The Difference Between A Pet Owner & Trainer

Y/N: "Seriously what do you have to tell me that I don't know about Pokémon?!"

Fan club chairman: "How to raise them. I saw your battle earlier young lad, and I was quite disappointed.

Y/N: "What would know about the relationship with my Pokémon? You saw one battle and you amuse you know everything!"

Fan club chairman: "Indeed I do I've caught over a hundred Pokémon and traveled all around Kanto. So what I believe is absolute compare to what you learned. Now listen carefully

Y/N: "What are you talking about?!"

Fan club chairman: "Your adorable, charming, captive, enthralling cuddly, sweet Bulbasaur wanted to keep battling but you crush its poor little spirit because you didn't believe it could win the next match."

Y/N: "I never said I didn't, I was gonna for something more effective. Is called strategy!"

Fan club chairman: "Is called being inconsiderate! I'm telling you this you're not gonna be anything special."

Fan club vice assistant: "Mr. Chairman!!" The assistant looks back at the chairman and couldn't believe how harsh the chairman's words were as if the world they live in is completely positive and shouldn't expect any rude behavior or negative words to ever be acted upon.

Y/N: "............"

Green: "So we're doing it wrong?! Because I thought that's how Pokémon battles are supposed to be? Y/N held his hand out in front of Green and look back and then nodded. ".
...?" Green stood back as she let the two continued on.

Y/N: "Is that so. So what do you think I should have done? Since your the Pokémon master and all!"

Fan club chairman: "Let it keep battling, is important to make your Pokémon as happy as possible. You wonder why your Pikachu doesn't listen to you.

Y/N: "Pikachu does listen to me matter fact Pikachu been with me since day one and watch all my battles including the ones it was in isn't that right Pikachu...Pikachu, ahhh PIKACHU What are you doing!?"

Pikachu: "Pikachu!!!!!" Pikachu continued snuggling and torturing the clerfairy with its love. As the clerfairy was crying.

Fan club dude: "See Pikachu has good taste,

Fan club girl: "Whatever my Seel is still far more precious."

Fan club dude: "Pikachu you should pull clerfairy's tail."

Pikachu: "Pika? Pikapika!" Pikachu pulled clerfairy's tail. Clerfairy snaps and used double slap on Pikachu ending with 5 times.

Y/N: "Tsk, Whatever dude!" Y/N walked over and pulled Pikachu away from Clerfairy and left the club room.

Pikachu: "Pikaaaaaa!!!!" Pikachu shed a tear as it was being separated from its love life.

Green: "...Y/N?" Green got up and follow.

The two trainers left the club room, leaving the room awkwardly quiet. Green and Y/N were sitting at the docks once again with the pile of Magikarps. Green thought to herself what was on your mind.

Green: ".........."

Y/N: "............."

Pikachu: "..........."

Pile Of Magikarps "..............." Splash, Splash, Splash.

Green: "Y/N!!! Say something!!" Green kicked the pile of Magikarps straight into the pool.

Y/N: "Something!"

Green: "Okay. But,...That's not what I meant!!!"

Y/N: "What?"

Green: "We shouldn't be sitting around mopping around we gotta be more caring for our Pokémon like the chairman said. We can even go for a head start, one of the club members handed me a note guide, hmm, let's see," Green open up the paper guide and began to read it out loud. "It says we can get our Pokémon candy treats and feed our Pokémon snacks and they should get stronger! Wow this sounds awesome we don't have to train our Pokémon all we have to do is catch and feed our Pokémon and we should be a Pokémon master!"

Y/N: "What?! Green what on the good name of Pokémon are you reading?!"

Green: "The Pokémon Let's Go Guide!" Y/N snatch the walkthrough guide from Green and lunch it straight into the water. "Hey!! You can't just go around just throwing away advice like that especially from a famous, great, pro like the Chairman!"

Y/N: "Well if you wanna waste your time being then go right ahead! I'm going to check out this tech school."

Green: "Tech school?! Hey!!! You're gonna get more educated lessons no fair!"

Y/N: "Well I'm off Come on Pikachu." Pikachu jumped onto Y/N's shoulder and started walking off just for Green to follow anyways. "I thought the master chairman can show you the way?"

Green: "I'm just a little curious! Don't take it out on me cause he said you're the bad trainer here!"

