Chapter 2 - Woo, The Matchmaker!
About 8:34 AM, Nakanga Town
Woo: WELL. (smirks and laughs maniacally)
The Gang: Huh?
(The gang sweatdrops)
Woo: What, you dont like matchmakers?
The Gang: No, its just that we don't think that that should be happening this quickly....
Woo: Oh alright... But I'm still coming at you lot. Anyways, welcome to Nakanga Town! Over there, we have the Treecko Market... (Points to a shop) Next, we have the Raboot Recruiting Team, if you want to recruit new Pokemon to your team. (Points to a tall shack) Though, I'd say you wont need many new team members.. And finally, we have the Apartments, AKA the Nakanga Apartments. You lot will be living there, and you guys have to share one apartment. I know, it seems harsh but we're running out of space in it, as more and more people are coming to live here. We might have to build another Apartment Building. But that's the basic gist of it.
Troy: You sure know alot about Nakanga Town.
Woo: Well, I have been living here for my entire life! And also, we have the Luxray Guild over there. Im part of an Exploration Team. We have these Exploration Teams so we can find out exactly what's going on. You guys should form one, because it seems that they haven't been accepting Exploration Teams made up of 6 Pokemon or less. And the tales have been telling us that a group of 7 Pokemon will eventually arrive and help us defeat this evil force... To form one, go there and talk to Guildmaster Luxray, and he'll help you form one. Right now, I got to go take care of a Mystery Dungeon task. Bye! (Woo runs off)
(A/N: I have started playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Darkness on my DS emulator, and I'm using inspiration from the game to help me write this story.)
Troy: Guess we should form an Exploitation Team.... You guys in?
March: Definitely! This will be exactly like Trailblazing Missions!
Serena: Im in as well!
Switchy, Ash, Rosa and Kru: We're in as well!
Troy: Then lets head to the Luxray Guild...
About 9:00 AM, Luxray Guild, Guildmaster Chamber
???: I am Guildmaster Luxray. What is your names and what do you lot want?
(The Gang says there names)
Guildmaster Luxray: Okay.. So you all are Troy, Switchy, Serena, Ash, March, Rosa and Kru? Thats correct?
The Gang: Yes.
Guildmaster Luxray: Your a group of 7 Pokemon! If you want to form an Exploration Team, your more than welcome to do so!
The Gang: We would love too!
Guildmaster Luxray: Okay, then what should your Team's name be?
Troy: Maybe.. The "Explorers of Universes"?
The rest of the group: Thats Perfect!
Guildmaster Luxray: Okay, let me just do a few things... (types a few things on a computer) Your all set, Explorers of Universes!
The Gang: Thank you, very much!
(Then, Woo comes running in)
Woo: Oh. Hey you guys! Did you get a Team registered?
Explores of Universes: Yep!
Woo: Whats it called? And I'm ready to matchmake you lot!
Explores of Universes: We call ourselves the Explores of Universes. And, do you really have to matchmake us?
Woo: Wow.. Cool name. And yes, its absolutely necessary. So, the pairs I came up with are...
AmourPerformanceShipping = Ash X Serena X Switchy
PreservationShipping = Troy X March
Everyone that got a match: 0///0
Woo: Already perfect matches! And, you two, (Points to Kru and Rosa) Eventually, you'll have a match by me! Might take some plot development though.
(The Explorers of Universes sweatdrops)
To be Continued...
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