Town."
Ash’s eyes darted to the shiny needle on the tray, and his face turned pale. His voice came out shaky. "Gary, do we have to do this?"
Gary gave him a small, reassuring smile. "Yeah, Ashy-boy, we do. But hey, it’s me. You’re in good hands. I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you."
Ash bit his lip, his leg starting to bounce again. "I-I don’t know if I can do this."
Gary sighed and pulled up a stool, sitting beside him. He placed a hand on Ash’s knee to stop the bouncing. "Hey, buddy, look at me," Gary said softly. When Ash finally met his gaze, Gary’s expression was serious but kind. "You’ve faced Legendary Pokémon. You’ve been to the freaking Ultra Space. You can handle one little shot."
Ash hesitated, still visibly trembling. Gary leaned in slightly, his voice low and encouraging. "Here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m gonna clean your arm first, okay? Then, when I give you the shot, I want you to hold my hand and not look. Deal?"
Ash stared at him, his fingers fidgeting nervously. "...Deal," he finally whispered.
"Good," Gary said, straightening up. He gently lifted the sleeve of Ash’s black shirt, exposing his upper arm. "Okay, Ash, this is just the wipe. Nothing to be scared of."
He pressed the cool antiseptic wipe against Ash’s skin, moving in small circles to clean the area. Ash flinched slightly at the touch, his entire body tense. "Think of something else," Gary reminded him. "What’s your next gym battle? Got any new strategies?"
Ash blinked, trying to focus on Gary’s words. "Uh... yeah, I’m thinking of using Pikachu and Gengar for double battles..."
"Perfect," Gary said, his tone calm and steady as he disposed of the wipe and reached for the syringe. "Keep thinking about that. Now, this is the pinch I warned you about, okay? Hold my hand, Ashy-boy."
Ash reluctantly reached out, gripping Gary’s hand tightly. His knuckles turned white, and he immediately squeezed his eyes shut. "I-I can’t watch."
"Don’t," Gary said simply, positioning the needle. "Just breathe. In and out. You’re doing great."
Ash inhaled sharply as he felt the slight pinch, his grip on Gary’s hand tightening like a vice. "Ow! Gary!"
"Almost done, buddy," Gary said, keeping his voice calm and reassuring. "Just a few more seconds... there. All done." He pulled the needle out and placed a small bandage over the injection site.
Ash opened one eye cautiously. "Wait... that’s it?"
Gary grinned. "That’s it, Ashy-boy. Told you it wasn’t so bad."
Ash let out a long breath, his shoulders slumping in relief. "I thought it was gonna be way worse."
Gary chuckled, patting Ash on the shoulder. "You always do. But see? You survived. And hey, you didn’t wreck the place this time."
Ash let out a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah... thanks, Gary."
"Anytime, buddy," Gary said, sitting back down beside him. "You did good. I’m proud of you."
Ash managed a small smile, the tension finally leaving his body.
Gary sighed as he pulled out a small alcohol wipe and tore it open with practiced ease. He glanced at Ash, who was already trembling like a leaf caught in a storm. "Okay, Ashy-boy," Gary said gently, his voice softer now, "I know you hate this part, but we’re almost done. Just think of something else, alright?"
Ash stared wide-eyed at the small syringe Gary was preparing, his breathing uneven. "Y-You’re sure this is necessary?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. His leg was bouncing again, and his hands gripped the edge of the examination table like his life depended on it.
Gary gave him a reassuring smile as he pulled on a pair of gloves. "Yeah, buddy, it’s necessary. But it’s not gonna be as bad as you think. I’ll be quick, okay? You won’t even feel it if you focus on something else."
Ash wasn’t convinced. His eyes remained fixed on the syringe, his mind spiraling into panic. Memories of the last time he got a shot flooded his brain—he’d kicked, screamed, and even tried to run away. It was embarrassing, but the fear was real.
Gary crouched slightly to meet Ash’s gaze. "Hey, Ash," he said, placing a firm but gentle hand on his shoulder. "Look at me. You’re not four anymore, and I’m not gonna let anything bad happen to you. I’ve got you, okay?"
Ash swallowed hard, his throat dry, and nodded hesitantly. "O-Okay..."
"Good," Gary said with a small smile. He picked up the alcohol wipe and gently lifted Ash’s black short sleeve shirt. "This might feel a little cold," he warned as he wiped down the spot on Ash’s arm. Ash flinched slightly but stayed still, his trembling getting worse.
"Alright," Gary said, discarding the wipe and picking up the syringe. "Now, don’t look, Ashy. Just keep your eyes on me. Think about something else. Maybe... Pikachu’s favorite snacks, or the time you beat me in a battle."
Ash let out a weak laugh, his voice shaky. "Y-You mean the one time?"
Gary grinned. "Hey, it still counts, doesn’t it? Now, hold my hand, buddy. You’re doing great."
