Episode 44: A Tent Situation
With the Orange Island adventures behind them, Mew, Pikachu, and Eevee return to Pallet Town, their hometown. Soon enough, Mew and the others see Pallet Town up ahead.
"Well, there's Pallet Town! We finally made it back home, Eevee and Pikachu!" Mew happily says.
"Pika Pika!" (Home sweet home!) Pikachu says.
And Eevee says, "Eevee Eevee." (It feels good to be back.)
Misty turns to Pichu and Togepi, "You remember Pallet Town, don't you, Togepi? Pichu?"
"Togepiiiiii!" (Why, yes I do!) Togepi says.
Pichu happily says, "Pichu," (I remember too.)
"Just being here is like a dream come true for me! I can't wait to meet the famous Professor Oak!" Tracey says, excited.
Mew turns to Tracey, "Maybe you could show him your sketches."
Suddenly, everyone sees all of Tracey's sketchbooks all over the place, with Smeargle and Stufful's help.
"I wonder which ones Professor Oak would like to see first. Maybe I better go through all my sketchbooks and pick out the best ones," Tracey says, showing off his sketchbooks.
Then Mew suggested, "Tracey, why don't we do this at Adriana's house?
"Yeah, we can have lunch while you decide what to show Professor Oak," Misty says.
"Okay, Misty. Good idea," Tracey replies.
Tomo laughs and says, "Let's go!"
Then Mew says, "Last one to Adriana's house is a Slowpoke."
Everyone begins to race towards Adriana's house as they are having a fun time. Soon enough, they reach Adriana's house.
"I can't wait to see Adriana and Daisy again," Mew says.
"Eevee!" (Mee too!) Eevee happily says.
"Pika!" (Same here!) Pikachu says.
The group then walks towards the door.
Mew opens the door and says, "Surprise!"
However, Mew hears a familiar voice, "Is that you, Mew?
Hearing that makes everyone confused. Mew rushes into the kitchen and to her shock, she sees Brock.
Mew exclaims in shock, "He's back?!"
Mew, Pikchu, and Eevee stop in their tracks to see their friend.
"Who's he?" Tracey asks.
"And why is he in Adriana's house?" Jen asks.
Misty's answers in shock, "He's, Brock!"
"Hey, how you doing, there, Misty?" Brock says.
Then he takes Togepi and Pichu, "Hi-ya, Togepi. Hey Pichu. Looking good."
"What do you mean, 'how you doing'?! What are you doing here?!" Misty asks, shocked.
Tomo walks in, "Yeah. You were back on Valencia Island?"
Brock then notices the others, "Hey, you must be Tracey, along with his Smeargle and Stufful, and Jen with Amaura."
"Uh, yeah. That's us," Tracey says.
"It's nice to meet you," Jen replies.
Then Brock says holding a pot and a saucer with a tea cup, "Well, how about a nice cup of tea? I just made a fresh pot of Indigo Oolong which has a delightful peachy flavor. It has a floral fragrance, and I think you'll find it very refreshing. I like my tea straight, but for you, I'll add a dash of milk and two heaping teaspoons of sugar. Now, watch out, it's hot," He then passes a cup to Misty, Mew, and Tomo. "Here you go, Tracey. And one for Jen."
"Brock, what are you doing here in Pallet Town?" Misty asks.
"And in Adriana's place?" Tomo adds.
"Yeah, Brock. You love Valencia Island," Mew says.
Flashback: When Brock parted ways from the group.
"This ship needs a captain. If I stay here, I'll get to learn more and more about Pokémon every day. And I think these guys may need me a lot more than you guys do. Brock says.
Brock, Professor Ivy, and the girls say their goodbyes to Mew and the others.
Brock calls out, "Thank you guys! And just make sure you don't forget me, will you?"
Flashback Ends:
"It seemed like you were gonna stay there forever," Mew says.
"Yeah, I thought you were gonna learn more about Pokemon," Misty replies.
"And help take care of those kids," Tomo adds.
Then Misty asks, "How come you didn't stay with Professor Ivy?"
Suddenly, Brock becomes frozen, "That name."
Then Brock collapses and shudders.
"Hey, Brock. What's wrong?" Mew asks.
"I don't wanna talk about it," Brock answers.
"What's going on?" Tomo asks.
Then Mew asks, "Did Professor Ivy do..."
Brock groans in agony mentioning her name.
"She just said..." Tomo asks.
Brock groans in agony again.
"What happened?!" Mew asks, concerned.
"I don't want to talk about it!" Brock says in pain.
Then Misty says, "She must've dumped him."
"Huh?" Tracey says, confused.
"This always happens," Misty says.
