Chapter 26: Poni•
"How are we going to look for the Kahuna of this island here anyway?" Selena asked, training her Pokémon in the Poni wilds when tempting to find a way to find the Kahuna to help them find the shrine of where the people of Alola worship the legendary Pokémon
"Not sure, but why are you training?" Lillie asked
"What do you mean?" Her Pokémon were out and about, helping Mimikyu and Brionne train up. Mimikyu keeps wanting to fight pikachu, so that's some kind of training
"Your Pokémon are already so strong... is more training really necessary?" Selena smirked
"Well, like anyone else, if you want to keep up something you're good at, you got to keep doing it to you can hold onto that talent"
"I suppose you're right! Sorry for being unnecessary"
"Don't be silly. We've been in this area for awhile, so let's keep going" Lillie jumped and hurried along. Toby said something about singing to her friends for protection... and claiming? She knew she wanted to protect Lillie, so singing a small song will be enough to not embarrass herself
Lillie listened carefully to Selena's soft voice. It was soothing to hear and it was actually attracting a few Pokémon. She looked at Selena relaxed while singing, turned towards her like she was singing specially to Lillie
Selena finished and stopped in place, seeing a different form of a oricorio in purple while seeming like it was holding fans in its wings or feathers.
"That was so nice, Selena!" Lillie clapped "I can't help but feel like you were singing for me!" Selena blushed, walking forward after waving to the oricorio staring at her and hopping over to follow her silently
"Nothing to it... I just want you safe" Lillie looked at her confused, not understanding what she meant by that, and saw Hapu's large Mudsdale greeting them from behind a fence near a house. The girl's ran over to it "Mudsdale! It's good to see you again! You look to be in fine form" It shook its head at her and turned to Selena. Selena frowned at Lillie, watching her pretend like the rejection didn't bother her
"Wow... it amazes me how Pokémon just love you, don't they?" She shook her head, brushing off the hurt. Even with the earrings Selena's sister gave her to repel attacks of Pokémon due to her Lele aura, Pokémon won't even recognize her as a person...
"Trainers always amazes me... it seems like a hard path to walk, and even so, you don't let yourself be hold back by the the fear of seeing your Pokémon friends get hurt... you just keep striving forward together..."
"Who says I don't let myself be hold back by that fear?" Selena held her hips, lifting her chin up "being a trainer isn't all that easy. I started at a late age. I raised my Pokémon from a young age, but it wasn't till years later that I started battling with them. Battling isn't something I really like... mainly because it does hurt my Pokémon. They are strong, but they're still living beings. Battling with Pokémon is a way to connect your spirit with them and understand one another. The difference between trainers and me... I hold a bond with them that can't compare to anyone else's"
"Well of course! That's what's makes you special! You don't have to worry about any of that! It's your bond that keeps your Pokémon close to you! I still wish... I can create some kind of bond with any Pokémon. Just one at least..."
"I'm sure you can someday" Hapu came out of nowhere from inside the house near the fence "Alola, you two! Fancy seeing you here, Lillie" Lillie smiled
"Yes. It's good to see you, Hapu" Hapu nodded, pleased, staring at Lillie's new outfit
"Like wise... you look different... like you're ready to go all out in something new"
"You can tell just by her outfit?" Selena questioned
"Hey, you can tell a lot of a person from what they wear. You... what you wear, you're a elegant girl that has that edge to her" Selena blinked all confused, not getting the elegant part "and Lillie just looks like she's ready for anything, seeing how her innocent look from before showed how shy she was, and now? She's ready to take something on"
"Thanks you, Hapu. I've finally discovered what I need to do"
"That's what I like to hear. No one can take you down!" Lillie raised her arms all confident
"Yeah! Um, so, Hapu... do you know where we can find the Kahuna?"
"The Kahuna? Hrmm... don't have one here on Poni" Lillie gasped loudly
"What!?" Selena didn't look all that surprise, looking down at the Oricorio clinging on her leg "Selena... now what do we do?"
