Chapter 15 Part 4 - Vs Psyduck, Hoppip and Ponyta

A/N - I don't own Pokemon and Megaman X. They both belong to their respective owners: Gamefreak and Capcom. Now, enjoy it!
"Pokemon translation"

The main trio readies their Pokemons along with the three waiters. One of them takes a deep sighs and yells, "Psyduck! Use Water gun at Vulpix!"

The psyduck starts off water gun, aiming straight at the Vulpix.

"Shinx! Use Spark to save Summer!" Zero counters it.

"Got it!" Shinx answered back as small sparks surrounds her body and rushes in front of Summer, saving her from a super effective attack.

X then uses the time to look at Axl and commands, "Axl! Try to have Batty use Supersonic on Ponyta!"

"Okay! Got it!" Axl nodded and commands, "Batty! Use super sonic on Ponyta!"

"Summer! Use ember to cover the surroundings to protect Batty!" X commands.

Summer uses ember covering and surrounding the area , which Batty is in to protect her from any attacks so that she can use supersonic on Ponyta.

Batty uses supersonic on Ponyta, however, Ponyta dodges it and the waiter yells, "Use flame wheel on that Zubat!"

Ponyta starts charging up as it engulfs in flames and rushes right at Zubat as it seemingly phase through the embers.

"Shinx! Use quick attack on Ponyta!" Zero yelled out.

Shinx uses quick attack to rush right at Ponyta just before it could hit Batty. The two ended in a clash where Axl takes a moment to think.

("Shit. If I leave Batty out, she wouldn't have many opportunities unless it requires protection,") Axl strategise in his head, and takes out his Pokeball, "Batty! Return!"

Just as Axl returns Batty to her Pokeball, the clash between Shinx and Ponyta ends in a stalement; pushing both pokemon back with Ponyta having a bruise on it's right temple while Shinx has a small burn mark on her forehead.

"Now, Hoppip, use Absorb!" The third waiter commands.

Hoppip takes advantage of this and prepares to use absorb as Shinx is backing and trying to shake off the burn mark.

"Summer! Use tackle on Hoppip!" X ordered his Vulpix. "Then use ember to create distance!"

Summer rushes in to tackle Hoppip, which hits as Hoppip starts backing, however just before Summer could use ember. The waiter yelled out, "Use water gun!"

Psyduck directly hits Vulpix just before she can use ember, which knocks her a few distance and heavily injured her.

("Oh no!") X thought in panic as he notices how badly that water gun hurts her, then he looks to see Axl switches to Jet the Buizel.

X decides to do the same as he switches Summer out and sends out Rooty, while Axl is looking at Ponyta and thought ("We need to get rid of that Ponyta! It's clear it's the main offence of the group!")

"Axl, Zero!" X called them out, "Come over here."

Axl and Zero rushes, and X whispers to Axl, "Axl. I need Jet to use water gun to create some distance, can you do that?"

"Hell yeah!" Axl cheerfully agreed as the trio turns back and

After forming together, X yelled out, "Axl! First, get Jet to use Sonic boom!"

"You heard the man, Jet!" Axl ordered back.

Jet nods confidently as he uses sonic boom just as Psyduck is about to use water gun, thus stopping it's tracks.

"Now, Rooty, use tackle on Ponyta!"

"Shinx, use spark!" Zero yelled out.

"Ponyta, use flame wheel!"

Just as Rooty gets close to pontya's flame wheel, X yells out "DODGE!" Which the Turtwig dashes to the side, thus dodging the attack and allowing shinx to strike pontya with spark.

"Use leech seed, Rooty!" X yelled out as Rooty spits out seeds right at Ponyta while the clashing is happening.

"Quick! Use Absorb on the Turtwig!"

Hoppip then decides to attack turtwig with absorb, which Jet hits Hoppip with a water gun suddenly.

"Ha! In your face!" Axl taunted confidently.

"Psyduck, use tackle!"

