Chapter 14 Part 2 - Battle
A/N - I don't own Pokemon and Megaman X. They both belong to their respective owners: Gamefreak and Capcom. Now, enjoy it!
"Pokemon translation"
"Shellos! Use water pulse!" Trilobyte commanded as the blue slug Pokemon suddenly spits out a pulsing blast of water at Turt.
X panics a bit and just before he could give a commend, Rooty tanks it and he is perfectly okay. X is a little confused, but shakes his head and commands, "Use Tackle, Rooty!"
"Turt!" Rooty shouted. "Got it!"
Rooty rushes to the Shellos and manages to hit it hard, but the slug pokemon holds it's grounds as Trilobyte yells, "Use Water pulse again!"
"Rooty! Dodge!"
Rooty quickly dodges another attack from Shellos and, X yells, "Use tackle!"
Rooty manages to critically hit Shellos, which knocks it down for good. Suddenly, X's Pokédex dinks where he takes a lot at it, and notices that it's showing Rooty's move set, including a new one called 'Absorb'.
Trilobyte growls in frustration as he returns Shellos to his Pokeball and takes out another one as he yells, "Rhyhorn! You're next!"
Trilobyte summons a rhinoceros-like Pokémon with narrow, red eyes. X looks at Rooty and asks, "Can you still fight, Rooty?"
Rooty simply nods with a smirk. X nods back and shouts, "Use Absorb!" As he wants to try out the new move. Rooty glows green and Rhyhorn starts to glow as well as yellow shining spots starts to come out and heads to Rooty.
"NO!" Trilobyte yelled in horror and fear as, once the glowing stop, Rhyhorn suddenly fainted while Rooty wounds are gone as well. X is a bit surprised by this, but accepts it as he smiles. "You... YOU BRAT!"
Trilobyte looks around to see that his minions have also lost to Axl and Zero. The man's expression is pure rage as he glares at X, who quickly returns Turt out of fear for his safety.
Suddenly, they hear screaming where the minions are running away from their own Pokemons who originally had those red aura, but disappeared just like the Gastly from earlier. X turns to Trilobyte and bluntly asks, "What did you do to these Pokemons?!"
"Ha! As if I would ever tell you!" Trilobyte yelled back.
"Unfortunately for you, the interrogation room exist." Jenny called out as she rushes to help out the boys along with Gardenia.
"Grr... this isn't the last you see of me!" Trilobyte yelled out as he takes out a weird small device and throws it on the ground, which summons a black portal, "Bye!"
"Come back here, you coward!" Jenny yelled out as she rushes at him, but he quickly jumps into the portal and it disappears, causing Jenny to fall to the ground. "Damn it!"
"Look at the bright side... at least we got some of the minions." Gardenia told her.
"... Fine." Jenny sighed and gets up, "Let's arrest the surviving minions we could get."
"Wait! Surviving?" Axl asked as he can feel his skin turning pale.
"Well... let's just say... some of the minions escaped, but they were getting chased by their own Pokemon," Jenny explained, "So... it's safe to assume they were killed by their own Pokemons."
"... That... that's horrible..." X shivered in horror. Even if they were working for some maverick... he couldn't help but feel sympathy for those people who were possibly manipulated into this or something like that. After all, he couldn't comprehend the idea of a human willingly working for a maverick.
"It is... but there's nothing we could do." Jenny answered, "We can't exactly arrest Pokemons after all. Regardless, let's head out from the flower patch."
"Ah!" X realised as he gets a better view of the area. He was so focused on the task that he didn't pay attention to his surroundings, but now, he notices loads of very colourful flowers ranging from blue, yellow and red. "Can... Can I stay here for a bit?"
"X." Zero called out sternly.
"Please! We will never get this opportunity again!" X said with a small frown on his face.
"... Fine." Zero sighed, "You're lucky you're my best friend."
"Thanks, Zero." X replied.
"Sure, we don't mind." Jenny said, "Also. Let me heal your Pokemons for ya."
"How much?" Zero asked her, expecting he has to pay.
"It's for free."
"Oh! In that case, sure." Zero answered.
After a few minutes of Jenny healing their Pokemons, Zero and Axl leaves with Gardenia and Jenny while X looks at the massive flower patch.
X smiles happily as he stares at the flowers as he never seen such a massive amount of flowers. Back in his world, flowers are very rare to find, and after the fifth war, it's even rarer nowadays. So, seeing so many flowers in one area made him feel extremely happy and relaxed.
He decides to take out Rooty and Summer out as he asks, "What do you think guys?"
"... It's nice." Summer replied.
"Sleepy..." Rooty answered as he yawns cutely and sleeps.