"We can always just find the Island Guardian deity. Doesn't that legendary usually pick the Kahuna?" Hapu held her hips
"Well, that's true. I guess right now is as good time as any... all right. Let's proceed to the ruins. You stick with me, you two" Hapu got on Mudsdale and offered a hand to Lillie. Lillie looked at the large Pokémon and turned away "hm? What's wrong?"
"Pokémon... because of who I am, a Lele... Pokémon dislike me"
"You're kidding... no wonder it took so long for Mudsdale to let you on it's back back in Malie. Why didn't you say anything?" Lillie stayed silent. Selena pet her head and pet Mudsdale's head
"Keep her safe... will you?" The large Pokémon nodded, letting Selena levitate her on its back "don't let that misfortune of yours keep you down, Lillie" Lillie looked down
"I understand"
"I'll catch up with you later. Is that okay?" Selena looked down at the Oricorio "I think I better handle this" she took out a Ultra ball. The girls nodded and went on their way to the ruins. Selena sat down in front of the pretty Pokémon, Oricorio. Rotom came out to say it's information outloud, explaining that it was a ghost and flying type
"A ghost type... huh? And you are known to do a special dance in that form I'm familiar with. Wanna join my team?" The bird chirped excitedly. She added it to her team and went on her way to find the Ruins of Hope
"You've made it..." a sudden voice spoke to her. "here is where you'll start, the other is where you'll learn... much is different there, even you are not familiar with life here. Every world is different, but they may be the same" what is that suppose to mean?
"What are you trying to say?"
"In Ula' Ula' island... that path in Ula' Ula' Meadow... you must go there. You're the only one who can... ~Fini" it didn't return. Seriously... these voices are saying some weird things. What are these voices trying to tell her? Tapu Koko gave her the set journey and z ring, Tapu Bulu told her of some future in the path of Lanakila Mountain, and Tapu Lele... who even knows what it was blabbering about. This voice has to be the guardian deity of this island, Tapu Fini
"Just speak English, will you?" She groaned and flew off with Oricorio behind her. The Ruins of Hope wasn't even that far off. Lillie was staring up at where Hapu was standing in front a statue
"Hey, what's going on?" Selena asked
"Hapu is speaking with the guardian deity... somehow. If we go in there, maybe Nebby will return to normal"
"Why do you think that?"
"The people believe that the guardian deity of these ruins, Tapu Fini, can wash away any impurities with its mystic water..."
"That sounds promising"
"Yeah! I'm going to give it my all so that we can return Nebby to normal!"
Lillie took Nebby out of her bag "I read about them, you know... Alola's sacred ruins... and the guardian deities worshipped within them. They go wherever they want, so it's not easy to meet them... according to the books I've read" Selena glanced to the side, staring at a guardian deity standing behind Lillie as she talked
"But if they are summoned here at the ruins, they do sometimes appear"
"Yeah..." Selena sweat dropped. The Tapu danced around for no reason
"The books say that they are, well, capricious. Encounters with them will not always end as you hope they will. Maybe that explains why... even coming here to these ruins hasn't evoked any response from Nebby" Tapu Fini looked up at Hapu and vanished, but not before giving her a special gift. She stared at the sparkling stone in her hands before thanking the Tapu for the blessing
"As Kahuna, I will do my best for the people and the Pokémon of Alola" she spoke. She turned to the girls and smiled brightly "well! Guess who just became Kahuna!" Lillie gasped
"That's right. Kahunas are chosen by the guardian deities. That must be an honor" it explains why the guardian deity was just standing there behind Lillie instead of helping her and Nebby
"Right you are! Lillie told me you're new to these parts, and you know so much already. You really are someone to admire. Taken that you were given a sparkling stone from the Tapu, even as a stranger to our shores" she blushed, turning away
"This isn't about me..." Hapu nodded and turned to the statue she was facing
"My grandfather... he was also chosen for this honor. The honor of being our island's Kahuna, but he died suddenly some years back, and we were left without a Kahuna on Poni. I tried to follow in his footsteps, but I was not chosen by the Tapu back then. So I set out on my own sort of island challenge, traveling Alola and trying to grow stronger" Selena smiled, petting her head
"To think little Hapu, someone who ran into the baths with Team Skull while I was still taking one, came this far" Hapu pouted
"Oh Arceus, Selena! You're never going to let that go!?" Selena turned away, huffing
"Of course not! How would you feel if someone invaded your privacy? Especially when men saw me half naked?" Hapu nervously laughed. Lillie was plain out confused "well now that that's all said and done, we finally found the Kahuna we were waiting for"
"That's right! Of course! T-then please, Kahuna Hapu! Tell me about the legendary Pokémon!" Selena floated up to the stair case to listen from above, using the mirror to stare at Lillie's legendary
"So you want to know about Solgaleo, who we pay tribute to at the Alter of Sunne" Selena stared at the mirror, staring at Nebby sleeping in Lillie's bag. It seems that Nebby had changed forms, like a evolution. So this Solgaleo...