"You, okay, Brock?" Mew asks.
"No," Brock answers.
Suddenly, the group hears Adriana's voice, "You're finally home!"
Everyone turns their heads to see Adriana with Mr. Mime.
"Hi Adriana, it's nice to see you again," Mew says.
"Hello Mew, it's a pleasure to see you too. As well as Pikachu and Eevee," Adriana says.
Eevee and Pikachu smile in reply.
Then turns to Misty, "So, Misty. How's everything going with you, Pichu, and Togepi?
"Great," Misty says.
"And it's a pleasure to see you too, Tomo. Meloetta, and Skwovet," Adriana says.
"Great to see you too," Tomo says.
Then says, "And Tracey, it's nice to see you, Smeargle, Stufful, Jen and Amaura," Adriana says.
"Nice to see you, too," Tracey says.
"Hello," Jen says.
Misty whispers to Adriana, "Brock, how long has he been here, Mrs. Oak?"
"Well, let's see," Adriana explains, "It was a hot, muggy evening about a week ago..."
Flashback: A Week Ago.
Adriana and Mr. Mime are walking along.
"It's a good thing we got to the market before it closed, wasn't it?" Adriana says.
"Mime Mr. Mime!" (Yes, it sure was!) Mr. Mime happily replies.
Suddenly, Adriana and Mr. Mime step on something.
Adriana asks, "Mimey, did you just hear something?"
"Mime," (Yeah.) Mimey says.
"So did I. Let's go back and see what it is," Adriana says.
"Mime!" (Right!) Mimey says.
Then they step on something again.
"I just heard it again, Mimey! It sounds like it's coming from behind us!" Adriana says.
They turn around to see no one here. Soon enough, they look down to see the dressed person.
Adriana screams in fright and helps the man up, "Oh, I'm so sorry for stepping all over you, sir! I hope I didn't hurt you!"
The hat comes off to reveal Brock's face, shocking both Adriana and Mimey. Soon enough, they offer Brock dinner at the house.
Adriana explains, "I tried to get him to tell me what happened, but whenever I mentioned Professor Ivy, he always said the same thing."
"Don't mention that name," Brock says.
Adriana continues, "So, I stopped asking. He's been a big help around the house. He does the dishes, sweeps the floors. He's a better seamstress than I'll ever be."
Flashback Ends:
"Well, it sounds like he's a good house guest," Misty says.
Togepi and Pichu agree.
Just then, Brock runs outside and tries to take the broom away from Mimey.
Brock pulls at the broom, "Come on, Mr. Mime! I wanna sweep today!"
But Mimey pulls it back and refuses to let go.
"Except when he wants to do all of Mimey's chores," Adriana says.
"I guess we'll never know what happened," Tomo replies.
"I know what happened! Brock liked Professor Ivy," Misty says.
"I liked her, too," Tomo says, confused.
"I think I understand, but sort of don't," Mew says.
Misty shrugs her shoulders, "I'm sure you'll understand eventually."
Adriana says, "Let's have some lunch, alright. I think some pizza pot pies shall do the trick."
"Sounds good to me," Mew says.
Sometime later, Mew and the others are having pizza pot pies for lunch, and it's delicious.
Mew turns to Tracey, "So Tracey, have you decided which sketches to show Professor Oak."
"I think so. I'm going to use some of my best sketches," Tracey says.
"That's good," Mew says.
Then Brock says, "You know Mew, I heard you caught a lot of Pokemon in the Orange Islands. Professor Oak even told me you got a Lugia Egg."
"I did," Mew says.
She then takes the egg out of the bag.
"That's amazing. And it looks like the egg is in good shape," Brock says.
"Thanks. I can't wait until it hatches," Mew says.
Suddenly, the egg flashes a glow, catching everyone by surprise.
"It started glowing for a second," Misty says, surprised.
"It's going to hatch soon," Tracey says.
"Oh I can't wait," Mew happily says.
Then Mew shows Adriana the trophy, "And this is the trophy I got from winning the Orange League.
"She even got a spot in the Orange League Hall of Fame!" Jen happily says.
"That's great. You must be so proud," Adriana says.
"Thanks," Mew says.
Mew turns to Brock, "Hey Brock, we're going to Professor Oak's lab to give him the GS Ball, you wanna come with us?"
"Sure," Brock says.
After having lunch, everyone heads to Professor Oak's lab. Tracey is holding a few of his sketchbooks.
Misty turns to Tracey and asks, "Are those the sketches you want him to see?
"Yup. Hope we get there before I change my mind," Tracey says.
"I wanna get there so I can see all the Pokémon the Professor's been keeping for me," Mew says.
"I'll bet they'll all be happy to see you again, Mew!" Misty says.
