Pokemon Shorts 2: Pikachu and Eevee's Rescue Adventure
On a bright and sunny day, Mew and all her friends are sitting at the kill top, having a nice relaxing break after traveling for so long.
Mew lets out a yawn, "I sure could use a rest."
"So could I," Misty says.
"Pika," (Me too!) Pikachu replies.
"Me too," Jen says.
"Yeah. We've been traveling for a while," Tomo says.
Then Tracey asks, "Why don't we take a break?
Soon, everyone is now taking a nap under the tree, even the Pokemon: There are Venonat, Marril, Smeargle, Stufful, Meloetta, Skwovet, Tyrunt, Amaura, Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Pikachu, Eevee, Togpei, Pichu, and Psyduck. All of them are sleeping happily. Just then, Togepi wakes up, and looks up in the sky to see a swarm of Ledyba flying over. Togepi then walks out from under the tree to get a close look. Togpei begins to lean back as he sees them flying past overhead, but he loses his balance and begins to roll down the hill as he lets out a cry. The cry soon wakes up the other Pokemon.
Pikachu notices, "Pi Pi Pi!" (Togepi!)
Eevee notices where Togepi is rolling down and cries out, "Eevee!" (He rolls!) Seeing Togepi rolling away, the other Pokemon rush after him.
Meanwhile, Meowth is wandering around the forest, with a backpack on his back.
Meowth sighs in exhaustion, "I'll never find my way."
Then Meowth hears something and looks up. Heading towards him, is Togepi rolling down really fast. At the speed he's going. Togepi hits Meowth right in the face. Soon, both Meowth and Togepi fall down the hill, and towards the Diglett and Dugtrio, and quickly duck into their holes. Soon, Togepi and Meowth both fall down a hole in an old stump. Soon, Pikachu, Eevee, and the others catch up and wonder if this is where Togepi has fallen.
Marill calls out, "Marill Marill! Marill Marill!" (Togepi! Can you hear me?! Say something if you can hear me!")
Pichu calls out, "Pichu Pichu Pichu! Pichu!" (Togepi, can you hear me?! Togepi!)
All the Pokemon call out to Togepi, suddenly, they all hear. Psyduck's screaming. They all turn around to see Psyduck running down the hill at a tremendous rate. Soon, Psyduck crashes into the group of Pokemon, and sends them all falling down the hole in the stump.
If you're tumbling down
And your spirits fall
Helps on the way
We hear your call (hear your call)
On a mission we're united as one
Friends forever yeah
Here we come
Pikachu, Eevee, and all the other Pokemon fall down the hole of the old stump which seems like a tunnel or a very bumpy underground slide.
In no time we'll be at your side
We're a team on a roller coaster ride
Each one of us knows just what to do
Never gonna stop
Gonna stop
Searching for you
Oh for you
Be there listen to me
Searching for you
Oh for you
The Pokemon continue to fall down the bumpy tunnel that feels like forever.
We're gonna set you free
Soon, they reach the light at the end of the tunnel.
Comin' to the rescue
Get there in a hurry
Baby don't you worry
Soon, the group begins to fall out of the tunnel as they scream and panic, since Meloetta is the only one who can fly, she can't save everyone.
This adventures heating up
Soon, the group of Pokemon have been rescued by the swarm of Ledyba, and begin to carry them away.
I'll rescue you and if I do you've
Got to rescue me
Soon, Pikachu, Eevee, and the others look around to find themselves in a different place all together.
So when you're lost
One thing is true
Never gonna stop looking for you
The group looks around to see the new location.
You're not alone so have no doubt
We'll put our heads together gonna figure it out oh
They soon see a river with a water full, and there are water Pokemon at the lake: Kingler, Gyarados, two Seel, Poliwhirl, and a Poliwag.
Baby listen to me
We're gonna
Gonna set you free yeah
Soon, the Ledyba swarm flies Pikachu, Eevee, and the others into a large tree.
