Chapter 1 Part 4 - How to Catch a Pokemon

A/N - I don't own Pokemon and Megaman X. They both belong to their respective owners: Gamefreak and Capcom. Now, enjoy it!

"Pokemon translation"

X, with his back pack, rushes out of his new home, which Roll quickly grabs him by the shoulder by shock. X turns around to the taller woman, who gives him pack lunch.

"Here's some foods," Roll told him, "And also foods for you guys' Pokemons. You find more of them in restaurants and such."

"Ah! Okay, thank you, Roll," X thanked her.

"No problem," Roll replied, "Now, be careful out there."

"I will!"

X went out from his house, where he looks around the small village. It's rather old fashioned looking, at least, to him. The houses are made out of woods instead of metals like back in his world, and he notices a few windmills. The ground is soil and not in concrete like back home. Of course, old fashioned to him is modern style to the humans here, but he doesn't dislike it. In fact, it has a nice and homely feel to it... something he never felt before even during his time as a Maverick Hunter.


X suddenly snaps out of his thoughts and turns to see Axl and Zero, along with Rock and Blues with their Pokemons. Axl has a light grey waist-bag while Zero is carrying his black bag over his left shoulder. Rock has a large amphibian-like creature with a primarily cobalt-blue body and four limbs, while Blues has an tall, green reptilian, bipedal Pokémon.

X rushes up and takes out his Pokédex, but nothing comes up, much to his confusion.

"You don't have the national dex, so you can't analyse it," Blues explained.

"Oh..." X sighed disappointedly.

"You'll get it in the future, but not right now," Rock ensured. "Those big guys are Swampert, the blue guy who is my starter from Hoenn."

"Swamp!" Swampert greeted, "Hello there, young ones!"

"And this is Sceptile, my starter from Hoenn as well," Blues introduced the green creature, who just looks away and shrugs off. "He is a bit aloof."

"I wonder why," Rock said sarcastically.

"Don't be smart with me, I'm the eldest here!" Blues told him off.

"H-Hey! I'm just joking!" Rock said as he puts his hands up defensively.

The two brothers laugh, with Axl and Chimchar laughing as well, Zero and Piplup not caring and X a bit confused while Turtwig slowly wakes up, which X smiles at him. X turns around and sees prof. Dawn walking up to them, where she asks, "Ready boys?"

The Maverick Hunter trio nods in union, while Blues just bluntly, "Are you seriously have to teach them about throwing a Pokeball?"

"Of course," Dawn replied, "Some people don't exactly know how to catch a Pokemon."

"Who's that stupid?"

"Possibly some low born fool who would tackle it at first sight," Dawn replied.

(Meanwhile in Alola)

Guzma suddenly sneezes, and yells, "Alright! Who's talking shit about me!? Huh?! HUH?!!" While the outsiders look at him as if he's crazy.

(Back with the trio)

"Fine, whatever LADY," Blues said with sarcasm on the lady part, which annoys Dawn.

("I swear... when I see Barry, I'm gonna smack him...") Dawn thought with a red vein on her forehead, as she remembers Barry always teasing her by calling her Lady when they were young, but quickly turns around to the boys and simply says, "Now, shall we start?"

"Uhhh... sure..." X said with a sweat drop.

"Whatever," Zero replied.

"Hell yeah!" Axl replied excitedly.

("At least one is enthusiastic,") Dawn thought as she takes out her own Pokeball and throws it out, "Pachirisu! Come on out!"

The Pokeball summons a adorable looking, white squirrel with blue strands and yellow cheeks. The squirrel dances around a bit like a cheerleader. Axl has his jaw open and says, "Woah! There's more!?"

"Yes, Pokemons come in different sizes and shapes," Dawn explained, "There are eighteen types and over 800 Pokemons has been discovered."

X and Axl both has their jaws drop, even more so for Axl, while Zero's eyes are widen in shock, but his expression is way more subtle than his teammates. Instead, he takes out his Pokédex and it says: 'Pachirisu. The EleSquirrel Pokemon. A pair may be seen rubbing their cheek pouches together in an effort to share stored electricity. It's fur balls also stored berries in tree holes.'

"A pure electric type, huh?" Zero muttered, "So those typings. What are those other types?"

"Well, there's normal, water, grass, fire, electric, dragon, ground..." Dawn listed while the trio quickly takes out some notebooks from their bags and writing it all down while X has to put Turtwig down, "Ice, fighting, poison, dark, psychic, flying, bug, rock, ghost, steel and finally, fairy."

