Chapter 2 Part 2 - Three Way Battle
A/N - I don't own Pokemon and Megaman X. They both belong to their respective owners: Gamefreak and Capcom. Now, enjoy it!
Axl cracks his knuckles with a grin while Wildfire stretches his arms. Zero relaxes his neck and put his left hand inside his pocket while Piplup puff his chest, and finally, X gulps, but keeps a determined look to his eyes while Rooty shakes his body up a bit.
The trio takes out their Pokédex, as they remembered Dawn mentioning it shows their move sets. Axl frowns as he sees Wildfire only knows scratch and leer. Zero groans as he sees Piplup only knows Pound and growl, and X just nods as he sees Rooty only knows Tackle and Withdraw. They also read the descriptions of each moves... well... except Axl because he couldn't be bothered.
"Alrighty, have to make due," Axl muttered, and shouts, "Alright, use scratch on... ahem... on Piplup!"
"Pip!" Piplup yelled at him, "You bastard!"
"Chim! Char!" Wildfire shouted as he rushes to Piplup, "Here goes!"
"Piplup! Dodge!" Zero commanded him.
Piplup hops a bit to the side, where Wildfire misses his attack. Than, X yells, "Alright! Use Tackle!"
Rooty runs behind Piplup and tackles him down to the ground. Zero yells out, "Piplup! Pound!"
Piplup's beck glows a bit as he pounds his neck against Rooty's forehead.
"Rooty!" X gasped. "Use withdraw!"
Rooty powers up his defence, which Axl grins and shouts, "Alrighty! Use scratch on Rooty!"
Wildfire jumps up and scratches Rooty's face, which barely did anything. X shouts, "Use tackle again!"
Rooty tackles his stomach, which sends him flying and Zero, while surprise of how strong they are despite how little, along with X and Axl, who is freaking out, keeps a composed expression as he yells, "Piplup! Now use Pound!"
Piplup hops up and pounds on Wildfire's back as the fire type crushes to floor, causing him to faint. His eyes turns spirals and Blues puts his hand up as he yells, "Wildfire has fainted! You're out!"
"Wha-what?! I lost?!" Axl screamed as he starts crying. "No! Damn it!"
"You could have won if you actually read your Pokédex," Blues called out sarcastically.
"S-Shut up!"
Suddenly, X's and Zero's Pokédex has a little ding noise, and the two take out their Pokédex, where they see a new move added in; Razor leaf and Bubbles for Rooty and Piplup respectively. Zero suddenly remembers the typing and looks at X, who takes a deep sigh and nods, as he knew Zero would never accept a fake win, so he shouts, "Razor leaf!"
Rooty summons a bunch of leaves and throws it right at Piplup, which Zero yells, "Dodge and use pound!"
Piplup tries to dodge it, but he trips and gets hit by a bunch of razor leaves, which KO him. Blues put his hand up again and yells, "Piplup has fainted! X is the winner!"
"Tur! Turtwig!" Rooty cheered happily, "We won! We won, X!"
"Yes, we sure did!" X smiled softly.
Rooty rushes to X and jumps onto his head. Thankfully, he's small and light, so he's okay... until he decide to bite X's head.
"I-Ow!" X yelped.
"Hehe," Zero chuckled as he puts his hand on X's shoulder and says, "Thanks for not going easy on me."
"T-You welcome! Now help me!" X begged him, which Zero gently takes Rooty away from X, much to the Turtwig's sadness, and X's relief. "Thank you..."
Rock takes out a three green potions and two palish yellow shards as he walks up to the trio.
"Alright, I'll be healing your Pokemons now," Rock told them.
The trio look at each other, than their Pokemons, where two of them are unconscious while Rooty is a bit bruised up, so they give their Pokemons to Rock. The blue clothed man kneel down to gently lay them down and open the mouths of Piplup and Wildfire, which he drops a shard on each of their mouths.
Piplup and Wildfire gasp as they quickly get up. Rooty jump out of Zero's arms and walks up to Rock, where he starts spraying the green potions on them, where their bruises disappears and they all start jump by around as they run back to their respective trainers.
"I'm so sorry, Wildfire!" Axl apologised as he dramatically cried, but quickly changes as he fist bump the sky, "But next time, we shall win!"
"Chim!" Wildfire shouted, "Yes master!"
Piplup just glares at Zero, like a spoiled child. The blonde man raises his eyebrow and asks, "What?"
"Pip! Piplup! Piplup!" Piplup complained to him, "What! We lost because of your bad training skills!"
"I'm new to this, so that's to be expected," Zero told him calmly with him.
"Pip!" Piplup told him, "Shut up!"
X sighs as he pick Rooty up and looks at his older brothers as he asks, "So, now what?"
"We'll show you." Blues told him.
The trio look at each other, than walk with their Pokemons, which the penguin trips, and quickly gets up as he dismisses it. Zero just picks him up, where Piplup starts struggling to get out of his arms while the crimson clothed human keeps his poker face.
They all head towards a motorboat and X's brothers start talking with a sailor, while X has that concerning expression, which Zero notices and whispers, "What's wrong?"