Comin' to the rescue
Get there in a hurry
Baby don't you worry
This adventures heating up
I'll rescue you and if I do you've
Got to rescue me
Soon, Pikachu, Eevee, and the other Pokemon are now in the big tree. They wave goodbye to the Ledyba and thank them for saving them. The Ledyba swarm says goodbye as well and flies away.
After saying goodbye, the Pokemon gather together, but end up falling through the leaves. They then land on a large batch of leaves. Soon, a flock of Fearows and Spearow fly over them, astonishing them.
Just then, walking past the leaves is an Elekid, catching the group by surprise. Then Elekid lets out sparks from the plugs on his head.
"Squirt!" (Hold it!) Squirtle says, and puts on his sunglasses.
But before Squirtle can do anything, Pikachu stops him, "Pikachu!" (Hold on, Squirtle!)
Pikachu then runs to Elekid to greet it, "Pi Pi Pi! Pi Pi Pi! Pikachu!" (Hello, My name is Pikachu. It's very nice to meet you.)
Elekid isn't sure about it at first, but Pikachu reaches his paw out to Elekid. Elekid then reaches his hand to Pikachu's paw. They both touch and sparks fly.
Elekid says, "Biii biii biii biii (Sorry about the hostility. Welcome to our home.)
Pikachu happily nods his head in reply.
Just then, a whole bunch of Pokemon living in the trees come out and the group of Pokemon are amazed to see how many Pokemon are living in and around the tree.
Meanwhile... Meowth has found himself hanging by his backpack at a tree branch.
Meowth cries out, "Hey! Somebody! Anybody! Help! Dis time, I'm really out on a limb! Anybody hear me?!"
Suddenly, from within the waterfall, a Gyarados appears climbing up the waterfall and prepares to attack Meowth.
Meowth screams in fright, "Wait! No!"
Meowth quickly covers his face and fears the worse, but just barely avoids getting eaten by Gyarados much to Meowth's relief.
Meanwhile, Pikachu is explaining to Elekid their reason for being here. "Pi Pi Pi Pika! Pikachu. Pi! Pikachu! Pi Pi Pi. (Togepi, a very young friend of ours, rolled down a hill and through a tree stump, we followed him and we think he might be here. Hee looks like this.) And stretches his face to look like Togepi.
Elekid thinks for a minute and has an idea, "Bii bii. Bii bii bii." (Wait a second! Follow me.)
And with that, the group begins to follow Elekid to where Togpei might be. The group soon walk through the twists and turns in the vines and see many different Pokemon among the trees. Soon, they come across a large vine that is a bridge, and see Elekid crosses it with no trouble
Reaching the other side, Elekid calls out, "Bii Bii! Biii Biii Bii Bii!" (Come on! Your friend should be this way!)
All the Pokemon climb carefully across the vine to the other side. Squirtle and Tyrunt practically treading behind and fearfully climbing across the vine. Meloetta helps them both the best she can.
After walking along the vine, Pikachu, Eevee, and the others are very exhausted.
Then Elekid calls out, "Biii biii biii biii!" ("Come on, everyone! This rescue mission of ours is just getting exciting! Your friend is close, and maybe in one of those!) Then points up in the trees.
The group looks up to see various nests further up in the trees. Inside the nests are Exeggcute. But inside the highest nest of Exegcute, is littleTogpei.
Pikachu happily says, "Pi Pi Pi!" (Togepi!)
Eevee is just as happy, "Eevee!" (There he is!)
Pikachu and Eevee climb up the tree to see Togepi in the Exeggcute nest.
Pikachu happily says, "Pikachu." (There you are.)
"Togeprrrriiii!" (Hi!) Togpei happily says.
But before Pikachu and Eevee can get Togepi, the Exeggcute block their way, like they're guarding Togepi.
Then Bulbasaur comes forward, "Bulba." (I got this.)
Bulbasaur then uses his Vine Whip to grab Togepi and pull him out of the nest, but one of the Exeggcute bites his vine. Bulbasaur screams in pain, and recoils back his vine. Then blow on it to make it better.
Then Squirtle counts the egg Pokemon, "Squirtle. Squirtle. Squirtle. Squirtle. Squirtle." (One. Two. Three. Three. Four.)
