Chapter 10 Part 2 - Shopping

A/N - I don't own Pokemon and Megaman X. They both belong to their respective owners: Gamefreak and Capcom. Now, enjoy it!
"Pokemon translation"

The trio enters the mall as they see the receptionist, where Zero bluntly asks the receptionist lady, "Is there anywhere we can buy any Pokeballs and stuff?" While X and Axl looks around the large building where there are a few people on the ground floor.

"Why yes, there is, sir," the receptionist replied, "It's just on the first floor above."

"Thanks." Zero told her as he turns to the duo, where X and Axl were just playing with Summer and Wildfire, which the blonde haired man takes a deep breath and thinks, ("Is this going to be my life...?") And shouts, "Hey! You two! Let's go to the elevator!"

"A-Ah! Sorry, Zero!" X apologised as he picks up his Vulpix.

"Awe man," Axl pouted as he picks up his Chimchar, "Have anybody ever told you that you're no fun? Because you're no fun!"

"Yes... by you, of all people!" Zero called out angrily, which Axl pouts and sticks his tongue at him.

"H-Hey! Come on, you two!" X tried to calm the two down, "Let's focus on shopping and all that!"

Zero takes a deep sighs and turns around as he just leaves for the elevator, which the brunette boy gasps a bit and runs after his best friend with his dark red baby kitsune alongside the red headed boy with his fiery chimpanzee.

When the trio arrives at the first floor, where they see a couple of people, mostly teenagers around their physical age where X notices them purchasing some purple bottles and the Pokeballs. He looks at the two where he says, "I'll go buy something, as you guys just look around... is that alright?"

"Sure X," Zero responded, "You handle it while me and Axl look around for anything that would be useful."

"Thanks Zero," X replied as his two friends went ahead while the pacifist trainer waits in line and takes a deep breath when he notices four people waiting in front of him. ("I have a feeling this would take awhile...")

"Mm, is there something wrong, X?" Summer asked him.

"A-Ah! No... there's nothing wrong." X ensured her as he looks around to see the people smiling and enjoying their time...

Until he sees a sudden vision where everything is engulf in flames and a certain intimidating figure with a bunch of figures slaughtering a bunch of humans while the figure laughs maniacally.

"G-Gah!" X freaked out as he held his Vulpix tightly, which Summer panics as she bites his arm, which he lets go of her, "Ow!"

"You were hugging me too tightly!" Summer called him out.

"Ah..." X mumbled as he looks at his pokemon, than looks up to see some people staring at him, which he blushes out of embarrassment and says, "S-Sorry... just... it's nothing..."

Thankfully for him, people just shrugs and move on with their business. He takes a deep breath while the baby Kitsune Pokemon glares at him and bluntly asks, "What happened?!"

"... It's... personal..." X answered vaguely and quietly, not wanting to traumatised the baby, "I'll tell you when you're older."

"Hmph! Just because I was recently born a few months back doesn't mean I'm baby!" Summer told him off angrily.

"... Ahem... so... do you age like animals or..." X asked in curiosity.

"If that's what you prefer, than yes," Summer explained to him, "Also, if you end up squishing me again, than at least just put me back in your Pokeball!"

"Alright, alright..." X sighed as he takes out his Pokeball and send her back. ("God... I can't believe I made a fool of myself once again... and suddenly a vision of Sigma happened...")

Sigma... that is the name X would want to forget more than anything, even though they just recently defeated him for the tenth time, and hopefully for good, this time. He never want to hear about that monster ever again and just want to finally move onto a peaceful life... too bad Lumine ends up screwing that plan.

("Will the world ever finally rest...? Will there ever be an end to those pointless wars...?") X thought as his eyes starts to dull out as he absentmindedly starts thinking about the past.

Even though he wants to just move forward... the horrors he suffered from eight wars. Eight over the course of forty years! No average human nor reploid could handle that amount of suffering; that person would end up having an mental breakdown... it's a miracle that he isn't dead by now, than again, Zero and, now Axl would never allow that to happened.

"Ahem, excuse me, sir?"

"H-Huh?" X blurted out as he turns around and sees a purple haired man with glasses behind him. "I-Oh! Sorry!"

X moves forward to the cashier and asks, "Ahem... is there any healing items here?"

"Yep, we have dozens of potions here," The cashier told him, "Along with Pokeballs."

"I-Oh... in that case... how much does one potion cost?" X asked her.

"300 pokedollers each." The cashier told him.

"Let's see..." X mumbled as he takes out his wallet from his bag and mumbles, "Okay... I have 3000 pokedollars... so 3000 divide by 300 equals ten potions, so... five should be suffice."


"Oh! I would like to buy five potions, please!" X told her.

"Right away, sir!" The cashier told him as she gives him five potions while X gives her the money. "Have a good day, sir."

"Y-You too, ma'am." X replied as he leaves, but glances behind him as he sees the purple haired man went to the cashier.

"Hello. I would like three max potions, please." The man told her.

"Right away, Lucian." The cashier replied as she gives him three blue potions as he gives her a large sum of money.

("Huh?") X thought where he quickly looks away.

"Mm? Is there something wrong here, young man?" The man named Lucian asked him.

"N-No! Just... what are those?" X asked with the last part being a mutter.

"... Mm?" Lucian tilts his head in confusion, than leaves the corner as he gets closer to the brunette, who has widen eyes and steps back a bit, "Don't worry, young man. I'm just want to ask a question."

"... Okay..." X replied with an unsure tone.

"Are you a Pokemon trainer doing the gym challenge?" Lucian asked him.

"... Yes, and no," X answered honestly, "I'm a trainer, but I'm not doing the gym challenge, but my friend is."

"I see... heh," Lucian chuckled a little as he walks past him, "Well, tell your friend that I'm looking forward to our future battle."

X gasps a bit and just before he could say something, Lucian already went into the elevator. The young boy is just perplex and thinks, ("Who... exactly is that man?")

A/N - Yep! Lucian is in this story and before you ask, yes, he's still one of the Elite four, so expect him along with the three other Elite fours to be a big part, except Bertha who is obviously retired and now, replaced by someone else. Who is that? It's a surprise.

I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!

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