Psyduck gets close for a tackle and buizel responds with it's own tackle. A clash happens between them happens while shinx and pontya continues on their clash.

"Zero! Focus on clashing with Ponyta!" X ordered him, "I'll weaken him with Leech seed! Rooty!"

Rooty nods at X's command and spits out seeds on Ponyta who is too focused on the Shinx.

Meanwhile, buizel and psyduck continue their clash. Unfortunately, psyduck is more weakened and less physically strong then buizel, so he loses and fell down.

"Now finish this off with Sonic boom!" Axl ordered Jet, who nods and finishes Psyduck with his sonic boom, forcing one of the waiters to send back Psyduck.

"Axl, have Jet focus on Hoppip!" X told him.

"Got it!" Axl nods and yells, "Use sonic boom on Hoppip!"

Jet uses sonic boom on Hoppip, but it manages to dodge his attack, then Zero yells "Oi! Little help here!"

"Got it!" Axl replied, "Jet! Use water gun on Ponyta, and then Sonic boom on Psyduck!"

Jet uses water gun on Ponyta, which greatly weaken and barely moving, and then Jet uses Sonic Boom on Psyduck, which sends it flying and gets knocked out.

X focuses on the Hoppip, which just uses synthesis to heal all of it's wounds, much to the trio's dismay

("My big brother would call not that funny...") X thought in annoyance.

After greatly weaken by the water gun, Shinx wins the clash and knocks Ponyta down by using spark on it. Now, the trip looks at Hoppip and gets ready to gang up on it.

X then looks at his friends, and orders Zero and Axl, "Let's do a group attack guys!"

"Now we're talkin!" Axl agreed, "Now! Jet, use Sonic boom!"

"Shinx, use spark!" Zero commands his Shinx.

"Rooty! Use Quick Attack!" X commands.

All three of their Pokemons did a big group attack on the Hoppip, which causes loads of smoke and just as it's clearing up, they see Hoppip barely standing and continues to heal itself. X stays awkwardly silent, while Axl dramtically falls down and yells, "Why?!" And Zero just mumbled, "Bitch..." while his eye is twitching in frustration.

"... Ok! Let's try again!" X yelled again, and the trio does it again like before, and this time, it was successful as Hoppip gets knocked down, "Yes! We did it!"

"Finally! No more annoying self healing!" Zero cheered with a massive grin as he felt a great sense of relief.

"Is this what all the Mavericks feel every time we self heal?" Axl whispered to himself.

The waiters returns their Pokemons and bows as they leave to the kitchen. The main trio sits on their tables while their Pokemons hops on their laps.

"God... that was exhausting..." X sighed out of relief.

"You can say that again." Rooty agreed as he rests on his lap. X strokes Rooty's head which relaxes him and falls asleep.

"Yeah... I didn't do any fighting, and yet, I felt so tense and tired." Zero commented, "I don't understand."

"Because Pokemon battles are intense." Shinx explained. "I'm honestly excited for the gym battle!"

"I see..." Zero mumbled.

"But it's so much fun, in all honestly." Axl commented excitedly, "I mean, keeping on our toes is pretty fun."

"Yeah... but we should still focus on our goal right now." X reminded Axl.

"Yeah." Zero agreed with X.

"Hey! Nothing wrong with having fun while doing our goal." Axl called out.

Jet sniffs and says, "Foods coming!" Where the trio turns around to see the waiters bringing in their foods they ordered.

"Enjoy your meal." A waiter told them as they bow and leaves them be.

"Awesome! Here we go!" Axl cheered as he starts eating his Magikarp sushi, while Zero eats his Tauros steak and X enjoys his omelette.

"It's official... I'm gonna stick with being a vegetarian in this world..." X thought to himself as he continues eating his omelette.

A/N - Finally! I did it! Man! That took fucking forever! But I finally did it! Ah! I feel so relief! I hope you all enjoy this part and if you did, leave a comment and stay safe! Aqua out!

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