Y/N: "Hmph I'll show him! I'm gonna teach him a lesson when I come back with these Tech lessons!"

Green: "Are your ears glue inside out that blocks common sense. The chairman said it himself he already traveled around Kanto and caught hundred of Pokémon, he already knows everything that is to Pokémon. So what are you gonna show him that he hadn't seen."

Y/N: ".............Just watch and See!"

Green: "Do you even know where this tech school is?"

Y/N: "YEAH!! I DO!!"

Green: "........we'll see just saying I hope I don't have a repeat of Viridian Forest."

Y/N: "Don't worry I know what I'm doing!" Y/N pointed to route 7, and look at a cave was definitely sure it was through there.

Fan Club Chairman POV

In the Pokémon fan club, that room continued to grow quietly awkward. The chairman coughed to encourage his members to talk but nothing sparked. The chubby boy and is clefairy sat there as the boy thought to himself about catching his very own Pikachu, the girl with the seel continually held on to her seel while brushing it. And the assistant that sat down thinking to herself.

Fan Club Chairman: "Hmm... well anyone found someone interesting to join our club?"

Fan club vice assistant: "Well you did."

Fan club chairman: "Well...they failed my expectations. So on to the next chosen member to be lucky enough to choose the great Pokémon fan club!"

The members look through the window at the sign the chairman made with the words written, "New members are welcome, registration, please.

Fan club vice assistant: "Well okay whatever you say I'm sure you're the decision is the best choice."

Fan club chairman: "OKAY I know maybe I was a little too harsh but if they were that sensitive and can't handle the truth then maybe they weren't worth it then!"

Fan club dude: "......."

Fan club girl: "......."

Fan club vice assistant: "......Uhh okay?"

Fan club chairman: "I get it!! I get it just they just walk in the front door what were they expecting!!"

Fan club vice assistant: ".........uh, huh?"

Fan club chairman: "Fine I'll go apologize!! Shoot but I still haven't changed my opinion about him though!"

The fan club chairman got up and went to look for Y/N and Green.

Fan Club girl: "Why does he always do that?"

Fan Club dude: "No idea? We probably should follow."

Fan Club Chairman: "Let's see where did that little runt run off too!" The fan club chairman walks around Vermilion asking others where you have gone on to. The chairman wondered off until his feet took him to route 6. There he found a group of young kids in uniforms teasing young boy.

Camper Joe: "Look I'm sorry!! I didn't mean to make us look bad I don't know what gotten over me!"

Tech student 1: "Yeah me neither and that's why we're taking you back to the basics! Quiz time!"

Tech students: "Quiz time!!"

Camper Joe: "Aww!!"

Tech student 1: "What do Pidgey evolve into? And what level does it takes in order to evolve it?"

Camper Joe: "Sigh," The camper boy took a deep breath and began to answer questions. Pidgey evolves into Pidgeotto and it evolves at level 18.

Tech student 1: "And?!"

Camper Joe: "It then evolves into its final form Pidgeot at level 36!"

Tech student 1: "Now whats The Pokédex entry for all three?!" The trainers kept making the questions harder and harder. Joe knew they would do this that is why he usually pretend to not know the answer, but today they are trying to get rid of him and is back into a corner.

Camper Joe: "Uhh, which entry?"

Tech student 1: "Just guess!"

Camper Joe: "What?! But how?"

Tech student 1: "Is either that are resigned out!"

The boy shed a tear as he was trapped in a dead in the crowd tech students laugh until a heroic man stood in front of them.

?????: "I've seen enough of this!" The kids turned to a mighty symbol on the rising he was an old man with a town's hat shades and suit, and a named tag that said fan club chairman on it he stood there mighty with his Pokèball in his hand.

Tech student 1: "That's suppose to be a superhero, he's just some old timer, excuse sir I think you should find an apprentice to take that dying cannel from ya! Unless your here for Joey."

Camper Joe: "I...Is Joe!"

Tech Student 1: "I suggest you look in on someone else he's in this mess for taking some noob's advice, so I'm pretty sure he'll let you down. Or maybe Joey you can work take after him he doesn't even look like a trainer! Fan dork!" The other students started laughing.