"Brock, I guess you must've been excited the first time you met the Professor," Tracey.
But Brock curls up in agony on the side of the road.
"That, name," Brock says in agony.
But Misty says, "He means Professor Oak!"
Brock chuckles sheepishly as he quickly stands up, "Oh! Yeah, Professor Oak's one of the most respected Pokémon Researchers in the whole world and he's got one of the best Pokémon labs anywhere!"
Jen then says, "Sorry for asking this guys, but who's Professor Ivy?"
Brock then curls up in agony, "That, name."
"Well, to summarize it: She's a Pokemon researcher like Professor Oak, and is the one who gave us the GS back to give to Professor Oak."
"Oh," Jen replies.
Mew picks up Brock, "Now come on Brock, let's go to Professor Oak's lab."
"Okay," Brock says.
"Then let's hurry!" Tracey says.
Everyone then runs ahead to get to Professor Oak's lab. Unknown to them, Team Rocket spots them.
Meowth chuckles, "Just as we thought. They're headed straight for the old geezer's Pokémon paradise."
"Before we go after them, I think we should take a moment to call the boss and let him know we're still on the twerps' trail," James says.
"Oh, yeah?! Do you wanna be the one to tell him we still ain't got our paws on Pikachu and Eevee?!" Meowth questions with sarcasm.
Jessie and James shake their heads no.
Then Meowth recites, "Hey, boss! How you doing there? No, we didn't catch a single Pokémon."
"Not me," James and Jessie answer.
"We're three total losers," Meowth says.
"That's right!" James and Jessie reply.
But then Meowth smacks Jessie and James with a paper fan. "Are you out of your minds?! We can't call up the boss and tell him we still ain't got Pikachu or any other Pokémon for him! We can't call the boss until we swipe some Pokémon!"
"You're right. And there'll be plenty to steal at Oak's laboratory," Jessie says.
Looking through the binoculars, James notices, "Hey, look. That older twerp who used to hang out with the younger twerps is back again!"
Jessie and Meowth are confused.
Finally, the group reaches the lab.
Tracey is very happy, "There it is!"
"Yep, that's Professor Oak's place," Misty says.
Then Brock asks, "Well, Tracey, what do you think?"
"It's just like I imagined," Tracey says, excited.
The group walks across the bridge, and up the stairs. Then Mew rings the doorbell.
"Professor Oak?" Mew calls out.
Then everyone walks inside.
Mew calls out, "Professor?"
No one answers.
Confused, Mew says, "He must be here. The door wasn't locked."
And calls out, "Professor?"
"Maybe we shouldn't interrupt him. Maybe he's doing important research," Tracey says.
Suddenly, he hears Professor Oak's voice, "Mew, is that you?! I could use some help!"
Mew and the others become confused and rush down the hall and into the lab. To their surprise, they see a Victreebel that has an Electrode in its mouth. Professor Oak is trying his best to pull the Electrode out.
"Professor," Mew says.
"Mew. Good to see you here. I could use some help. The Electrode got caught in Victreebel's mouth and it won't come out," Professor Oak says.
"Sure," Mew says.
Mew rushes over and helps Professor Oak.
Tracey's eyes sparkles in excitement, "He's really real!"
The group watches as Mew and Professor Oak help the Electrode and the Victreebel Electrode then lets out some sparks of electricity.
"It's okay Electrode, everything is going to be fine," Professor Oak reassures.
Then Mew says,"Alright Victreebel, you're going good. Try to open your mouth wide so we can get Electrode out."
Victreebel closes its eyes and tries its best to open its mouth wide. Professor Oak helps Electrode out.
Tracey rushes over and says, "It certainly is an honor to see you again, Professor. As I'm sure you remember, I'm a Pokémon Watcher, so I observe Pokémon behavior like you do. I hope you don't mind if I sketch this."
"Tracey, we do mind!" Mew says.
Finally, Professor Oak pulls Electrode out of the Victreebel's mouth, and the two are free. Victreebel is taking deep breaths.
"That was close," Professor Oak says.
Then turns to Mew, "Thank you for helping."
"No problem," Mew says.
Then turns to the Pokemon, "Pikachu, Eevee, Togepi, Pichu, Meloetta, and Skwovet. How are you all doing?"
All the Pokemon reply with smiles on their faces.
Then Professor Oak turns to Brock, "By the way, Brock, Professor Ivy sends her best regards."
Brock sulks again.
"What's wrong?" Professor Oak asks.
"You really don't want to go there," Misty replies.
Then Tomo turns to Jen and Amaura, "Professor, this is Jen and her Pokemon Amaura."
