chapter 2 forming the exploration team

Ash and star are at the Guiltmaster Wigglytuff's guilt. "So star, do you really think the guiltmaster can help me?" Ash asked star. "Probably" star said. "Probably?" Ash asked. "Uh... that is of course if that's what exploration is all about that is... But I'm telling you if anything and anybody can help you deal with your problems it's the guildmaster himself" star said as she and ash enter the guilt. "Although I actually never even met the guy" star said to ash. "You never even met the Guiltmaster?" Ash asked. "No but this is the first time you get to meet the Guiltmaster let's go" star said to ash. "Intruder Alert!" Diglett said as he Pops up. "Intruder Alert Intruder Alert!" He said again that made ash and star screamed as they fall into the underground entrtance. "WHAAAAAT!?!?!" Loudred said as he Turned around and spoke real loud. "DID YOU SAY INTRUDERS!?!?!" He said with Echoes. "Hey hey hey hey hey!" Corphish said. "Yippie! Intruders!" Sunflora said with glee. "So we'll bring them to the guildmaster!" Chatot said. "Yup yup to the guildmaster!" Bidoof said. "Hey hey hey! Let's get em!" Corphish said. "Bring them to the guildmaster!" Loudred said. "MORE POKEMON THAT CAN TALK?!" Ash screams then Looks at star weirdly. "I really wasn't expecting this warm welcome" ash said to star. Star Laughs nervously then goes to the Guiltmaster Wigglytuff sitting in his chair as he explain the intruders Chatot brought. "Intruders you say?" Guiltmaster Wigglytuff asked. "Yes, Guiltmaster! It's eevee and an unconscious pikachu with human eyes, spiky hair and a hat!" Chatot said. "Hi there! I'm the guiltmaster of this guilt; Wigglytuff. So you wanted to become explorers huh?" Wigglytuff asked ash and star. "Yes!" Star said. But ash didn't say anything. Guiltmaster Wigglytuff didn't heard Ash's voice and Every Pokemon from the guilt got surprised. "Hey, that unconscious pikachu  didn't say anything" Chimecho said. "Yup yup it's really frightning." Bidoof said. "Look" ash said as he Steps up. "Something mysterious has happening to me. And I think you're the one you can help me, Wi..."  Chatot cuts his sense off. " That's up to the Guiltmaster!" Chatot said to ash. "Star said that you can help me, Guiltmaster." Ash said to the Guiltmaster. "Explain to me everything how it happen." Guiltmaster Wigglytuff said to ash. "Sure" ash said then Minutes later... Guiltmaster Wigglytuff heard the whole story of how ash become from a human to a Pokemon. "A human becoming a Pokemon now that sounds very mysterious." Guiltmaster Wigglytuff said. "So how did I become a Pokemon in the first place? The more I think about it, the most confused I can get! Help! Help me get to the bottom of this! Guiltmaster, I'm begging you." Ash said. "Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz... Zzzz..." Guiltmaster Wigglytuff said as Chatot flies over to him and saw that he was asleep with his eyes open. "The guiltmaster's asleep." Chatot said. "UHHHH...! With his eyes open?" Ash asked. "Wow! Now that is one great powerful explorer!" Star said. "Now guys I know this is very strange to this situation but here is what I think the Guiltmaster would say." Chatot said as he tells the story of how this is happening to their world. "Lots of strange things has happening. And time itself begins in peril. Bad Pokemon doing bad stuff and outlaws everywhere. Why is this happened? And why time begin to reverse itself. Because a Time Gear's been broken. And the world we know begins to lose it's pattern. That is what the guiltmaster would say." Chatot finished his story. "A time gear? Wow!" Ash said. "Hey. That would explain that everything happened to ash" star said. "Perhaps I can be his exsistince." Chatot said. " Oh man, looks like I'm back in square one." Ash said. 

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