Fan Club chairman: "Young boy I've been taking care of Pokémon longer than you where born, I've traveled all around Kanto, caught hundred Pokémon and most importantly I know everything there is to Pokémon more than anything some school can teach ya!"

Tech Student 1: "Wanna prove it!" The boy made a sinister face with his pals as they all pulled out there Pokèballs.

Fan club chairman: "With pleasure!"

The boys summoned out there Rattata's and Pidgeys! The Pokémon growl at the old timer which had no effect since he wasn't there opponent.


Y/N: "Look I said I was sorry."

Green: "I knew it!! I knew it!! This is the last time I travel with you anywhere!"

Y/N: "Aww man come on! Just look on the bright side were finally back and we made it from back from that cave full of Digletts.

Pikachu: "Pikapi."

Green: "Honestly maybe you should listen to others more often."

Y/N: "What like that fan club people?!"

Green: "Yeah kinda. Nothing really hurts to listen to others."

The two walked route 6 onto a backyard field with flames surrounded the area. An old timer stood mighty and proud as a four-legged equine Pokémon with red and orange flames stream from its neck, back, and fetlock, as well as a tail made out of flames. It had a cream-colored, and it had a horn on its forehead.

Fan club chairman: "Now Rapidash keeps up the good work!"

Rapidash: "Rayoooo!!" The chairman's Rapidash kept running around the battlefield going 157 mph, outrunning the boy's Pokémon quick attacks!!

Tech student 2: "This is ridiculous I know Rapidash is fast but how can it even outrun quick!?"

Tech student 1: "Just shut up and keep at it no Pokémon should be able to put speed quick attack! Quick attack always strikes first!!"

Fan club Chairman: "I don't need Pokémon moves to beat you, runts! Because I know everything there is to Pokémon!" The chairman's Rapidash jumped up in the air and the Rattata's and Pidgey's clash into each other knocking each other down causing them to faint. The chairman not only be all the kids at once but defeated them with no moves required.

Green: "OMG That Pokémon looks strong and beautiful!! I want one! Ooooh!!! Y/N let's go get one too! Wait isn't that the fan club chairman! What's he doing here?"

Y/N: "............."

Pokémon tech student 1: "No fair yeah that's not how Pokémon battles work! You're supposed to focus on using Pokémon moves! And type advantages!!"

Fan club chairman: "Son! There's more to Pokémon besides powers and strategy! You have to know your Pokémon before you can get out there to handle any challenge!"

Camper Joe: "Wow! Can you show me the way!!"

Fan club chairman: "Oh you seem interested I'm not sure if you're ready to take on my heavy challenge."

Camper Joe: "I'll do anything!"

Fan club chairman: "Anything you say?"

Camper Joe: "Anything Mr." The camper looks at his name tag. "Mr. Chairman sir!"

Fan club chairman: "Well I suppose."
Fan club chairman thoughts: "*Hahaha!!! I got me a new member! Sucker!*"

Green: "Heeyyy!!! What are you doing Jake?! I'm your master!!"

Camper Joe: "Green! Uhh is not what it looks like...Hey, what is he doing here!!?"

Y/N: "............."

Green: "Oh Y/N, he came to check out this school to surpass master chairman."

Fan club chairman's thoughts: "*So much for that!*"

Y/N: "So you battle too?"

Green: "Of course he does Y/N he's travel all around Kanto he's obviously a Pokémon leg..."

Fan club chairman: "I'm am not a Pokémon trainer."

Green: "...Huh?"

Fan club chairman: "I just owned and raise Pokémon, and that is why I don't agree with you trainers there's really not a difference between us, expecting the fact I care for my Pokémon more than you to understand the nature of its Pokémon."

Y/N: "That's not true, there's only one thing you are right about. You're not a Pokémon trainer!"

Suddenly a clapping noise came in from a single person.

?????: "Indeed So you tell him!" Everyone turned to the voice who walked in and it was a beautiful girl with brown hair, and brown eyes." It was the same picnicker girl that gave Y/N the invitation.

Camper Joe & Tech students: "Giselle!!"

Green: "Oh great is her!"

Y/N: "She's really pretty isn't she!! I'm just glad Brock isn't here! He probably would say she's a movie star and try to steal her from me!"

Green: "Star? She isn't so great!"