"Hello Jen, Amaura, it's nice to meet you," Professor says.
"Hello," Jen replies. Amaura smiles in reply.
Tracey turns to Mew, "Mew, aren't you gonna give him the ball?"
"Oh, that's right," Mew says.
And brings out the GS Ball and hands it to Professor Oak, "Sorry it took so long."
"Ah. The mysterious GS Ball," Professor Oak says, excited and takes the Pokeball.
"We got a little sidetracked by the Orange League," Mew says.
"Well, I'm sure you gained lots of valuable experience. I'll begin my examination of this later tonight," Professor Oak says.
Later, Professor Oak places the GS Ball with the other Pokeballs.
"You sure have a lot of Pokéballs here, Professor," Tracey says.
"Most of these were sent to me by traveling trainers who started out here in Pallet," Professor Oak says.
Then turns to the group, "Maybe you'd like to take a little tour?"
"Sounds great," Tracey says.
"Yeah. It will also be good to give all my Pokemon some air and exercises. Better than being stuck in their Pokeballs," Mew says.
Once everyone is outside, Mew releases her many Pokemon out, as those who remain at the lab meet up with Mew and the others.
"Hi Everyone," Mew says.
Just then, Snorlax walks to the nearest apple tree and eats the many apples.
"Oh Snorlax," Mew replies.
Snorlax continues to eat the apples.
Mew giggles and says, "Same old Snorlax."
Professor Oak walks over and says, "I must say, you caught an interesting selection of Pokemon.
"Hello," Someone says.
Professor Oak looks down to see Zo, the Hisuian Zorua.
"Hello there, you must be Zo. It's nice to meet you," Professor Oak says.
"Hello," Zo says.
Tracey is amazed, "Wow. You have a lot of Pokemon."
"Yeah. I know," Mew says.
"You have enough to start your own Pokemon Corral," Tracey says.
Tracey brings out his Pokedex and says, "I'm impressed."
Then notices, "What's that?"
Just then, Wave, the Alolain Raichu, Cinderace, and Meowstic walk over."
"Hi guys, how are you doing?" Mew asks.
The Pokemon replies with smiles.
Soon, many of the Water Pokemon dive in the water for a swim, while the Grass Pokemon lie down to get some sun.
"They all look like they're happy and healthy, don't they Mew?" Misty replies.
"Sure do," Mew says.
"Well, don't forget, they're staying with the world's famous Pokémon expert," Professor Oak says.
Then Mew chuckles, "Yeah. You're right about that."
Professor Oak soon notices Tracey sketching and approaching him.
Professor Oak walks over and says, "Your drawings look interesting."
"You really think so? Actually, I picked out some of my best sketches and even though they may not be that good, I was wondering if you could take a look at some of them," Tracey says.
"I'd be happy to look at whatever you brought," Professor Oak says.
Soon, everyone is inside as Professor Oak looks at Tracey's sketches, and Tracey seems very nervous.
"It's a good thing I'm not nervous," Tracey says, but starts shaking.
Mew says, "Hey! Tracey, take it easy!"
"Yeah, your sketches are fine, now just stop worrying and relax, will you?!" Misty replies.
"Don't worry Tracey, I'm sure Professor Oak is going to love it," Jen.
Brock whispers to Professor Oak, "What do you think of them so far, Professor?"
Professor Oak whispers to Brock, "Well, I haven't reviewed his whole portfolio yet but..."
Tracey ends up hearing a snippet of what they're saying.
Meanwhile, Team Rocket prepares to attack.
"Showtime!" Meowth says, and presses the button.
And with the push of a button, the place begins rumbling.
Mew asks, "What was that?!"
Brock quickly turns around, "Something's surrounding the whole place!"
It's soon revealed that a giant tent has been enveloped the whole building.
"Heh! Dose kids an' ain't gonna be happy campers when dey see dat tent!" Meowth says.
"Pikachu and Eevee won't get away, now that we have the whole place covered," Jessie says.
"Nor will those other Pokémon," James says.
Then Team Rocket laughs in triumph.
Outside in the forest of Pallet Town, Zeraora jumps on the trees and notices the tent over Professor Oak's lab, and sees Team Rocket's balloon. Therefore, he senses something wrong. He jumps down to meet with Gardivor, and she is showing some concern as well.
Meanwhile, Mew and the others rush out to see the tent covering the lab.
Mew looks around and asks, "What's this thing supposed to be?"
"It looks like, a circus," Professor Oak says.
Suddenly, they hear familiar laughter. They look to see Team Rocket on the tightrope. And with that, Team Rocket begins the motto.
Prepare for trouble and the greatest act yet!
Better make that double, 'cause we don't use a net!