Then Squirtle notices something and informs the others, "Squirtle!" (Five. One's missing!)
"Pika?" (There is?) Pikachu asks.
Togpei then hops and leaves the nest, but the Exeggcute follows right behind him. Togpei looks to see them following him, and rushes back to the nest. The Exeggcute follows as well.
Eevee soon realizes, "Eevee Eevee Eevee Eevee Eevee." (These Exeggcute must think Togpei is one of them.)
Then Togepi says, "Pikachu!" (We'll find the lost Exeggcute!)
"Psyduck?" (We will?) Psyduck asks.
Then all the Pokemon answer, "We will!"
And with that, the group begins to search for the missing Exeggcute. Their search takes them to a tunnel, where many Pokrmon live. When they reach the end, they come across a paradisal plac with a small waterfall.
Suddenly, one at a time, a Bellossom pops out and says.
Bellossom #1: "Bellossom." (Welcome.)
Bellossom #2: "Bellossom." (Welcome.)
Bellossom #3: "Bellossom" (Welcome.)
Pikachu, Eevee, and the others are amazed.
Just then, the three Bellossom begin to spin their flowers on their heads and begin to dance.
Bell Bloss
On the left side, a group of Vileplume pop out and dance too.
On the right side, A group of Gloom appear and begin to dance.
Then, a group of water Pokemon jump up from the lake.
Water Pokemon:
Then the Pokemon swim in the circle as they call out again.
Water Pokemon:
Then, a group of Poliwag pops out as they call out.
Then all four Poliwag slide down the branch and land on the ground.
Soon, all the Pokemon sing and dance, astonishing Pikachu, Eevee, and the other Pokemon. And the song finishes with water spouts up and makes the Water Pokemon push into the air.
Once the show is done, the group applauds for a great show. Just then, Pikachu and Eevee remember and realize that they still need to find the Exeggcute and get Togepi back. Soon, the other Pokemon follow after them.
Psyduck realizes them running off and pushes after them as he calls out, "Psy? Duck Duck!" (Huh? Wait up!)
The Pokemon continue their search and comes to a screeching stop in a cave to find that it's full of Clefairy
Pikachu soon screams in horror, "Pika!" (Oh no!)
Eevee grows scared too, "Eevee Eev Eevee!" (I hope they're not doing what I think they're doing!)
To Pikachu and Eevee's horror, the Clefairy perform Metronome, known for performing random attacks. In this case, the Clefairy's Metronome turns into Explosion, sending the Pokemon sky high and out of the cave. Soon, the group falls into a different part of the tree and lands on some springing leaves, acting as trampolines. Everyone is having a blast. Pikachy then has an idea and uses the trampoline leaves as platforms to get higher and higher up the trees. Elekid soon has the same idea and follows Pikachu. The two Electric Pokemon end up having a fun time together.
Meanwhile Meowth is still hanging on the branch at the waterfall.
"I guess I'm doomed," Meowth says, feeling defeated.
Suddenly, Meowth hears Pikachu's voice, "Pikachu!" (?)
"Hey! I heard a voice!" Meowth says in relief, and happily cheers, "Somebody's coming to rescue me!"
Soon, flying out of the tree are Pikachu and Elekid. They grab onto Meowth, and all three bounce off of it, and on to the stomach of Snorlax. Snorlax feels irritated and pushes the three out and right into the water. Just then, Gyarados rises from the surface on the waterfall, revealing the three on Gyarados' back. Pikachu and Eevee turn their heads to see each other.
Meowth then begins to kick Pikachu in the face, "Hey! Go find your own Gyarados, will ya?!"
Displeased by the kick, Pikachu uses Thunderbolt at Meowth, hurting Gyarados in the process. Gyarados then falls back, and sends the three flying as it falls down to the lake at the bottle of the falls. Pikachu and Elekid lands in the tree and Meowth is thrown back farther away.
Meowth screams, "Looks like I'm blastin' off alone!" and is out of sight.