Picnicker Giselle: "Great? I'm beyond great! I'm the top student of the Prep school Pokémon tech, is sad that others aren't blessed with my beauty, my talent, and my humble attitude, people call me a star but I'm just Giselle!

Y/N: "And my future too!!"

Camper Joe: "Hey back off!!"

Picnicker Giselle: "I wouldn't be talking if I was you, Joe. You've done enough! I'll be dealing with you later!"

Camper Joe: "...Gis...Giselle!" Joe always kept his fate on Giselle because she was the only person who would ever remember his name, and even help him in battle at times.

Picnicker Giselle: "Now old man you humiliated my school for far too long! She pulled out her Pokèball and summoned out a bipedal boulder Pokémon with a rocky crest about its small eyes, four arms each with a three-fingered hand, with small legs.

The Picnicker's Pokémon roar out strongly and yelled out its name "Graveler."

Tech student 2: "There's no way he will beat Giselle and her Graveler! Her grade level makes up three badges!"

Green: "That's ridiculous! None of us even have three badges!"

Fan club chairman: " Everyone let me prove a point to you all! That all it takes is known your Pokémon!! Rapidash let's go one more time!"

Green: "But you're Pokémon will be at a type advantage!"

Y/N: "Watch my beautiful Giselle mopped the floor with him!"

Green: "Oh geez!" Green rowed her eyes at Y/N.

Fan club chairman: "Alright Rapidash start moving! Rapidash started running around the field. But not doing a single move. It began to run so fast it was moving at 150 mph, in 240 km/h.

Green: "There was no way that rock type Pokémon can keep up with that speed good fire Pokémon!"

Picnicker Giselle: "Wow girl you really need to learn the names of these Pokémon how embarrassing are you?!"

Green: "Why you little!"

Fan club chairman: "I would be paying attention if I was you!" The Rapidash dash right past the Graveler, it seems like a quick attack, but no damage was inflicted. Suddenly a small flame set onto the picnicker's Pokémon.

Picnicker Giselle: "Hmm, I see you had your Rapidash scorch my Graveler causing it to burn so your Rapidash has the hidden ability flame body. And you plan to our run my Pokémon until the burn finishes off my Pokémon. Which shouldn't be hard considering it's going 150 mph."

Camper Joe: "Not bad.

Green: "But what if it gets hit?! He needs to attack too!"

Camper Joe: "Not necessary, Burn also weakened power and speed, Graveler's status is an attack of 95 and a speed of 35 which the burn weakened halved that by half!"

Green: "Huh!"

Tech student 1: "Not bad!"

Y/N: "..........."
Y/N's & Green thoughts: "NERDS!!!

Picnicker Giselle: "Well it was a nice run and all but is time to tell your Rapidash to, Rap it up! Graveler rock throw!"

Graveler grabbed a rock and lunch it towards Rapidash. Rapidash effortlessly dodged rock throw but the rock collides with another one smashing into pieces into the air. The rocks came diving towards the surface towards Rapidash. Rapidash dodges the boulders effortlessly bouncing off a boulder after boulder and but suddenly Rapidash started moving slower and slower.

Fan club chairman: "What!" The chairman was a shock when he saw his precious Rapidash getting trapped with the battled field. The picnicker girl closed up all the space in the area giving the giving Rapidash barely enough room to work with. It was at a point Rapidash can only move 20 mph.

Y/N: ".............."

Picnicker Giselle: "As you can see even if it's burned, burn only effects physical attack moves Now finish with one more rock throw!" Graverler threw one more rock at Rapidash which couldn't dodge the attack causing not only super effective damage but scoring a critical as well, Rapidash fainted instantly.

Fan club chairman: "My precious Rapidash nnnnnooooooooo!!!!"

Camper Joe: "Wow you're truly amazing Giselle!" The Camper blush and was stargaze by his crush.

Picnicker Giselle: "You lose old timer!"

Camper Joe: "Well you did well at least."

Picnicker Giselle: "Good if you believe that you can march over and leave with him."

Fan club Chairman: "............"

Camper Joe: "But Giselle."

Picnicker Giselle: "I only battle that man for your sake. I want to continue to help my classmates become the very best which that includes you as well, to teach each, to respect each other, and to ensure the Pokémon of tomorrow, but you're a weakling.

