Chapter 15 Part 2 - After Training

A/N - I don't own Pokemon and Megaman X. They both belong to their respective owners: Gamefreak and Capcom. Now, enjoy it!
"Pokemon translation"

After an hour of training, the trio decides to have a break by heading to a restaurant that Axl found on his Poke-phone's map. Though, X suggests going to the Pokemon centre first to heal up their Pokemons, to which the other two agreed.

As they were walking, Zero check his Poke-phone where he sees his Piplup finally learn Peck, which is a flying move. From what X mentioned earlier, grass types has a ton of weaknesses, but does have a lot of effects they can pull such as poison, paralyse and sleep.

("I have to think of a strategy considering I am the one doing the gym battles.") Zero thought as he overhears Axl trying to drag X outside.

"Come on, X! I overheard about an awesome restaurant nearby!" Axl told him.

"But we need to wait for our pokemons!" X told him off.

"But I want dinner!" Axl complained.

"Oh my god..." X mumbled as he sighs.

"Axl. Quit being a child." Zero told him off.

"But I'm starving!" Axl complained.

"Ok, how about this?" X compromised, "We wait for our Pokemons to heal up, than we go out to eat, okay?"

"Yay!" Axl cheered happily.

"I'm glad..." X sighed of relief.

Than the trio sees Nurse Joy, her Audino and her Chansey carrying their Pokeballs, and they all give it back to them. The trio accepts it and X asks, "Ahem, if you don't mind me asking Nurse Joy. Where is a restaurant we can eat at?"

"Oh! Well, do you want a normal one or a Battle one?" Joy asked them.

"A-a battle one?" X asked her.

"Yes. There's one around the corner to the right." Joy explained, "It's a great place to eat and train up your Pokemons as well."

"... Mmm..." X pondered and says, "What is it called?"

"It's called Battle & Eat." Joy told him.

"Okay... simple enough." X said, and thinks, ("I expected it to be a bit more creative, but okay.") "I'll consider it."

"Okay. Thank you for coming!" Joy said as she bows along with her Audino and Chansey.

The trio leaves the centre and X turns to his fellow hunters as he asks "So... which should we do? The battle & eat one, or a different one?"

"Oh! That's the one I was referring to earlier!" Axl realised, "I heard some guys talking about it and I thought it would be super cool to go there!"

"I see... but I don't really like battling..." X admitted as he looks away. "Not only that, but we already stressed out our starters and the others..."

"Well, we haven't trained much with Shinx, Zubat and Vulpix." Zero pointed out. "And the mysterious egg you got from that policewoman too."

"Oh yeah! You're right!" X realised as he takes out his bag and takes out the egg, "I wonder what it will hatch, though?"

"To be honest, I'm pretty excited to see!" Axl said happily.

"Mmm... hopefully, something strong that would help us against those guys from earlier." Zero said.

"Oh yeah..." X remembered, "I wonder why those people worked for Trilobyte and, to extension, Lumine?"

"I don't know," Zero answered, "But at least we got confirmation that Lumine is, in fact, here somewhere."

"Ugh... that guys..." Axl groaned with a more serious and somber expression.

"Axl..." X mumbled.

"... I'm getting hungry," Axl said to change the topic, "Come on! I wanna go to the Battle & Eat restaurant!"


X frowns a bit at Axl suddenly changing the topic. Than again, he can't blame him for that - after all, Lumine and Axl are both new generation reploids, albeit Axl is a prototype. Regardless, he has a feeling that Axl blames himself for this mess, though the red head would never admit to it.

The best he could do is just go along with it to avoid upsetting Axl. Zero sighs and says, "Are we going or nah?"

"Hell yeah we're going!" Axl beamed while X just smiles softly and follows along while the red head is hopping happily, and Zero just rolls his eyes.

A/N - The next part is where we will see the Battle & Eat restaurant, which I just made it up myself. I know it's a boring name, but that's the point - it's meant to be the joke.

I hope you guys enjoy this part and if you did! Leave a comment and stay safe out there! Aqua out!

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