("H-how does humans remember all of this!? I mean, we reploids can remember all this... but, too bad we're not reploids right now...") Axl thought as he glances at X, who notices him and sighs.

"Yes, you can copy my notes," X sighed as he hands him his notes.

"You're a lifesaver, X!" Axl cheered, and asks, "See what I did there?"

"Yes, I get the joke," X replied.

Rock sees a green caterpillar and pokes Dawn's shoulder, who turns around and sees it.

"Ah! Perfect!" Dawn said, "Thanks Rock. Now, you boys pay attention."

The boys watches Dawn and her Pachirisu turn their attention to the green caterpillar, where X takes out his Pokédex and it says, 'Caterpie. The worm Pokemon. It releases a stench from its red antenna to repel enemies. It grows by molting repeatedly. Its feet also have suction cups designed to stick to any surface. It tenaciously climbs trees to forage.'

"Alright Pachirisu! Use quick attack!" Dawn commanded.

"Pachi..." Pachirisu readies itself, "Here..."

The squirrel runs super fast and screams, "RISU!!!" "GOES!"

The Caterpie turns around and suddenly, get head butted by Pachirisu, much to the trio's shock. The Caterpie collapses to the floor, than the worm shoots out some webs at Pachirisu, which hits it as it is wrap in a string.

"Pachi!" Pachirisu freaked out. "H-Help!"

Dawn quickly takes out Pokeball and throws it at the Caterpie, which it absorbs the Pokemon in and the ball falls to the ground. Everyone stares at the Pokeball intensely, which confuses the main trio a bit till they hear three beeping noises... and than a click. The professor takes a deep breath as she helps Pachirisu with the webs while Rock grabs the Pokeball and give it to her.

"Thanks," Dawn replied.

Zero looks at X, who looks like he seen a ghost type, which the blond boy sighs and says, "I know what you're thinking, X."

"I... Capturing and beating up Pokemon... I... I thought they're meant to be best friends?!" X said. "Hurting them, and than capturing them... isn't that like, Pokemon abuse?"

"Pip!? Piplup, Pip!" Piplup objected, "Abuse!? Hell no! This is perfectly normal! In fact, that Caterpie is perfectly fine. Just a small bruise! Don't treat us like we're frail!"

"Y-You sure, Piplup?" X asked quietly.

"Pip!" Piplup replied. "Naturally!"

"Turt, Turtwig," Turtwig ensured him, "It's okay. After all, we have Pokemon centers that's for free,"

"Pokemon centers?" X asked quietly.

"Turt," Turtwig replied. "You'll see."

Dawn opens up her Pokeball to summon Caterpie, who still has the small bruise on it's forehead. The professor takes out a purple bottle and sprays it on it's forehead; healing away the bruise, much to it's happiness.

"Ca-Caterpie..." The Caterpie said while blushing a bit, "T-Thank you..."

"See?" Dawn replied as she gets up, "Here are your Pokeballs and potions."

Dawn gives them six pokeballs and four potions each for the boys.

"Get ready you three, because you will have a adventure to remember." Dawn told them earnestly.

"We'll guide to the ship docks that is just on top of Seguna docks," Rock told her, "Since we're going to the same place as well."

"Good. In that case, I leave it in your capable hands, you two," Dawn replied.

"Of course, I mean, this is my brother and his two friends," Rock said.

"Of course, of course." Dawn chuckled.

Dawn walks away as she says, "Well, I'm heading back to my lab. Bye boys!"

"Bye professor!" Blues replied.

"Thank you for your help!" Rock thanked her.

As Dawn walks back to the down, Rock and Blues take his brother and his two friends to the dock. Unknowingly, a mysterious figure, hiding in the shadows, wearing a mantis mask along with an small, cicada-like Pokémon with two pairs of bug wings. The figure took managed to take a few pictures of the trio and looks at his Pokemon.

"We're finish. Let's go, Ninjask."

The Pokemon, named Ninjask, nods and the two disappears so fast that it barely make any noises at all.

A/N - I wonder who that figure is? (For the Megaman fans, it would be very obvious.) For the people who knows who it is, I hope Ninjask fits him, and don't worry. He'll have more Pokemons under his belt.

I hope you guys enjoyed this part and if you did, leave a comment and have a good day, my guild. Aqua out!

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