Chapter 2 Part 5 - Pokemon Center

A/N - I don't own Pokemon and Megaman X. They both belong to their respective owners: Gamefreak and Capcom. Now, enjoy it!
"Pokemon translation"

Ps - This is going to be on hold for a bit as I will focus on Fire Emblem: Lying Truth. It's nearly finished, so I will come back to this in a couple of weeks.

(Few hours later)

Everything is completely dark to Zero, but thankfully he can't hear those horrific voices anymore. He been through way worse than this, so why did he even do that?!

("Ugh... X is right... I can be a dumbass sometimes...") Zero thought in annoyance at himself, ("I bet he's super worried right now and possibly freaking out right now. I possibly scared off Axl too considering he's the youngest out of us three,")

Though X did say that in a less swearing way, it's still doesn't change the fact X called him a dumbass, and sometimes... he's not wrong.

He has done some stupid shit in the past, but still... it doesn't change the fact he did something stupid. He blames the fact he's human now since he has a good gut feeling now that, because he's human now, the voices in his head are more aggressive than ever.



"Wake up you little shit!"

"You boys! Calm down!"

"H... huh...?" Zero groaned as he slowly opens his eyes, where he sees a pink-haired nurse, a pink creature with an egg, another pink creature with curly ears, X, Axl, and Bass standing over him. "Fuck my life... what happened...?"

"You fucking hit your head like a dumbass!" Bass told him. "What the hell was that for?!"

"Hey! Don't yell at him!" The woman told him off, "He needs a little bit of rest. You can yell at him after he recovered. Okay?!"

"Ugh... fine..." Bass groaned as he just gets up and walks away grumpily.

The woman looks at Zero and asks, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel like a truck hit me..." Zero replied.

"Hehe... well, thankfully, your head injury is minor, though the blood loss is the main problem," The nurse explained, "Thankfully, Blissey and Audino was able to heal you up."

"Ahem... thanks..." Zero muttered.

"You should be able to get up right now,"

"Really?" Zero asked in shock as he looks at the two creatures. "Well... ahem... thanks, I guess..."

"Bliss, Blissey!" Blissey told him. "It's no problem."

"Audino!" Audino replied. "Happy to help."

"So ahem... how much is this?" Zero asked her.

"Oh, it's free," The nurse told them, where Axl has his jaw drop.

"... Seriously?!" Axl asked in shock.

"Yep," The nurse replied. "This is the Pokemon center and, while we normally heal up Pokemons, we do know how to help out people too. Just like your friend here,"

"That's awesome!" Axl commented.

"Hehe, why thank you," The nurse said.

"How long do I have to be here?" Zero asked her.

"Well, when you're able to move," The nurse told him, "Want me to remove the needle?"

"..." Zero looks at his arm, where he sees a needle connected to the blood bag, "... Yes."

The nurse carefully removes the needle from his arm, where Zero slowly gets up and wobbles a bit, but manages. He looks down as he notices he's wearing a hospital gown... which means...

"Oh, shit..." Zero muttered as his face turns very red and quickly turns around.

Thankfully, his very long hair covers up his rear and isn't in a ponytail, so nobody can't see it, much to his relief. He's able to keep his composure and asks the nurse, "Ahem, can I have my clothes back and some privacy?"

"Of course," The nurse nodded, and turns to her Pokemons, "Blissey?"

"Bliss!" Blissey saluted, "Yes ma'am!"

Blissey walks up to the small shelf and takes out Zero's clothes and hairband. She gives it Zero, who accepts it. The nurse looks at the two boys and tells them, "Let's give Zane some privacy, okay?"

"Okay," Everyone said once they leave, and Zero start changing back into his clothes.

With X and Axl, they see Bass mumbling stuff next to a black dog with a grim reaper feel to it. X takes out his Pokédex and it analysts; 'Houndoom. The Dark Pokemon and the evolved form of Houndour. The flames it breathes when angry contain toxins. If they cause a burn, it will hurt forever. Upon hearing it's eerie howl, many Pokemons shiver and hide behind their nests, thus people during ancient times believe it's howls are the calling of the Grim Reaper.'

"Damn... that's pretty scary..." Axl whispered to X.

"Yeah," X agreed.

"Treble is right here!" Bass told them off, while his Houndoom just growls at them. "Ignore those little brats. I know you kick ass!"

"Hound!" Houndoom cheered, "Yes master!"

"Good boy," Bass smirked as he hands him over a blue, small, and round food, which Houndoom gladly eats it.

X tilts his head and asks, "What's that?"

"What are you, stupid?!" Bass yelled at him.

"Look, I'm just asking! That's all!" X argued back.

"Ugh... fine. Since you're a Light and all," Bass groaned, "This is a poffin. They're like little treats for Pokemons that come in five different flavours; spicy, sweet, dry, bitter, and sour. For my Houndoom, he has a Rash nature, so naturally, he likes dry foods but hates bitter ones. Of course, it depends on their natures and all that."

"Mmm... how I cook them?" X asked him.

"You only do it in that Poffin house place," Bass explained. "It's located in Hearthome city, which is where is you get your third gym badge from that annoying Kalosian chick."

"Who's that?" X asked him innocently.

