Chapter 9 Part 2 - Starly

A/N - I don't own Pokemon and Megaman X. They both belong to their respective owners: Gamefreak and Capcom. Now, enjoy it!
"Pokemon translation"

The trio walks through the same route as before, much to Axl's boredom... and his stomach starts to growl.

"Ugh! I'm starving!" Axl complained.

"Just bare with it!" Zero told him off.

However, X takes his bag, and takes out a sandwich that was made by Roll when they were about to start their journey, and hands it to Axl.

"Here." X offered to him.

"Ah! My saviour!" Axl cheered as he takes it and starts gobbling it up as he talks with his mouth full, "This is why I prefer X over you, Zero!"

"Ugh, first please don't eat with your mouth full," Zero told him off with disgust, "And second, you only like him cuz he isn't an hardass on you anymore!"

"Please don't remind me..." X muttered, not wanting to remember his actions during the 7th Maverick war or, most commonly referred to as the Red Alert war.

"Sorry, X..." Zero apologised, "I'm just saying."

"Whatever!" Axl shrugged off as he continued eating.

As reploids, the only signal to their hunger is an slightly annoying beeping noise in their head that can only heard by themselves. Which is why E-foods are important to avoid getting shut down during a duty, and it has nanomachines that energises them like battery.

But now... the trio have to deal with annoying growling noises in their stomaches and stomachaches if they don't eat... which Zero's stomach starts to growl as well, which made Axl bursts into laughter while X snickers a bit.

"Ha Ha, very funny." Zero said sarcastically, "Any sandwiches or foods you got?"

"Mmm... yep!" X responded as he gives another sandwich to the blonde haired man.

"Thanks." Zero replied as he takes a bite out of it, "Mmm..." as he swallows it, he comments, "It's pretty good."

"Well, I should eat some as well," X commented as he takes out his own sandwich and start eating it, "Mmm!~ So good!"

"I know, right!" Axl agreed, "That Roll really make a mean sandwich, alright!"

"Agreed," X agreed as he takes another bite.

While they're eating, an small shadow hiding behind the bush stares at Zero's very ponytail... where it visualises it as a nest, so it suddenly jumps out of the bush and suddenly enters Zero's hair, which caught him by surprise as he felt his hair getting heavier.

"O-Ow! What the fuck?!" Zero blurted as the trio look behind his hair... and sees a Starly sleeping on his hair. "... What..."

"..." Axl trying really hard not to laugh, but he ends up laughing anyways, "HA HA HA! OH MY GOD! IT'S SLEEPING ON YOUR HAIR LIKE A NEST!!!"

"Shut up, Axl!" Zero told him off, and than turns to the Starly, "And you! Get out of my hair!"

"Nope!" Starly responded as he shakes his head.

"What...?" Zero growled at him.

"You can understand me?" Starly asked in shock.

"Yes..." Zero confirmed, and than remembers, "Wait... you're the first form of Staraptor... in that case..."

Zero takes out an empty Pokeball from his bag, which Starly quickly flies out of his hair and puts it's wing high up.

"Hold it!" Starly told them off, "Since you can understand me, how about a deal?"

"A deal?" Zero asked him.

"Yep! An deal!" Starly repeated with a smirk, which Zero has a bad feeling about it, "If you want me in your team... than you must let me sleep in your hair!"

"... What?!" Zero yelled out, causing Axl to laugh even harder, "And quit laughing, Axl!"

"I-I'm sorry!" Axl laughed, "It's just too funny!"

"Ugh... fine, but only when I'm sleeping, got it?" Zero agreed.

"Good! Glad we have an agreement!" Starly smiled as he flies up to Zero's shoulder.

Zero takes a deep breath as he gently bops Starly's head with the Pokeball, which captures him and it did one beep... that's it. Just one beep and it stops. Which, confuses the trio, and calms down Axl.

"Huh? Why did it do one beep?" Axl asked, "It normally does three beeps?"

"Yeah, that it is weird..." X agreed, "Maybe Starly would know."

"Let's find out." Zero said as he throws the Pokeball in the air, which releases Starly... who suddenly jumps onto his head, "H-Hey!"

"Your hair is so soft...~" Starly smiled absentmindedly.

"Ugh... we just want a quick question," Zero explained. "How comes it did one click instead of the usual three clicks?"

"You mean the Pokeball?" Starly asked, which the trio nods, "Mmm... it's because I joined more willingly, where the others would resist just to annoy them."

"Wait! So... my Buizel pops out of my Pokeball... just to annoy me!" Axl asked in shock.

"Well, that, and it wants to see if you're truly determined to catch them." Starly explained, "After all, the only way for us Pokemons to get stronger is through having trainers, thus they want to see if they're truly worthy or not."

("If that's true... than why did that trainer abandoned an baby Vulpix?!") X thought as he thinks back to what Gate told him.


Summer gets up and jumps into X's arms, which Gate notices her with him, and says, "Ah! A Vulpix! Good choice, though she'll be tough to train since she has trust issues with humans, especially trainers,"

"Why is that?" X asked him.

"Ahem... it's just a wild guess, but I assume she was abandoned by her old trainer," Gate theorised.

(Flashback ends)

X clutches his fists angrily and looks onto the ground, which Zero and Axl notices, much to Starly's confusion.

"What's wrong with him?" Starly asked.

"... Oh! I was just thinking," X lied... terribly as Zero and Axl raises their eyebrows.

"... Starly, return." Zero told him as he takes out his Pokeball.

"Awe-" Before Starly could finish his sentence, he ends up being returned to the ball.

"Alright, X," Zero said as he asks, "What's wrong?"

"... It's about what Gate told me about Summer..." X answered more honestly this time, "About how he thinks a trainer abandon her to explain her distrust of humans..."

"We're not too sure if that is actually true," Zero explained, "After all, what kind of person abandoned a baby?"

"Exactly!" Axl agreed, "If it's true, than we're gonna teach them a lesson... through a Pokemon battle, of course!"

"... Yeah... I honestly hope that's true..." X hoped.

"Geez, don't be so down, man!" Axl said in a cheerful manner, "Come on! Let's keep going, shall we?"

"Ah-Of course!" X snapped out of it as they all continue on back to the city.

A/N - I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!

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