Chapter 5 Part 3 - Pokemon Rescue

A/N - I don't own Pokemon and Megaman X. They both belong to their respective owners: Gamefreak and Capcom. Now, enjoy it!
"Pokemon translation"

After a couple of minutes, X and Axl got into their clothes, and they gets out of their guest rooms, where they see Gate waiting for them. It's still unnerving to X and Zero to see Gate perfectly fine and well.

("How's Alia gonna react to this if she sees him?") X thought.

"Ah! You're finished. Good," Gate said. "Now, shall we start with the tour?"

"I-Of course," X replied, trying to keep his composure.

"Brilliant, now, follow me!" Gate told them.

Gate walks ahead of the trio, where Axl asks, "Where's Sigmund?"

"Don't worry, he's just taking your clothes to the washing facility," Gate told them, "He'll catch up with us shortly,"

"Alright than," Axl replied.

They enter inside the elevator, and goes down. While it's going down, X asks, "Ahem... Gate... how comes you wanted to work here?"

"Mm? Why did you ask?"

"Just curious," X replied.

"It's simple honestly," Gate told him, "I was an aristocrat from the Galar region,"

"Really?! So, you're like those nobles from medieval times or something?!" Axl gasped in interest.

"Well, you could say that," Gate said, "I'm from the Miracle house, where I was always been fascinated by the unknown and I want to learn about the Pokemons' true origins. Unfortunately, my parents were overprotective and against the idea of going out alone, so I hired a bodyguard from Sinnoh."

"And that's Sigmund," Zero said.

"Yep! He's actually the fourth gym leader here," Gate told them.

"Really now?" Zero asked with a hint of interest.

"Yeah, he's a water gym leader," Gate told them, "While he's only been a gym leader for four years, especially since the famous Crasher Wake decides to retire and go straight for the Battle Royal that's just been established four years ago in Sinnoh."

"Battle royal?" Axl asked with excitement.

"That's a different story for another time," Gate said as the elevator stops moving. "Ah! Here we are!"

"Aww... I actually want to know more," Axl groaned.

"Maybe next time," Gate told him, "Or if you're really lucky, you could head to the battle royal itself and meet Wake there. After all, it's in route 213, right next to Pastoria city."

"Is that where the fourth gym at?" Zero asked him.

"Gym challenger?" Gate asked as they exit out of the elevator.

"Yep, pretty much," Zero confirmed.

"I see, well yes," Gate answered.

"Got it."

Gate leads the trio to the drastically different area where there are multiple different Pokemons and employees taking care of them. There are multiple plants, and even water underneath the bridges. The indigo haired boy turns around and says, "Well, what do you think?"

"It looks amazing!" X cheered.

"I'm so happy you think so," Gate told him with a smile, "I honestly idealised your father, since he was the one who inspired me to pursue this career,"

"Really?" X asked him.

"Yes. Your father is a Pokemon Professor, after all," Gate said. "He has worked with Prof Rowan, Prof Cossack and... him..."

"O-Oh! Of course!" X stuttered, ("I guess my creator here is a Pokemon Professor,")

"What do you mean by him?" Zero asked him.

"... Prof Wily," Gate told him sorrowfully, which Zero's eyes widen in shock.

("That's... that's my surname!") Zero thought in shock, ("If Dr Light is X's creator, and his father in this world... than this Wily person... must be related to me in some way,")

"But let's not talk about him, okay?" Gate told them.

("... Fuck...") Zero thought as he is internally screaming in his head, and his eye twitching a bit, ("FFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-")

"Ahem... Zero, you okay?" X asked him.

"... Yes... yes, I am fine." Zero lied to him.

"Right..." X sighed; not unconvinced by his answer.

"Oh! I forgot to mention," Gate remembered, "You can't use your Pokeballs here, since we have a signal that prevents Pokeballs working here."

"Aww man," Axl groaned.

"However, since X here is Prof Light's son," Gate said, "I can make an exception, but you can only pick one Pokemon here, and only the baby or weaker ones, since the more powerful ones would be way too much for you guys to handle."

"That's okay, wait! Did you say baby ones?!" X asked.

"Yes, we have a few baby ones in the kindergarten section for the babies," Gate told him and points him to the direction.

X's eyes sparkles as he rushes to the section. Zero groans while Axl gets a little jumpy as he runs after the brunette. The blonde looks at Gate, who is a bit confused, and even more so when Zero says, "You have no idea on what you have released..."

"H... huh?" Gate blurted out.

"Axl! X! Come back here!"

Zero rushes after the two, where he sees X entering a very colourful facility with the childish coloured label that looks like it's some sort of kindergarten.

Meanwhile, X gasps to see so many adorable looking baby Pokemons, where he sees a tiny yellow mouse, pink round Pokemons, and much more. X shakes a bit as his face blushes over how adorable those Pokemons are.

He always had a soft spot for children and baby animals, so he used to play along with children before the first Maverick war start. If it wasn't for the wars happening, he would have become a teacher for human children or an animal caretaker, but unfortunately, that never happened. But, he can always dream about it.


"Huh?" X mumbled as he turns around to see Axl and Zero running after him, "Ah! Sorry about that, guys!"

"Geez X!" Axl groaned, "I'm suppose to be the reckless one, not you!"

"Axl is right, you know," Zero told him off, "And I have to be the responsible one... again,"

"Sorry guys, I got a little too excited when it comes to children and baby animals," X apologised to them.

"Yeah, I know how much you adore children," Zero understood, "But don't run off again. That's Axl's thing. Not yours!"

"Yeah! Don't steal my shtick!" Axl complained to him.

"Ha Ha, Sorry! Sorry! I'll wouldn't do that again," X chuckled, and apologised again.