Camper Joe: "Eh."

Picnicker Giselle: "You better get stronger fast or else before you know it your fellow students will turn there back on you for good! Keep listening to people like her and you won't have a place here!" The girl point at Green which pissed Green off and pulled the final straw for her.

Camper Joe: ".........."

The girl began to walk off until Green walked up pulling out her Pokèball.

Green: "Not so fast! A true friend doesn't walk away from her friends! Isn't Joe your friend isn't that who you was battling for!!"

Picnicker Giselle: "I was battling for my school! Not for him!"

Green: "Well then if you won't I will!!"

Picnicker Giselle: "Oh you want some to then come on then!"

Green: "Green summoned out her Ivysaur. Ivysaur barks out in sync with Green as it listened to everything from within its Pokèball.

Picnicker Giselle: "Okay then fine by me. Graveler let's beat another one!"

Camper Joe: "But your Graveler's burn?"

Green: "So you think you can beat me with not only a type disadvantage but a status condition such as burn! You really think you're all that! Well, you did this to yourself! Let's go!! Ivysaur used, razor leaf!" Ivysaur lunch Leaf sharp-edged attack.

Picnicker Giselle: "Hmph, that's a dangerous move for me but it's still possible to beat! Dodge it!" Graveler sucks his feet in and Started hovering it became faster but wasn't able to dodge Razor leaf, which was super effective. Graveler not only survives the attack but stayed in the same form. "Haha, Wow how pathetic your Ivysaur's level isn't nowhere near my Graveler's level. Well time to finish this fast then."

Green: "Shut up!"

The other tech members began to giggle at the irony, despite all the advantages Green's couldn't not out Graveler which should be an easy victory.

Picnicker Giselle: "Used rollout!" Graveler curls itself in a ball and rolled smacking Ivysaur. Ivysaur took the hit like it was nothing.

Green: "Ha! Now look who's weak!"

Tech student 1: "Does That noob not realizing that the burn status effect weakens physical moves. Ha Giselle probably going easy on her.

Fan club chairman: "She must be toying with her what a rude little brat I should have beating her when I had the chance!"

Green: "Ivysaur now used vine whip!" Ivysaur lunch it's vines but missed due to graveler's rising speed. Ivysaur was hit by the rolling Graveler again. "Darn that move is making it harder to hit, well at least is not a strong move. Ivysaur wait for it to hit you then grab it with your vines, after that we can use sleep powder and leech seed after that! You're ready!"

Ivysaur: "Ivysaur!" The burn continued on but Graveler wasn't slowing down but was increasing in speed. Ivysaur stood its ground and waited for the incoming attack.

The picnicker Girl smiled, as well as the tech students revealing that's exactly what she wanted.

Camper Joe: "Big mistake."

Fan club chairman: "Huh I don't get it?"

The moment Graveler hit Ivysaur Green realized just when it was too late.

Ivysaur: "Ivysaur!!!!" Ivysaur flew back hitting the boulder from the previous battle. It wasn't super effective it wasn't critical it was just strong.

Green: "I don't understand what is going on!"

Picnicker Giselle: "You haven't realized yet rollout is a physical attack that gets stronger after each hit! And let's say the end game is five for you! You know Joe might not have what it takes to be a student at this school but you are far worst you should just retire!"

Green: "Sh...shut up!" Green's eyes started getting watery as she was about to cry. Ivysaur get up please!" Ivysaur was trying to get only to get two more times causing it to faint.

The tech students laugh as they chant "retired, retired, retired." The Picnicker girl began to smile and wave at her group.

Green began to burst into tears and started crying as if she was five years old. The fan club chairman clutches his fist as he was about to get back into the ring, and the camper looks the other way. Green returned her Pokémon and try to flee the scene that was until a certain boy with a Pikachu grabbed onto her. And whisper something to her. He let go of her and walk up towards the picnicker girl and her Pokémon.

But suddenly everyone got quite after a young boy with a Pikachu took the stance.

Y/N: "You can make fun of that goofball chairman, you can even drop your own friends that none of my business, but I won't stand by and watch you make my her cry!!!"
Pikachu: "Pika!!!"

Y/N and Pikachu eyes were full of raging fire. No matter how cute this girl was, he would never turn his back on his friends for some pretty face.