To protect the world from devastation!
Jessie is on a unicycle as James is holding a parasol. They are also wearing circus costumes.
To unite all people within our nation!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!
To extend our reach to the stars above!
Mew, Professor Oak, Tracye, and Jen applauded as Team Rocket continues and are now dressed as clowns.
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of lightning!
Surrender now, 'cause these clown suits are frightening!
Meowth, dat's right!
"What are you doing here?" Mew demands.
"We thought Pallet Town could use a little, excitement," Jessie answers.
Then James adds, "And what's more exciting than a circus?"
Brock walks over and wonders, "Wow. I wonder if they'll have an old fashioned sideshow,"
"No. just three clowns," Mew replies.
Seeing Brock, Jessie questions, "Not that I actually care, but, how come the big twerp's in town?"
"I thought you was staying back on Valencia Island, with that Professor Ivy," Meowth says.
Misty and Mew gasp as Brock disappears from their side, and look to see Brock sulking on the tightrope.
"Don't mention that name!" Brock sulks.
James cries out, "Eee! He took my parasol!"
Then Meowth says, "Now, we're taking something! We're taking every Pokémon in the place!"
"Why not make this easy and just hand them over?" Jessie says.
"No way! I choose you, Bulba..." Mew says, and reaches for her Pokeball, but Muk appears.
"What is it, Muk?" Mew asks.
Then asks, "You wanna battle."
"Muk," (Yes.) Muk says.
"Alright Muk, go," Mew says.
Muk then slides forward and leaps towards Team Rocket.
Jessie throws her Pokeball, "I choose Lickitung!"
Lickitung comes out of the Pokeball. However, Muk zooms past Lickitung and right towards Jessie. Soon, Muk is practically on her.
Jessie screams, "What are you doing?! Ow! Get off me! I'm not a Pokémon! Go battle Lickitung!"
"That Muk loves humans and it's not too particular what kind," Professor Oak says.
Tomo, Jen, and the Pokemon begin laughing.
Meowth thinks it's disgusting, "Slobberin' all over Jessie, it's just revolting."
"For which one?" James questions.
Then throws his Pokeball, "Go, Victreebel!"
Victreebel comes out of the Pokeball, but munches on James' head instead.
"Don't attack me, you ding-dong! Let me go!" James screams.
Meowth sighs, "He's in over his head."
Soon, Muk dogpiles James, Meowth, and Victreebel.
James screams, "Victreebel, Razor Leaf attack!"
Victreebel performs the attack, but Muk brushes it up.
"Razor Leaf, just didn't cut it!" James says, shock.
Then calls out, "Victreebel, get in there and get stuck on that Muk!"
Victreebel lands on Muk, mouth first.
"Good. Now use your Poison Powder," James calls out.
Then Mew calls out, "Poison Gas!"
Both Pokemon begin their attacks, but soon Victreebel feels the effect of Muk's attack, allowing Muk to free himself.
"Lucky Muky!" James says, dismay.
Jessie calls out, "Lickitung, slobber it so we can clobber it!"
Lickitung then licks Muk, but Muk barely feels it, and gives it a hug. Lickitung licks Muk again, but Muk hugs Lickitung back.
Jessie and James say in shock, "Oh no! Muk likes it!"
"Team Rocket's gonna have to be a lot grosser than that," Tomo says.
"It looks like Muk's got them licked!" Professor Oak laughs.
Jen giggles, "Good one professor."
"You're a great trainer, too, Professor Oak," Tracey says.
Outside of the tent, Zeraora and Gardevoir arrive at the tent, but then, a cloaked figure appears behind him.
Inside the tent, the battle continues.
James calls out, "Go, Victreebel! Sleep Powder attack, now!"
Victreebel performs the attack and Muk falls asleep.
Mew notices, "It's working!"
"Quick, Mew! Switch to another Pokemon!" Misty says.
"Right! Bulbasaur, Squirtle, I choose you!" Mew says, and reaches for her Pokeballs.
Then Meowth says, "Dis ain't over yet, twerp! We've still got a secret weapon! Dis is more dan a tree ringed circus!
James tosses rings, "Step right up!"
Jessie does the same, "Try your luck!"
The rings land and bind the group up, including the Pokemon. The rings are knotted and strong to prevent them from escaping,
"Perfect! We won a nice little game of ring toss and now we get to pick every top shelf Pokémon we want as the prize!" Meowth says.
"Bet you'd like to release some more Pokémon right about now, wouldn't you?" Jessie says.
"Unfortunately, at the moment, you seem to be all tied up," James says.
"So we'll just help ourselves!" Meowth says.
As a giant hose comes down from the top of the tent.