Not long after Meowth is gone, storm clouds begin to gather in the sky, and cover the sun and the tree. All the Pokemon senses the storm and grow worried. Somewhere on the branches, the group sigh as they've looked all day and haven't found the missing Exeggcute. Just then, the wind picks up, and threatens to blow them off, along with the Exeggcute nests. Many Pokemon quickly duck inside the holes in the tree for shelter. Pikachu, Eevee, and the others do their best to hang on.
Just then, they hear Togepi cry out, "Prrrrrri! (Help!)
Pikachu looks up in shock, "Pi Pi Pi!" (Togepi!)
Pikachu notices the nests are being blown by the wind and it will be a matter of time before the wind carries them again. Pikachu, Eevee, and Pichu act fast and rush towards the nest Togepi is in, and grab on to it, preventing it from flying away. Elekid then grabs another best. Soon, the rest of the Pokemon group grab a nest and try to prevent them from flying away. But the wind is growing stronger, and rain begins to fall from the sky. Pikachu, Eevee, and the others aren't sure if they can hold them any longer. Soon, many Pokemon who live in the tree rush over to help. They all help Pikachu and the others hold down the nests to keep them from flying away, but the wind begins to pick up even harder, and nearly blows Pikachu, Eevee, Pichu, and Wigglytuff, along with the nest. Just then, Snorlax steps in to help us.
"Snorlax." (No problem.) Snorlax says.
Pikachu and Eevee happily say, "Pikachu! Eevee!" (Thanks so much!)
Just then, thunder and lightning appear in the storm as Snorlax stands as the wall between the wind, and the Pokemon and the nests. Suddenly, a lightning bolt strikes and takes down one of the branches of the tree, causing Snorlax to cower, and causing more of the force of wind to reach everyone.
Pikachu cries out, "Pika!" (Snorlax!)
Snorlax quickly gets back in position, protecting the group and the nest once more. More thunder and lightning take down more branches of the tree, including the one lands too close to them.
Pikachu has enough, "Pikachu!" (That's enough!)
Pikachu climbs up to the tall branch on the tree, overlooking the canyon the tree is one. Then uses Thunderbolt to block the lightning strike. Then performs a few more Thunderbolts.
Then Elekid comes over, "Biii bii bii?" (Need some help?)
"Pika," (Thank you.) Pikachu says.
They both join paw, and they both perform Thunderbolt to block the lightning. Everyone is relieved to see the two fighting back the lightning. However, one bolt manages to get past then, and lands in the tree, causing a fire. Squirtle and Marill act fast and use Water Gun. Soon, the fire is put out.
Justthen, the wind begins to carry the Exeggcute nest with Togpei away.
Bulbasautr quickly notices and uses Vine Whip, "Bulba!" (Hold on!)
And manages to grab the nest, but the wind is strong. Soon, it begins to carry Bulbasaur as well. Just then, all the Pokemon begin to grab each Pokemon and they're being pulled up. Psyduck tries to join the chain, but gets hit by a stone, causing him to stumble. Tyrunt quickly grabs the chain, and Snorlax joins at the last moment.
Pikachu calls out, "Pikachu!" (Hold on, everyone!)
The Pokemon hold on as fast as they can. Soon, the wind begins blowing past the Pokemon, catching Snorlax attending and very towards the apples. That causes to let them go, but Tyrunt is holding onto Snorlax and Pikachu the best he can. Just then, Pikachu slits from Tyrunt's small hands and the group begins to get blown away. Pikachu acts fast and grabs a part of the branch with his teeth as the wind continues to blow hard. Unable to hold on anymore, Pikachu lets go and is carried away by the wind, but Snorlax comes in once again and saves them.
Pikacu turns to Snorlax and calls out, "Pikachu!" (Pull us in!)
"Snor!" (Right!)
Snorlax starts pulling the Pokemon in and all of them are placed on the branch, but Bulbasaur loses the grip of his Vine Whip. Pikachu acts fast and rushes on the Vine Whip and grabs both the nest and Bulbasaur's vine at the same time.