Green: "...Y/N!" Green stopped crying with one tear in her eye, her cheeks blossom red, and she stops there and watches Y/N as her heart began to beat an inch faster.

Picnicker Giselle: "Aww, and I actually like you such a waste are sure you don't wanna be my partner?"

Y/N: "It was a nice offer but sorry I'll past I'll never join sides with someone who hurts my friends!"

Picnicker Giselle: "Hmm, oh well I guess I'm just gonna have a winning streak than and run a train on you too then! I see you got two badges you beat the gym leaders so I guess this is a perfect test then. As you heard from my peers my grade level is that of a trainer with three badges! So you're out of luck here."

Y/N: "Is that so, you tech nerds read a book and think you're better than hard working gym leaders! People who give everything up so those who wanna become this strong can! You guys really stick you know nothing about being a trainer! You guys treat Pokémon battles like video games! Your not trainers your just a bunch of Pet owners!!

Fan club chairman: "Yeah!"

Y/N: "You shouldn't be talking neither! You're just as bad! You don't even battle alongside your Pokémon you relied on your personal knowledge of your Pokémon to get you by, and you tech nerds you guys don't work with your Pokémon is like watching you guys battle strategy against strategy! There's no connection! Green is the only one who knows the meaning of Pokémon battles!

Picnicker Giselle: "And That is?" The girl said sarcastically.

Y/N: "To work alongside your Pokémon strategist with your Pokémon, not just the person and not just Pokémon, but together!"

Picnicker Giselle: "That's a nice speech and all but all talk and no action will get you nowhere. And what this coming from a trainer who hasn't even tame his Pikachu yet. Hmph, maybe your Pokémon are training you."

Y/N: "You're gonna talk all day are or we gonna battle!"

The Picnicker girl returned her Graveler. And pulled out another Pokèball.

Picnicker Giselle: "Well if you thought I was gonna use my worn out Pokémon sadly you are mistaken but don't worry I have something for you! Cubone go!"

The girl did a glorious Pokémon throw which thrown the back hearts of all the tech members expect for Y/N who still maintain a serious face. The Pokèball opened up summoning small, bipedal Pokémon with a golden brown hide that covers most of its body, including both dorsal spikes. Its belly is a very light brown. Two small claws, one on each hand, serve as its thumbs, and one large nail on each foot make up its toes. On its head, he wears the skull as a helmet.

Y/N: "Lets Go Pikachu!"

Pikachu: "Pika! Pikachu Jumped off Y/N's shoulder and sparked electricity.

Fan club chairman, Green, & Camper Joe: "Huh?"

Picnicker Giselle: "We battle like some video game you say! The words you call out is a bad choice for a Pokémon game don't you think? That Pikachu can't use electric attacks on ground types you might wanna choose again.

Y/N: ".......ladies first!"

Picnicker Giselle: "Alright then used. Focus energy!"

Y/N: "Used quick attack!" Pikachu dash towards smacking Cubone back.

Picnicker Giselle: "Hey! You said?"

Y/N: "Indeed I did and I did let you go first not my fault quick attack strikes first!"

Fan club chairman: "Haha!"

Cubone takes a deep breath and focuses on aiming for weak spots.

Green: "What was that!"

Camper Joe: "Is focus energy, it raises the likelihood of nailing critical hits."

Fan club chairman: "But aren't those natural?"

Camper Joe: "Not if it focuses on weak points."

Y/N: "Pikachu remember how we beat that gym trainer at pewter gym!"

Pikachu: "Pika!" Pikachu nodded its head.

Y/N: "Well let's go!" Pikachu dash and hid behind the boulders and jumped up towards Cubone with a quick attack.

Picnicker Giselle: "Is that the best strategy you can come up with block it cube then use bone club!" Pikachu's quick attack was blocked just like instructed by Cubone's bone weapon. Cubone then smacks Pikachu with the bone. Everyone knew that had to hurt since it was a ground type move but strangely enough, Pikachu didn't seem hurt matter fact Pikachu went poof into smoke. Everyone was surprised as multiple Pikachu's came emerging from behind boulders after until it was surrounded. "What the!?"

Y/N: "What you don't know about this technique and you're the expert."

Picnicker Giselle: "Double team!" I see since one hit could probably K.O your Pikachu you decided to boost its evasion!"