Zero looks around the facility, where he notices the employees are either playing with the Pokemons, or feeding them those poffins Bass explained about back in Cavalave city. He takes a deep sigh as he's never been good with kids.

It's not like he hates kids. No! Far from that, like X, who loves children like a parental figure, and Axl who enjoys playing with children, he generally likes kids... when they're not being bratty little shits. The main problem is that he's not very good with handling children. He's made for killing Mavericks, not taking care of children unlike X and Axl who are better at handling kids than him.

Suddenly, he feels something is tugging his hair, which he looks down and sees a blue lion cup with big, yellow eyes, bitting the tip of his hair with an adorably derpy expression. Zero raises his eyebrow at the cub and takes out his Pokédex. 'Shinx. The Flash Pokemon. The extension and contraction of its muscles generates electricity. It glows when in trouble. So, it will flee as it's foe is momentarily blinded.'

("Mmm... this Pokemon would be useful...") Zero thought.

"Hey! Wait up!" Gate called out as he rushes in as Zero picks up Shinx. "Oh! Are you gonna pick Shinx?"

"Yep. Pretty much," Zero replied.

"Aww! He's so cute!" Axl cooed over the little Shinx.

"Actually, Shinx is a girl," Gate corrected him, "You can tell by the small tuff of her forehead, and the hind paws is blue instead of black,"

"Oh! In that case, she's so cute!" Axl corrected himself.

Zero rolls his eyes and looks at the derpy Shinx, who seems to be enjoying chewing on his hair a little too much.

"So, I pick her than," Zero told him, "Does she evolve, though?"

"Yes. She can evolve, twice in fact!" Gate told him.

"Oh! That's neat," Zero commented, until he notices her claws look a bit off, "Mmm? I notice her claws look a little strange."

Suddenly, the shinx stops chewing and tears up a bit as she stares at her rather broken claws.

"So... you notice?" Gate said sorrowfully, "She was abandoned by her own pack after her claws got damaged, since her claws is her ability to communicate with other Shinxs,"

"Oh..." Zero mumbled.

"Yeah. We don't know how she damaged her claws, but it was abandoned and we took her in." Gate explained to him.

"I see, in that case, I'm definitely taking her," Zero told him.

Shinx gasps and smiles happily as she says, "Shinx!" "Thank you!"

"No problem," Zero told her.

Meanwhile, X notices an adorable looking red fox with a white tail, sleeping in a comfy cushion. He knell down and takes out his Pokédex. 'Vulpix. The Fox Pokemon. It controls balls of fire. As it grows, its six tails split from their tips to make more tails. It born with a white tail, but the tail separates into six if this Pokémon receives plenty of love from its Trainer.'

X smiles softly, and strokes the fur. Their fur is very soft, and warm, much to his delight and continues to do so. The Vulpix smiles a little bit and relaxes, but out of curiosity, they opens their eyes and sees X.

"Hello there," X said in a very soft tone.

"Vul...?" Vulpix asked. "Who are you...?"

"Oh! My name's X," X told her, "I'm a Pokemon trainer, you see, and I'm wondering... do you want to come with me? You don't have to, if you don't want to,"

"Vulpix? Vul?" Vulpix asked him, "You can understand me? And I get a choice?"

"Yeah, and... well, yes," X answered her quietly, "It's a little complicated... hehe..."

"... Vulpix... Vul?" Vulpix asked him sorrowfully, "You wouldn't abandoned me... would you?"

"Of course not!" X told her, "Why on Earth would you think that?"

"... Vul... Vulpix..." Vulpix told him, "... Nothing... I don't trust you, but I'll come."

"... Okay than..." X replied.

Vulpix gets up and jumps into X's arms, which Gate notices her with him, and says, "Ah! A Vulpix! Good choice, though she'll be tough to train since she has trust issues with humans, especially trainers."

"Why is that?" X asked him.

"Ahem... it's just a wild guess, but I assume she was abandoned by her old trainer," Gate theorised, and than he notices X starts to tear up, which even Vulpix is surprise by. "H-Huh? Are you okay?"

"Y... Yeah..." X sobbed a bit as he wipes his tears. ("Why would anyone want to abandoned their own Pokemon?! That... that's horrible! And downright awful!")

Even in this world, there's awful people here, but this... he heard some humans abandoned their own pets, but he never truly have to face with that since HQ doesn't allow pets. Now, even though he only owned Rooty for a couple of hours, he quickly grown attached to him, and now, he just couldn't get behind the idea of abandoning Rooty, and Vulpix.

X stands up while holding Vulpix to his chest, where he says in a determined tone, "I'll take Vulpix into my own hands! And take care of her!"

Gate's and Vulpix's eyes are widen in shock by his sudden proclaim. Gate just gives a soft smile, and stands up as he says, "In that case, you can keep her. I hope you treat her well,"

"Don't worry, I will!" X told him confidently, "And I'll name her... Summer! Yeah, Summer is a cute nickname, don't you think?"

Vulpix, now nicknamed Summer, slowly nods as she just starts are her new, empathetic trainer.

"Good. Now, shall we continue the tour?" Gate told them.

"AAAHHH!!! I don't know who to pick!" Axl screamed as he cried, "They're... they're all too cute!"

"Than don't pick one!" Zero told him off while his Shinx is biting his hair.

Axl just pouts and rolls his eyes as he stands up and cross his arms as he says, "Fine!"

"So, shall we continue?" Gate asked them.

The trio nods, and Gate says, "Good! Let's go than!"

Gate walks out of the facility with the trio walking behind him.

A/N - Yeah. Axl doesn't get a third Pokemon yet here because it would be pretty unfair, so only X and Zero gets their second ones. I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day! Aqua out!

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