Ash hesitated but eventually reached out, gripping Gary’s hand tightly. His knuckles turned white, and his other hand curled into a fist at his side.
"Okay, Ash," Gary said calmly, positioning the syringe. "It’s gonna pinch for just a second, and then it’ll be over. You’ve got this. Don’t tense up too much, though—just relax your hands."
Ash clenched his eyes shut, his leg bouncing uncontrollably again. "Relax? Easy for you to say," he muttered through gritted teeth.
Gary chuckled softly. "You’re doing fine. Just breathe, Ashy-boy. On three. One... two..."
Before Ash could even process what was happening, Gary had already administered the shot. "And... done," Gary said, pulling the syringe away and pressing a small cotton ball to the spot. "See? That wasn’t so bad, was it?"
Ash opened one eye cautiously, then the other, realizing it was already over. "W-What? That’s it?" he asked, disbelief in his voice.
Gary nodded, taping the cotton ball in place. "That’s it. You survived, buddy. I told you it wouldn’t be so bad."
Ash exhaled deeply, the tension slowly leaving his body. "I guess it wasn’t as bad as I thought..."
Gary smirked, sitting down beside him and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Told you. You’re tougher than you think, Ashy-boy. Now, how about we grab some ice cream after this? My treat."
Ash leaned into Gary slightly, his nerves finally settling. "You mean it?"
"Of course," Gary said, ruffling Ash’s hair affectionately. "Anything for my best buddy."
Gary glanced at Ash, who was trembling like a leaf, his hands gripping the edge of the examination table so tightly his knuckles were turning white. With a soft sigh, Gary reached into the tray, pulling out an alcohol wipe. He opened it with practiced ease, the faint scent wafting up as he prepped for the injection.
"Okay, Ash," Gary said gently, pulling up Ash’s short black sleeve to expose his upper arm. "This is just going to be a quick pinch, and then it'll be done. But first, I’m going to clean the area, alright?"
Ash flinched slightly at the cool touch of the alcohol wipe, his gaze darting nervously toward the small syringe sitting ominously on the tray. Gary paused, noticing how tense his best friend was.
"Hey, buddy," Gary said softly, sitting on the examination table beside him. "Think of something else. Something happy. Like Pikachu stealing all your snacks again. Remember how mad you got?"
Ash chuckled weakly, though his voice wavered. "Yeah... he practically inhaled them."
Gary smirked, taking the opportunity to try and calm him further. "See? Pikachu loves snacks as much as you do. You’re two peas in a pod."
Ash nodded, but his trembling didn’t stop. His foot tapped anxiously on the floor as his heart raced in his chest. Gary noticed this too and reached over, resting a steadying hand on Ash’s knee.
"Hey, look at that picture on the wall," Gary said, pointing to a colorful poster of a cheerful Togepi holding balloons. "Doesn’t that remind you of Misty’s Togepi? I bet it’d float away if you gave it enough balloons."
Ash’s lips twitched into a faint smile, his attention momentarily diverted. "Yeah… Togepi was always kind of clueless."
"Exactly," Gary encouraged, giving his shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "And you survived all that craziness, didn’t you? This is just a little poke. Nothing compared to facing Team Rocket, right?"
Ash hesitated but finally nodded, though his breathing was still uneven. Gary slid closer, carefully placing the syringe in his hand and holding it steady. "Okay, Ashy-boy. You’re going to hold my hand, alright? Just don’t look. Focus on that poster or me. Whatever helps."
Ash reluctantly held out his other hand, and Gary clasped it firmly. "That’s it. Good. You’re doing great, buddy."
The needle barely touched Ash’s skin when he flinched, his grip tightening on Gary’s hand like a vice. "Ow! Gary, wait—"
"Shh, shh, it’s okay," Gary soothed, keeping his tone calm. "It’s almost over, I promise. Just breathe. You’re doing fine."
Ash tried, his breaths coming out in shallow bursts, but Gary stayed beside him, his presence steady and grounding. "You’re stronger than this, Ash. Remember that time you fought Sabrina’s Kadabra? Now *that* was scary. This? This is nothing."
Ash finally squeezed his eyes shut, and Gary quickly administered the shot. It was over in seconds, and Gary pulled the needle away, discarding it into the sharps container. "Done," Gary announced with a grin. "See? That wasn’t so bad."
Ash cracked one eye open, his body still trembling. "Are you sure? It felt bad."
Gary laughed softly and wrapped an arm around his best friend. "You’re a drama queen, Ashy-boy. But you did good. I’m proud of you."
Ash leaned into the half-hug, his body relaxing ever so slightly. "Thanks, Gary. I guess… I didn’t faint this time."
"Nope, you didn’t," Gary said, ruffling Ash’s hair. "You’re tougher than you think."
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