"... Ugh!" Bass groaned. "Looking at you pisses me off. You look too much like your older brothers!"

"Well, sorry that I can't help the way I look!" X apologised sarcastically. ("Seriously?! Why is this guy Zero's brother?! Why him of all people?")

Then, they hear the door open and see Zero, now in his normal clothing, and tied his hair into a ponytail like normal. Bass glares at his little brother as he gets up and yells, "What the hell were you thinking, you bastard?!"


"Do you have any idea how pissed off I am at you right now?!" Bass yelled at Zero.

"Don't care,"

"Don't give me that I don't care attitude!" Bass lectured him, "Because of you, I have to cancel out of my gym battles with one of those losers."

"Why are you battling them, then?" Zero asked.

"Don't change the subject, you little shit!" Bass called him out. "Do you have any care in the world, god damn it!? I'm your fucking legal guardian, damn it!"

"And I should care because...?" Zero asked him without a care in his tone.

"........" Bass gritted his teeth, and mutters, "Tch... fucking brat..."

The raven-haired foul-mouth man turns around and walks away with his Houndoom following him, who growls at his younger brother before going out with his trainer.

X and Axl look at Zero with concern, who just shrugs and he asks them, "By the way, where's Piplup?"

"He's... in your Pokeball," X told him as he hands him Piplup's Pokeball.

"Thanks," Zero thanked him and releases him from his Pokeball.

Once Piplup was out and about, the penguin looks at his trainer and glares at him as he starts pecking at his leg.

"Hey! Quit that!" Zero told him off.

"PIPLUP?! PIPLUP, PIP!" Piplup yelled at him, "How fucking dare you?! You nearly gave me a heart attack, you idiot!"

"You actually worried about me?" Zero asked him with a raised eyebrow.

"Pip?! Pip?" Piplup asked, and suddenly bursts out laughing, "Me?! Worried? HA HA HA!"


"Piplup, Piplup, Piplup!" Piplup told with his self-pride, "As if I would worry about the idiot who clearly about to kill himself, besides I actually don't give a damn about you, anyway!"

"Sure, if it helps you sleep at night," Zero told him with a sarcastic snark.

Zero returns Piplup back to his Pokeball, with X doing the same thing with his Turtwig, but Axl keeps his Chimchar out.

"Can we go?" Zero asked with a bit of impatience in his tone.

"Sure," X replied, "But first, what on Earth happened back there?!"

"Yeah! What the hell?!" Axl agreed with X, "You scared the daylights out of us. I nearly got a heart attack, which is odd because I was a reploid and we don't get heart attacks!"

"... Is it those voices again?" X asked Zero, which confuses Axl.

"Voices?" Axl asked.

"Oh right, you don't know..." X muttered, and glances at Zero, who just nods, "Well... he sometimes has weird voices that cause him to do reckless things, like he did today. It's been like this since the Repliforce war,"

"Oh yeah! I learnt about that," Axl said.

"Chim?" Wildfire asked, "Repliforce war?"

"Oh yeah, you don't know," Axl realised, "Don't worry, I'll explain the basics... then again, I wasn't involved and I only know stuff from the lessons Snipe Anteator gave me."

"Chimchar," Wildfire commented, "Weird name,"

"Trust me, us reploids have weirder names," Axl told him, "You're get used to it eventually,"

"Chim," Wildfire said, "Alrighty then."

"But, seriously, that long Zero?" Axl gasped.

"... Yes..." Zero confirmed it, "And they're even more aggressive than it usually is... over the years, it becomes calmer, but now, sudden aggressiveness and horrible flashes to my past... I wonder it's because we're humans now and in the bodies of hormonal teenagers no less, our minds are much more vulnerable than it was back when we were reploids..."

"Now that you mentioned it... I... when I saw Red, I... mmm..." Axl bit his lips embarrassingly as his cheeks flash blushy red.

"Axl?" X asked with concern, "You know you can tell us anything, right? We're not gonna laugh at you,"
"I-I know! Just very embarrassing, that's all," Axl admitted, "But fine, I... I burst into tears when I saw Red and a flash of seeing his death doesn't help at all. I... it was the first time I feel so vulnerable. Is this how humans feel?"
".I think our human bodies are definitely affecting our emotional state," X said, "No doubt, I have a feeling I'm gonna start having the effects sooner or later."
"Then again, you have always been an emotional guy," Zero pointed out, "So it's probably gonna be the same as normal."
"But, as you said, your voices got more aggressive than it should," X pointed out, "So, it's most likely worst for me too..."
"Don't worry, X!" Axl ensured, "If you start hearing weird voices too, I can just slap you out of it!"
"That... doesn't help." X said, "But... thank you, regardless."
"Your welcome!" Axl cheered, even Wildfire facepalms. "Come on! Let's go!"
"Geez, you're giving me a headache, for crying out loud..." Zero complained.
"Hehe," X chuckled a bit, "Well, let's focus on getting back home, okay?"
"Alright, alright," Zero sighed, "Let's go then."
"Adventure!" Axl cheered.
"Adventure!" Wildfire cheered alongside his trainer.
Axl and Wildfire run off cheerfully, while X and Zero look at each other, and then follow after the hyper redhead.

A/N - I hope you guys didn't mind that I add a few there. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day. Aqua out!

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