"With my super-suction vacuum, we'll clean you out," Jessie says.
Soon, the vacuum turns on and is on the verge of sucking everyone into it. The window shatters and the Pokeballs are being sucked in.
"They're taking all the Pokéballs!" Misty panics.
Soon, the Pokeballs are being sucked inside.
"Finally, we can call the boss and tell him we've got plenty of Pokemon!" James says in triumph.
"The twerps' Pokémon loss is great news for the boss," Tracey says.
Jessie and James laugh in triumph. Soon, Tracey's sketches are being sucked in.
"There go my sketches!" Tracey cries out.
Meowth then approaches Brock and demands, "Time ta let da cat outta da bag, kid! How come you came back?"
"I'll never tell!" Brock refuses.
"Maybe ya did sometin' real embarrassin' in front of dat Professor Ivy," Meowth suggest.
Brock then goes back to the tightrope and sulks.
Mew sweat drops and calls out, "Brock!"
"That name!" Brock sulks.
Soon, the GS ball is being pulled out of the lab.
Mew notices, "They got the GS Ball!"
And soon, the GS ball is pulled inside.
Right on cue, the tent tears open, catching everyone by surprise. The balloon starts weighing down from the Pokeballs they collected until it crashes to the ground, releasing the Pokeballs. Mew and the others look to see a Nidoqueen along with a cloaked figure, and has Zeraora and Gardevoir. The cloaked figure removes his disguise to reveal none other than Gary Oak.
Gary calls out, "Go, Nidoqueen!"
Mew says, surprised, "Papa?! Gardevoir?! Gary?!"
Nidoqueen charges.
Jessie calls out, "Lickitung!"
Lickitung charges and tries to lick Nidoqueen.
Gary calls out, "Nidoqueen, grab that tongue!"
Nidoqueen then grabs Lickitung's tongue with ease and swings it right into Jessie and James.
Then Garry calls out, "Nidoqueen, use your Mega Punch!"
Nidoqueen performs Mega Punch and strikes at Lickitung, sending it flying to the group.
Meowth shouts at them, "You're making our big top a big flop!"
Jessie grabs Meowth, "Get in there!" and tosses it to Nidoqueen.
"I'll take care of dis wit my Scratch attack!" Meowth says, and performs Scratch attack.
However, that ends up breaking his nails, and he cries, "I guess I'm not as sharp as I used ta be."
Just then, Zeraora performs Thunder Punch and strikes at Team Rocket, sending them all flying.
Jessie says, "We almost won that time."
"We got close," Meowth says.
"A near victory," James says, and Victreebel munches on his head.
Team Rocket screams, "Team Rocket's blasting off again!"
Once they're gone, Gardevori uses her Psychic attacks to free everyone who's been restrained.
Gary walks over, "How you doing, grandpa? You okay?"
"Fine, thanks to you," Professor Oak says.
Soon, everyone is free.
Tracye picks up his sketchbooks, "They didn't get all my sketches after all!"
"The GS Ball's here, too!" Mew says, holding up the GS Ball.
"Pika Pika." (So are we.) Pikachu says.
"Eevee!" (Sure are.) Eevee says.
"Muk Muk," (Me, too.) Muk says.
"Luckily, Gary got here in the nick of time," Professor Oak says, and turns to Gary. "You did a fine job."
"Thanks, grandpa, but Nidoqueen, Zeraora, and Gardevoir deserve most of the credit," Gary says.
"Gary did a great job training it," Misty says.
Then Brock says, "Yeah, Gary sure has turned himself into a really strong trainer."
"And getting stronger all the time using his tough training schedule. You should see how much better he's gotten with his Pokémon," Professor Oak says.
"Better, but not good enough," Gary says.
Mew walks over, "Your Nidoqueen is stronger since I last saw her."
"Thanks. I train it really hard," Gary says.
Then Mew says, "And guess what, I beat the Orange Crew and I even got the winner's trophy to prove it!"
"Congratulations," Gary says.
"And thanks for saving us. That Team Rocket just won't quit," Mew says.
"You can say that again," Gary says.
"Yeah. I feel that they have nothing better to do than follow us and steal Pokemon wherever they go," Mew says.
"And get beaten by us," Tomo replies.
"I have to agree," Gary says.
Soon everyone begins laughing with grins on their faces. Even though Mew's stay in Pallet Town has gotten to a rocky start, she is glad that her friends are by her side.
Suddenly, Mew's bag begins shaking and a glow flickers.
"What's that?" Jen asks.
Mew quickly removes her bag and takes out the Lugia egg that is flickering a glow and begins cracking.
"The egg is hatching!" Misty says, surprised.
"Wow. Tomo says.