Pikachu cries out, "Pika Pi!" (Pull us in!)
Snorlax soon pulls down the rest of the Pokemon along with Pikachu and the next. Snorlax then places the next back on the branch.
Togepi happily says, "Toge Toge priii!" (Thanks for saving us!)
The Exeggcute also expressed their gratitude as well.
Soon, the storm clears away and the sun begins to shine through the clouds. Soon, a Dragonair flies overhead, under a large and beautiful rainbow.
Back in the tree, Togepi reunites with Pikachu and the others. The Exeggcute joins in. Just then, Chansey walks over and places the missing Exeggcute on the ground. The others are so happy to see their friend is found, and happily jump for joy. Everyone smiles and is happy. Just then, the Exeggcute begins to glow along with the stone that has landed on Psyduck's head.
Pikachu asks in surprise, "Pika?" (Are they...?)
"Eevee?" (Evolving?) Eevee adds.
All the Pokemon watch in awe as the glow fades away, revealing the newly evolved Exeggutor.
Pikachu cheers, "Pikachu!" (They evolved!)
As it turns out, the stone that has landed on Psyduck's head is actually a Leaf Stone that can help some Grass Pokemon evolve.
Later on, after retrieving Togepi, Pikachu, Eevee, and the others are now saying goodbye to their new friends.
Pikachu calls out, "Pika Pika!" (Goodbye, everyone!)
"Eevee!" (Goodbye!) Eevee happily calls out.
Soon, Elekid and the other Pokemon in the trees say goodbye to Pikachu, Eevee, and the others. And with that, Pikachu, Eevee, and the others go through the cave entrance and back to their trainers.
Later on at the campsite, Meowth is floating in the river.
"I never wanna go ta camp evah again," Meowth says.
Meanwhile, Mew and the others are awakened after their rest.
Tomo yawns and says, "That was great."
"Yeah," Misty says.
"That feels very nice," Jen says.
Then Mew notices, "Hey. I wonder where the Pokémon are."
Soon, the group hears their voices and looks to see the Pokemon are playing in the lake.
"There they are! They must've been playing the whole time," Tracy says.
Then Mew calls out, "Hey! Pikachu! Eevee!"
Pikachu and Eevee hear Mew calling to them, as well as the other Pokemon. Then they all jump with joy.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Squirtle (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Porygon. Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magneton. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shaymin (Male). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Baby Lapras (Male). Drowzee (Male). Snorlax (Male). Grubbin (Male). Blipbug (Male). Fomantis (Male). Shiny Eevee (Male).Muk (Male). Shiny Feebas (Female). Burmy (Male). Burmy (Female). Jumpluff (Female) Emolga (Female). Furret (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Lucario (Male). Archen (Female)
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female).Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male).
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. GS Ball.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale
Badges: Coral-Eye Badge. Sea Ruby Badge.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male) Masquerain (Female). Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Vesiquen (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female). Pink Frillish (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Fomantis (Female). Dewpider (Male). Sizzlipede (Male). Volbeat (Male). Illumise (Female). Red-Striped Form Basculin (Female). Blue-Striped Form Basculin (Male). Wimpod (Male). Wurmple (Female). Budew (Female). Delibird (Male). Eevee (Female). Pancham (Male). Anorith (Male).
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female). . Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). . Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite. Pokemon Egg
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Sealeo (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male). Munchlax (Male). Caterpie (Female). Joltik (Male). Bulbasar A.K.A Sage (Male). Wooper (Male). Barboach (Male). Shinx (Male). Blitzel (Female). Girafarig (Female). Rufflet (Male). Bidoof (Male). Clobbopus (Male). Cranidos (Male).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.
Tracey Files
Pokemon: Venonat (Male). Marill (Female). Blue Frillish (Male). Scyther (Male). Sewaddle (Female). Smeargle (Male). Stufful (Female). Mankey (Male). Eevee (Male). Fire Darumaka (Male). Ice Darumaka (Male). Phantump (Male). Mienfoo (Female). Kabuto (Male).
Jen Files
Pokemon: Amaura (Female).
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