"I... I'm worried about the others, Zero," X told him honestly, "Especially Alia..."
"Because she's your girlfriend?" Axl teased him quietly as he eavesdrop the conversation.
"N-No!" X denied as his face turns red as Zero's clothes, "It's because she was our navigator the longest, and one of our closer friends too, so naturally she would be worried sick the most."
"I wonder how the others would take in all of this," Axl asked quietly.
"Doesn't matter," Zero told them, "For now, let's focus on going back to our world. No time for worrying about the others, got it?"
"You're right Zero," X agreed, "You has always been the most focused one out of everyone."
"Chimchar?" Wildfire asked. "What on Earth are you guys talking about?"
"Turt!" Rooty replied. "Yeah."
("... Fuck!") Axl, X and Zero all thought at the same time.
"Ahem... we'll explain everything in the boat," X ensured them.
"Piplup!" Piplup complained. "You better or else I peck your eye out!"
"Ugh... I'll keep that in mind..." X muttered. Despite how cute and small Piplup is, he definitely has quite a colourful mouth. He almost feels sorry for Zero. Just almost since he knows he is fully capable of handling someone like him.
Suddenly, they hear a beautiful whistle song and they turn to the source, which they see Blues is the one whistling.
"It's ready now." Blues told them.
"Are you coming?" X asked him.
"Nah. We have other places to be," Blues told him. "Oh yeah, hand me in your Poke-phones."
The trio raises their eyebrows, but decide to look through their bags, where they found the Poke-phones (A/N - They look like iPhone 11 with the Pokeball symbol on the back). X has a blue one, Zero got a red one and Axl has a black one with red vertical lines.
The trio give their phones to him, which Blues adds in his phone number and the others' as well. He also downloaded a few apps for them and give them back.
"I downloaded the Pokemon radio, the map and the Staraptor taxi, though you can only go to places you already been to." Blues explained to them, "I also give you our phone numbers, along with the old man's, Roll's and Bass'."
"You have Bass' phone number?" Zero asked him.
"Yep." Blues told him. "Rock hand it over to me, since Bass gave it to him as a way to let him know when he went to battle him."
"Got it." Zero replied.
Blues and Rock takes out their own Poke phones and start calling. After a few minutes, two large brown birds comes in with a brown horse pads on their backs. X takes out his Pokédex and it says: 'Staraptor. The final evolution of Starly and the Predator Pokemon. It never stops attacking even if it is injured. It fusses over the shape of its comb. Thanks to the muscles in its wings and legs, they are strong that it can easily fly while gripping a small Pokémon.'
"... Oh..." X mumbled, ("Yep. Not having that Pokemon for sure.")
"... Dibs," Zero said with a smirk.
"Damn, I was gonna say!" Axl complained.
"Hehe," X chuckled a bit while shaking their heads. "Well, thanks Blues and Rock. We'll most likely need this."
"No problem, little brother," Rock said cheerfully as he hops onto the Staraptor, "Be careful out there. Okay? If anything happens, don't be afraid to call Blues, okay?"
"Why not you?" X asked him.
"Unfortunately, as a Battle frontier, so people want to challenge me," Rock told them.
"And lets just say I have enough free time to help out." Blues told them.
"Alright..." X replied. "If you say so, Blues. Oh yeah! What job do you have?" ("I don't know what's a Battle frontier is, but it doesn't matter at this point.")
"That's classified," Blues told him.
"Yep, deal with it." Blues replied as he messes with X's hair. "Don't get into trouble, okay?"
"H-Hey! I-Okay! Okay!" X replied as he gently pushes his hands from his hair, "I'll stay out of trouble, got it!"
Even though he's his older brother, Blues is still stranger to him after all, so it's natural to say he is a bit uncomfortable with strangers messing with his hair. He still doesn't quite understand much about this new world he's in right now.
Blues chuckles as he lets go of his brother and says, "Good. Well, see ya!" He replied as he hops out onto another Staraptor and fly off.
"Bye Xavier!" Rock told him as he flies off as well.
The trio look up at the sky while X's brothers flies off. The sailor sighs and calls out, "Oi! Are you coming to the boat or not!?"
"How much?" Zero asked them.
"Don't worry, those guys already paid for it." The sailor told them.
"Hooray! An adventure!" Axl cheered.
"Chimchar!" Wildfire cheered alongside with him, "Adventure!"
Axl and Chimchar jumps onto the boat, while Zero just gets into the boat like normal, and X follows with his Turtwig chewing on his sleeve... again.
("I hope the others are doing okay...") X thought as he sits next to Zero, ("I wonder what they're doing right now? Obviously sending a search party... I'm worried now.")
A/N - Yeah. Poke-phones works the same way as IPhones in real life and Pokemon watch in the original Platinum game. Why not stick with the Pokemon watch? Well, technology comes and goes, besides the Poke-phones sounds more versatile than the Poke watch, so there's that.
So, obviously, it serves a purpose and now, we're gonna go see how's HQ doing. I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day! Aqua out!
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