"My mother disappeared into the beast's world... I know that she was a terrible person, but she is still my mother. I need to see her again, to tell her something" Lillie stood tall "that's why I want to ask the legendary Pokémon for its help. The legendary Pokémon is the only one who can go back and forth between worlds!" Selena smiled, putting away her mirror and crossed her legs, a little amused. If this legendary Hapu speaks of turns out to be Nebby's final form, that makes Lillie very special if she's been traveling with her own legendary
Hapu thought for a moment "the world of the beasts, eh... is that what that thing was that came to Poni island? A beast?"
"You've seen a Ultra beast?" Selena asked
"Tapu Fini and I tried to fight it, but it nearly did us both in. We did no stand a chance" Hapu held her hips "all right, I'll tell you what I know. But what I know is not much. Just that there is a ceramony held for the legendary Pokémon at the alter. A ceremony that uses two particular flutes to somehow give the legendary Pokémon power" Selena took out the moon flute
"Like this?"
"Oh! Yeah! And the other is said to be held on Exeggutor island"
"I think I've seen that on Rotom dex's map" Rotom came out
"You called?" Selena shoved it back in her bag
"Get back in the bag, will you?" She automatically snorted "how about we get there now?"
"Good idea" Hapu held her hips
"While you do that, when you get back here, hope you get ready for your new trial!" Selena sweat dropped
"Huh?! Why not!? Why are you like this!?" Selena simply walked away "you made it this far and you won't do the trial?! What about battling me? A Kahuna!"
"Not interested" Lillie laughed nervously and waved to Hapu
"I'll talk to her" Hapu sighed
"Alright... make sure to go back to seafolk village and meet the chief of the seafolk, will yah?" Lillie nodded and ran off. Hapu smiled, watching the girls leave back to where they first arrived in the island. Selena hummed to herself with Oricorio singing on her shoulder. Lillie stared at her staring off into the sky. Selena always seems that kind of person who just tries to push some things away. She's really nice and outgoing in a way, but she's too... serious
Selena stopped and looked over at Lillie, who flinched in place "what are you doing?" Selena asked
"W-what do you mean?" Lillie blushed nervously
"You're staring at me. I can feel your eyes burning on my neck" Lillie waved her arms
"N-no! It's not like that!"
"Like what?" Lillie started freaking out. Selena just stared at her, curious to know the thoughts going through her head that's making her behave so nervously. Why was she staring?
"I-I happen to be staring at you... but I was really thinking about Nebby" she knew she was lying, but she'll let it go and stepped on the docks to look around the area to perhaps find someone they can talk to tell them about the island they have to go to get the sun flute
"Don't worry Lillie, we're going to save Nebby. I'll put my heart and soul to help you and your legendary" Lillie blinked confused. Selena smiled and nodded "you've been a true friend to me... I cherish my friends, so no matter what happens, I'm going to be here for you" Lillie put her hands together in awe
"Y-you're so sweet... a amazing trainer like you considers me a friend... it's the best feeling. you know, you always seem to yourself really. I really think you should lighten up and spread your energy into the trials and battle" Selena held her hips, amused
"What do you know about battles, Lillie?"