"Heh... he must be still tired from the fighting." X said.
"Very likely." Summer replied as she just turns her back on her trainer.
"... Mmm..." X thinks for a moment, ("How do I gain Summer's trust? I understand why cuz of her old trainer... oh! I know!")
X looks around the flower patch as he picks out a yellow flower and puts it on the Vulpix's curly hair, which took her by surprise.
"Ta-da!" X said happily.
"Fo-For me?" Summer asked him, who nods. She blushes a bit out of embarrassment and simply says, "T-Thank you..."
"You welcome!" X answered back happily.
"Oh! That's Axl!" X recognised the voice. "Looks like it was cut short... sorry you two."
"It's fine." Summer ensured him.
X returns both Summer and Rooty as he gets out of the flower patch to see the others. He exits out and see the civilians are trying to rebuild their humble town, than he sees Jenny with his two friends. He runs up to them and he spots Jenny holding a large egg inside a capsule.
"Huh? An egg?" X asked her.
"Well, one of the civilians gave me an Pokemon egg as a reward." Jenny explained, "But I do not have the time to handle an egg. So, I can gift it to one of you three."
Suddenly, Axl and Zero points to X, who is completely flabbergasted and asks, "Why me?! I already have an egg!"
"You're better equipped to take care of a baby than us." Zero answered bluntly.
"Yeah... that's true." Axl admitted, "I know I'm awesome, but I don't know how to take care of a baby pokemon!"
"And what makes you think I know how?!" X answered, which the two look at each other and shrugs, "Fine... I'll accept the egg."
"Thanks, X!" Jenny thanked him as she gives him the egg.
He gets a better look where he sees blue and red triangles on the white egg. Jenny gives a bell to Axl, just before he complains, Jenny says, "I noticed you have Zubat. So, when it evolved into Golbat, give the bell to her to make it easier to evolve into a Crobat."
"Oh! I get it!" Axl smiled happily, "Thanks!"
"And for you, mmm... well... are you planning on catching a Pokemon?"
"Well, I'm gonna look for an Budew so that I can get an Roserade." Zero answered back.
"Ah! In that case!" Jenny said as she takes out a pale yellow stone, "Take this Shiny stone and use it when Budew evolved into Roselia and learnt enough moves cuz it would stop learning moves once it evolves into Roserade, so use it wisely."
"Got it." Zero nodded as he puts the Shiny stone into his bag.
"So, you three have a safe journey, ok?" Jenny told them. "Be careful with those bad guys. So, watch your back, got it?"
"Yes ma'am." The trio replied back.
"Good! See ya you three!" Jenny said as she goes back to her co workers.
Gardenia takes the chance to walk up to the boys and says, "Hey there! So, is any of you doing to the gym challenge?"
"I am." Zero said.
"Oh cool! In that case, you'll be facing against me than." Gardenia told him.
"Yeah. We know." Zero said dryly, "We checked."
"Oh! So you know who you're up against than." Gardenia said, "So, a bit of a tip; since I saw your Pokemons, I suggest doing some training in the forest since it has a ton of grass types, and... ugh... ghost types there. Just to let you know."
"I'm already planning too." Zero tolerance her.
"Good!" Gardenia said, "Than I will see you. Even though I might be the first, doesn't mean I'm the weakest! I'll show you my true potential if we ever get a rematch."
"Wait, we can get rematches?" Axl asked in shock.
"If you want to, that is." Gardenia answered, "And AFTER you defeated the champion, of course."
"So, who's the champion?" Zero asked, "We looked it up and we don't find anything."
"Oh! That's a surprise!" Gardenia told them cheekily as she turns around and walks away, "Anyways, see ya guys, and good luck!"
Gardenia walks away as the trio look at each other and X asks, "So... should we pick up some things before heading out?"
"Sure. I see a blue place there." Zero pointed out as he looks at the blue version of the centre.
"Mmm... would it even have anything?" Axl asked him.
"We should check before jumping to conclusions." X told him.
"Fine." Axl groaned.
The trio enters the blue place, which they now know it's called the Poke Mart thanks to a stranger telling them, and get a few more potions they needed before heading off.
Than X glances at a pink stadium coloured with a sign that says 'Pokemon contest', but it's partly destroyed by the chaos, which made him frown a bit. But, he continues on moving.
A/N - So SORRY that it took fucking MONTHS for it to update. My intern, laziness and talking to a friend made me too busy to come up with anything to counter writer's block. Still, very sorry for it took so fucking long. I hope this is worth the wait... though I highly doubt it is.
Anyways, I hope you all stay safe and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day!
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