Everyone watches to see the egg cracking and glowing more. Soon, the egg bursts and the baby Pokemon is now in its place. The baby Pokemon is a baby Lugia that lets out a cry with glee. The little Lugia is smaller than a normal Lugia, but it seems to be half of Tomo's size.
"Aww, the baby Lugia is here," Jen says.
"It's adorable," Misty says.
Professor Oak laughs and says, "Well, it seems that today is full of surprises."
"It sure is," Gary says.
"I agree," Mew says.
She sits down as she holds the baby Lugia in her arms. Lugia smiles and lets out a cry with a smile.
"Hi Lugia, welcome," Mew says.
Lugia lets out a cry with a smile.
Mew pets Lugia and Lugia nuzzles Mew's cheek.
Today has been full of surprises, and there might be more surprises to come.
Mew's Files
Pokemon On Hand: Eevee (Female). Pikachu (Male). Squirtle (Male). Bulbasaur (Male). Charizard (Male). Castform (Male). Tyrogue (Male). Aerodactyl (Male). Porygon. Wartortle (Female). Pansear (Male). Ledyba (Female). Lileep (Female). Magneton. Makuhita (Male). Clefairy (Female). Skitty (Male). Red Sunkern (Female). Miltank (Female). Tauros (Male). Shiny Ditto. Shiny Dratini (Female). Igglybuff (Female). Magby (Male). Elekid (Male). Smoochum (Female). Blue Shellos (Male). Omanyte (Male). Kabuto (Male). Ivysaur (Female). Meditite (Female). Floette (Female). Gengar (Male). Gastly (Male). Dreepy (Male). Pidgeot (Male). Wooloo (Male). Cutiefly (Female). Yamask (Male). Diglett (Male). Haunter (Male). Gyarados (Male). Shaymin (Male). Primeape (Male). Weepinbell (Female). Younger Mewtwo (Male). Plusle (Male). Minun (Female). Drowzee (Male). Snorlax (Male). Grubbin (Male). Blipbug (Male). Fomantis (Male). Shiny Eevee (Male).Muk (Male). Shiny Feebas (Female). Burmy (Male). Burmy (Female). Jumpluff (Female) Emolga (Female). Furret (Male). Slowpoke (Male). Lucario (Male). Archen (Female). Fearow (Male). Chatot (Male). Shiny Lapras (Female). Ursaluna (Male). Shiny Hisuian Zorua A.K.A. Zo. (Female). Shiny Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Elgyem (Male). Lugia (Male).
Pokemon in Professor Oak's Ranch: Papa A.K.A Zeraora (Male). Tsareena (Female). Wave A.K.A Alolain Raichu (Female). Arcanine (Male). Poliwrath (Male). Roserade (Female). Galarian Rapidash (Female). Liepard (Female). Beautifly (Female). Cinderace (Female). Shiny Glaceon (Female). Kingler (Male). Shiny Dewgong (Female). Cloyster (Male). Mawile (Female).Fraxure (Male). Ursaring (Male). Beedrill (Female). Meowstic (Male) Lunatone. Sandslash (Male).
Released: Butterfree (Male). Baby Lapras (Male).
Temporarily: Sneasler (Female).
Special Item: Rainbow Colored Feather. Moltres Feather. Zapdos Feather. Articuno Feather. Lugia Feather A.K.A Silver Wing.
Items: 3 Heart Scales. 2 Soothe Bells. 1 Amulet Coin. Eeveelution Keychain. Marill Doll. Pokemon Grooming Kit. Pokemon Medical Kit. Pokeblock kit. Poffin Case. Super Rod. Key Stone (Bracelet Ring). Charizardite X (Metal-plated Collar). Silph Scope. Mysterious Dragon wing Teal Crystal. Mysterious pale blue snowflake crystal. Mysterious pink crystal with fairy wings. Mysterious white crystal with circles. Mysterious magenta pink crystal with strange symbols. Cherish Ball. Pokeflute. Gengarite. Pidgeotite. Beedrillite. Aerodactylite. Gyaradosite. Blastoisinite. Venusaurite. Mewtwonite X, Mewtwonite Y. GS Ball.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Love Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Fire Stone, 3 Thunder Stone, 2 Leaf Stone, 3 Moon Stone, Sun Stone, Shiny Stone, Dusk Stone, Dawn Stone, and 4 Ice Stone. Deep Sea Tooth. Deep Sea Scale.
Badges: Coral-Eye Badge. Sea Ruby Badge. Spike Shell Badge. The Jade Star Badge. Orange Island Trophy.