Y/N: "I've been using this move since your Cubone used Focus energy, hiding behind the rocks placing clones around the field with quick attack as its speed.

Picnicker Giselle: "That quick attack from the very beginning!"

Y/N: "That's right me and Pikachu thoughts of this idea a plan we were gonna use against Brock the pewter gym leader if Butterfree lost. I trained and had to work day and night thinking of ways to beat impossible walls while you read a book and got a badge, they also taught me lessons both him and Misty and my policy is this I'm a crazy trainer! That would do anything crazy stunts to win a battle! Let me guess you don't have a policy either because Misty can't teach you that if you never been there!

Picnicker Giselle: "You got all that from just traveling?" The girl's legs begin to shake she felt the boy completely out of his league, no she felt he was in a league of his own. The girl snapped out of it and stood strong as she looks the tough trainer in the eyes full of hungry powering Pikachus "You really gonna try to beat me with quick attack seriously! Bring it!"

Y/N: "Quick attack!!" All the Pikachus dive down at max speed.

Cubone epic fought back the hurl like a one-man army it was doing backflips front flips smashing is way with its weapon it switches from bone club to bonemerang thrown its bone like a frisbee and catching it as it destroys the Pikachus Smoke will fill making it harder to dodge and fight Pikachu unable to see. Until it started getting hit by multiple quick attacks. The girl felt the rush of this battle like never before which change her forever, it wasn't about the study of Pokémon it was just the wild of this battle two trainers have thrown there beliefs at each other, but the more she fought back the more she didn't believe in her own beliefs. Then a loud smack sound came through and the smoke finally went away. What everyone saw was Cubone's bone smacking Pikachu with it's bonemerang but felling to catch its bone weapon. Pikachu hit the ground and all the clones were down and gone.

Y/N: "Pikachu..." Pikachu hit the ground laying on its face.

Picnicker Giselle: "Did I win ha!" Pikachu then got back up with all its spirit. It didn't make since Cubone hit a pressure point and cause a critical but Pikachu still stand, because the love it had for Y/N. "Huh, no way but how that was critical and super effective how! How!!"

Pikachu: "Pikachuuuu!!!"

Y/N: "I don't know all I know is I feel the same way as Pikachu feel because I'm connected to him! Pikachu let's do this together!!!"

Green: "When did Y/N become" Green blush towards Y/N.

Y/N: "Let's Go Quick attack!"

Picnicker Giselle: "Crap! Cubone quick another bone club! Bonemerang! Do something! Oh no!" Giselle saw electricity swarming around Cubone. "But how! Can it be paralyzed it's a ground type no electricity attacks! Can even touch cubone!"

Y/N: "But your Cubone can trigger it though!"

Y/N & Picnicker Giselle: "Static!"

The girl smile as Pikachu finishes off her cubone. No critical, no super effective damage just steer hard work which pays off.

Everyone at Pokémon tech stood there quietly.

Later that day. Y/N and Green sat together at the Pokémon center. Which Green couldn't get any along time with Y/N since  Y/N became rather popular in the Pokémon center, Pikachu stood back paralyzing Y/N from coming any closer to poor nurse joy. Green saw two messages coming from handed to her by a delivery man. Given that she been really noisy about Y/N's business lately, she opens his letter to make sure it wasn't that Picnicker girl.

*Fan club chairman message
"Hey...I don't even know where to start but, I have to say that was one of the best battles I've seen in my years for a while and I gotta say you're amazing. I've shouldn't have said you weren't gonna be anything special, I've realized that even if you completely travel all around Kanto it doesn't mean you will have all the answers. Thanks for showing me, what a Pokémon trainer is. I have one request to ask if you come back to me once you finish your quest in Kanto tell me what else you learn. I know coming from me a guy who only wants to see himself, well not anymore I suppose. By the way, I'm pretty sure your not really openly willing to give your time so I thought of something that would speed up your quest, and win your favor. As I heard you had some indent with a certain manger at a bike shop, show him this and I promise you will have the last laugh. I also got one for your girlfriend too."*

Green's face gotten red as she knew exactly who he was talking. But this time around she was more frustrated about reading that part because it didn't bother her as much anymore.

Green: "Bike Voucher?"

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