"W-well... I've done some research-"
"Research doesn't compare to the real thing. I thought we talked about this... I just don't like battling"
"B-but!" Selena shook her head
"I'll only battle when I have to... I'm not going to repeat myself, so understand what I'm trying to say. Battling isn't my way of getting stronger, and it isn't my way of understanding my babies. It's a way to protect each other... so do me a favor, no hard feelings, but please don't ask again. I'll decide whether or not I want to take the trial or even battle Hapu" Lillie bowed, unexpectedly, making Selena's heart drop suddenly
"Yes, your..." Lillie jumped up and cupped her mouth, surprised "why was I..?" Selena held her heart in pain and coughed a little "Selena?"
"I-I'm fine.." What is this feeling..? She thought she was done developing, right? No, there's the second to last power... "let's just get to the flute, shall we?" Lillie looked at her hands, wondering why she was about to say what she was about to say. Selena was in pain... her power
A giggle could be heard from a distance, and Selena noticed "so close..." it giggled. This voice... she heard it before "find me..."
Selena snapped out of it and went off to find the chief of the seafolk to get him to sail the girls to the island. She would sail on her Pokémon, she didn't feel like summoning everyone. She gained a huge headache and now all she wants to do is relax
The trip wasn't that long. The girl's stood in front of the sun flute in its pedestal. Lillie took a deep breath and reached out to it. Before she did, she glanced at Selena sitting on the ground, pale as paper
"Hey... are you okay?" She came down to hold Selena's head "you're burning up"
"It's nothing" she took a deep breath and looked up at the sky starting to pour
"Oh... it's raining?"
"Yeah..." Lillie smiled
"this kinda reminds me of when I was little. In a movie, this man singing and dancing in the rain. It captivated me so much that I had to try it for myself. My mother spotted me out in the rain, and she was so shocked that she ran right out after me without even bothering to get a umbrella. And then... she smiled... and she danced with me in the rain" Selena smiled with her eyes closed "of course we both ended up catching cold. She let me sleep in her big bed with her. I was so happy that I kept waking her up again and again, just to be sure it wasn't a dream. But then... she changed" she stared at the sun flute, not bothering to get under the shield Selena was making for a umbrella "and she would think about was the ultra beast, and Null and Nebby... they both ended up suffering so much... and I couldn't do anything"
Selena expanded the shield, even if she was out of breath at the moment. Lillie noticed the rain no longer hitting her, she looked down at Selena staring with her cheeks bright in red "Selena..." she frowned and squat down "you know what..? Whenever I feel like there's nothing I can do, you seem to show up and... you do something. Every time you've shown me that it's possible... to do something. When we first met, your eyes had a strong feeling in them... your powers were strong, nothing like me though. At aether paradise, all I could do was wait for you and the others to save me..." she looked at her hands "whenever I'm in any sort of trouble, you're always there... all that inspiration you give out, with my new determination, I think I gained a first experience. Do you think I have a new power?"
"You've become stronger, just by looking at you isn't the only way to notice" Porygon Z suddenly came out again and circled around Lillie's leg all happily. Huh... "we might not know what exactly what we want in life, but as long as we stay together, we can grow together" Lillie nodded
"I think.. I'd like to become a trainer" Lillie stared at Porygon Z "with man made Pokémon, possibly..? That's a good idea. That way, the Pokémon won't hate me, like this little guy. That way, we can travel together without me being a burden" Selena held her hand
"You're not even a burden... if anything, I was always the burden for everyone else" Lillie stared at her confused before holding her shoulders
"Let's get you some rest, okay? You don't look so good" Selena released her shield just before seeing the rain stop and see the night sky without clouds fill with shooting stars. It was beautiful...
Lillie reached for the sun flute and held it close "now we have both the flutes... summoning the legendary Pokémon... let's do our best!"
I love Lillie, she's so damn cute! Indeed she has a new power! Wait and see what it'll be! Can you guess? Leave in the comments!
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