Misty Files
Pokemon: Staryu. Oddish (Female). Golduck (Male). Magikarp (Male) Masquerain (Female). Snover (Male). Sobble (Male). Wingull (Male). Psyduck (Male). Whooper (Male). Pink Shellos (Female). Tentacruel (Male). Marill (Female). Feebas (Female). Panpour (Female). Snorunt (Female). Ducklett (Female). Chinchou (Male). Mudkip (Female). Jigglypuff (Female). Togepi (Male). Vesiquen (Female). Tirtouga (Male). Clefairy (Female). Shiny Buizel (Male). Pichu (Female). Goomy (Female). Goldeen (Female). Pink Frillish (Female). Slowpoke (Male). Fomantis (Female). Dewpider (Male). Sizzlipede (Male). Volbeat (Male). Illumise (Female). Red-Striped Form Basculin (Female). Blue-Striped Form Basculin (Male). Wimpod (Male). Wurmple (Female). Budew (Female). Delibird (Male). Eevee (Female). Pancham (Male). Anorith (Male). Swanna (Female). Cramorant (Female) Lapras (Male). White-Striped Basculegion (Female). Solosis (Female). Poliwag (Male). Piplup (Female). Voltrob.
Pokemon at Cerulean Gym: Mantyke (Male). Lumineon (Female). Primarina (Female) Starmie. Shellder (Male). Vaporeon (Female). Luvdisc (Female). Lotad (Male). Clamperl (Female). Clamperl (Male). Horsea (Male).
Items: Fishing Rod. Mystic Water Necklace. 4 Heart Scales. 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Swampertite. Slowbronite.
Pokeballs: 1 Lure Ball. 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball. 1 Dive Ball.
Evolution Items: 2 Water Stones. 1 Dragon Scale.
Tomo Files
Pokemon: Kangaskhan (Female). Eevee (Male). Doduo (Female). Growlithe (Male). Kanto Ponyta (Male). Abra (Male). Cubone (Female). Tangela (Female). Staryu. Delibird (Male). Stantler (Female). Smeargle (Male). Sealeo (Male). Kecleon (Male). Natu (Female). Buneary (Female). Tyrunt (Male). Larvesta (Female). Snom (Female). Meloetta (Female). Voltorb. Umbreon (Male). Skwovet (Male). Galarian Slowpoke (Male). Riolu (Female). Zorua (Male). Shuppet (Male). Deino (Male). Munchlax (Male). Caterpie (Female). Joltik (Male). Bulbasar A.K.A Sage (Male). Wooper (Male). Barboach (Male). Shinx (Male). Blitzel (Female). Girafarig (Female). Rufflet (Male). Bidoof (Male). Clobbopus (Male). Cranidos (Male). Skarmory (Male). Mandibuzz (Female). Wyrdeer (Male). Deoxys (Male).
Item: 1 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Banettite. Kangaskhanite. Lucarionite. Alakazite.
Tracey Files
Pokemon: Venonat (Male). Marill (Female). Blue Frillish (Male). Scyther (Male). Sewaddle (Female). Smeargle (Male). Stufful (Female). Mankey (Male). Eevee (Male). Fire Darumaka (Male). Ice Darumaka (Male). Phantump (Male). Mienfoo (Female). Kabuto (Male). Hawlucha (Male). Kleavor (Male). Clefairy (Male).
Jen Files
Pokemon: Amaura (Female). Braviary Hisui Form (Male). Overqwil (Female). Hisuian Zorua (Female). Unova Zoroark (Female). Hisuian Growlithe (Male). Hisuian Voltorb. Hisuian Lilligant (Female). Lucario (Male). Riolu (Male). Cleffa (Female). Igglybuff (Female).
Items: Pokemon Egg.
Brock Files
Pokemon: Geodude (Male). Onix (Male). Zubat (Male). Rattata (Male). Hoppip (Female). Sneasel (Female). Rockruff (Male). Grookey (Male). Slugma (Male). Voltorb. Machoke (Male). Pansage (Male). Nosepass (Female). Seedot (Male). Aron (Male). Charjabug (Male). Shuckle (Male). Shieldon (Male). Alolan Geodude (Male). Shiny Cherubi (Male). Winter A.K.A Alolan Vulpix (Female). Bagon (Male).
From Suzie: Vulpix (Female).
Pokemon at Pewter Gym: Rhyhorn (Male). Rhydon (Female). Sandygast (Female). Baltoy. Sandile (Male). Dwebble (Male). Solrock. Hippopotas (Male). Zigzagoon (Male). Nidoran (Female). Pinsir (Male).
Item: 2 Soothe Bell. 2 Ice Stones. Metal Coat. Aggronite.
Pokeball: 1 Heavy Ball. 1 Friend Ball. 1 Fast Ball.
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